Coventry, The Skool Kill District: A Basic History of the Three Coventry Townships
This well-documented and illustrated history traces the settlement, growth, and migration of the first Europeans who settled in these three townships in northern Chester Co., Pa. How the land was paid out and to whom, the formation of villages with the homespun industries that generated jobs, the Mennonites and Brethren as early settlers, all include surnames as Benner, Cochenour, Detwiler, Frick, Halterman/Holderman, Hoch/High, Hunsberger, Kolb/Kulp, Latshaw, Longacre, Longenecker, Miller, Pannebecker, Rinehart, Root, Saylor, Souder, Stauffer/Stover, Stoner, Wagner, and Wenger. (186pp. illus. index. hardcover. Author, 2003.)
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