Mennonite Family History January 2008
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: In Their Own Words: Part IV—From the Steppes of Russia to the Prairies of Kansas [Epp, Claassen, Dyck, Wiebe]; Searching and Finding Esch Roots in Europe, Part IV: Visiting Villages of our Ancestors [Esch, Nafziger, Gerber, Garber, Gungerich, Oesch, Leyenberger, Schertz, Birki, Rinkenberger, Sommer, Maurer, Nafziger]; Corrections to the Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies [Blough, Hershberger, Hochstetler, Kauffman, Livengood, Livingston, Schrock]; European Folk Remedies from the Notebook of Jacob Peterschmidt (1766-1831) [Peterschmidt, Lauber, Oyer]; GPS, Landmarks, and Locations Google Earth; The Amish at Canboro, Ontario [Gascho, Schwartzentruber, Yantzi, Gerber, Jantzi, Leis, Roth]; Passau Birthplace of the Ausbund; A Genealogical DNA Project for Low-German Mennonites.
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