Mennonite Family History January 2003
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: My Eymanns in Alsace, Part IIA: The Family of Peter Eymann (1721-1794) [Eymann, Goldschmidt, Reck, Krahenbuhl, Vordemwald, Haas, Bee, Augspurger, Ulrich, Sommer, Stucky, Bomans, Maurer, Wagler, Jaussi]; Needle in the Haystack: How I Found the European Origin of My Zimmerman Ancestors [Zimmerman, Schneider, Sommer]; Did Nicholas Build the Second Story of the Stoltzfus House? [Stoltzfus]; 1914 Letter from D. D. Yoder of West Liberty, Ohio [Yoder]; Knephle; A Family Tradition [Joray]; The Smith Farm [Smith]; What's in a Name? [Gehman]; Once Upon Another Time.
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