Mennonite Family History July 2001 - Masthof Press

Mennonite Family History July 2011

Masthof Press

  • 600

This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Schrock Immigrant Day: A Gathering of the Descendants of Joseph Schrag (1772-1830) and Marie Neyhouser (1772-aft. 1826) [Schrag, Schrock, Smith, Belsey]; John Ziegler, Organ Builder [Ziegler]; Joseph Megli, Part IV: The Joseph Megli Documents and Correspondence [Megli]; Notebook-Keeper Christian Engel (1764-1838), Anabaptist Advocate in Napoleonic France, Part IIIA: Some German-Language Notebook Entries on Animals [Engel]; The Origin of Daniel Oesch [Oesch]; Meeting the Mennonites of Siberia; Graf Family Reconnects After 300 Years [Graf]; Families on the Move: David Kauffman (1771-1817) and Barbara Kurtz (d. 1839) [Kauffman, Kurtz]; "Amish and Mennonites" Grins and Grimaces: Odds and Ends from My Genealogical Research;
Leroy Beachy's "Unser Leit" Our People: An Appreciation; Adalbert Goertz (1928-2011) [Goertz].

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