
Mennonite Family History January 2017

Masthof Press

  • 600

This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]:  Do We Tolerate, Ignore, or Value Our History?; Grist Mills; Henry & Kate Weiss, Early Mennonite Brethren Missionaries [Weiss]; Cousins' Heimat Journey, Why Our Cousins Matter [Schrag, Schrock]; Immigrant Ancestors of Peter Zehr (1874-1960), Representing Those Who Moved: Peter Zehr (1874-1960) and Katherine Jantzi (1879-1954) of Ontario, Nebraska, and Oregon, Part I [Zehr, Jantzi, Farny, Roth, Reschly, Schweitzer, Zimmerman]; Between Rejection, Tolerance, and Appreciation: Immigration, Settlement, and Religious Life of Bernese Anabaptists in the Prince-Bishopric of Basel in the Early 18th Century; The Amish in Hagnau, Germany [Raber]; Cemeteries Across America, Oak Grove Mennonite Church, Wayne Co., Ohio.

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