Mennonite Family History October 2011
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: J. Virgil Miller (1924-2011) [Miller]; Forced Departures From Bern, Switzerland; Coal and Coke and Mennonites [Frick, Overholt, Rist/Reist, Stauffer, Sherrick, Dillinger, Stoner, Keister, Moyer]; Families on the Move: Christian Kauffman (1807-1875) and Magdalena Kurtz (1806-1882) [Kauffman, Kurtz]; The Roth Story [Roth, Esh]; Joseph Megli, Part V: From France to Canada to Nebraska [Megli]; Mennonites at the Haftelhof in the Palatinate [von Weber, Dettweiler, Schowalter, Hauser, Roth, Musselman, Schmitt]; Notebook-Keeper Christian Engel (1764-1838), Anabaptist Advocate in Napoleonic France, Part IIIB: Some German-Language Notebook Entries for Healing Humans Plus Acrostic Poems [Engel]; Graf/Graff/Groff Emigrants Who Became Brethren [Graf]; From a Nearly Lost Portrait: The Legacy of John and Mary Gindlesberger [Gindlesberger].
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