Mennonite Family History January 2005
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: The Zimmerman Family at Strasbourg, France [Zimmerman, Tschantz, Biermann, Ummel, Gerig, Roth, Ulrich, Ehrhard, Schneider, Wagler]; Anabaptists in Hochberg (Emmendingen) District, 1796/97 [Zimmerman, Stotz, Gautsche, Stuke, Konig, Leutweiler, Bosshard]; Lost and Found; The Story of Young George W. Baughman [Baughman]; The Thirty Years' War and Mundelsheim;
Who Was the Christian Meyer From Virginia? [Meyer, Myer, Moyer]; Mennonite/Anabaptist Genealogy DNA Project [Penner]; The Ryff/Reiff Family From Switzerland to Pa. [Ryff, Reiff]; Peter Zimmerman of Steffisburg, Switzerland [Zimmerman]; Ask the Retoucher; A Lizzie Mast Envelope Experience [Mast]; Surprise Beginnings.
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