Descendants of Menno J. Troyer and Elizabeth Miller, 1870-2016

Descendants of Menno J. Troyer and Elizabeth Miller, 1870-2016

Owen Wengerd

  • 2200

Menno J. Troyer (1870-1922) m. Elizabeth Miller (1874-1950) and had 8 children (5 of whom lived to adulthood) in Charm, Ohio. This book covers the descendants of their children: Catherine m. Mose J. S. Yoder; Phineas m. Lydia I. Miller; Emma m. Dave Hostetler; Daniel m. Mary Hershberger; and Mary m. Jerry S. Yoder. Frequent surnames: Byler, Miller, Troyer, Wengerd, Yoder, etc. (251pp. index. hardcover. Author, 2016.)

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