Family History and Genealogy of Pioneer Jacob Beiler (Beyeler) (1687-1771) Second Edition
With a subtitle of “Deep Swiss Family Roots and Updated Historical Information: Beiler-Beyeler-Boiler-Byler,” over 300 years of history and genealogy abound in this encyclopedic collection of over 13,000 names. This second edition contains a wealth of new information, particularly history from Switzerland that was unknown when the first edition was printed in 1998. Immigrants Jacob and Veronica Beiler and their five children arrived in Pa. in 1737. Their five children and Jacob’s other children to his second marriage with Elizabeth Kallen, resided in Berks Co., Pa. Frequent surnames: Beiler, Hostetler, King, Miller, Stoltzfus, Yoder, Zook, etc. (568pp. color illus. index. Masthof Press, 2016.)
Also available is the "Condensed version" (no genealogy charts) (item #4136C).
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