Mennonite Family History July 1998
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Lyons Co., Kansas: A Meeting of Two Families [Stoltzfus, Steckly]; But How and When Will I Get There? Elisa Sommer Schottler's Quandary Over Emigration, 1832 to 1835
[Sommer, Schuttler, Iutzi]; Tidbits From GRANDMA II U.S. Mennonite Immigrants From Russia By Year, Port, and Ship; Amish Courtship in 1830s Ohio: Two Young Butler County Augspurger Men Set Out in Search of Brides [Augspurger]; Bishop Christian M. Nafziger of Lewis County, New York [Nafziger]; A Sunday Morning at the Anabaptist Cave in Switzerland; The Repression and Survival of Anabaptism in the Emmental, Switzerland, 1659-1743; Ringweilerhof Home of Immigrant Nicholas Stoltzfus [Stoltzfus]; Weierhof Home of a New Mennonite Library; Update Your Research; Agricultural Schedules and Federal Census Schedules, 1850-1880: Brecknock Township, Lancaster Co., Pa. [Bowman, Steffey, Burkholder, Messner].
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