Mennonite Family History April 2019
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Stories From Old Photos [Weiler]; The Amish Mennonites of the Hochburg in a "Golden Age": Farmers and Weavers and Capitalists [Rupp, Muller, Zimmermann]; Revisiting the Jacob and Susanna (Boehm) Ressler Family—Part II [Ressler]; A Slave Named Charley Mast [Mast]; Visiting Long Green, Maryland [Hertzler, Mast, Miller, Nafzinger]; Nancy Drew (type) Mystery!!; Christian Gungerich Family Moving From Hesse to Bavaria, Part I [Gungerich, Schonbeck, Holly, Nafziger, Esch]; Sojourn Through the Centuries [Basinger, Sommer, Amstutz, Luginbuhl]; Who Was Widow Zuck? [Zook, Guth].
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