Mennonite Family History January 1990 - Masthof Press

Mennonite Family History January 1990

Masthof Press

  • 600

This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: A Surprise Visit in Adrian, Michigan [Nafzinger, Gingerich]; An Old Prayerbook; A Sequel; Christian J. Kurtz [Kurtz]; Christian Maust (MS 34) [Maust]; The Dellenbach/Hershberger Connection [Dellenbach, Hershberger]; Guth Families of Ottenbach, Switzerland. Part II [Gutt, Guth]; Joseph and Elizabeth Mundlein, Amish Mennonite Leaders in Galicia and Poland [Mundlein, Voran]; The Blickensdorfers at Kohlhof [Blickensdorfer]; The Jutzi Surname [Jutzi]; The Roggys of Offweilerhof [Roggy]; Coffee Mill; You're Speaking My Language.

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