Mennonite Family History April 2009
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Dammersfeld Revisited and Visited [Sommer, Iutzi, Spieker, Vordemwald, Gungerich, Schlotter]; Jacob Graff (1699-1776) of the Ephrata Community [Graff, Kauffman, Funk, Eichenberg]; The Esch/Oesch Saga Continues . . . Johannes Esch/Oesch and Barbara (Schultz) Oesch Settle in Canada [Schultz, Oesch]; A Mennonite Legacy in the Land of Islam [Epp, Toews, Jantzen]; Death by Train and a Trip to Canada [Yoder, Kauffman]; The Swiss Mennonite Miller/Mueller Family in Switzerland Before Moving to Russia and on to South Dakota [Mueller, Forrer, Stauffer, Schmidt].
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