Mennonite Family History January 2010
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: A Christmas Story; A Visit to Celtic Ireland; Georg von Trappe and the Prussian Mennonites [von Trappe, Stoesz]; A Generation of Great-Grandmothers, 1872-1963: Katherine "Katie" Jantzi, 1879-1954 [Jantzi, Zehr]; New Global Map Locates 1.6 Million Anabaptists; The Jutzi Who Stayed Home: Friedrich "Friede" Jutzi (1807-1851): A Life from Letters, Part II: Distance, March-April 1850 [Jutzi, Sommer, Holly]; The Galleys of Fayette County, Pennsylvania [Galley, Sterne, Newcomer]; Ulrich Dueck's West Prussian Mennonite Genealogy Charts [Dueck]; Engel Update [Engel, Gerber, Springer, Brenneman]; Mennonites in Neckarbischofsheim Dominon [von Helmstatt, Mast, Hochstetter, Gehrmann, Schenck]; The Schenks From Eggiwil, Switzerland, to Pennsylvania and Shenandoah Valley, Virginia [Schenk, Stauffer, Brackbill, Eymann].
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