Beaver County PA - County & Regional History Collection

Beaver County PA - County & Regional History Collection


  • 2000

This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.

This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.

County Histories & Biographical Volumes

History of Beaver County, Pennsylvania (A. Warner & Co., 1888, 912 pages)
The full title is: "History of Beaver County, Pennsylvania; Including its Early Settlement; Its Erection into a Separate County; Its Subsequent Growth and Development; Sketches of its Boroughs, Villages and Townships; Portraits of Some of its Prominent Men; Biographies of Many of its Representative Citizens; Statistics, Etc." This is one of the first historical and biographical volumes published on Beaver County, PA. Hundreds of the county's prominent and influential citizens and families are detailed, along with numerous portraits of the sketch subjects.

Book of Biographies - Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of
Beaver County, Pennsylvania (Biographical Publishing Co., 1899, 378 pages)
This publication helps to preserve the memory of some of the county's distinguishing individuals from a past generation. It contains numerous biographies of the important men and families of the area, thus providing an excellent reference for historical or genealogical research. It is a nice addition to the other biographical volumes published for Beaver County, as it focuses on different individuals.

Surnames Indexed:
Algeo, Allen, Allison, Anderton, Armstrong, Baldwin, Banks, Barker, Bates, Bebout, Beegle, Bellman, Beuter, Bigger, Boyd, Brown, Bryan, Buchanan, Calhoon, Camp, Campbell, Carr, Caughey, Coffin, Conlin, Conway, Cook, Cope, Corbus, Craven, Cristler, Cross, Darr, Davidson, Davis, Dawes, Dawson, Deens, Dillon, Dixon, Donaldson, Dravo, Duff, Eakin, Eberhart, Elliott, Ellis, Estep, Evans, Fair, Ferguson, Fitzgerald, Forbes, Forsyth, Fox, Franklin, French, Fry, Gale, Galey, Gartshore, Gorsuch, Gould, Graham, Grim, Hamilton, Harker, Harrold, Hays, Hazen, Hemphill, Hervey, Heuring, Hice, Holt, Hope, Hughes, Hulme, Hum, Hutchinson, Huth, Imbrie, Inman, Irons, Iseman, Jolly, Jones, Kane, Kelson, Kidd, Kirker, Klein, Knott, Koehler, Laughlin, Levine, Littell, Louthan, Lowry, McCauley, McConnel, McKenzie, McKim, Mackall, Mansfield, marata, Marlatt, Marshall, martin, Mecklem, Miksch, Miller, Minesinger, Molter, Molthrup, Moon, Moulds, Myers, Nickle, Park, Patterson, Pflug, Pugh, Randolph, Rayle, Reader, Reed, Reid, Rose, Runyon, Scroggs, Sechrist, Seiple, Sepp, Smith, Stone, Strouss, Sturgeon, Taylor, Thomas, Townsend, Trieber, Wagoner, Wallover, Ward, Wehr, Welch, Welsh, West, Weyand, Whisler, White, Wilson, Wright, Young

A Photographic Souvenir Beaver County, Pennsylvania In Its
Centennial Year 1800-1900 (Executive Committee, 1900, 73 pages)
This publication is a historical and photographic souvenir of Beaver County's Centennial in 1900. It begins with an outline of each of its major towns; Beaver, Beaver Falls, Rochester, New Brighton, and Monaca. It follows with numerous photographs of places and buildings throughout the county - scenic views, residences of prominent individuals, businesses, etc.

History of Beaver County Pennsylvania and its Centennial Celebration
Vol. 1 & 2 (Jospeh H. Bausman, 1904, 1512 pages)
This 2 volume set is an extensive history of Beaver County, Pennsylvania. It begins with a discussion of its Pre-Revolutionary history followed by the Revolutionary War period. It also discusses the men and women who first settled the area and proved to be influential in the region's growth. Following this, the county's organization and growth is covered, highlighting such areas as its Legal, Medical, Education, Religious, and Military history. Afterward, attention is given to each township and major borough of the county, giving a brief account of the history of each. A very useful part of this section is the biographical accounts of the prominent men and women of these areas. Hundreds of important individuals and families are covered, and many portraits of these sketch subjects are located throughout the publication.

Surnames Indexed:
Acheson, Acker, Adams, Addison, Agnew, Albach, Alden, Alexander, Alego, Allison, Anderson, Ansley, Armor, Arnold, Arnot, Arrott, Ashe, Atlee, Austin, Ayres, Baker, Baldwin, Barclay, Barker, Barnes, Barnett, Bates, Bausman, Baynton, Bean, Beatty, Beer, Beeson, Bell, Bentel, Bentley, Berry, Betz, Bierer, Bigger, Bigler, Bird, Bittinger, Black, Blaine, Blair, Bliss, Bole, Boles, Bonbright, Bonnecamps, Boone, Boss, Botts, Bouquet, Boyd, Boyle, Brackenridge, Bradford, Brady, Bredin, Brickell, Brittain, Broadbent, Broad, Brobeck, Brodhead, Brower, Brown, Bryan, Bryce, Bryson, Buchanan, Buell, Bulford, Bull, Burton, Butterfield, Butts, Cairns, Caldoo, Caldwell, Calhoun, Cameron, Campbell, Canon, Carey, Carothers, Carlyle, Carpenter, Carson, Carter, Catlett, Caughey, Chamberlin, Chapman, Chartier, Chrisler, Christmas, Clapham, Clark, Clarke, Coburn, Cochran, Cocquard, Coffin, Collins, Collot, Colvin, Conn, Connelly, Connolly, Conover, Constable, Conway, Cook, Cooper, Coulter, Craft, Craig, Cramer, Crawford, Creigh, Cresap, Critchlow, Croghan, Crombie, Cummins, Cunningham, Curtin, Curtis, Cuthbertson, Darragh, Daugherty, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Davisson, Dawes, Dawson, Day, De Celeron, Delaware, Deming, Denlinger, Denny, De Peyster, Dickey, Dickinson, Dickson, Dillow, Dilworth, Dinwiddie, Dittman, Dodd, Doddridge, Donald, Donehoo, Douglas, Drake, Dravo, Drennan, Duey, Duff, Dunbarington, Duncan, Dunlap, Dungan, Dunham, Dunmore, Duss, Dustin, Eakin, Early, Eberhart, Ecuyer, Edgar, Eichbaum, Ellicott, Ellinipsico, Elliott, Elverson, Emerson, Eskridge, Ettwein, Evans, Ewing, Feicht, Fessenden, Fetterman, Fink, Finley, Finney, Fisher, Fitch, Fleeson, Foley, Forbes, Ford, Forward, Foshay, Fosnought, Foster, Foulkes, Frazier, Fry, Fulkman, Funkhouser, Gaither, Galey, Garner, Geary, Gellatly, George, Gibb, Gibson, Gillis, Gilmore, Girty, Gist, Gladwin, Glasgow, Glenn, Gobin, Goff, Goodrich, Gould, Grant, Greathouse, Greer, Grim, Grimshaw, Griswold, Guthrie, Hague, Hall, Hamilton, Hamtramck, Hand, Hanna, Hanrahan, Harbison, Harmar, Harn, Harper, Harsha, Hart, Harter, Hartman, Hartshorne, Haslet, Hatch, Hazel, Hawkins, Hay, Hayes, Hays, Heckewelder, Helvedi, Hamphill, Henderson, Henrici, Henry, Heron, Heth, Hice, Hildreth, Hillman, Hinds, Hines, Hoge, Holmes, Hood, Hoopes, Houston, Howard, Hughes, Hunter, Huss, Hutchinson, Imbrie, Ingram, Irons, Irvin, Irvine, Irwin, Jackson, Javens, Jeffers, Jennings, Johnson, Johnston, Jolly, Jones, Jordan, Jungman, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kerr, Keyser, Kier, King, Knapp, Knott, Knowles, Knox, Kuhn, Lacock, Lambing, La Force, Langfitt, La Ross, La Salle, Laughlin, Lawrence, Leaf, Le Baron, Lee, Leech, Leeper, Leet, Leeth, Leiper, Le Mercier, Lemmon, Leslie, Le Tort, Levis, Lewis, Linnenbrink, Littell, Little, Lochry, Logan, Long, Lowrey, Lowry, Lukens, Lutz, Lyon, Lytle, McBeth, McCallaher, McCandless, McCarrell, McCaslin, Maclay, McClean, McClure, McCook, McConnel, McConnell, McCoy, McCullough, McCurdy, McDanel, McDowell, McElhaney, McElwee, McFall, McGregor, McGuffey, McGuffin, McGuire, McHattie, McHenry, McIntosh, McKee, McKinney, McLane, McLaughlin, McLean, McMillan, McNees, McPheeters, McWilliams, Madison, Magaw, Marks, Marquis, Marshal, Martin, Martsolf, Mase, Massy, May, Mayer, Mecklem, Mellon, Mercer, Meredith, Merrick, Miles, Miller, Miner, Minis, Mitchell, Moon, Moore, Moorhead, Morgan, Morlan, Morrison, Morse, Morton, Muller, Murphy, Murray, Nelson, Nesbit, Neville, Niblo, Nicholson, Noss, Odell, Ormond, Ormsby, Owen, Page, Pallam, Palmer, Parsons, Patterson, Payne, Peirsol, Pendleton, Penn, Pentland, Phillips, Phillis, Picknoll, Pinney, Pitt, Platt, Plumer, Poes, Pollock, Porter, Potter, Power, Pugh, Pusey, Quay, Rapp, Reader, Reddick, Redick, Reed, Reeves, Reid, Reisinger, Reno, Rhodes, Rittenhouse, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rohm, Rohrbacher, Rose, Ross, Roth, Roubaud, Russel, Rutan, Ryan, Savage, Sawyer, Schaefer, Schlagle, Scott, Senseman, Shaler, Shallenberger, Shannon, Sheets, Shields, Sholes, Shouse, Shurlock, Shurtleff, Simonson, Sloan, Slough, Smith, Solomon, Spear, Specht, Spencer, Speyerer, Sprott, St. Clair, Stafford, Stanton, Stanwix, Steel, Steen, Sterrett, Stewart, Stiffey, Stone, Stowe, Strouss, Stuart, Surplis, Swank, Swartz, Swasey, Swearingen, Taylor, Telford, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thum, Todd, Toomy, Townsend, Travis, Treiber, Trent, Tyler, Ubalto, Ullery, Vallandigham, Vance, Van Gorder, Van Swearingen, Veech, Vera, Vernon, Virot, Wagner, Walker, Wallace, Wallover, Ward, Warnock, Warrington, Waters, Waters, Watson, Way, Wayne, Weaver, Weiser, Wendt, Wells, Weyand, Wharton, Whisler, Whitaker, White, Whitehill, Whitesides, Whitney, Wickham, Wigton, Wilkins, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winans,Wiseman, Wishart, Withrow, Wolf, Wolfe, Wood, Woodbridge, Woods, Work, Wright, Wylie, Wyllis, York, Zeigler, Zeisberger, Zinzendorf

Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania
(W. J. McKnight, 1905, 719 pages)
The Full title is: "A Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Embracing the Counties of Tioga, Potter, McKean, Warren, Crawford, Venango, Forest, Clarion, Elk, Jefferson, Cameron, Butler, Lawrence, and Mercer, Also A Pioneer Sketch of the Cities of Allegheny, Beaver, Du Bois, and Towanda". This publication is a historical account of the early beginnings of several counties in Northwestern PA. The information is more focused on historical details than biographical, but it still contains a great deal of information useful for historical or genealogical research.

Genealogical and Personal History of Beaver County Pennsylvania
Vol. 1 & 2 (John W. Jordan, 1914, 1464 pages)
This is an extensive biographical history of Beaver County, PA, originally published in two volumes. These volumes contain hundreds of biographical sketches of the county's important and influential families, many of which extend back to the colonial days of Pennsylvania. Along with the biographical sketches, there are also many portraits of the sketch subjects.

Surnames Indexed:
Addenbrook, Ageman, Agnew, Allen, Allison, Amsler, Anderson, Archibald, Armstrong, Atterholt, Atwell, Atwood, Ayers, Baker, Baldwin, Balzer, Banks, Barclay, Barker, Barkley, Barnard, Barner, Barnes, Barratt, Barry, Barto, Bausman, Beatty, Beckert, Beisel, Beitsch, Bell, Bentel, Bentley, Bernhardy, Berry, Best, Bestwick, Bevington, Bickerstaff, Bigger, Bimber, Bishop, Blair, Blakely, Blinn, Bloom, Bolton, Bonzo, Born, Boswell, Bovard, Boyer, Braden, Bradford, Bradshaw, Brauer, Braun, Bray, Brehm, Brenholt, Brobeck, Brown, Bruce, Bruhn, Bryan, Bryer, Buchanan, Bunn, Burns, Burry, Cable, Cain, Calhoon, Calhoun, Camp, Campbell, Cargo, Carothers, Carr, Carroll, Carson, Chaffee, Champion, Chapman, Chatley, Cheney (Gibson), Clark, Cloak, Coale, Coates, Cochran, Cole, Conkle, Conner, Cook, Cooley, Cooper, Cope, Cordes, Cotter, Couch, Courtney, Cowan, Cowden, Craig, Criswell, Cronin, cunningham, Curtis, Dalbey, Dando, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Denton, dickey, Dietrich, Dillan, Dippold, Dobbs, Dockter, Dodds, Doncaster, Douds, Daugherty, Douglas, Douglass, Douthett, Douthitt, Downie, Dravo, Drew, Duerr, Duey, Duff, Dunkerley, Dunn, Eachel, Eaton, Eckert, Edie, Edwards, Elder, Elliott, Ellis, Elze, Engle, Estermyer, Evans, Ewing, Fair, Farr, Fath, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fleming, Flenniken, Frazier, Freed, Fresch, Friedfeld, Fry, Fullerton, Funkhouser, Gailey, Gallagher, Galvin, Garber, Garrett, Gaston, Geer, George, Gilchrist, Gishbaugher, Glass, Glasson, Glenn, Goll, Gonnelly, Gordon, Gormley, Gorsuch, Graebing, Graham, Gray, Green Grim, Grimm, Grine, Haas, Haffely, Haley, Hall, Hamilton, Hammerle, Hammond, Hanauer, Hare, Harper, Harris, Hart, hartenbach, harton, Hartzell, Hay, Hays, Henderson, Herbert, Hermann, Hetche, Hice, Hicks, Higby, Hineman, Hoffman, Hogue, Holmes, Holt, Holtzmann, Hoopes, Hotchkiss, Houston, Howe, Hoyt, Huffman, Hughes, Hummel, Hunter, Hutchinson, Imbrie, Inglefield, Irons, Jackson, James, Jamison, Jeffreys, Jobe, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jope, Kane, Kaszer, Kaye, Keeler, Keiser, Kemmer, Kennedy, Kerr, King, Kinney, Kirk, Kirker, Klein, Kleyle, Kniffen, Knight, Knoedler, Knox. Koehler, Kornman, Kornmann, Kristufek, Lafferty, Lais, Lambert, Latshaw, Laughlin, Lawrence, Lease, Leeper, Lindeman, Lint, Littell, Lloyd, Locke, Lockhart, Logan, Louthan, Lowry, Lutton, McAnlis, McBride, McCallester, McCallister, McCandless, McCarter, McCaw, McCleery, McClure, McComb, McConnell, McCoy, McCreary, McCreery, McCrory, McCullough, McDanel, McDonald, McElhaney, McElvaney, McGeorge, McGoun, McGuire, McHattie, McKallip, McKee, McKibbin, McKinley, McKinnis, McNally, McNamee, McNeese, McNutt, McPherson, MacDonald, Mack, Mackall, Magaw, Magee, Majors, Mali, Maloney, Maratta, Markey, Marks, Marquis, Marshall, Martsolf, Mason, Mateer, May, Mead, Mecklem, Mercer, Merkel, Merrick, Metheny, Miller, Milliken, Mitchell, Molter, Moltrup, Montgomery, Moody, Moon, Moore, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Moulds, Mount, Murphy, Musgrave Myers, Mytinger, Nair, Newkirk, Nickle, Nippert, Noss, O'Neill, O'Rourke, Oatman, Orr, Park, Parsons, Patterson, Patton, Paulson, Peffer, Peirsol, Perrott, Pettler, Pflug, Phillis, Pinter, Piper, Plummer, Porter, Potter, Potts, Powell, Powers, Pugh, Pullion, Purdy, Purviance, Quay, Quillen, Rall, Ramsey, Ransom, Rawl, Rayl, Raymer, Reader, Reeves, Reid, Retzer, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Riedel, Rihn, Ripper, Robertson, Roden, Rewssler, Rohrkaste, Rombold, Rosenkeimer, Russell, Ryan, Schall, Schleiter, Schlotter, Schofield, Schramm, Scott, Seanor, Seiple, Shaffer, Shallenberger, Shane, Shannon, Shanor, Matthias, Shaw, Sheldrake, Sheridan, Sherwood, Short, Shugert, Shumaker, Shurlock, Shuster, Small, Smiley, Smith, Snodgrass, Sohn, Somers, Springer, Staub, Stauffer, Steen Steiner, Stevenson, Stewart, Stoeffel, Stone, Stoop, Straube, Strohbach, Stuber, Stubert, Sturgeon, Sullivan, Sutherland, Sutton, Swan, Swearingen, Sweringen, Swick, Tait, Tallon, Taylor, Telford, Temple, Thomas, Thompson, Todd, Torrens, Townsend, Tracy, Trotter, Trumpeter, Twiford, Urwin, Vance, Vogel, Vollhardt, Wagner, Walker, Wallace, Walsh, Walters, Warnock, Watt, Weir, Werner, Wertz, Whalen, White, Whitechill, Whiteside, Wiehel, Wiesen, Wigley, Wilhelm, Wilson, Winkle, wise, Woodruff, Woolslayer, Yeager, Yost, Young, Zahn, Zeller, Zigercal, Zimmerman

Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania
Vol. 1-3 (John W. Jordan, 1915, 1996 pages)
The Foreword of this publication makes known its purpose and contents:
"The present work, "Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania," presents in the aggregate an amount and variety of genealogical and personal information and portraiture unequalled by any kindred publication. No similar work concerning Western Pennsylvania has ever before been presented, and it contains a vast amount of ancestral history never before printed. The object, clearly defined and well digested, is to present in concise form the history of Western Pennsylvania Families of the Colonial Days.
There are numerous volunimus histories of the State, making it unnecessary in this work to even outline its annals. What has been published, however, relates principally to civic life. The amplification necessary to complete the picture, old and nowaday, is what is supplied by these Genealogical and Personal Memoirs. In other words, while others have written of "the times," the province of this work is as a chronicle of the people who have made this magnificent region what it is."

This is an extensive biographical publication which covers western Pennsylvania, including the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny City, and the counties of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Clarion, Fayette, Indiana, Mercer, Somerset, Venango, Washington, Westmoreland. Included with the biographical information are hundreds of portraits of this areas leading men and women.

Surnames Indexed:
Acheson, Ackerman, Adams, Agnew, Ague, Ahlborn, Albert, Aldrich, Allen, Allison, Alter, Amrhein, Anderson, Andrews, Armstrong, Arters, Ash, Augustin, Bailie, Baird, Baker, Balcom, Baldridge, Ball, Balles, Barnett, Bauer, Baugher, Bauman, Baumgartel, Bayard, Beall, Beatty, Bebout, Beck, Becker, Beckert, Bedell, Beet, Beissinger, Benson, Benzenhoefer, Beran, Bergman, Beringer, Berner, Berryman, Bertsch, Best, Bestwick, Bethune, Bick, Bickerton, Biddlestone, Bigham, Birchard, Black, Blair, Blick, Blind, Blockinger, Blose, Bokermann, Bole, Bolard, Bossert, Bourke, Bowser, Boyce, Boyd, Boyle, Brackenridge, Bradwell, Brandon, Brandt, Braun, Breading, Breckenridge, Breining, Breitenbaugh, Brennan, Brethauer, Brewer, Briggs, Brodmerkel, Brooker, Brooks, Brown, Bruckner, Bubb, Buckley, Bulger, Bullion, bullions, Burchard, Burgunder, Burkhard, Burkman, Burleigh, Burton, Butler, Byers, Byrne, Cadwallader, Cairns, Caldwell, Calhoun, Calvin, Campbell, Carnegie, Carr, Carson, Casey, Caughey, Cavanaugh, Caven, Cease, Chalot, Challis, Chamberlain, Chantler, Chaplin, Chase, Chess, Christy, Church, Clark, Clary, Clever, Cochran, Cole, Collins, Colter, Colteryahn, Conn, Connelly, Cook, Cooper, Coover, Cope, Corbett, Corey, Cornelius, Cornett, Cort, Cotton, Coursin, Cowan, Cox, Craig, Craighead, Cratty, Crawford, Creese, Crick, Cricks, Croft, Crokks, Crosbie, Crosby, Crumrine, Culbertson, Cummings, Cunningham, Curry, Danner, Darby, Daubenspeck, Daugherty, David, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Day, De Bolt, Dell, De Long, Dennis, Denny, Densmore, Denton, Der, Dickson, Diehl, Dillon, Dippold, Donaldson, Donnell, Donnelly, Dorleman, Dorsey, Douds, Douglass, Downey, Drain, Drennen, Drew, Drynan, Duerr, Duff, Dugan, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunham, Dushane, Dutton, Eaton, Eckert, Edgar, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edmundson, Egan, Eger, Egler, Ehrhardt, Eicher, Elliott, Ellsworth, Elste, Emerick, Emich, Engel, Engelhardt, English, Ensworth, Erb, Erdner, Erhardt, Erwin, Evans, Ewing, Fagan, Fast, Fawcett, Feeney, Fehr, Fellows, Feltwell, Fergus, Ferree, Fife, Figley, Flaccus, Flanagan, Flood, Foltz, Forbes, Ford, Forsyth, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Freed, Freeman, French, Frey, Friar, Frichtel, Friedman, Friend, Fritchie, Fromm, Fruechtel, Fry, Fulton, Gahan, Galbraith, Gallagher, Galway, Gamble, Ganoe, Garbart, Garlow, Garraux, Garrett, Gartner, Gealey, Geibel, Gelm, George, Gephardt, Germerodt, Gibb, Gibson, Giel, Gifford, Gill, Gillelland, Gillespie, Gillet, Gillett, Gilmore, Gilson, Given, Glaser, Gleim, Gless, Gloeckner, Goehring, Goetz, Goldstrohm, Gordon, Gorham, Gourlay, Gow, Graham, Grassel, Gray, Greasel, Greenfield, Greenley, Greenough, Greer, Griesler, Griffith, Grinnell, Griswold, Groom, Gross, Grubbs, Guenther, Guffey, Guthrie, Haben, Hackius, Haeckler, Hafer, Hahn, Hall, Hallas, Hamal, Hammill, Hamilton, Handley, Hanna, Harbison, Harbusch, Harding, Hardwick, Harger, Harmon, Harper, Harrison, Hart, Hartmann, Hartung, Harvey, Haser, Haverline, Hayes, Hays, Hayward, Hazlett, Heckman, Hegner, Heid, Heidenkamp, Heilman, Heintz, Heinz, Helb, Heminway, Hempel, Henderson, Herbel, Herbst, Herman, Hershey, Hervey, Hess, Hice, Hildinger, Hill, Hillen, Hillgrove, Himrod, Hines, Hissrich, Hitzrot, Hoch, Hochberg, Hodgson, Hoffmann, Hogan, Hohmann, Holmes, Holosnyay, Holtzman, Hood, Hoover, Hopkins, Hopper, Hosack, Housholder, Howell, Hubbard, Huch, Hughes, Hugo, Humes, Humphreys, Hunt, Hunter, Huchison, Immekus, Inks, Inskeep, Ireland, Irvin, Jackson, Jameson, Jenkins, John, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Kammerer, Kapteina, Katz, Kearney, Keefer, Keil, Keister, Keitz, Keitzer, Kelley, Kelly, Kennedy, Kenny, Keown, Kerr, Kessler, Kestner, Kidd, Kiehl, Kifer, Kilcullin, Kim, Kincaid, King, Kingsley, Kinlough, Klein, Klingelhofer, Klingensmith, Klussmann, Knell, Knoedler, Knox, Koch, Koegler, Kohary, Kort, Koughan, Kretzer, Krill, Krone, Kuehn, Kuhn, Kummer, Lageman, Laird, Lake, Lambing, Landis, Langfitt, Lapsley, Laughner, Law, Lawrence, Lawson, Leard, Learn, Leax, Leberman, Le Bosquet, Lee, Leezer, Lefever, Lehner, Lessig, Lewis, Lightner, Lindberg, Linke, Linn, Lippert, Little, Lloyd, Logan, Logue, Long, Longmore, Lorch, Lougeay, Lovett, Lowman, Ludwig, Lutton, Lutz, Lyne, Lyon, Lytle, McBride, McBroom, McCabe, McCague, McCall, McClellan, McClelland, McClintock, McCloskey, McClung, McClure, McCluskey, McComb, McCombs, McConville, McCoy, McCullough, McCutcheon, McDannel, McDonald, McElheny, McElravy, McElroy, McElwain, McFadden, McFarland, McGeary, McGinley, McGinnis, McGovern, McGuire, McHugh, McIntyre, McJunkin, McKay, McKelvy, McKinley, McKinney, McKrell, McLane, McLaughlin, McLay, McLean, McMillen, McMurray, McNeilly, McNulty, McPherson, McQuaid, McRoberts, McWhinney, McWilliams, Macbeth, Madden, Magill, Maier, Malloy, Manross, Marlatt, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mathewson, Matlack, Maurhoff, May, Maver, Meanor, Means, Meek, Mehrlich, Mellon, Metcalf, Metzger, Meyer, Michael, Michel, Mikaloff, Miller, Milligan, Mills, Minich, Mitesser, Mitzel, Moore, Moorhead, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Mowry, Moyes, Mumford, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Mytinger, Natale, Nauman, Naumann, Naylor, Neel, Neely, Negley, Neison, Nelson, Nesbit, Nettleton, Neuf, Nevin, Newell, Newlin, Nichol, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nicols, Nixon, Noah, Noble, Nock, Noss, Ober, Ochse, Oliver, O'Neil, O'Neill, Owens, Pace, Packer, Palm, Pangburn, Pardee, Park, Parmalee, Parsons, Patterson, Patton, Perry, Pershing, Peterman, Peters, Pfirrmann, Phillips, Pickford, Pierce, Poellot, Poole, Porter, Portman, Potter, Potts, Powers, Price, Przybylski, Pschirer, Purdy, Purvis, Putnam, Quay, Quinby, Quinn, Rabell, Rafter, Rainbow, Ramage, Rankin, Ratteldorfer, Rattigan, Ray, Raymer, Redman, Redpath, Reed, Rehner, Reiber, Reichenbach, Reiger, Reilly, Reiter, Reitze, Renner, Reppert, Ruetzel, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richard, Richards, Richmond, Rights, Riley, Ringeisen, Risher, ritchey, Ritenour, Riter, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rockwell, Rodenbaugh, Rodgers, Roland, Rolfe, Rommel, Root, Rose, Roth, Rothrauff, Rouser, Rowse, Rucker, Rudisill, Ruehl, Ruffing, Russell, Rust, Sackett, Saint, Salyards, Sample, Sampson, Sankey, Scatchard, Schafer, Schano, Scheffel, Schilling, Schlicht, Schmidt, Schmitt, Schlosser, Schneider, Schramm, Schran, Schulz, Schutrum, Schwer, Schwindman, Scott, Seaman, Seavy, Seibert, Semple, Serena, Seville, Sevin, Shallenberger, Shaffer, Shanor, Shaughnessy, Shaw, Shenot, Shephard, Sherwin, Shields, Shipley, Shoop, Singer, Sinn, Sirdevan, Skiff, Skiles, Slater, Sleeth, Small, Smith, Snitger, Snodgrass, Snyder, Soose, Sossong, Spaulding, Speer, Spicer, Spillman, Stancliff, Steadman, Stebbins, Steedle, Stein, Stephenson, Sterner, Sterrett, Steuler, Stevenson, Stewart, Stilz, Stinson, Stoops, Stotler, Straw, Strong, Stuckslager, Sumney, Sutton, Swart, Swearingen, Swedborg, Sweitzer, Swengel, Symes, Tarr, Tatnall, Taylor, Teemer, Telford, Tepe, Teuteberg, Thaw, Theobald, Thomas, Thompson, Tibby, Tilbrook, Todd, Tonner, Topley, Tracey, Trees, Treser, Trimble, Tucker, Tully, Ure, Vandergrift, Van Kirk, Van Sicklin, Veith, Viehmier, Vogeley, Volz, Vincent, Wagner, Walker, Wall, Walsh, Walter, Walther, Walton, Warner, Warren, Wasson, Watenpool, Way, Weaver, Weber, Weddell, Weilersbacher, Weiss, Welch, Wellinger, Werner, Westinghouse, Wetzel, Whigham, Whiston, White, Whitehead, Whitehill, Whiting, Wightman, Wigman, Wilhelm, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Winter, Winterberger, Wise, Wolf, Wolfram, Woodford, Woolrich, Wright, Wuller, Wunderlich, Wylie, Yaggi, Young, Younkins, Yunker, Zeigler, Zeller, Zimmer, Zimmerman, Zinkhan, Zischkau, Zwierzynski

Beaver County Sesquicentennial 1800-1950 (Anonymous, 1950, 52 pages)
This was published as a souvenir of the 150th Anniversary celebration of Beaver County, Pennsylvania in 1950. It contains a program of the events of the celebration, lists of the men and women who participated in organizing and conducting the celebration, as well as some highlights from the county's history. There are also numerous photographs of people and places around the county.

Town, Township & Regional Histories

History of New Brighton 1838-1938
(The Historical Committee of the Centennial, 1938, 189 pages)
This is a centennial history of the town of New Brighton, Beaver County, PA. It provides a history of the settlement and development of the town, as well as a description of its resources as of the date of publication.

1 - The Beaver Valley Frontier
2 - First Settlers
3 - Early Homes
4 - Industrial Development
5 - Our Heroes
6 - Churches
7 - Schools
8 - About Town
9 - Organizations

Surnames Indexed:
Atwell, Atkinson, Bedison, Bentley, Bestwick, Blanchard, Brady, Bradford, Brightwell, Broadhead, Bruien, Calhoun, Coale, Coburn, Collier, Collins, Constable, Corbus, Critchlow, Darling, Dawes, DeVenny, Dickey, Douglass, Fetter, Fish, Foster, Funkhouser, Glass, Gould, Green, Greenwood, Harris, Hoopes, Houlette, Hunder, Hyde, Kennedy, Knott, Livesy, Lukens, Lyons, Marquis, McDanel, McGuire, McIntosh, McNutt, Merrick, Miner, Mitchell, Moore, Morgan, Moreland, Noss, Parson, Phillips, Pierce, Platt, Pugh, Reader, Reynolds, Richey, Robertson, Sager, Sarver, Schofield, Shuster, Sharpless, Sherwood, Smith, Steinfield, Tanner, Thornily, Townsend, Wade, Wayman, Wayne, White, Wilde, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wolf, Ziesberger

75th Anniversary of Beaver Falls, PA (Anonymous, 1944, 41 pages)
This booklet was published for the Diamond Jubilee of Beaver Falls, Beaver County, PA. It gives a brief history of the town, and a description of the events of the celebration. It also contains a list of all those involved in producing or supporting the events.

Old Economy-Ambridge Sesqui-Centennial Historical Booklet
(Norman C. Young, 1974, 192 pages)
This book was published as a 150th anniversary commemoration of the village of 'Old' Economy and the town of Ambridge in Beaver County, PA. It focuses on the Harmony Society as the major influence in the settlement of these areas, and in separate sections gives the history of the development of each. The section on Ambridge is more extensive giving also a description of the town and its various organizations, churches, industries, fraternal organizations, clubs, etc.

Acheson, Acker, Adams, Addison, Agnew, Albach, Alden, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Ansley, Armor, Arnold, Arnot, Atlee, Austin, Ayres, Baker, Baldwin, Barclay, Barker, Barnes, Barnett, Bates, Bausman, Baynton, Bean, Beatty, Beer, Beeson, Bell, Bentel, Bentley, Berry, Betz, Bierer, Bigger, Bigler, Bird, Bittinger, Black, Blaine, Blair, Bliss, Bole, Boles, Bonnecamps, Coss, Botts, Bouquet, Boyd, Boyle, Brackenridge, Bradford, Brady, Bredin, Brickell, Brittain, Broad, Brobeck, Brodhead, Brower, Brown, Bryan, Bryce, Bryson, Buchanan, Buell, Bulford, Bull, Burton, Butterfield, Cairns, Caldoo, Caldwell, Calhoun, Cameron, Campbell, Canon, Carey, Carothers, Carlyle, Carpenter, Carson, Carter, Catlett, Caughey, Chamberlin, Chapman, Chartier, Chrisler, Clapham, Clark, Clarke, Coburn, Cochran, Cocquard, Coffin, Collins, Collot, Colvin, Conn, Connelly, Connolly, Conover, Cook, Cooper, Corlear, Coulter, Craft, Craig, Cramer, Crawford, Creigh, Cresap, Croghan, Crombie, Crumrine, Cuming, Cummins, Cunningham, Curtin, Curtis, Cuthbertson, Darragh, Daugherty, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Davisson, Dawson, Day, De Celeron, Delaware, Deming, Denlinger, Denny, De Peyster, Dickey, Dickinson, Dickson, Dillow, Dilworth, Dinwiddie, Dittman, Dodd, Doddridge, Donald, Donehoo, Douglas, Drake, Dravo, Drennan, Duey, Duff, Dunbarington, Dunca, Dunlap, Dungan, Dunham, Dunmore, Duss, Dustin, Eakin, Early, Eberhart, Ecuyer, Edgar, Eichbaum, Ellicott, Ellinipsico, Elliot, Eskridge, Ettwein, Evans, Ewing, Feicht, Fessenden, Fetterman, Fink, Finley, Finney, Fisher, Fitch, Fleeson, Foley, Forbes, Ford, Forward, Foshay, Fosnought, Foster, Foulkes, Frazier, Fry, Fulkman, Funkhouser, Gaither, Galey, Garner, Geary, Gellatly, George, Gibb, Gibson, Gillis, Gilmore, Girard, Girty, Gist, Gladwin, Glasgow, Glenn, Gobin, Goodrich, Gould, Grant, Greathouse, Greer, Grim, Grimshaw, Griswold, Guthrie, Hague, Gall, Hamilton, Hand, Hanna, Hanrahan, Harmar, Harper, Harris, Harsha, Hart, Harter, Hartshorne, Haslet, Hassler, Hatch, Hazel, Hawkins, Hay, Hayes, Hays, Heckewelder, Helvedi, Hamphill, Henderson, Henrici, Henry, Heron, Heth, Hice, Hildreth, Hillman, Hinds, Hines, Hoge, Holmes, Hood, Hoopes, Houston, Howard, Hughes, Hunter, Huss, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Imbrie, Irvin, Irvine, Irwin, Jackson, Javens, Jeffers, Jennings, Johnson, Johnston, Jolly, Jones, Jordan, Jungman, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kerr, Keyser, Kier, King, Knowles, Kuhn, Lacock, Lambing, Langfitt, La Ross, Laughlin, Lawrence, Leaf, Le Baron, Lee, Leech, Leeper, Leet, Leiper, Lemmon, Leslie, Levis, Lewis, Littell, Little, Lochry, Locks, Logan, Long, Lowrey, Lukens, Lutz, Lyon, Lytle, McBeth, McCallaher, McCandless, McCarrell, McCaslin, maclay, McClean, McClure, McCook, McConnel, McConnell, McCoy, McCullough, McCurdy, McDanel, McDowell, McElhaney, McElwee, McFall, McGregor, McGuffey, McGuffin, McGuire, McHattie, McHenry, McIntosh, McKee, McKinney, McKnight, McLane, McLaughlin, McMillan, McNees, McPheeters, Madison, Magaw, Marks, Marquis, Marshal, Martin, Martsolf, Mase, Massy, May, Mecklem, Mellon, Mercer, Meredith, Miles, Miller, Miner, Minis, Mitchell, Moore, Moorehead, Morgan, Morlan, Morrison, Morse, Morton, Mountain, Muller, Murphy, Murray, Nelson, Nesbit, Neville, Niblor, Nicholson, Noss, Odell, Ormond, Ormsby, Owen, Page, Pallam, Palmer, Parsons, Patterson, Payne, Peirsol, Pendleton, Penn, Pentland, Phillips, Picknoll, Pitt, Platt, Plumer, Poes, Pollock, Porter, Potter, Power, Pugh, Pusey, Quay, Rapp, Reader, Reddick, Redick, Reed, Reeves, Reid, Reno, Rittenhouse, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rohm, rohrbacher, Rose, Ross, Roth, Roubaud, Russel, Rutan, Ryan, Savage, Sawyer, Schaefer, Schlagle, Senseman, Shaler, Shallenberger, Shannon, Sheets, Shields, Shouse, Shurlock, Shurtleff, Simonson, Sloan, Slough, Smith, Solomon, Spear, Specht, Spencer, Sprott, Stafford, Stanton, Steel, Steen, Sterrett, Stewart, Stiffey, Stone, Stowe, Strouss, Stuart, Surplis, Swartz, Swasey, Swearingen, Taylor, Telford, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thum, Todd, Toomy, Townsend, Treiber, Trent, Tyler, Ubalto, Vallandigham, Vance, Van Gorder, Van Swearingen, Veech, Vera, Vernon, Virot, Wagner, Walker, Wallace, Wallover, Warnock, Warrington, Washington, Waters, Watson, Way, Wayne, Weaver, Weiser, Wendt, Wells, Weyand, Wharton, Whisler, Whitaker, White, Whitney, Wickham, Wigton, Wilkins, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winans, Wiseman, Wishart, Withrow, Wolf, Wolfe, Wood, Woods, Work, Wright, Wylie, Wyllis, York, Zeigler, Zeisberger, Zinzendorf

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