Centre County PA - Directory Collection (1837-1921)
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
Harris' Pittsburgh Business Directory for the Year 1837
[Excerpt on Centre County, PA] (Isaac Harris, 1837, 4 pages)
This is an excerpt from the Pittsburgh Business Directory of 1837. It gives a brief description of the county and the town of Bellefonte. Following this is a brief business directory of Bellefonte. Also included is a listing of the Iron Furnaces, Forges and Rolling Mills of Centre County, and the amounts they produced at that time.
Greevy & Renner's Directory of Lock Haven, Bellefonte,
and Philadelphia and Erie Railroad 1874-5
(Thomas H. Greevy & William H. Renner, 1874, 242 pages)
This is an early resident and business directory of various towns in Centre and Clinton Counties, PA, for the year 1874-75. The information is arranged alphabetically listing the resident's name, occupation and street address. There is also a brief sketch provided for several of the towns. The information provided varies from town to town, most having a resident and business directory, one having a business directory only.
Resident and Business Directories:
Bellefonte, Blanchard, Boalsburg, Emporium, Farandsville, Fillmore, Lamar, Lemont, Glen Union, Lock Haven, Milesburg, Pine Station, Pleasant Gap, Potter's Mills, Ridgeway, Roland, Round Island, St. Marys, Tylersville, Walker, Wistar, Wolf's Store
Business Directory:
Anderson's Directory and Reference Guide of Bellefonte, State College,
Howard, and Milesburg, Penna 1911-12 (H. R. Anderson, 1911, 213 pages)
This publication is a post office directory of Bellefonte, Howard, Milesburg, and State College, in Centre County, PA. It also includes directory information on some of the smaller towns in the area: Axemann, Lemont, and Pleasant Gap, and includes 3 Rural Routes around Bellefonte. The directory listings include the resident's name, occupation and street address. As is typical with directories of this era, there are also many ads for the local businesses and industries.
Anderson's 1911-12 Directory and Reference Guide of Philipsburg, Osceloa Mills,
South Philipsburg and Chester Hill, Pa. (H. R. Anderson, 1911, 254 pages)
This publication is a resident and business directory of Philipsburg, South Philipsburg, Osceola Mills, Chester Hill and surrounding rural routes in Centre and Clearfield Counties, PA. The directory listings include the resident's name, mate's name, occupation and street address. Following the regular directory information, there is also a classified business directory for the same areas. As is typical with directories of this era, there are also many ads for the local businesses and industries. While the rest of the directory is present, there is a small section of the Philipsburg directory that is missing. The Philipsburg names absent are from the beginning of the "A" section to the name "Bergerson".
Telephone Directory May 1911 - Williamsport, Bellefonte, Lock Haven
and Nearby Places (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1911, 64 pages)
This is a telephone directory of parts of Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan, and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1911. It lists 1,000's residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's (or business) name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Allenwood, Antes Fort, Antes Gap, Avis, Axemann, Bastress, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bitumen, Blanchard, Blueball, Bodines, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mills, Bucknell, Buffalo Roads, Buffalo Run, Castanea, Center Hall, Centre Mills, Chamouni, Chippewa, Clarks, Clintondale, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Collomsville, Colyer, Coveytown, Curtin, Dewart, Dice, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Earleystown, East Lewisburg, English Center, Essick Heights, Farrandsville, Farwell's Addition, Fielder, Filmore, Fleming, Flemington, Forest Hill, Frenchtown, Gatesburg, Gleasonton, Glen Iron, Glen Mawr, Halls, Hartleton, Hecla, Hillsgrove, Hoffas Mills, Houserville, Howard, Hughesville, Hyner, Jersey Shore, Julian, Kelly Cross Roads, Kelly Point, Kreamersville, Lairdsville, Lake Ganoga, Lamar, Laporte, Larrys Creek, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lewisburg, Limestoneville, Linden, Linntown, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Lopez, Madisonburg, McEwensville, Mazeppa, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Milton, MIngoville, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, New Berlin, Newberry, Newberry Junction, New Columbia, Nisbet, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, North Point, Oriole, Oval, Paradise, Paradise Valley, Penn Hall, Pennsdale, Peru, Picture Rocks, Pine Creek, Pine Run, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Valley, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Pottsgrove, Queens Run, Ralston, Rauchtown, Rays Church, Rebersburg, Red Mill, Red Top, Renovo, River Roads, Roaring Branch, Rockville, Roland P.O., Roopsburg, Rotes Mills, Runville, Rutherton, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Salona, Satterfield, Shintown, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Sonestown, South Renovo, South Williasmport, Spring Bank, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stormstown, Strawbridge, Swengle, Taylorsville, Trout Run, Turbotville, Unionville, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, Whetham, White Pine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Winfield, Wingate P.O., Wolfs Store, Woolrich, Woodward, Yarnell, Zion
Altoona, Clearfield, Huntingdon, Lewistown, Mehaffey, Ridgway,
Philipsburg and Nearby Places Telephone Directory - June 1912
(Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1912, 92 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Blair, Centre, Clearfield, Elk, Huntingdon, Juniata, and Mifflin Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1912. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Academia, Aitch, Akers Mill, Alexandria, Alfarata, Allensville, Allegheny Furnace, Allen Mills, Altoona, Ansonville, Arcadia, Arch Springs, Ardenheim, Ashville, Atkinson Mills, Aughwich, Baileyville, Bald Eagle Valley, Barbee, Barville, Bear Run, Belleville, Bells Landing, Bellwood, Beryl, Birmingham, Black Log, Blain City, Blair Four, Blairs Mills, Blueball, Blue Knob, Boardman, Bridgeport, Brisbin, Broad Top City, Brookside, Buck Horn, Burnham, Burnside, Byrnedale, Calvin, Canoe Creek, Cardiff, Cassville, Capfish, Centre, Centre Line, Centre Union, Centreville, Cherrytown, Chester Hill, Chestnut Grove, Chest Springs, Claysburg, Clearfield, Clover Creek, Coalmont, Coalport, Colpax, Collinsville, Cooks, Cora, Cornsprobsts Mills, Cottage, Coupon, Cove, Cove Forge, Cross Roads, Cuba Mills, Curry Run, Curwensville, Cypher, Dean, Delaney, Donation, Dougherty Mines, Dudley, Duncansville, Dungarven, Dysart, East Altoona, East Broad Top, East Freedom, East Juniata, East Salem, Eldorado, Elstie, Entriken, Everett, Fair City, Fairview, Fallen Timber, Faunce, Ferguson Valley, Findleyville, Flinton, Franklin Forge, Franklinville, Frankstown, Frankstown Mills, Frugality, Fuller Run, Fouss' Mills, Ganister Post Office, Gatesburg, Gaysport, Gazzam, Geeseytown, Gibboney's Mills, Ginter, Glen Campbell, Glen Hazel, Glen Richey, Glen White, Grafton, Grampian, Grandview, Granville, Grass Flat, Graysville, Grazierville, Greenwood, Greenwood Furnace, Guinn, Hares Valley, Hartslog Valley, Hawk Run, Hawns Bridge, Highland Fling, Hill Valley, Hollidaysburg, Homer's Gap, Honey Creek, Honey Grove, Hopewell, Houtzdale, Hummel, Huntingdon, Huntingdon Furnace, Hydes, Instanter, Irvona, Jacobs, James Creek, Johnsonburg, Juniata, Juniata Gap, Kermoor, Kersey, Kishacoquillas, Kittanning Point, Kladder Station, Knightsville, Krebs Siding, Kylertown, La Jose, Lake Altoona, Lakemont, Lakemont Terrace, Langdondale, Latta Grove, Leamersville, Leland, Lewistown, Lewistown Junction, Llyswen, Locust Run, Lodema, Logan Springs, Longfellow, Maddensville, Madeline, Madera, Mahaffey, Manor Hill, Maple Grove, Mapleton, Marklesburg, Martinsburg, Mattawanna, McAlevy's Fort, McConnellstown, McConnellstown Station, McCoysville, McCullochs Mills, McGarvey's Station, McGees Mils, McKee, McVeytown, Menno, Mexico, Mifflin, Mifflintown, Mill Creek, Milroy, Minersville, Mitchells, Mooresville, Moran, Morgan Run, Morrisdale, Morrisdale Mines, Mt. Dallas, Mt. Etna, Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Union, Munson, Naginey, Nealmont, Nealton, Neff's Mills, Newburg, New Millport, Newry, Newton Hamilton, New Washington, Nook Norris, North Point, Northwood, Oakview, Olanta, Orbisonia, Ore Hill, Osceola Mills, Oshanter, Paradise Furnace, Pemberton, Pennsylvania Furnace, Petersburg, Philipsburg, Pine Croft, Pogue, Point View, Port Matilda, Port Royal, Porters Mills, Porters Township, Ramey, Raystown Dam, Reeds Gap, Reese, Reedsville, Reighard Manor, Retort, Riddlesburg, Ridgway, Riverview, Roaring Springs, Robertsdale, Rock Hill Furnace, Rolfe, Rural Home, Russellvile, Ryde, Saltilo, Sandy Ridge, Sandy Run Junction, Sarah P.O., Saulsburg, Saxton, Selea, Seven Stars, Shawsville, Shirleysburg, Shroder, Siglerville, Sington, Sinking Valley, Six-Mile Run, Smiths Valley, Smoke Run, South Altoona, South Lakemont, South Philipsburg, Springfield Branch, Spring Meadows, Spring Rocks, Spruce Creek, Spruce Mill, St. Augustine, St. Marys, Steiners, Stippler Station, Stormstown, Stover Station, Straight, Stronach, Stulls Mill, Sugar Grove, Sun Brook, Sunset Park, Sylvan Hills, Thompsontown, Three Springs, Tipton, Todd, Trough Creek, Trough Creek Church, Tyrone, Tyrone Forges, Union Church, Union Furnace, Van Dyke, Van Ormer, Verne, Vineyard, Wallaceton, Walnut, Warm Springs, Warrior's Mark, Warrior Ridge, Water Street, Wertz Station, West Decatur, Westley Chapel, West Moshannon, Westover, White Bridge, Wilcox, Wildwood, Williamsburg, Williams Grove, Willow Brook, Winburne, Woodland, Yeagertown
Williamsport, Bellefonte, Lock Haven and Nearby Places Telephone Directory
October 25, 1920 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1920, 124 pages)
This is a telephone directory of parts of Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1920. It lists 1,000's residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's (or business) name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Allenwood, Alto, Antes Fort, Avis, Axeman, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bitumen, Blue Ball, Blue Stone, Boalsburg, Bodines, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bucknell, Buffalo Roads, Buffalo Run, Calvert, Cameron Mills, Cammal, Campbellville, Canton, Castanea, Cedar Ledge, Cedar Run, Center Furnace, Center Hall, Center Hill, Center Mills, Cenral Oak Heights, Chillisquaque, Chippewa, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Colyer, Coveytown, Cowan, Curtin, Dale Summit, Dewart, Dice, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, Earleystown, East Canton, East Lewisburg, English Center, Essick, Farmers Mills, Farrandsville, Farwell, Fielder, Fillmore, Fleming, Flemington, Foresthill, Forksville, Glade Run, Gleasonton, Gleniron, Glen Mawr, Greens Valley, Grover, Gum Stump, Haleeka, Halls, Hartleton, Hecla Park, Hepburnville, Hoffas Mills, Houserville, Howard, Hoy District, Hughesville, Hyner, Island, Jacksonville, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Julian, Kelly Crossroads, Kelly Point, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Laporte, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lemont, Leolyn, Level, Lewisburg, Limestone, Limestoneville, Linden, Linden Hall, Linntown, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Lopez, Loyalsock, Lucullus, McElhattan, McEwensville, Madisonburg, Marsh Creek, Martha, Martha Furnace, Mawrglen, Mazeppa, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Milton, MIngoville, Minnequa, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Mount Eagle, Muncy, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Berlin, Newberry, Newberry Junction, New Columbia, Nigh Bank, Nisbet, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, Oak Hall Station, Okome, Ottawa, Otzinachson, Overton, Paradise, Paradise Valley, Pennhall, Penns Cave, Pennsdale, Peru, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Creek, Pine Run, Pine Stump, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Valley, Plum Grove, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Potts Grove, Prossertown, Queens Run, Ralston, Rays Church, Rebersburg, Redtop, Renovo, Rising Springs, River Roads, Roaring Branch, Rockview, Rockville, Roopsburg, Rotes Mills, Runville, Rutherton, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Satterfield, Shintown, Slate Run, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Sonestown, South Renovo, South Williasmport, Spring Bank, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stormstown, Strawberry Ridge, Strawbridge, Swengle, Swissdale, Taylorville, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tusseyville, Unionville, Vallamont, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Wallace Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Washingtonville, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, West Renovo, Whetham, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Winfield, Wingate, Wolfs Store, Woodward, Yarnell, Youngdale, Zion
Williamsport, Bellefonte, Lock Haven and Nearby Places Telephone Directory - April, 1921
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1921, 132 pages)
This is a telephone directory of parts of Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1921. It lists 1,000's residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's (or business) name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Allenwood, Alto, Antes Fort, Avis, Axeman, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bitumen, Blue Ball, Blue Stone, Boalsburg, Bodines, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bucknell, Buffalo Roads, Buffalo Run, Calvert, Cameron Mills, Cammal, Campbellville, Canton, Castanea, Cedar Ledge, Cedar Run, Center Furnace, Center Hall, Center Hill, Center Mills, Cenral Oak Heights, Chillisquaque, Chippewa, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Colyer, Coveytown, Cowan, Curtin, Dale Summit, Dewart, Dice, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, Earleystown, East Canton, East Lewisburg, English Center, Essick, Farmers Mills, Farrandsville, Farwell, Fielder, Fillmore, Fleming, Flemington, Foresthill, Forksville, Glade Run, Gleasonton, Gleniron, Glen Mawr, Greens Valley, Grover, Gum Stump, Haleeka, Halls, Hartleton, Hecla Park, Hepburnville, Hoffas Mills, Houserville, Howard, Hoy District, Hughesville, Hyner, Island, Jacksonville, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Julian, Kelly Crossroads, Kelly Point, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Laporte, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lemont, Leolyn, Level, Lewisburg, Limestone, Limestoneville, Linden, Linden Hall, Linntown, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Lopez, Loyalsock, Lucullus, McElhattan, McEwensville, Madisonburg, Marsh Creek, Martha, Martha Furnace, Mawrglen, Mazeppa, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Milton, MIngoville, Minnequa, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Mount Eagle, Muncy, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Berlin, Newberry, Newberry Junction, New Columbia, Nigh Bank, Nisbet, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, Oak Hall Station, Okome, Ottawa, Otzinachson, Overton, Paradise, Paradise Valley, Pennhall, Penns Cave, Pennsdale, Peru, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Creek, Pine Run, Pine Stump, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Valley, Plum Grove, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Potts Grove, Prossertown, Queens Run, Ralston, Rays Church, Rebersburg, Redtop, Renovo, Rising Springs, River Roads, Roaring Branch, Rockview, Rockville, Roopsburg, Rotes Mills, Runville, Rutherton, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Satterfield, Shintown, Slate Run, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Sonestown, South Renovo, South Williasmport, Spring Bank, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stormstown, Strawberry Ridge, Strawbridge, Swengle, Swissdale, Taylorville, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tusseyville, Unionville, Vallamont, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Wallace Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Washingtonville, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, West Renovo, Whetham, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Winfield, Wingate, Wolfs Store, Woodward, Yarnell, Youngdale, Zion
United Telephone Directory - June 1923 - Northern District
(United Telephone & Telegraph Co., 1923, 176 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bedford, Blair, Carbon, Centre, Clinton, Columbia, Lackawanna, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Schuylkill, Snyder, Sullivan and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1923. The directory information includes the resident's or business' name, street address, and telephone number, and this information is arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Adamsdale, Allenwood, Almedia, Altoona, Alvira, Andreas, Antes Fort, Antes Gap, Ant Hills, Aristes, Ashland, Atlas, Avis, Axeman, Baker's Summit, Barbara, Barbours, Baileyville, Bastress, Beaver Valley, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bellwood, Benore, Benton, Bergers, Berwick, Berly, Blanchard, Blandburg, Bloomsburg, Boalsburg, Bodines, Booneville, Brady, Branchdale, Brandonville, Brockton, Brompton, Brookside, Brook's Park, Brynersville, Buttonwood, Cadwell, Calvert, Canoe Creek, Carroll, Castanea, Catawissa, Centre Hall, Centre Mills, Centralia, Chain, Charlton, Chathams Run, Cherryville, Clarence, Clarkestown, Clintondale, Coaldale, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Collinsville, Collomsville, Colyer, Connerton, Cove Forge, Cressona, Crowl, Cumbola, Curryville, Danville, Diebler, Dell Delight, Dewart, Donaldson, Drab, Drehersville, Dry Valley, Duboistown, Duncanville, Eagles Mere, East End, East Freedom, East Sharpsburg, Eastville, Ecktown, Eldorado, Elimsport, Elysburg, Ellenton, English Centre, Espy, Estella, Excelsior, Exchange, Fallen Timber, Feidler, Fern Glen, Ferndale, Field's Station, Fillmore, Flemington, Flinton, Forks, Fostoria, Frackville, Frankstown, Fredericksburg, Frugality, Ganister, Gaysport, Girardville, Gilberton, Gillintown, Glasgow, Greenwood, Grovenia, Hall's Station, Hecla, Hegins, Henrietta, Hensheytown, Hepburnville, Hillsgrove, Hill Top, Hollidaysburg, Howard, Hublersburg, Hughesville, Indian Park, Irish Valley, Island, Jacksonville, Jersey Shore, Jerseytown, Johnson City, Juniata, Karthaus, Kelleysburg, Kelley's Crossing, Kratzerville, Lairdsville, Lakemont, Lamar, Landingville, Laporte, Larke, Laquin, Lemont, Lansford, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Lewisburg, Liberty, Limestoneville, Lime Ridge, Linden, Linden Hall, Livonia, Llewellyn, Lloydsville, Llyswen, Lock Haven, Lockport, Locust Dale, Locust Gap, Logan's Mills, Loganton, Lost Creek, Loyalsockville, Loysburg, Lycoming, Mackeyville, Madisonburg, Mahanoy City, Mahanoy Plane, Mantzville, Marion Heights, Marsh Hill, Maple Hill, Martinsburg, McCormic, McElhattan, McEwensville, McKeansburg, Masten, Maysville, Mawr Glen, Middleport, Mifflinburg, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millville, Milton, Minersville, Mines, Mingoville, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Mordansville, Moshannon, Mountaindale, Mount Aetna, Mount Carbon, Mount Carmel, Mount Eagle, Mount Grove, Mud Run, Muncy Creek, Muncy, Muncy Valley, Nealmonts, Nesquehoning, New Enterprise, New Kirk, New Mahoning, New Philadelphia, New Ringgold, Newry, Newtown, Nippennose Valley, Nippono Park, Nordmont, Normal, Northumberland, North Manheim Township, North Penn, Numedia, Nuremburg, Oak Grove, Oak Hall, Oneida, Opp, Orangeville, Ore Hill, Oriole, Orvistown, Orwigsburg, Ottawa, Oval, Palo Alto, Paxinos, Pennsdale, Penn Hall, Pennsylvania Furnace, Picture Rocks, Pine Glenn, Pine Grove, Pine Grove Mills, Pine Station, Pine Summit, Pleasant Gap, Plum Creek, Point View, Port Carbon, Pote Town, Potters Mills, Pottsgrove, Pottsville, Proctor, Ralston, Raven Run, Rauchs, Rauchtown, Rebersburg, Reynolds, Ringtown, River Side, Roaring Branch, Roaring Creek, Roaring Spring, Rock Glen, Rohrsburg, Romola, Rosecrans, Rose Valley, Rote, Royer, Runville, Saint Clair, Salemville, Salladasburg, Salona, Schuyler, Schuylkill Haven, Schuylkill Mountain, Seven Points, Shamokin, Shamokin Dam, Shellytown, Shenandoah, Snow Shoe, Snyder, Snydertown, Sonestown, South Altoona, South Williamsport, Spring Garden, Spring Mills, Standtville, State College, Stonington, Stormstown, Strawbridge, Strong, Sugar Loaf, Summit Hill, Sunbury, Sunnyside, Swissdale, Tamaqua, Tank, Tipton, Tivola, Tremont, Trevorton, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tuscarora, Tusseyville, Tylersville, Tyrone, Unityville, Utahville, Valley View, Waddle, Wallace Run, Warrensville, Warrior's Mark, Washingtonville, Waterside, Watsontown, Wehr, Wertz, Weston, West Brunswick Township, White Hall, White Pine, Williamsburg, Williamsport, Willowbank, Winfield, Woodbury, Woolrich, Woodward, Yellow Springs, Youngsdale, Zion, Zion's Grove
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