Mennonite Family History April 1988
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Tracing an Oral Tradition in Switzerland; Zweibrucken, A City and a Duchy; Hirzel, Switzerland, A Center for the Anabaptists [Landis, Baumann]; Mennonites Need Name Geographies; Samuel G. Glick, 1902-1973 [Glick]; The Krahn and Peters Families of Grigorjewka, Russia [Krahn, Peters]; The Christian Stoner Bible Record [Stoner]; Immigrant Jacob Hostedler's European "Ausbund" [Hostedler, Hochstetler]; More on the Knisely Bible Story [Knisely, Knisley]; The Missing Tyson Record [Tyson, Brubaker]; Beware!; The Lost 1787 Will of Elizabeth (Kolb) Hunsicker Is Found [Hunsicker]; Ships Arriving With Mennonite Immigrants to Canada, 1874-1880; The Hay Knife [Marner]; Genealogy and Computers; Thanks, John!.
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