
History of the Village of Morgantown, 1770-2020

Masthof Press

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It was 1770 when Captain Jacob Morgan laid out the plan for Morgantown, Caernarvon Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. The little village was referred to as “Morgan’s Town” or even “Caernarvon Town,” but eventually became known as Morgantown. The town’s 250th Anniversary Committee worked together to gather the photos and history of the buildings in the village. Starting at the western part of the village, the information is presented building by building all the way to the eastern end of town. Also includes history on the banks, churches, historical sites, notable residents, veterans, etc. Every old building is a testament to the heritage of this area and as caretakers of these resources it is our responsibility to pass on this legacy to those who come after us. (168pp. color illus. index. hardcover. Masthof Press, 2021.)

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