Armstrong County PA - County, Regional, Miscellaneous History & Map Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
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County Histories & Biographical Volumes
History of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania
(Robert Walter Smith, 1883, 699 pages)
This publication is an early history of Armstrong County, PA. It covers the history of the county and offers a wealth of genealogical information on its residents. Each township is covered in its own section, providing highlights to its history, settlement and development. At the end is a section devoted solely to biographies of some of the County's prominent citizens and families. In addition to the surnames in the index, there are many more families and individuals covered briefly in the sections on each township.
Surnames Indexed:
Beale, Brodhead, Brown, Buffington, Butler, Barnhart, Calhoun, Campbell, Chambers, Christy, Cochran, Craig, Devers, Doutt, Duff, Elder, Elgrin, Fowler, Fulmer, Glenn, Graham, Guthrie, Heiner, Hill, Hunter, Jackson, Johnston, Keely, Keppel, Lias, Mardorf, Marshall, McBryar, McCandless, McKallip, McKinstry, Miller, Morris, Mosgrove, Murphy, Neal, Neale, Orr, Pontius, Putney, Ralston, Read, Robinson, Rohrer, Schwalm, Shoemaker, Sirwell, Sloan, Smith, Townsend, Truitt, Wanamaker, Warner, Wilson, Wray
Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Indiana and Armstrong Counties,
Pennsylvania (John M. Gresham & Samuel T. Wiley, 1891, 613 pages)
This publication is a historical and biographical account of the counties of Indiana and Armstrong in central PA. The information begins with an early history of the area including its settlement, encounters with natives, growth and development and so forth. Following this is the biographical sections with details the lives of many influential citizens and families of these counties.
Surnames Indexed:
Indiana County
Indiana -- Adler, Alexander, Altman, Barnes, Barr, Bell, Birkman, Blair, Braughler, Carpenter, Clark, Collins, Cunningham, Daugherty, Douglass, Drum, Earhart, Elkin, Empfield, Hall, Hasinger, Hastings, Hildebrand, Hill, Hood, Jack, Johnston, Keener, Kelly, Langham, Lemmon, Logan, Lowry, Luckhart, Mack, McCracken, McGaughey, McGregor, Mitchell, Moorhead, Nesbit, Nixon, Orr, Owens, Paul, Pennington, Pierce, Row, Sansom, Scott, Simpson, Sloan, Smith, Snyder, Stanard, St. Clair, Stewart, Stuchul, Sutton, Swigart, Taylor, Telford, Thompson, Todd, Tomb, Toner, Torrence, Vogel, Watson, Watt, White, Wilson, -- Blairsville -- Ballard, Baughman, Berlin, Black, Carson, Conner, Crede, Devers, Duncan, Graff, Harvey, Hicks, Hill, Innes, Kennedy, Kinkaid, Kinter, Klingensmith, Knott, Lowry, McCabe, Moorhead, Shepley, Snyder, Stiffey, Stillinger, Stitt, Turner, Wehrle, Wiley, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wynn -- Saltsburg -- Ansley, Carson, Clark, Cooper, Davis, McCauley, Miller, Moore, Patterson, Paul, Ralston, Stewart, Watson, Wilson -- Homer City -- Allison, Campbell, Coy, Evans, Moore, Reed, St. Clair -- Marion -- Allison, Park, Thompson, Work -- Conemaugh, Black Lick, Burrell, and East and West Wheatfield Townships -- Burrell, Campbell, Davis, Kelly, Mildren, Pound, Robinson, Rogers, Stoneback -- Rayne, White, Centre, Cherry Hill, Brush Valley, Green, Pine and Buffington Townships -- Burns, Campbell, Creps, Hamil, Learn, McElhoes, Mikesell, Pilson, Shields, Simpson, Stuchell, Williams -- Banks, Montgomery, Canoe, Grant and Mahoning Townships -- Crawford, McEwen, Morrow, Neal, Seanor, Smitten, Stitler -- Washington, Armstrong, and Young Townships -- Carnahan, Elder, Kennedy, Telford, Young
Armstrong County
Kittanning -- Armstrong, Arnold, Aye, Bailey, Buffington, Clark, Cochrane, Crawford, Daugherty, Doverspike, Fiscus, Fox, Goerman, Hays, Heilman, Henderson, Henry, Hill, Johnston, Kettl, Kline, Leason, Lenz, Mayers, McCain, McCullough, McNees, McVay, Mercer, Meredith, Moesta, Oswald, Otto, Owen, Potter, Rayburn, Reed, Reichert, Reynolds, Robinson, Rohrer, Schreckengost, Shadle, Simpson, Slaymaker, Smith, Sturgeon Alexander, Benjamin, Chambers, Cochran, Cochrane, Elwood, Fiscus, Fullerton, Guthrie, Hammitt, Hunter, Jack, Jackson, Kepple, Kirkwood, Laufman, McBryar, McMullen, McCauley, McQuilkin, Rudolph, Smeltzer, Steele, Uncafer, Whitlinger, Whitworth, Wolfe, Wray -- Apollo -- Alexander, Benjamin, Chambers, Cochran, Cochrane, Elwood, Fiscus, Fullerton, Guthrie, Hammitt, Hunter, Jack, Jackson, Kepple, Kirkwood, Laufman, McBryar, McMullen, McCauley, McQuilkin, Rudolph, Smeltzer, Steele, Uncafer, Whitlinger, Whitworth, Wolfe, Wray -- Leechburg -- Armstrong, Artman, Bole, Bowers, Bredin, Duff, Elwood, Enwer, Goodsell, Gosser, Hicks, Hill, Hunter, Irwin, Leech, McKallip, Montgomery, Orr, Parks, Schwalm, Steele, Taylor, Thompson, Townsend, Van Giesen, Wanamaker -- Freeport -- Alter, Craig, Edghill, Gallaher, Guckenheimer, Iseman, Long, Maxler, Miller, McCullough, Schwietering, Turner, Watt -- Dayton and Parker City -- Adams, Barr, Beck, Brewer, Calhoun, Cooper, Eggert, Ervin, Fullerton, Henry, Hoover, Lias, Marshall, Miller, Milliron, Morrow, Ottinger, Parker, Pontius, Randolph, Russell, Sharp, Smith, Tinsman, Winsheimer -- East Franklin, Pine, Boggs, Valley, Manor and Kittanning Townships -- Adams, Boltz, Bovard, Cunningham, Everhart, Fair, Frick, Graham, Guthrie, Heilman, Hood, Logan, Luke, Marshall, Mateer, McAfoos, McClarren, McCollum, McGregor, Mergenthaler, Milliken, Nelson, Pepper, Ralston, Reese, Ross, Rupp, Schall, Schreckengost, Smith, Starr, Stewart, Warner, Wayman, Wible -- Red Bank, Wayne, Cowanshannock, Plum Creek, and South Bend Townships -- Blaney, Bleakney, Blose, Borland, Calhoun, Cuddy, Duff, Findley, Gibson, Good, Gourley, Haines, Heckman, Herron, Jones, Kirkpatrick, Marshall, McAdoo, McCullough, McLean, Montgomery, Neal, Pettigrew, Pontius, Ralston, Schrecengost, Sloan, Smith, Stockdill -- Hovey, Perry, Brady's Bend, Washington, Madison, and Mahoning Townships -- Brady, Brodhead, Brown, Cathcart, Fowler, Hamilton, Hetrick, James, Jennings, Keener, Nolf, Park, Robinson, Schott, Shoemaker, Stockdill, Taylor, Tibbles, Truitt, Wallace -- Sugar Creek, West Franklin, North and South Buffalo Townships -- Boggs, Boney, Bowser, Brown, Claypole, Claypool, Claypoole, Cowan, Easley, Gaiser, Graff, Hall, Hawk, Jack, King, Lardin, Leard, Maxwell, Obey, Williams -- Parks, Bethel, Gilpin, Burrell and Kiskiminetas Townships -- Alms, Altman, Blyholder, Bowman, Carothers, Chambers, Dunmire, Free, Guthrie, Heckman, Hill, Jackson, Jones, Keppel, Kirkland, Klingensmith, Kuhns, Lessig, McAdoo, McAwley, McGrann, Meyers, Novinger, Parks, Townsend, Wilson, Wray -- Miscellaneous -- Crawford, McElhoes, Morrow
Armstrong County Pennsylvania Her People,
Past and Present (J. H. Beers & Co., 1914, 1093 pages)
This is an extensive two volume set of genealogical and biographical information on Armstrong County, PA. It details the lives of hundreds of Armstrong County's prominent and influential individuals and families and provides an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Allison, Allshouse, Alter, Ambrose, Ammond, Anderson, Armstrong, Artman, Ashbaugh, Ashe, Aye, Bailey, Bain, Baker, Baldrige, Balsiger, Banes, Banks, Barclay, Bargerstock, Barnhart, Barr, Barrett, Bauer, Baughman, Baum, Baumgardner, Beale, Beatty, Bebb, Beck, Beecher, Bell, Benninger, Bertram, Biehl, Bish, Bishop, Bittinger, Black, Blaine, Blair, Blatt, Blyholder, Boarts, Boggs, Bole, Booher, Borger, Borland, Bower, Bowers, Bowling, Bowser, Boyd, Boyer, Bradley, Bright, Brodhead, Brown, Brumbaugh, Bruno, Buchanan, Buffington, Burns, Bush, Butler, Calhoun, Campbell, Cantwell, Capano, Carnahan, Carroll, Cathcart, Cheeseman, Christy, Clark, Claypool, Claypoole, Clever, Clouse, Cochran, Coe, Colwell, Cook, Copley, Corbett, Core, Cornell, Coulter, Coyle, Craig, Cratty, Crawford, Crisman, Crosby, Crouch, Crum, Culbertson, Cullen, Cunningham, Cupps, Darbaker, Daugherty, Davidson, Davis, Deemar, Deemer, Dickey, Dickson, Diehl, Dinger, Dively, Dosch, Doutt, Doverspike, Dunlap, Dunmire, Eckman, Egly, Elder, Elgin, Ellenberger, Ellermeyer, Elwood, Emery, Enterline, Ervin, Evans, Eynon, Fair, Farren, Faull, Federici, Feicht, Fennell, Ferry, Fiscus, Fleming, Flenner, Flinn, Foringer, Foster, Foulis, Fox, Frantz, Frederick, Fries, Fullerton, Furlong, Furnee, Galbraith, Gallagher, Gallaher, Gates, Gault, Gearhart, George, Gibson, Gilchrist, Gillis, Gilpin, Glenn, Golden, Goldman, Good, Goodhart, Goodwin, Gorman, Gosser, Gourley, Graff, Grantz, Gray, Griffith, Gumbert, Hall, Hammar, Hanratty, Harkleroad, Harrington, Harrison, Hartman, Hastings, Hawk, Hays, Hazlett, Hechler, Heidrick, Heigley, Heilman, Heiner, Held, Helderle, Helm, Henderson, Henry, Herche, Hetrick, Hild, Hildebrand, Hileman, Hill, Hillwig, Himes, Hindman, Hoffman, Holben, Hooks, Hoover, Hosick, Householder, Houser, Hovey, Huber, Hudson, Hughes, Hunter, Huston, Hutchison, Irwin, Iseman, Ivory, Jack, Jackson, James, Jamieson, Jessop, Jewart, John, Johnston, Jones, Kamerer, Kammerdiener, Karns, Keeler, Kelly, Kells, Keppel, Kepple, Kerr, Kifer, Kime, Kimpel, King, Kinnard, Kinter, Kirkpatrick, Kline, Klingensmith, Klose, Knell, Knepshield, Knight, Knox, Kroh, Kron, Kuhns, Lambing, Lambling, Larkins, Lasher, Latshaw, Lauster, Lawson, Lee, Lees, Leister, Lemmon, Leonard, Leslie, Levier, Lewis, Lias, Libarakis, Linaberger, Lindsay, Linnon, Lloyd, Logan, Long, Longwell, Louden, Louster, Lowry, McAuley, McAwley, McBryor, McCabe, McCafferty, McCain, McCamey, McCausland, McClister, McClure, McColgin, McConnell, McCormick, McCracken, McCready, McCreight, McCullough, McCutcheon, McElwain, McEntire, McFarland, McGlaughlin, McHaddon, McIntire, McIntyre, McKallip, McKee, McKenrick, McKinstry, McLaughlin, McMains, McMillen, McNaughton, McNutt, McQuade, MacGregor, Maguire, Mardorf, Marshall, Martin, Marvin, Mast, Mateer, Maxwell, Meals, Meanor, Mechling, Megraw, Meredith, Meyers, Mickey, Miller, Milligan, Milliken, Minich, Minteer, Mohney, Monks, Montgomery, Moore, Moorehead, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Mosgrove, Munshower, Murphy, Myers, Neal, Neale, Needle, Neel, Neese, Nesbitt, Neubert, Nichols, Nicholson, Nieman, Noble, Nulton, Nye, O'Brien, Orr, Oswald, Overheim, Paffrath, Paine, Painter, Parker, Parks, Parr, Patrick, Patterson, Patton, Peters, Pettigrew, Pollock, Pontius, Porter, Prager, Procious, Prugh, Putney, Queen, Quigley, Rabbitt, Rairigh, Ralston, Ramsey, Ray, Rayburn, Raymond, Rebolt, Redick, Redinger, Rees, Reese, Reichert, Reitler, Reynolds, Rickel, Riddle, Riggle, Risher, Ritchart, Ritchey, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Rohrback, Rohrer, Roland, Rosborough, Ross, Rowley, Rudolph, Rumbaugh, Rupert, Rupp, Russell, Saunders, Saxman, Say, Schaeffer, Schall, Scheeren, Schlemmer, Schott, Schrecengost, Schreckengost, Schrecongost, Schull, Schulte, Shumaker, Schwartz, Sedwick, Seitz, Shafer, Shakley, Shaner, Shaul, Shaum, Shaw, Shearer, Shick, Shipman, Shirley, Shoemaker, Shoff, Shoop, Shultz, Shumaker, Shuster, Sibbet, Simpson, Sin Clair, Sipes, Sirwell, Slagle, Slonaker, Smail, Smeltzer, Smith, Smullin, Snyder, Somerville, Spang, Speer, Spencer, St. Clair, Starr, Steel, Steim, Steiner, Stenger, Stepp, Stewart, Stitt, Stivanson, Stockdill, Stone, Storey, Stull, Stute, Swigart, Sybert, Szafran, Tarr, Taylor, Templeton, Thaw, Thomas, Thompson, Tittle, Todd, Townsend, Trollinger, Trout, Truby, Truitt, Truxell, Turk, Turner, Turney, Umburn, Upperman, Vandyke, Van Kirk, Wadding, Walker, Wally, Wareham, Waugaman, Weisfield, Wells, Welsh, West, Wherry, White, Whitworth, Wick, Wightman, Willard, Williams, Willison, Wilson, Wise, Wiser, Wolf, Wolfe, Wolff, Woodside, Woodward, Wray, Wright, Wyant, Yingst, Yockey, Zeis, Zimmerman, Zorn
Genealogical and Personal History of Western
Pennsylvania Vol. 1-3 (John W. Jordan, 1915, 1996 pages)
The Foreword of this publication makes known its purpose and contents:
"The present work, "Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania," presents in the aggregate an amount and variety of genealogical and personal information and portraiture unequalled by any kindred publication. No similar work concerning Western Pennsylvania has ever before been presented, and it contains a vast amount of ancestral history never before printed. The object, clearly defined and well digested, is to present in concise form the history of Western Pennsylvania Families of the Colonial Days.
There are numerous volunimus histories of the State, making it unnecessary in this work to even outline its annals. What has been published, however, relates principally to civic life. The amplification necessary to complete the picture, old and nowaday, is what is supplied by these Genealogical and Personal Memoirs. In other words, while others have written of "the times," the province of this work is as a chronicle of the people who have made this magnificent region what it is."
This is an extensive biographical publication which covers western Pennsylvania, including the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny City, and the counties of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Clarion, Fayette, Indiana, Mercer, Somerset, Venango, Washington, Westmoreland. Included with the biographical information are hundreds of portraits of this areas leading men and women.
Surnames Indexed:
Acheson, Ackerman, Adams, Agnew, Ague, Ahlborn, Albert, Aldrich, Allen, Allison, Alter, Amrhein, Anderson, Andrews, Armstrong, Arters, Ash, Augustin, Bailie, Baird, Baker, Balcom, Baldridge, Ball, Balles, Barnett, Bauer, Baugher, Bauman, Baumgartel, Bayard, Beall, Beatty, Bebout, Beck, Becker, Beckert, Bedell, Beet, Beissinger, Benson, Benzenhoefer, Beran, Bergman, Beringer, Berner, Berryman, Bertsch, Best, Bestwick, Bethune, Bick, Bickerton, Biddlestone, Bigham, Birchard, Black, Blair, Blick, Blind, Blockinger, Blose, Bokermann, Bole, Bolard, Bossert, Bourke, Bowser, Boyce, Boyd, Boyle, Brackenridge, Bradwell, Brandon, Brandt, Braun, Breading, Breckenridge, Breining, Breitenbaugh, Brennan, Brethauer, Brewer, Briggs, Brodmerkel, Brooker, Brooks, Brown, Bruckner, Bubb, Buckley, Bulger, Bullion, bullions, Burchard, Burgunder, Burkhard, Burkman, Burleigh, Burton, Butler, Byers, Byrne, Cadwallader, Cairns, Caldwell, Calhoun, Calvin, Campbell, Carnegie, Carr, Carson, Casey, Caughey, Cavanaugh, Caven, Cease, Chalot, Challis, Chamberlain, Chantler, Chaplin, Chase, Chess, Christy, Church, Clark, Clary, Clever, Cochran, Cole, Collins, Colter, Colteryahn, Conn, Connelly, Cook, Cooper, Coover, Cope, Corbett, Corey, Cornelius, Cornett, Cort, Cotton, Coursin, Cowan, Cox, Craig, Craighead, Cratty, Crawford, Creese, Crick, Cricks, Croft, Crokks, Crosbie, Crosby, Crumrine, Culbertson, Cummings, Cunningham, Curry, Danner, Darby, Daubenspeck, Daugherty, David, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Day, De Bolt, Dell, De Long, Dennis, Denny, Densmore, Denton, Der, Dickson, Diehl, Dillon, Dippold, Donaldson, Donnell, Donnelly, Dorleman, Dorsey, Douds, Douglass, Downey, Drain, Drennen, Drew, Drynan, Duerr, Duff, Dugan, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunham, Dushane, Dutton, Eaton, Eckert, Edgar, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edmundson, Egan, Eger, Egler, Ehrhardt, Eicher, Elliott, Ellsworth, Elste, Emerick, Emich, Engel, Engelhardt, English, Ensworth, Erb, Erdner, Erhardt, Erwin, Evans, Ewing, Fagan, Fast, Fawcett, Feeney, Fehr, Fellows, Feltwell, Fergus, Ferree, Fife, Figley, Flaccus, Flanagan, Flood, Foltz, Forbes, Ford, Forsyth, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Freed, Freeman, French, Frey, Friar, Frichtel, Friedman, Friend, Fritchie, Fromm, Fruechtel, Fry, Fulton, Gahan, Galbraith, Gallagher, Galway, Gamble, Ganoe, Garbart, Garlow, Garraux, Garrett, Gartner, Gealey, Geibel, Gelm, George, Gephardt, Germerodt, Gibb, Gibson, Giel, Gifford, Gill, Gillelland, Gillespie, Gillet, Gillett, Gilmore, Gilson, Given, Glaser, Gleim, Gless, Gloeckner, Goehring, Goetz, Goldstrohm, Gordon, Gorham, Gourlay, Gow, Graham, Grassel, Gray, Greasel, Greenfield, Greenley, Greenough, Greer, Griesler, Griffith, Grinnell, Griswold, Groom, Gross, Grubbs, Guenther, Guffey, Guthrie, Haben, Hackius, Haeckler, Hafer, Hahn, Hall, Hallas, Hamal, Hammill, Hamilton, Handley, Hanna, Harbison, Harbusch, Harding, Hardwick, Harger, Harmon, Harper, Harrison, Hart, Hartmann, Hartung, Harvey, Haser, Haverline, Hayes, Hays, Hayward, Hazlett, Heckman, Hegner, Heid, Heidenkamp, Heilman, Heintz, Heinz, Helb, Heminway, Hempel, Henderson, Herbel, Herbst, Herman, Hershey, Hervey, Hess, Hice, Hildinger, Hill, Hillen, Hillgrove, Himrod, Hines, Hissrich, Hitzrot, Hoch, Hochberg, Hodgson, Hoffmann, Hogan, Hohmann, Holmes, Holosnyay, Holtzman, Hood, Hoover, Hopkins, Hopper, Hosack, Housholder, Howell, Hubbard, Huch, Hughes, Hugo, Humes, Humphreys, Hunt, Hunter, Huchison, Immekus, Inks, Inskeep, Ireland, Irvin, Jackson, Jameson, Jenkins, John, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Kammerer, Kapteina, Katz, Kearney, Keefer, Keil, Keister, Keitz, Keitzer, Kelley, Kelly, Kennedy, Kenny, Keown, Kerr, Kessler, Kestner, Kidd, Kiehl, Kifer, Kilcullin, Kim, Kincaid, King, Kingsley, Kinlough, Klein, Klingelhofer, Klingensmith, Klussmann, Knell, Knoedler, Knox, Koch, Koegler, Kohary, Kort, Koughan, Kretzer, Krill, Krone, Kuehn, Kuhn, Kummer, Lageman, Laird, Lake, Lambing, Landis, Langfitt, Lapsley, Laughner, Law, Lawrence, Lawson, Leard, Learn, Leax, Leberman, Le Bosquet, Lee, Leezer, Lefever, Lehner, Lessig, Lewis, Lightner, Lindberg, Linke, Linn, Lippert, Little, Lloyd, Logan, Logue, Long, Longmore, Lorch, Lougeay, Lovett, Lowman, Ludwig, Lutton, Lutz, Lyne, Lyon, Lytle, McBride, McBroom, McCabe, McCague, McCall, McClellan, McClelland, McClintock, McCloskey, McClung, McClure, McCluskey, McComb, McCombs, McConville, McCoy, McCullough, McCutcheon, McDannel, McDonald, McElheny, McElravy, McElroy, McElwain, McFadden, McFarland, McGeary, McGinley, McGinnis, McGovern, McGuire, McHugh, McIntyre, McJunkin, McKay, McKelvy, McKinley, McKinney, McKrell, McLane, McLaughlin, McLay, McLean, McMillen, McMurray, McNeilly, McNulty, McPherson, McQuaid, McRoberts, McWhinney, McWilliams, Macbeth, Madden, Magill, Maier, Malloy, Manross, Marlatt, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mathewson, Matlack, Maurhoff, May, Maver, Meanor, Means, Meek, Mehrlich, Mellon, Metcalf, Metzger, Meyer, Michael, Michel, Mikaloff, Miller, Milligan, Mills, Minich, Mitesser, Mitzel, Moore, Moorhead, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Mowry, Moyes, Mumford, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Mytinger, Natale, Nauman, Naumann, Naylor, Neel, Neely, Negley, Neison, Nelson, Nesbit, Nettleton, Neuf, Nevin, Newell, Newlin, Nichol, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nicols, Nixon, Noah, Noble, Nock, Noss, Ober, Ochse, Oliver, O'Neil, O'Neill, Owens, Pace, Packer, Palm, Pangburn, Pardee, Park, Parmalee, Parsons, Patterson, Patton, Perry, Pershing, Peterman, Peters, Pfirrmann, Phillips, Pickford, Pierce, Poellot, Poole, Porter, Portman, Potter, Potts, Powers, Price, Przybylski, Pschirer, Purdy, Purvis, Putnam, Quay, Quinby, Quinn, Rabell, Rafter, Rainbow, Ramage, Rankin, Ratteldorfer, Rattigan, Ray, Raymer, Redman, Redpath, Reed, Rehner, Reiber, Reichenbach, Reiger, Reilly, Reiter, Reitze, Renner, Reppert, Ruetzel, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richard, Richards, Richmond, Rights, Riley, Ringeisen, Risher, ritchey, Ritenour, Riter, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rockwell, Rodenbaugh, Rodgers, Roland, Rolfe, Rommel, Root, Rose, Roth, Rothrauff, Rouser, Rowse, Rucker, Rudisill, Ruehl, Ruffing, Russell, Rust, Sackett, Saint, Salyards, Sample, Sampson, Sankey, Scatchard, Schafer, Schano, Scheffel, Schilling, Schlicht, Schmidt, Schmitt, Schlosser, Schneider, Schramm, Schran, Schulz, Schutrum, Schwer, Schwindman, Scott, Seaman, Seavy, Seibert, Semple, Serena, Seville, Sevin, Shallenberger, Shaffer, Shanor, Shaughnessy, Shaw, Shenot, Shephard, Sherwin, Shields, Shipley, Shoop, Singer, Sinn, Sirdevan, Skiff, Skiles, Slater, Sleeth, Small, Smith, Snitger, Snodgrass, Snyder, Soose, Sossong, Spaulding, Speer, Spicer, Spillman, Stancliff, Steadman, Stebbins, Steedle, Stein, Stephenson, Sterner, Sterrett, Steuler, Stevenson, Stewart, Stilz, Stinson, Stoops, Stotler, Straw, Strong, Stuckslager, Sumney, Sutton, Swart, Swearingen, Swedborg, Sweitzer, Swengel, Symes, Tarr, Tatnall, Taylor, Teemer, Telford, Tepe, Teuteberg, Thaw, Theobald, Thomas, Thompson, Tibby, Tilbrook, Todd, Tonner, Topley, Tracey, Trees, Treser, Trimble, Tucker, Tully, Ure, Vandergrift, Van Kirk, Van Sicklin, Veith, Viehmier, Vogeley, Volz, Vincent, Wagner, Walker, Wall, Walsh, Walter, Walther, Walton, Warner, Warren, Wasson, Watenpool, Way, Weaver, Weber, Weddell, Weilersbacher, Weiss, Welch, Wellinger, Werner, Westinghouse, Wetzel, Whigham, Whiston, White, Whitehead, Whitehill, Whiting, Wightman, Wigman, Wilhelm, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Winter, Winterberger, Wise, Wolf, Wolfram, Woodford, Woolrich, Wright, Wuller, Wunderlich, Wylie, Yaggi, Young, Younkins, Yunker, Zeigler, Zeller, Zimmer, Zimmerman, Zinkhan, Zischkau, Zwierzynski
Town, Township & Regional Histories
1816-1916 - History of Apollo Pennsylvania (T. J. Henry, M.D., 1916, 152 pages)
This is a history of the Borough of Apollo, Armstrong County, PA written as a commemoration of its 100th anniversary in 1916. It provides sketches of the history of the town accompanied by photographs from the area. It covers the borough's foundation and growth, important events in its history, its businesses and industries, as well as some basic information about some of its influential citizens.
Official Souvenir Program - Apollo's One Hundred Twenty-fifth
Anniversary Celebration (Anonymous, 1941, 48 pages)
This is a 125th anniversary souvenir program of Apollo, Armstrong County, PA. It gives a brief history and description of the town along with historical and current (1941) photographs of the area and its people. It also presents a program of the events associated with the anniversary celebration, and includes a number of ads for local businesses.
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