Fayette County PA - County, Regional, Miscellaneous History & Directory Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
County Histories
History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (Franklin Ellis, 1882, 987 pages)
This is a historical and biographical account of Fayette County, PA. The first chapters cover the history of the county; its settlement and growth. Succeeding chapters cover each of the county's townships and major towns, and each of these contains a biographical section outlining the history of many of the county's prominent and influential citizens. Hundreds of persons and families are sketched, and many of these are accompanied by a portrait of the subjects covered.
Surnames Indexed:
Allebaugh, Allison, Baily, Banning, Barnes, Barton, Blackstone, Bowman, Boyle, Boyd, Breading, Britt, Brown, Brownfield, Burton, Buttermore, Campbell, Caufield, Chatland, Clement, Cochran, Cook, Covert, Craft, Crossland, Cummings, Davidson, Dawson, De Saulles, Dils, Dravo, Duncan, Dunn, Elliott, Ewing, Ferguson, Finley, Forsyth, Franks, Frick, Frisbee, Fuller, Gallatin, Gans, Gibson, Goe, Graham, Greene, Griffin, Griffith, Hague, Hansel, Healy, Herbertson, Hibbs, Hill, Hogg, Hogsett, Hough, Howell, Hunt, Huston, Hyndman, Jackson, Jacobs, Johnson, Jones, Kendall, King, Leisenring, Lenhart, Lindley, Linn, Lynn, Marchand, Mathoit, McClean, McIlvaine, Miller, Moore, Morgan, Newcomer, Newmyer, Nutt, Oglevee, Oliphant, Patterson, Paull, Peirsel, Peirsol, Phillips, Playford, Poundstone, Redburn, Reid, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Rush, Schnatterly, Schoonmaker, Scott, Searight, Shearer, Shepler, Smith, Soisson, Springer, Steele, Stephens, Sterling, Stewart, Stoneroad, Strickler, Sturgeon, Swartz, Thompson, Tinstman, Trader, Wells, Wilkey, Woodward, Work
Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Fayette County Pennsylvania
(John M. Gresham & Samuel T. Wiley, 1889, 601 pages)
This publication is a historical and biographical record of Fayette County, Pennsylvania. The first 125 pages contain biographies of the U.S. Presidents up to the date of publication. The remainder of the publication features biographies of some of the leading individuals and families of the county. This is an excellent resource to conduct historical or genealogical research focusing on Fayette County, PA
Surnames Indexed:
-- From Uniontown -- Ball, Barton, Baum, Beal, Beeson, Bierer, Boyd, Boyle, Breading, Brown, Brownfield, Campbell, Carothers, Carr, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Craig, Dawson, Divvens, Doran, Douglas, Downer, Downs, Ewing, Farmer, Fleming, Frasher, Fuller, Gaddis, Gallagher, Gibson, Hackney, Handlen, Handlin, Hankins, Hazlett, Henshaw, Hertzog, Hogue, Holland, Hopwood, Hunt, Huntley, Hutchinson, Jefferis, Jennings, Junk, Kaine, Kennedy, Kerr, King, Kirk, Lewellen, Lindsey, McCleary, McClelland, McCormick, McGie, McGlaughlin, Mestrezat, Miller, Moffitt, Moore, Morris, Morrow, Moser, Porter, Prentice, Price, Rankin, Robinson, Reid, Robinson, Ritenour, Searight, Seal, Semans, Smith, Snider, Springer, Sturgeon, Stewart, Thompson, White, Wadsworth, Waters, Wilhelm, Wiggins, Williams, Wilson, Work -- From Springhill -- Baker, Bowers, Cagey, Clark, Conn, Dunham, Emry, Everhart, Frankenberry, Gallatin, Gans, Hertzog, Higinbotham, Hope, Hunter, Keyser, Lyons, Ross, Ruble, Saddler, Seaton, Stewart, Stentz, Sturgis, Terney, Titus, Williams, Wilson -- From Brownsville & Bridgeport -- Acklin, Armstrong, Boley, Bowman, Chatland, Cock, Coulter, Cox, Crawford, DeLaney, Duncan, Edmiston, Gadd, Gummert, Herbertson, Higinbotham, Hogg, Hubbs, Jefferies, Kaiser, Le Clere, Lenhart, Madeira, Minehart, Moore, Patton, Pearsall, Righter, Sargent, Snowdon, Steele, Story, Thornton, Thompson, Todd, Waggoner, West -- From Franklin -- Arison, Bowman, Bradman, Bute, Custer, Galley, Hazen, Henderson, Murphy, Schrock, Smith, Smock -- From Washington -- Armel, Baldwin, Blythe, Brown, Bugher, Call, Clarke, Coldren, Cook, Corwin, Farquhar, Hagerty, Hamer, Harmony, Hugg, Kessler, Drepps, Lang, Linton, Lewellen, Lewis, Martin, McCrory, McClary, McKee, Mullen, Newcomer, O'Neil, Ong, Pfleghardt, Reppert, Roley, Schneider, Scott, Springer, Stephens, Strickler, Tiernin, Todd, Troy, Vaughan, Wiley -- From Tyrone -- Bates, Bixler, Bush, Carr, Cochran, Cottom, Cunningham, Flanigan, Grant, Hixon, Keck, Kennedy, King, Kromer, Marshall, Merritt, Molleston, Mullan, Porter, Rosser, Rush, Shoemaker, Smith, Snyder, Strickler, Wertz, Warnock, Wurtz -- From Menallen -- Antrim, Beal, Campbell, Colley, Courtney, Crossland, Denny, Finley, Gaddis, Graham, Hackney, Haney, Hatfield, Hess, Hopwood, Hibbs, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jeffries, Leonard, McCormick, McCray, Moore, Osborn, Patterson, Scott, Searight, Snyder, Stacy, Thompson, Todd, Wood, Woodward -- From Dunbar -- Addis, Allen, Anderson, Beatty, Beeson, Beven, Blaney, Brechbill, Brooks, Bryson, Bute, Byers, Clark, Colestock, Collins, Cooper, Cray, Crossland, Cunningham, Dolan, Doonan, Duncan, Fairchild, Finlay, Flydell, Gaddis, Griffin, Hamilton, Hare, Harper, Hazlett, Hill, Kelly, Laing, Leighty, Long, Mahaney, Martin, McCune, McCusker, McDowell, McKee, Miller, Minerd, Moore, Mullen, Newill, O'Connor, Phillips, Porter, Ransom, Reagan, Ridgeway, Robinson, Simeral, Snyder, Straesser, Stroud, Tarr, Taylor, Wagner, Watt, White, Woodward -- From Connellsville -- Brown, Cameron, Cooley, Cox, Davidson, De Muth, Du Shane, Enos, Fee, Flenniken, Hood, Hurley, Kilpatrick, Kurtz, Long, Mason, McClenathan, McCormick, Miller, Munson, Nicholson, Norcross, Reid, Singer, Sisley, Smith, Stillwagon, Stouffer, Ways, White, Woods, Zimmerman -- From Nicholson -- Abraham, Anderson, David, Downs, Franks, Greene, Hutchinson, Johnson, Larden, Monaghan, Provance, Sanduskey, Shank, Shoaf, Springer, Whelstone, Williams, Yeager -- From German -- Arison, Baker, Coffman, Hostetter, McShane, Neff, Moore, Parshall, Porter, Sharpnack, Weltner -- From Redstone -- Craft, Clemmer, Eastman, Hess, Higginbotham, Norcross, Phillips, Stephens -- From Georges -- Abraham, Allen, Bailey, Britt, Core, Carothers, Deyarman, Downey, Dunn, Franks, Holbert, Leatherman, Longanecker, Martin, Mathiot, Moore, Nixon, Osborn, Robinson, Ruble, Smith -- From Luzerne -- Acklin, Boyle, Christopher, Coldren, Conwell, Cunningham, Dearth, Duvall, Eastman, Franks, Garwood, Henshaw, Hess, Hiller, Jacobs, McEldowny, Moore, Neel, Woodward -- From Stewart -- Hall, Jacobs, Livingstone, McEldowny, McFarland, Moore, Morrison, Neel, Nemon, Nicolay, Poole, Potter, Ritenour, Schaefer, Strickler, Woodmency -- From Bullskin -- Chalfant, Crossland, Detwiler, Johnston, Johns, Keffer, Murphy, Parker, Pershing, Sherrick, Shipley, Skinner, Workman -- From Jefferson -- Marchand, Miller, Nutt -- From Henry Clay -- Humberststone, Myers, Umbel -- From Springfield -- Brooks, Campbell, Colborn, Cox, Eicher, Johnson, McClay, Miller, Sherbondy, Showman, Shultz, Sipe, Tannehill -- From Wharton -- Hager, Wiggins -- From Salt Lick -- Spacks -- Miscellaneous -- Allison, Barnes, Brownfield, Crossland, Cummings, Davidson, DeSaulles, Dunn, Duncan, Frick, Hyndman, Howell, Leatherman, Miller, Newcomer, Paull, Redburn, Robinson, Schnatterly, Schoonmaker, Steele, Wilkin, Work
Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette and Greene
Counties Pennsylvania Vol. 1 & 2 (John W. Jordan, 1912, 1267 pages)
This is a set of historical and biographical volumes on southwestern Pennsylvania, specifically the counties of Fayette and Greene. The information outlines the personal and family histories of numerous residents of those areas. Along with the sketches, there are many portraits of these family members.
Surnames Indexed:
Abraham, Ache, Adams, Addis, Ailes, Albrecht, Allsworth, Alt, Angle, Ansell, Arensberg, Arison, Armstrong, Artis, Asendorf, Ash, Augustine, Austin, Baer, Bailey, Baird, Ball, Balsley, Bane, Bar, Barb, Barber, Barnes, Barnett, Barnhart, Barricklow, Bayard, Beal, Beall, Beard, Beeson, Bell, Berg, Berkey, Bishop, Black, Blackshere, Blair, Bliss, Blosser, Boord, Booth, Bosworth, Boughner, Bowden, Bower, Bowie, Bowman, Boyd, Boyle, Braden, Brady, Brant, Brewer, Brickman, Brinker, Britt, Britton, Brown, Brownfield, Bryson, Bulger, Bunting, Burd, Burhans, Buck, Burns, Buttermore, Call, Cameron, Campbell, Carr, Carter, Cathers, Chalfant, Chambers, Chisholm, Chorpenning, Clark, Cleavenger, Clement, Cloud, Coates, Cochran, Cock, Coffman, Colborn, Coldren, Collier, Collins, Colvin, Comp, Conger, Coniff, Connor, Conrad, Conwell, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Cornish, Cotterrell, Cottom, Coughanour, Cover, Cox, Craft, Cramer, Cray, Cree, Crichfield, Cropp, Crossland, Crow, Crowley, Cummins, Cunningham, Cupp, Curry, Cypher, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Day, Dearth, De Bolt, Deffenbaugh, Delaney, De Muth, Denk, Denny, Dentzer, De Ore, Drrick, De Temple, Dice, Dick, Dickson, Dilliner, Dils, Dilworth, Donegan, Donnelly, Douglas, Downer, Duff, Duggan, Duguid, Duliere, Dunaway, Dunn, Durr, Dzubay, Echard, Eddy, Edel, Edmiston, Edmonds, Edwards, Egnot, Eldred, Ely, Enghlish, Enos, Essington, Evans, Fairchild, Farr, Farrell, Fast, Field, Finley, Fisher, Fitzmeier, Fleming, Flenniken, Floto, Flynn, Fogg, Foltz, Fornwalt, Fort, Foster, Foust, Francis, Franks, Frasher, Fuehrer, Fuhrer, Fuller, Fusarini, Gabler, Gadd, Galiardi, Galley, Gans, Garrison, Gaskill, Geary, Gellhof, Ghrist, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilmore, Giorgessi, Girard, Goff, Goodwin, Gorley, Gottesman, Graham, Gray, Greene, Gribble, Grove, Guiher, Guseman, Gween, Hackney, Hadden, Hagan, Hagans, Haines, Hair, Hall, Haney, Hannam, Hansel, Harah, Harman, Harris, Hart, Hartley, Hartman, Hatfield, Hathaway, Hay, Hazen, Headley, Hellen, Helmey, Helphenstein, Hempstead, Henderson, Henry, Henshaw, Hertzog, Hess, Hetzel, Hewitt, Heyser, Hibbs, Hibner, Higbee, Higinbotham, Hill, Hirleman, Hoffman, Hoge, Hogg, Hogsett, Hollinsgworth, Hook, Hoop, Hooper, Hoover, Hornbake, Horton, Hoskinson, Hough, Howard, Hoy, Hubbs, Huffman, Humphreys, Hunt, Huss, Huston, Inghram, Jackson, Jamison, Jaquett, Jennings, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Junk, Kaiser, Kearns, Keck, Keener, Keffer, Kefover, Keighley, Keller, Kelly, Kelsey, Kennedy, Kent, Kephart, Kerchner, Kerr, Kiefer, King, Knox, Kolb, Kough, Kramer, Krell, Krepps, Kurtz, La Chimia, Lackey, Lang, Langley, Lapping, Larkin, Lauffer, Leckemby, Leighty, Leisenring, Leonard, Lewellyn, Lincoln, Lindsay, Livingston, Long, Lynn, Lyon, Lyons, MacDonald, MacQuarrie, McBurney, McClintock, McCombs, McCormick, McCreary, McCullough, McFarland, McGibbons, McGinnis, McHugh, McKee, McLaughlin, McMullen, McShane, Madeira, Madigan, Magee, Mansfield, Mapel, Marietta, Markle, Marshall, Martin, Mathews, Mead, Means, Messmore, Mestrezat, Metzler, Millard, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Mitchener, Montgomery, Moore, Moredock, Morgan, Morris, Morrow, Morton, Moser, Moyer, Muir, Mulford, Mullan, Munk, Munson, Murtland, Neff, Newcomer, Newmeyer, Newmyer, Niccols, Nicholson, Nicolay, Nixon, Norton, Nycum, O'Connor, Orndoff, Parkhill, Parry, Parshall, Patterson, Paulovits, Pawlowski, Percy, Pershing, Peters, Pettit, Phillps, Pierce, Pisula, Playford, Plumer, Poletz, Poorbaugh, Pope, Popovich, Port, Porter, Poundstone, Pratt, Prentice, Provins, Pryce, Pyle, Ralston, Randol, Randolph, Rasely, Rav, Rea, Reed, Reid, Renner, Reppert, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richey, Ricks, Rider, Ridgway, Riffle, Rinehart, Rist, Ritenour, Robbins, Robinson, Rogers, Rose, Ross, Rowe, Rullei, Ruple, Rush, Rutter, Sackett, Sammons, Sample, Sargent, Schenck, Searight, Seaton, Sechler, Sellers, Semans, Sembower, Shallenberger, Sherrard, Sherrick, Shields, Shirey, Shriver, Shuman, Shupe, Silveus, Sinclair, Smiley, Smith, Snider, Snyer, Soisson, Soxman, Sparks, Spragg, Springer, Stafford, Steele, Sterling, Stewart, Steyer, Stickel, Stidger, Stillwagon, Stone, Stoner, Story, Stouffer, Strong, Strickler, Struble, Sturgis, Swan, Teagarden, Teggart, Theakston, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Tippman, Titlow, Titus, Torrence, Utts, Waggoner, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Warnock, Weihe, Wells, Weltner, West, White, Whyel, Wilder, Wilkenson, Williams, Wilson, Winans, Wishart, Wonders, Wood, Woods, Woodward, Woolsey, Work, Workman, Wortman, Wright, Wyly, Yahner, Younkin, Zimmerman
Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County
Pennsylvania Vol. 1-3 (John W. Jordan, 1913, 1556 pages)
This is an extensive biographical history of Fayette County, PA, originally published in three volumes. This set provides a wealth of information on the history and growth of this county but more importantly, a great deal of information on its people. Hundreds of individual and family histories are sketched, making this an excellent reference for historical or biographical research.
Surnames Indexed:
Abraham, Ache, Adams, Addis, Albrecht, Allsworth, Alt, Angle, Ansell, Arensberg, Arison, Artis, Asendorf, Ash, Augustine, Austin, Baer, Baily, Baird, Balentine, Ball, Balsley, Bane, Bar, Barber, Barnes, Barnett, Barnhart, Barricklow, Beal, Beall, Beeson, Bell, Berg, Berkey, Bishop, Black, Blair, Bliss, Blosser, Boord, Booth, Bowden, Bower, Bowers, Bowie, Bowman, Boyd, Boyle, Brady, Brant, Brewer, Brickman, Brinker, Britt, Britton, Brooke, Brown, Brownfield, Bryson, Bufano, Bulger, Bunting, Burd, Burhans, Burns, Buttermore, Byers, Cameron, Campbell, Carr, Carson, Carter, Chalfant, Chambers, Chisholm, Chorpenning, Clark, Clement, Cloud, Coates, Cochran, Cock, Coffman, Colborn, Coldren, Collier, Collins, Colvin, Comp, Coniff, Conrad, Conwell, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Core, Cornish, Cottom, Conghanour, Cover, Cox, Craft, Cramer, Cray, Critchfield, Cropp, Crossland, Crow, Crowley, Cunningham, Cupp, Curry, Cypher, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Dearth, De Bolt, Deffenbaugh, Delaney, De Muth, Denk, De Ore, Derrick, De Temple, Devers, Dice, Dick, Dickson, Dilliner, Dils, Dilworth, Divvens, Donegan, Donnelly, Douglas, Dowds, Downer, Duff, Duggan, Duguid, Duliere, Dunaway, Dunn, Durr, Dzubay, Echard, Edel, Edmiston, Edmonds, Edwards, Egnot, Elliott, Ely, English, Enos, Essington, Evans, Fairchild, Farr, Farrell, Fast, Field, Finley, Fisher, Fitzmeier, Fleming, Floto, Flynn, Fogg, Foltz, Fornwalt, Fort, Foster, Foust, Francis, Franks, Frasher, Frisbee, Fuehrer, Fuhrer, Fuller, Furlong, Fusarini, Gadd, Gaddis, Galiardi, Galley, Gans, Garard, Gaskill, Geary, Gellhof, Ghrist, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilleland, Gilmore, Giorgessi, Girard, Goff, Goodwin, Gorley, Gottesman, Graham, Gray, Greene, Gribble, Griffin, Grove, Guiher, Guseman, Gween, Hackney, Hadden, Hagan, Hagans, Haines, Hair, Hall, Haney, Hannam, Hansel, Harah, Harman, Harris, Hart, Hartley, Hartman, Hatfield, Hathaway, Hay, Hazen, Hazlett, Hellen, Helmey, Hempstead, Henderson, Henry, Henshaw, Hertzog, Hess, Hetzel, Heyser, Hibbs, Hibner, Hickman, Higbee, Higinbotham, Hill, Hirleman, Hoffman, Hogg, Hogsett, Hollingsworth, Hook, Hoop, Hooper, Hoover, Hornbake, Horton, Hough, Howard, Hubbs, Humphreys, Hunt, Hustead, Huston, Jackson, Jaquett, Jennings, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Junk, Kaiser, Kamerer, Kearns, Keck, Keener, Keffer, Kefover, Keighley, Keller, Kelly, Kennedy, Kephart, Kerchner, Kerr, Kiefer, King, Knight, Knotts, Knox, Kolb, Kough, Kramer, Krell, Krepps, Kurtz, La Chimia, Lackey, Landenberger, Lang, Langley, Larkin, Lauffer, Laughead, Leckemby, Leech, Leighty, Leisenring, Leonard, Lewellyn, Lincoln, Lindsay, Linn, Livingston, Long, Luce, Lutterman, Lynn, Lyon, Lyons, MacDonald, MacQuarrie, Madeira, Madigan, Magee, Mansfield, Marietta, Markle, Marshall, Martin, Matthews, Maust, McBurney, McClintock, McCombs, McCormick, McCreary, McFarland, McGibbons, McGinnis, McHugh, McKean, McKee, McLaughlin, McMullen, McShane, Mead, Means, Messmore, Mestrezat, Metzler, Millard, Miller, Mills, Minor, Mitchell, Moody, Moore, Morgan, Morrow, Morton, Moser, Moyer, Muir, Mulford, Mullan, Munk, Munson, Murphy, Murtland, Neff, Newcomer, Newmeyer, Newmyer, Niccolls, Nicholson, Nicolay, Nixon, Norton, Nycum, O'Connor, Parkhill, Parshall, Patterson, Patton, Paulovits, Pawlowski, Peirsel, Percy, Pershing, Peters, Pfleghardt, Phillips, Pierce, Piersol, Pisula, Playford, Plumer, Poletz, Poorbaugh, Pope, Popovich, Pore, Port, Porter, Poundstone, Pratt, Prentice, Pryce, Pyle, Ralston, Randol, Randolph, Rasely, Raymond, Reed, Reid, Renner, Reppert, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richey, Ricks, Rider, Ridgway, Riffle, Rist, Ritenour, Robbins, Robinson, Rogers, Rose, Ross, Rowe, Rulli, Ruple, Rush, Rutter, Sackett, Sample, Sargent, Schenck, Searight, Seaton, Sechler, Sellers, Semans, Sembower, Sesler, Shallenberger, Sheppard, Sherrard, Sherrick, Shields, Shirey, Shuman, Shupe, Sinclair, Sloterbeck, Smiley, Smith, Snider, Snyder, Soisson, Soxman, Sparks, Springer, Stafford, Steele, Stephens, Sterling, Stewart, Steyer, Stickel, Stidger, Stillwagon, Stimmell, Stone, Stoner, Storey, Stouffer, Strong, Strickler, Struble, Sturgis, Swan, Teggart, Theakston, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Tippman, Titlow, Titus, Torrence, Utts, Van Voorhis, Waggoner, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Warman, Warnock, Weihe, Weltner, Whaley, White, Whyel, Wilder, Wilkenson, Williams, Wilson, Winans, Wishart, Wonders, Wood, Woods, Woodward, Woolsey, Work, Workman, Wortman, Wright, Yahner, Young, Younkin, Zearley, Zimmerman
Church, Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous Histories
Industrial and Commercial Resources of Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 144 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from dozens of towns throughout Western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.
From Fayette County
-- From Brownsville: -- Geo. L. Moore, Matthews & Co., G. S. Moorhead, J. W. Ferguson, The Storey House, J. D. Armstrong, J. G. Sanforth, L. C. Waggoner, A. M. Thompson, Shupe & Gummert, Bruce Madera, John H. Coulter, T. J. Burton, F. S. Chalfant, Moses Wright, Minehart's, M. C. Mitchell, C. P. Acklin, J. H. Bulger & Son, Robinson & Co., A. M. Swearer, C. G. Johnston, Robert Graham, M. E. Armstrong, Crawford & Hutchison, K. J. Shupe, E. D. Worrell, D. F. Robinson Ph.G. -- From Connellsville: -- Connellsville Machine Car Company, John D. Frisbee, Yough House, William Bell, H. C. Huston, Hood Brothers & Co., Old Tea House, E. Dunn, Reil & Wilkey, J. C. Moore, David Welsh, A. B. Morton, R. Miller, Lytle & Soisson, James Cunningham, Harry C. McCormick, Charles H. Ways, C. C. Crill, The Star Grocery Store, R. C. Greenland, Bishop, Johnston & Norris, J. F. Campbell & Co., Lloyd Johnston, James Reid, Baltimore House, M. F. and D. P. Stentz, Hyatt & Case, J. Graftner, Porter Photographer, C. W. Millard, John Davidson, R. S. Paine, M. A. Heckert, Wetherell Boots, Mark Gemas, Jeff. Wells -- From Uniontown: -- Clark's Pharmacy, John C. Fisher & Co., Altha L. Moser, Wm. Hunt, W. H. Miller, Z. B. Springer, Clinton House, W. B. Thorndell, Gibson & Martin, John Lynch & Co., Broadway Drug Store, Beeson & Hook, McClelland House, M. Coldren & Co., C. Claggett, Keystone Livery Feed and Sale Stable, John N. Dawson, J. L. Malcolm, Martin L. Reis, Excelsior Marble and Granite Works, John W. Wood, Joseph McCoy, Joseph R. Nutt, Singley & Boyd, Johnston & Bryson, Daniel Chisholm, William C. McCormick, Redstone Foundry and Machine Company, E. E. Weniger, Thomas Hadden, A. J. Ellis & Bro., U. S. Livery Feed and Sale Stables, N. P. Cooper, L. F. Darrall, Thomas Thorndell, Baker & Co., E. K. Snyder, John Morton, H. Willard, C. H. Livingstone, C. Rose, George H. Miller
Young American Patriots - The Youth of Pennsylvania in
World War II (National Publishing Company, 1946, 674 pages)
This publication is a memorial to the service men and women of Pennsylvania who served in WWII. It contains brief sketches of 1,000's of soldiers from across the state. The sketches provide a variety of information on each soldier: Name, rank, branch of military, engagements, discharge date, military awards, birth date, parents, spouse, address, religion., etc. The information varies from soldier to soldier but most contain the information above. Also, nearly every sketch is accompanies by a portrait of the soldier.
This publication is not an exhaustive listing of all the soldiers of Pennsylvania who fought in World War II. Nearly all counties are represented, but some more extensively than others. Those given more extensive coverage include: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Cumberland, Dauphin, Erie, Fayette, Indiana, Lawrence, Northampton, Westmoreland,
Here is a sample listing:
Abbott, William Edward
Cpl., Army. Born Apr. 6, 1925. Entered Serv. June 12, 1943. Ft. Belvoir; N. Guinea; Phil. Is.; Okinawa. Awarded GCM, As-Pac Rib., BS, Phil. Lib. Rib. Disch. Mar. 2, 1945. Attended Clymer HS. Protestant. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Abbott. Husband of Margaret Herrington Abbott, 818 Sandusky St., N. S., Pgh, 12, Pa.
List of Subscribers - The Central District Printing Telegraph Co., July 1894
(The Central District and Printing Telegraph Company, 1894, 186 pages)
This is an early telephone directory of Pittsburg and western Pennsylvania / eastern Ohio / northern West Virginia for the year 1894. This was a period of early adoption of this new service, so only a select few became subscribers - usually those who were wealthy or businesses. The information presented includes the name of the subscriber (person or business), their trade, street address and telephone number. Pittsburgh is the main section of the directory and includes the near by areas of: Allegheny, Bellefield, Braddock, Carnegie, East End, Hazelwood, Kensington, Manchester, Mansfield, Monongahela City, McKeesport, Oakmont, Sewickley, Sharpsburg, South Side, West End, Wilkinsburg.
Other Pennsylvania Towns included:
Beaver Falls, Brookville, Butler, Connellsville, Du Bois, Ellwood City, Fairchance, Franklin, Greensburg, Greenville, Indiana, Irwin, Johnstown, Latrobe, Meadville, Mt. Pleasant, New Brighton, New Castle, Oil City, Punxsutawney, Reynoldsville, Rochester, Scottdale, Sharon, Sharpville, Titusville, Uniontown, Washington, Waynesburg
Ohio Towns included:
Bellaire, Bridgeport, East Liverpool, Martin's Ferry, New Lisbon, Niles, Steubenville, Toronto, Warren, Wellsville
West Virginia Towns included:
Altenheim, Moundsville, New Cumberland, Wellsburg, Wheeling
Official Directory of the Central District & Printing Telegraph Co. May 1898
(Central District & Printing Telegraph Co., 1898, 410 pages)
This is an early telephone directory of Pittsburg and western Pennsylvania / eastern Ohio / northern West Virginia for the year 1898. This was a period of early adoption of this new service, so only a select few became subscribers - usually those who were wealthy or businesses. The information presented includes the name of the subscriber (person or business), their trade, street address and telephone number.
Pennsylvania Towns included:
Apollo, Barnesboro, Barnesville, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Blairsville, Braddock, Brockwayville, Brookville, Brownsville, Butler, California, Callery, Cambridge Springs, Canonsburg, Carnegie, Charleroi, Chicora, Clarion, Claysville, Connellsville, Crafton, Dawson, Du Bois, Dunbar, Ebensburg, Elizabeth, Ellwood City, Emlenton, Evans City, Fairchance, Falls Creek, Finleyville, Foxburg, Franklin, Freeport, Greensburg, Greenville, Grove City, Harmony, Hastings, Homestead, Indiana, Irwin, Jeannette, Johnstown, Kittanning, Latrobe, Leechburg, Mahoningtown, Manor, Meadville, Mercer, Monaca, Monongahela, Mt. Pleasant, McDonald, McKeesport, New Brighton, New Castle, New Kensington, Oakmont, Oil City, Patton, Petersville, Punxsutawney, Reynoldsville, Rochester, Scottdale, Sewickley, Sharon, Sharpsburg, Sharpville, South Fork, Tarenturm, Tionesta, Titusville, Turtle Creek, Uniontown, Washington, Waynesburg, West Newton, Wilkinsburg, Zelienople
Ohio Towns included:
Bellaire, Bridgeport, Cadiz, Cambridge, Canal Dover, Columbiana, East Liverpool, East Palestine, Girard, Leetonia, Lisbon, Martin's Ferry, New Comerstown, New Philadelphia, Niles, St. Clairsville, Salem, Salineville, Steubenville, Toronto, Uhrichsville, Warren, Wellsville
West Virginia Towns included:
Altenheim, Benwood, Clarksburg, Elm Grove, Fairmont, Grafton, Mannington, Morgantown, Moundsville, New Cumberland, Parkersburg, Sisterville, Wellsburg, Wheeling
Mowrey's Tri-State Directory - 1907
(Mowrey Directory Co., 1907, 544 pages)
This is a business directory primarily of Western Pennsylvania but also including parts of Eastern Ohio and West Virginia for the year 1907. 1000's of businesses are listed in the directory, and many also have ads included. The directory information is arranged alphabetically by trade and lists the name of the business or businessman, and its street address. The portion on PA includes coverage of parts of these counties: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Cambria, Clarion, Fayette, Greene, Somerset, Venango, Washington, and Westmoreland.
Pennsylvania Cities
Allegheny, Avalon, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Bellevue, Ben Avon, Braddock, Bridgeville, Butler, Canonsburg, Carnegie, Charleroi, Connellsville, Crafton, Duquesne, East Brady, Emlenton, Emsworth, Etna, Ford City, Franklin, Freedom, Greensburg, Heidelberg, Homestead, Ingram, Irwin, Jeannette, Johnstown, Kittanning, Latrobe, Mars, McKeesport, McKees Rocks, Midland, Millvale, Monaca, Monongahela, Munhall, New Brighton, New Haven, Oakmont, Oil City, Parkers Landing, Pittsburgh, Rochester, Scottdale, Sewickley, Sharpsburg, Sheridan, Uniontown, Verona, Washington, Waynesburg, Wilkinsburg, Wilmerding, Windber
Ohio Cities
Bellair, Brilliant, East Liverpool, Martins Ferry, Mingo Junction, Steubenville, Toronto, Wellsville
West Virginia Cities
Benwood, Chester, Elm Grove, Follansbee, McMechen, Moundsville, New Cumberland, Newell, Wellsburg, Wheeling
Telephone Directory - July 1915 - Fayette, Greene, Washington Counties
and Monongahela Valley (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1915, 152 pages)
This is a telephone directory of covering parts of Fayette, Greene, and Washington counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1915 The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Covered:
Ache Junction, Adelaide, Aleppo, Allenport, Amyville, Arden, Arensberg Station, Arneyville, Ashtree, Atchison, Avella, Ayers Hollow, Axleton, Baird Station, Balsinger, Beallsville, Bear Run, Belle Vernon, Bentleyville, Bishop, Bissell, Bitner, Black Diamond Sta., Blacksville W VA, Blainsburg, Bluff, Blythedale, Bower Hill, Boyce Station, Brave, Braznell, Bridgeport, Brier Hill, Bristoria, Broadford, Broadford Jct, Brock, Brookside Farms, Brownfield, Brownsville, Brush Run, Buffalo, Buffington, Burdette, Burnstown, Burnsville, Bute, Buzz, Cadwallader, California, Canonsburg, Carmichaels, Castile, Centerville, Ceylon, Chadville, Chalk Hill, Charleroi, Cheathaven, Chestnut Ridge, Church Hill, Clarktown, Clarksville, Claysville, Clifton, Clifton Stockfarm, Clokey, Clover Hill, Coal Center, Cokeburg, Collinsburg, Concord Station, Confluence, Conger, Connellsville, Continental, Cooksville, Courtney, Creek, Crossland, Crothers, Cummins, Dawson, Dearth, Dearthtown, Deep Valley, Deerlick, Delphene, Dilliner, Dickerson Run, Donora, Douglass, Dunbar, Dunkirk,Dunlevy, Dunningville, Dunn, Durbin, Duvalltown, East Bethlehem, East Charleroi, East Monogahela, East Riverside, East Smithfield, East Waynesburg, Eclipse, Edenborn, Elco, Eighty-Four, Edlersville, Eldora Park, Elkhorn, Ella Mine, Ellsworth, Elm Grove, Eno, Evans, Fairbanks, Fairchance, Farmington, Fayette City, Finleyville, Finney, Fitz Henry, Flatwoods, Footedale, Fordyce, Fredericktown, Friendship Hill, Gallatin, Gallatin Fayette Co, Gamble Station, Gans, Garards Fort, Garrison, Garwood, Gates, Gibson Junction, Gibsonton, Glyde, Gratztown, Grays Landing, Graysville, Greensboror, Greenwood Fayette Co, Gretna, Griffin, Grindstone, Gump, Hackney, Haddenville, Halls, Harts Mill, Harvey, Haydentown, Hazelkirk, Helen, Hickory, Highhouse, Hills, Holbrook, Hoover Run, Hope, Hopkins Mills, Hopwood, Houston, Houstonville, Hunters Cave, Huston Run, Hutchison Station, Iams Station, Indian Creek, Independence, Irondale, Jacksonville Greene Co, Jacktown, Jacob's Creek, Jefferson, Jumonville, Juniata, Kammerer, Khedive, Kirby, Kughntown, Lavelle, Laboratory, Lagonda, Lambert, Lamberton, Laurel Hill, Lawrence, Layton, Leith, Leckrone, Lemont, Lemont Furnace, Leonardville, Liberty, Library, Lick Run, Linden, Linn, Linn Station, Liffincott Greene Co, Little Chicago, Lock Four, Lock View, Lonepine, Lone Star, Lowland Farm, Lucyville, Luke, Manifold, Manown, Mapletown, Marchand Fayette Co, Marianna, Martin, Martinville, Maryville, Masontown, Meadow Lands, Merrittstown, Mill Run, Monessen, Monongahela, Morganza, Morrell, Morris Crossroads, Morrisville, Mt Braddock, Mount Hope, Mt Morris, Mount Sterling, Moyer, Mulgrave, McClellandtown, McConnells Mills, McCoy Heights, McCracken, McGovern, McMurray, McPherson Mills, Naomi, Newcomer, New Eagle, Newell, New Geneva, New Haven, New Salem, Newton Greene Co, Nilan, Neneveh, Normanville, North Belle Vernon, North Charleroi, North Connellsville, North Washington Wash. Co., North Webster, Oak Forest, Oak Grove, Ohiopyle, Old Concord, Oldframe, Oliver Fayette Co, Orient, Osborne Mines, Outcrop, Paisley, Pancake, Patterson Mills, Pentress, Percy, Perryopolis, Pickensville, Pidgeon Creek, Pine Bank, Pleasant Hill Fayette Co, Pleasant Valley Wash. Co, Point Marion, Port Royal, Pricedale, Prosperity, Pryor Station, Rea, Red Stone Jct, Reduction, Rees Mill, Republic, Revere, Rices Landing, Riverview Fatette Co, Reverview Washington Co, Rogers Mills, Rogersville, Ronco, Roscoe, Ruble, Ruff Creek, Rush Run, Rutan, Ryerston Sta, Sand Rick Fatette Co, Sand Rock Greene Co, Scenery Hill, Scott Haven, Searights, Shamrock Fatette Co, Shamrock Greene Co, Shoaf Works, Sigsbee, Simpson, Smiley Station, Smithfield, Smithfield, Station, Smithton, Smithville, Smock, Snydertown, Somerfield, South Connellsville, South Masontown, South Washington, Sparta, Speers, Sprago, Springfield, Staggers Store, Star Junction, Stewarton, Strabane, Sugar Grove, Sugar Run, Sunnyside, Suter, Suterville, Swart, Swaugertown, Sycamore, Tannehill Station, Taylorstown, Ten Mile, Thomas, Thompsonville, Time, Tower Hall Farm, Tower Hill, Triumph, Turkey Hollow, Turkey Knob, Twilight, Tylerdale, Uledi, Uniontown, Upper Middletown, Van Buren, Vance Mill Junction, Vance mills, Vance Station, Vanceville, Vanderbilt, Vandergrift Landing, Van Emmas, Vanmeter, Van Vorhees, Video, Virginia Station W VA, Virginville W VA, Walnut Hill, Waltersburg, Washington, Washington Park, Waynesburg, Webster, West Alexander, West Amity Station, West Belle Vernon, west Brownsville, West Finley, Westland, West Leisenring, West Masontown, West Middletown, West Monongahel, West Newhaven, West Newton, West Perryopolis, West Union, West Washington, West Waynesburg, Wheeler, White Cottage, White House, Whiteley, Wickhaven, Willow Tree, Windridge, Wireton Westmoreland Co, Wolftown, Woodrow, Woodruff, Woodside, Woods Run Washington Co, Wylandville, York Run, Zollarsville
Polk's Connellsville City Directory 1942
[Including South Connellsville] (R. L. Polk & Co., 1942, 342 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of the city of Connellsville, (and South Connellsville), Fayette County, PA for the year 1942. The publication starts with lists of local officials and ads for local businesses. After this comes the main residential directory, listing residents and businesses from the area, providing the resident's (or business) name, mate's name, occupation, and street address. Following this is a classified business directory of the area. Lastly is a numerical street directory listing residents and businesses by street number.
Belle Vernon - Fayette City - West Newton - and Nearby Communities
Telephone Directory [1959-60] (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1959, 236 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Allegheny, Fayette and Washington Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1959-60. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Included:
Allenport, Arnold City, Beallsville, Belle Vernon, Bentleyville, Blythedale, California, Charleroi, Coal Center, Collinsburg, Courtney, Daisytown, Donora, Douglass, Dunlevy, East Monongahela, Eighty Four, Elco, Ellsworth, Fairhope, Fayette City, Findleyville, Gallatin, Gastonville, Gillespie, Jacobs Creek, Long Branch, Lowber, Monessen, Monongahela, New Eagle, Newell, North Belle Vernon, North Charleroi, Pricedale, Richeyville, Roscoe, Smithdale, Smithton, Speers, Stockdale, Sunny Side, Sutersville, Twilight, Van Meter, Van Voorhis, Waltz's Mills, Webster, West Newton, Wyano, Yukon
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
County Histories
History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (Franklin Ellis, 1882, 987 pages)
This is a historical and biographical account of Fayette County, PA. The first chapters cover the history of the county; its settlement and growth. Succeeding chapters cover each of the county's townships and major towns, and each of these contains a biographical section outlining the history of many of the county's prominent and influential citizens. Hundreds of persons and families are sketched, and many of these are accompanied by a portrait of the subjects covered.
Surnames Indexed:
Allebaugh, Allison, Baily, Banning, Barnes, Barton, Blackstone, Bowman, Boyle, Boyd, Breading, Britt, Brown, Brownfield, Burton, Buttermore, Campbell, Caufield, Chatland, Clement, Cochran, Cook, Covert, Craft, Crossland, Cummings, Davidson, Dawson, De Saulles, Dils, Dravo, Duncan, Dunn, Elliott, Ewing, Ferguson, Finley, Forsyth, Franks, Frick, Frisbee, Fuller, Gallatin, Gans, Gibson, Goe, Graham, Greene, Griffin, Griffith, Hague, Hansel, Healy, Herbertson, Hibbs, Hill, Hogg, Hogsett, Hough, Howell, Hunt, Huston, Hyndman, Jackson, Jacobs, Johnson, Jones, Kendall, King, Leisenring, Lenhart, Lindley, Linn, Lynn, Marchand, Mathoit, McClean, McIlvaine, Miller, Moore, Morgan, Newcomer, Newmyer, Nutt, Oglevee, Oliphant, Patterson, Paull, Peirsel, Peirsol, Phillips, Playford, Poundstone, Redburn, Reid, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Rush, Schnatterly, Schoonmaker, Scott, Searight, Shearer, Shepler, Smith, Soisson, Springer, Steele, Stephens, Sterling, Stewart, Stoneroad, Strickler, Sturgeon, Swartz, Thompson, Tinstman, Trader, Wells, Wilkey, Woodward, Work
Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Fayette County Pennsylvania
(John M. Gresham & Samuel T. Wiley, 1889, 601 pages)
This publication is a historical and biographical record of Fayette County, Pennsylvania. The first 125 pages contain biographies of the U.S. Presidents up to the date of publication. The remainder of the publication features biographies of some of the leading individuals and families of the county. This is an excellent resource to conduct historical or genealogical research focusing on Fayette County, PA
Surnames Indexed:
-- From Uniontown -- Ball, Barton, Baum, Beal, Beeson, Bierer, Boyd, Boyle, Breading, Brown, Brownfield, Campbell, Carothers, Carr, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Craig, Dawson, Divvens, Doran, Douglas, Downer, Downs, Ewing, Farmer, Fleming, Frasher, Fuller, Gaddis, Gallagher, Gibson, Hackney, Handlen, Handlin, Hankins, Hazlett, Henshaw, Hertzog, Hogue, Holland, Hopwood, Hunt, Huntley, Hutchinson, Jefferis, Jennings, Junk, Kaine, Kennedy, Kerr, King, Kirk, Lewellen, Lindsey, McCleary, McClelland, McCormick, McGie, McGlaughlin, Mestrezat, Miller, Moffitt, Moore, Morris, Morrow, Moser, Porter, Prentice, Price, Rankin, Robinson, Reid, Robinson, Ritenour, Searight, Seal, Semans, Smith, Snider, Springer, Sturgeon, Stewart, Thompson, White, Wadsworth, Waters, Wilhelm, Wiggins, Williams, Wilson, Work -- From Springhill -- Baker, Bowers, Cagey, Clark, Conn, Dunham, Emry, Everhart, Frankenberry, Gallatin, Gans, Hertzog, Higinbotham, Hope, Hunter, Keyser, Lyons, Ross, Ruble, Saddler, Seaton, Stewart, Stentz, Sturgis, Terney, Titus, Williams, Wilson -- From Brownsville & Bridgeport -- Acklin, Armstrong, Boley, Bowman, Chatland, Cock, Coulter, Cox, Crawford, DeLaney, Duncan, Edmiston, Gadd, Gummert, Herbertson, Higinbotham, Hogg, Hubbs, Jefferies, Kaiser, Le Clere, Lenhart, Madeira, Minehart, Moore, Patton, Pearsall, Righter, Sargent, Snowdon, Steele, Story, Thornton, Thompson, Todd, Waggoner, West -- From Franklin -- Arison, Bowman, Bradman, Bute, Custer, Galley, Hazen, Henderson, Murphy, Schrock, Smith, Smock -- From Washington -- Armel, Baldwin, Blythe, Brown, Bugher, Call, Clarke, Coldren, Cook, Corwin, Farquhar, Hagerty, Hamer, Harmony, Hugg, Kessler, Drepps, Lang, Linton, Lewellen, Lewis, Martin, McCrory, McClary, McKee, Mullen, Newcomer, O'Neil, Ong, Pfleghardt, Reppert, Roley, Schneider, Scott, Springer, Stephens, Strickler, Tiernin, Todd, Troy, Vaughan, Wiley -- From Tyrone -- Bates, Bixler, Bush, Carr, Cochran, Cottom, Cunningham, Flanigan, Grant, Hixon, Keck, Kennedy, King, Kromer, Marshall, Merritt, Molleston, Mullan, Porter, Rosser, Rush, Shoemaker, Smith, Snyder, Strickler, Wertz, Warnock, Wurtz -- From Menallen -- Antrim, Beal, Campbell, Colley, Courtney, Crossland, Denny, Finley, Gaddis, Graham, Hackney, Haney, Hatfield, Hess, Hopwood, Hibbs, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jeffries, Leonard, McCormick, McCray, Moore, Osborn, Patterson, Scott, Searight, Snyder, Stacy, Thompson, Todd, Wood, Woodward -- From Dunbar -- Addis, Allen, Anderson, Beatty, Beeson, Beven, Blaney, Brechbill, Brooks, Bryson, Bute, Byers, Clark, Colestock, Collins, Cooper, Cray, Crossland, Cunningham, Dolan, Doonan, Duncan, Fairchild, Finlay, Flydell, Gaddis, Griffin, Hamilton, Hare, Harper, Hazlett, Hill, Kelly, Laing, Leighty, Long, Mahaney, Martin, McCune, McCusker, McDowell, McKee, Miller, Minerd, Moore, Mullen, Newill, O'Connor, Phillips, Porter, Ransom, Reagan, Ridgeway, Robinson, Simeral, Snyder, Straesser, Stroud, Tarr, Taylor, Wagner, Watt, White, Woodward -- From Connellsville -- Brown, Cameron, Cooley, Cox, Davidson, De Muth, Du Shane, Enos, Fee, Flenniken, Hood, Hurley, Kilpatrick, Kurtz, Long, Mason, McClenathan, McCormick, Miller, Munson, Nicholson, Norcross, Reid, Singer, Sisley, Smith, Stillwagon, Stouffer, Ways, White, Woods, Zimmerman -- From Nicholson -- Abraham, Anderson, David, Downs, Franks, Greene, Hutchinson, Johnson, Larden, Monaghan, Provance, Sanduskey, Shank, Shoaf, Springer, Whelstone, Williams, Yeager -- From German -- Arison, Baker, Coffman, Hostetter, McShane, Neff, Moore, Parshall, Porter, Sharpnack, Weltner -- From Redstone -- Craft, Clemmer, Eastman, Hess, Higginbotham, Norcross, Phillips, Stephens -- From Georges -- Abraham, Allen, Bailey, Britt, Core, Carothers, Deyarman, Downey, Dunn, Franks, Holbert, Leatherman, Longanecker, Martin, Mathiot, Moore, Nixon, Osborn, Robinson, Ruble, Smith -- From Luzerne -- Acklin, Boyle, Christopher, Coldren, Conwell, Cunningham, Dearth, Duvall, Eastman, Franks, Garwood, Henshaw, Hess, Hiller, Jacobs, McEldowny, Moore, Neel, Woodward -- From Stewart -- Hall, Jacobs, Livingstone, McEldowny, McFarland, Moore, Morrison, Neel, Nemon, Nicolay, Poole, Potter, Ritenour, Schaefer, Strickler, Woodmency -- From Bullskin -- Chalfant, Crossland, Detwiler, Johnston, Johns, Keffer, Murphy, Parker, Pershing, Sherrick, Shipley, Skinner, Workman -- From Jefferson -- Marchand, Miller, Nutt -- From Henry Clay -- Humberststone, Myers, Umbel -- From Springfield -- Brooks, Campbell, Colborn, Cox, Eicher, Johnson, McClay, Miller, Sherbondy, Showman, Shultz, Sipe, Tannehill -- From Wharton -- Hager, Wiggins -- From Salt Lick -- Spacks -- Miscellaneous -- Allison, Barnes, Brownfield, Crossland, Cummings, Davidson, DeSaulles, Dunn, Duncan, Frick, Hyndman, Howell, Leatherman, Miller, Newcomer, Paull, Redburn, Robinson, Schnatterly, Schoonmaker, Steele, Wilkin, Work
Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette and Greene
Counties Pennsylvania Vol. 1 & 2 (John W. Jordan, 1912, 1267 pages)
This is a set of historical and biographical volumes on southwestern Pennsylvania, specifically the counties of Fayette and Greene. The information outlines the personal and family histories of numerous residents of those areas. Along with the sketches, there are many portraits of these family members.
Surnames Indexed:
Abraham, Ache, Adams, Addis, Ailes, Albrecht, Allsworth, Alt, Angle, Ansell, Arensberg, Arison, Armstrong, Artis, Asendorf, Ash, Augustine, Austin, Baer, Bailey, Baird, Ball, Balsley, Bane, Bar, Barb, Barber, Barnes, Barnett, Barnhart, Barricklow, Bayard, Beal, Beall, Beard, Beeson, Bell, Berg, Berkey, Bishop, Black, Blackshere, Blair, Bliss, Blosser, Boord, Booth, Bosworth, Boughner, Bowden, Bower, Bowie, Bowman, Boyd, Boyle, Braden, Brady, Brant, Brewer, Brickman, Brinker, Britt, Britton, Brown, Brownfield, Bryson, Bulger, Bunting, Burd, Burhans, Buck, Burns, Buttermore, Call, Cameron, Campbell, Carr, Carter, Cathers, Chalfant, Chambers, Chisholm, Chorpenning, Clark, Cleavenger, Clement, Cloud, Coates, Cochran, Cock, Coffman, Colborn, Coldren, Collier, Collins, Colvin, Comp, Conger, Coniff, Connor, Conrad, Conwell, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Cornish, Cotterrell, Cottom, Coughanour, Cover, Cox, Craft, Cramer, Cray, Cree, Crichfield, Cropp, Crossland, Crow, Crowley, Cummins, Cunningham, Cupp, Curry, Cypher, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Day, Dearth, De Bolt, Deffenbaugh, Delaney, De Muth, Denk, Denny, Dentzer, De Ore, Drrick, De Temple, Dice, Dick, Dickson, Dilliner, Dils, Dilworth, Donegan, Donnelly, Douglas, Downer, Duff, Duggan, Duguid, Duliere, Dunaway, Dunn, Durr, Dzubay, Echard, Eddy, Edel, Edmiston, Edmonds, Edwards, Egnot, Eldred, Ely, Enghlish, Enos, Essington, Evans, Fairchild, Farr, Farrell, Fast, Field, Finley, Fisher, Fitzmeier, Fleming, Flenniken, Floto, Flynn, Fogg, Foltz, Fornwalt, Fort, Foster, Foust, Francis, Franks, Frasher, Fuehrer, Fuhrer, Fuller, Fusarini, Gabler, Gadd, Galiardi, Galley, Gans, Garrison, Gaskill, Geary, Gellhof, Ghrist, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilmore, Giorgessi, Girard, Goff, Goodwin, Gorley, Gottesman, Graham, Gray, Greene, Gribble, Grove, Guiher, Guseman, Gween, Hackney, Hadden, Hagan, Hagans, Haines, Hair, Hall, Haney, Hannam, Hansel, Harah, Harman, Harris, Hart, Hartley, Hartman, Hatfield, Hathaway, Hay, Hazen, Headley, Hellen, Helmey, Helphenstein, Hempstead, Henderson, Henry, Henshaw, Hertzog, Hess, Hetzel, Hewitt, Heyser, Hibbs, Hibner, Higbee, Higinbotham, Hill, Hirleman, Hoffman, Hoge, Hogg, Hogsett, Hollinsgworth, Hook, Hoop, Hooper, Hoover, Hornbake, Horton, Hoskinson, Hough, Howard, Hoy, Hubbs, Huffman, Humphreys, Hunt, Huss, Huston, Inghram, Jackson, Jamison, Jaquett, Jennings, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Junk, Kaiser, Kearns, Keck, Keener, Keffer, Kefover, Keighley, Keller, Kelly, Kelsey, Kennedy, Kent, Kephart, Kerchner, Kerr, Kiefer, King, Knox, Kolb, Kough, Kramer, Krell, Krepps, Kurtz, La Chimia, Lackey, Lang, Langley, Lapping, Larkin, Lauffer, Leckemby, Leighty, Leisenring, Leonard, Lewellyn, Lincoln, Lindsay, Livingston, Long, Lynn, Lyon, Lyons, MacDonald, MacQuarrie, McBurney, McClintock, McCombs, McCormick, McCreary, McCullough, McFarland, McGibbons, McGinnis, McHugh, McKee, McLaughlin, McMullen, McShane, Madeira, Madigan, Magee, Mansfield, Mapel, Marietta, Markle, Marshall, Martin, Mathews, Mead, Means, Messmore, Mestrezat, Metzler, Millard, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Mitchener, Montgomery, Moore, Moredock, Morgan, Morris, Morrow, Morton, Moser, Moyer, Muir, Mulford, Mullan, Munk, Munson, Murtland, Neff, Newcomer, Newmeyer, Newmyer, Niccols, Nicholson, Nicolay, Nixon, Norton, Nycum, O'Connor, Orndoff, Parkhill, Parry, Parshall, Patterson, Paulovits, Pawlowski, Percy, Pershing, Peters, Pettit, Phillps, Pierce, Pisula, Playford, Plumer, Poletz, Poorbaugh, Pope, Popovich, Port, Porter, Poundstone, Pratt, Prentice, Provins, Pryce, Pyle, Ralston, Randol, Randolph, Rasely, Rav, Rea, Reed, Reid, Renner, Reppert, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richey, Ricks, Rider, Ridgway, Riffle, Rinehart, Rist, Ritenour, Robbins, Robinson, Rogers, Rose, Ross, Rowe, Rullei, Ruple, Rush, Rutter, Sackett, Sammons, Sample, Sargent, Schenck, Searight, Seaton, Sechler, Sellers, Semans, Sembower, Shallenberger, Sherrard, Sherrick, Shields, Shirey, Shriver, Shuman, Shupe, Silveus, Sinclair, Smiley, Smith, Snider, Snyer, Soisson, Soxman, Sparks, Spragg, Springer, Stafford, Steele, Sterling, Stewart, Steyer, Stickel, Stidger, Stillwagon, Stone, Stoner, Story, Stouffer, Strong, Strickler, Struble, Sturgis, Swan, Teagarden, Teggart, Theakston, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Tippman, Titlow, Titus, Torrence, Utts, Waggoner, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Warnock, Weihe, Wells, Weltner, West, White, Whyel, Wilder, Wilkenson, Williams, Wilson, Winans, Wishart, Wonders, Wood, Woods, Woodward, Woolsey, Work, Workman, Wortman, Wright, Wyly, Yahner, Younkin, Zimmerman
Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County
Pennsylvania Vol. 1-3 (John W. Jordan, 1913, 1556 pages)
This is an extensive biographical history of Fayette County, PA, originally published in three volumes. This set provides a wealth of information on the history and growth of this county but more importantly, a great deal of information on its people. Hundreds of individual and family histories are sketched, making this an excellent reference for historical or biographical research.
Surnames Indexed:
Abraham, Ache, Adams, Addis, Albrecht, Allsworth, Alt, Angle, Ansell, Arensberg, Arison, Artis, Asendorf, Ash, Augustine, Austin, Baer, Baily, Baird, Balentine, Ball, Balsley, Bane, Bar, Barber, Barnes, Barnett, Barnhart, Barricklow, Beal, Beall, Beeson, Bell, Berg, Berkey, Bishop, Black, Blair, Bliss, Blosser, Boord, Booth, Bowden, Bower, Bowers, Bowie, Bowman, Boyd, Boyle, Brady, Brant, Brewer, Brickman, Brinker, Britt, Britton, Brooke, Brown, Brownfield, Bryson, Bufano, Bulger, Bunting, Burd, Burhans, Burns, Buttermore, Byers, Cameron, Campbell, Carr, Carson, Carter, Chalfant, Chambers, Chisholm, Chorpenning, Clark, Clement, Cloud, Coates, Cochran, Cock, Coffman, Colborn, Coldren, Collier, Collins, Colvin, Comp, Coniff, Conrad, Conwell, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Core, Cornish, Cottom, Conghanour, Cover, Cox, Craft, Cramer, Cray, Critchfield, Cropp, Crossland, Crow, Crowley, Cunningham, Cupp, Curry, Cypher, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Dearth, De Bolt, Deffenbaugh, Delaney, De Muth, Denk, De Ore, Derrick, De Temple, Devers, Dice, Dick, Dickson, Dilliner, Dils, Dilworth, Divvens, Donegan, Donnelly, Douglas, Dowds, Downer, Duff, Duggan, Duguid, Duliere, Dunaway, Dunn, Durr, Dzubay, Echard, Edel, Edmiston, Edmonds, Edwards, Egnot, Elliott, Ely, English, Enos, Essington, Evans, Fairchild, Farr, Farrell, Fast, Field, Finley, Fisher, Fitzmeier, Fleming, Floto, Flynn, Fogg, Foltz, Fornwalt, Fort, Foster, Foust, Francis, Franks, Frasher, Frisbee, Fuehrer, Fuhrer, Fuller, Furlong, Fusarini, Gadd, Gaddis, Galiardi, Galley, Gans, Garard, Gaskill, Geary, Gellhof, Ghrist, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilleland, Gilmore, Giorgessi, Girard, Goff, Goodwin, Gorley, Gottesman, Graham, Gray, Greene, Gribble, Griffin, Grove, Guiher, Guseman, Gween, Hackney, Hadden, Hagan, Hagans, Haines, Hair, Hall, Haney, Hannam, Hansel, Harah, Harman, Harris, Hart, Hartley, Hartman, Hatfield, Hathaway, Hay, Hazen, Hazlett, Hellen, Helmey, Hempstead, Henderson, Henry, Henshaw, Hertzog, Hess, Hetzel, Heyser, Hibbs, Hibner, Hickman, Higbee, Higinbotham, Hill, Hirleman, Hoffman, Hogg, Hogsett, Hollingsworth, Hook, Hoop, Hooper, Hoover, Hornbake, Horton, Hough, Howard, Hubbs, Humphreys, Hunt, Hustead, Huston, Jackson, Jaquett, Jennings, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Junk, Kaiser, Kamerer, Kearns, Keck, Keener, Keffer, Kefover, Keighley, Keller, Kelly, Kennedy, Kephart, Kerchner, Kerr, Kiefer, King, Knight, Knotts, Knox, Kolb, Kough, Kramer, Krell, Krepps, Kurtz, La Chimia, Lackey, Landenberger, Lang, Langley, Larkin, Lauffer, Laughead, Leckemby, Leech, Leighty, Leisenring, Leonard, Lewellyn, Lincoln, Lindsay, Linn, Livingston, Long, Luce, Lutterman, Lynn, Lyon, Lyons, MacDonald, MacQuarrie, Madeira, Madigan, Magee, Mansfield, Marietta, Markle, Marshall, Martin, Matthews, Maust, McBurney, McClintock, McCombs, McCormick, McCreary, McFarland, McGibbons, McGinnis, McHugh, McKean, McKee, McLaughlin, McMullen, McShane, Mead, Means, Messmore, Mestrezat, Metzler, Millard, Miller, Mills, Minor, Mitchell, Moody, Moore, Morgan, Morrow, Morton, Moser, Moyer, Muir, Mulford, Mullan, Munk, Munson, Murphy, Murtland, Neff, Newcomer, Newmeyer, Newmyer, Niccolls, Nicholson, Nicolay, Nixon, Norton, Nycum, O'Connor, Parkhill, Parshall, Patterson, Patton, Paulovits, Pawlowski, Peirsel, Percy, Pershing, Peters, Pfleghardt, Phillips, Pierce, Piersol, Pisula, Playford, Plumer, Poletz, Poorbaugh, Pope, Popovich, Pore, Port, Porter, Poundstone, Pratt, Prentice, Pryce, Pyle, Ralston, Randol, Randolph, Rasely, Raymond, Reed, Reid, Renner, Reppert, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richey, Ricks, Rider, Ridgway, Riffle, Rist, Ritenour, Robbins, Robinson, Rogers, Rose, Ross, Rowe, Rulli, Ruple, Rush, Rutter, Sackett, Sample, Sargent, Schenck, Searight, Seaton, Sechler, Sellers, Semans, Sembower, Sesler, Shallenberger, Sheppard, Sherrard, Sherrick, Shields, Shirey, Shuman, Shupe, Sinclair, Sloterbeck, Smiley, Smith, Snider, Snyder, Soisson, Soxman, Sparks, Springer, Stafford, Steele, Stephens, Sterling, Stewart, Steyer, Stickel, Stidger, Stillwagon, Stimmell, Stone, Stoner, Storey, Stouffer, Strong, Strickler, Struble, Sturgis, Swan, Teggart, Theakston, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Tippman, Titlow, Titus, Torrence, Utts, Van Voorhis, Waggoner, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Warman, Warnock, Weihe, Weltner, Whaley, White, Whyel, Wilder, Wilkenson, Williams, Wilson, Winans, Wishart, Wonders, Wood, Woods, Woodward, Woolsey, Work, Workman, Wortman, Wright, Yahner, Young, Younkin, Zearley, Zimmerman
Church, Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous Histories
Industrial and Commercial Resources of Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 144 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from dozens of towns throughout Western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.
From Fayette County
-- From Brownsville: -- Geo. L. Moore, Matthews & Co., G. S. Moorhead, J. W. Ferguson, The Storey House, J. D. Armstrong, J. G. Sanforth, L. C. Waggoner, A. M. Thompson, Shupe & Gummert, Bruce Madera, John H. Coulter, T. J. Burton, F. S. Chalfant, Moses Wright, Minehart's, M. C. Mitchell, C. P. Acklin, J. H. Bulger & Son, Robinson & Co., A. M. Swearer, C. G. Johnston, Robert Graham, M. E. Armstrong, Crawford & Hutchison, K. J. Shupe, E. D. Worrell, D. F. Robinson Ph.G. -- From Connellsville: -- Connellsville Machine Car Company, John D. Frisbee, Yough House, William Bell, H. C. Huston, Hood Brothers & Co., Old Tea House, E. Dunn, Reil & Wilkey, J. C. Moore, David Welsh, A. B. Morton, R. Miller, Lytle & Soisson, James Cunningham, Harry C. McCormick, Charles H. Ways, C. C. Crill, The Star Grocery Store, R. C. Greenland, Bishop, Johnston & Norris, J. F. Campbell & Co., Lloyd Johnston, James Reid, Baltimore House, M. F. and D. P. Stentz, Hyatt & Case, J. Graftner, Porter Photographer, C. W. Millard, John Davidson, R. S. Paine, M. A. Heckert, Wetherell Boots, Mark Gemas, Jeff. Wells -- From Uniontown: -- Clark's Pharmacy, John C. Fisher & Co., Altha L. Moser, Wm. Hunt, W. H. Miller, Z. B. Springer, Clinton House, W. B. Thorndell, Gibson & Martin, John Lynch & Co., Broadway Drug Store, Beeson & Hook, McClelland House, M. Coldren & Co., C. Claggett, Keystone Livery Feed and Sale Stable, John N. Dawson, J. L. Malcolm, Martin L. Reis, Excelsior Marble and Granite Works, John W. Wood, Joseph McCoy, Joseph R. Nutt, Singley & Boyd, Johnston & Bryson, Daniel Chisholm, William C. McCormick, Redstone Foundry and Machine Company, E. E. Weniger, Thomas Hadden, A. J. Ellis & Bro., U. S. Livery Feed and Sale Stables, N. P. Cooper, L. F. Darrall, Thomas Thorndell, Baker & Co., E. K. Snyder, John Morton, H. Willard, C. H. Livingstone, C. Rose, George H. Miller
Young American Patriots - The Youth of Pennsylvania in
World War II (National Publishing Company, 1946, 674 pages)
This publication is a memorial to the service men and women of Pennsylvania who served in WWII. It contains brief sketches of 1,000's of soldiers from across the state. The sketches provide a variety of information on each soldier: Name, rank, branch of military, engagements, discharge date, military awards, birth date, parents, spouse, address, religion., etc. The information varies from soldier to soldier but most contain the information above. Also, nearly every sketch is accompanies by a portrait of the soldier.
This publication is not an exhaustive listing of all the soldiers of Pennsylvania who fought in World War II. Nearly all counties are represented, but some more extensively than others. Those given more extensive coverage include: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Cumberland, Dauphin, Erie, Fayette, Indiana, Lawrence, Northampton, Westmoreland,
Here is a sample listing:
Abbott, William Edward
Cpl., Army. Born Apr. 6, 1925. Entered Serv. June 12, 1943. Ft. Belvoir; N. Guinea; Phil. Is.; Okinawa. Awarded GCM, As-Pac Rib., BS, Phil. Lib. Rib. Disch. Mar. 2, 1945. Attended Clymer HS. Protestant. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Abbott. Husband of Margaret Herrington Abbott, 818 Sandusky St., N. S., Pgh, 12, Pa.
List of Subscribers - The Central District Printing Telegraph Co., July 1894
(The Central District and Printing Telegraph Company, 1894, 186 pages)
This is an early telephone directory of Pittsburg and western Pennsylvania / eastern Ohio / northern West Virginia for the year 1894. This was a period of early adoption of this new service, so only a select few became subscribers - usually those who were wealthy or businesses. The information presented includes the name of the subscriber (person or business), their trade, street address and telephone number. Pittsburgh is the main section of the directory and includes the near by areas of: Allegheny, Bellefield, Braddock, Carnegie, East End, Hazelwood, Kensington, Manchester, Mansfield, Monongahela City, McKeesport, Oakmont, Sewickley, Sharpsburg, South Side, West End, Wilkinsburg.
Other Pennsylvania Towns included:
Beaver Falls, Brookville, Butler, Connellsville, Du Bois, Ellwood City, Fairchance, Franklin, Greensburg, Greenville, Indiana, Irwin, Johnstown, Latrobe, Meadville, Mt. Pleasant, New Brighton, New Castle, Oil City, Punxsutawney, Reynoldsville, Rochester, Scottdale, Sharon, Sharpville, Titusville, Uniontown, Washington, Waynesburg
Ohio Towns included:
Bellaire, Bridgeport, East Liverpool, Martin's Ferry, New Lisbon, Niles, Steubenville, Toronto, Warren, Wellsville
West Virginia Towns included:
Altenheim, Moundsville, New Cumberland, Wellsburg, Wheeling
Official Directory of the Central District & Printing Telegraph Co. May 1898
(Central District & Printing Telegraph Co., 1898, 410 pages)
This is an early telephone directory of Pittsburg and western Pennsylvania / eastern Ohio / northern West Virginia for the year 1898. This was a period of early adoption of this new service, so only a select few became subscribers - usually those who were wealthy or businesses. The information presented includes the name of the subscriber (person or business), their trade, street address and telephone number.
Pennsylvania Towns included:
Apollo, Barnesboro, Barnesville, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Blairsville, Braddock, Brockwayville, Brookville, Brownsville, Butler, California, Callery, Cambridge Springs, Canonsburg, Carnegie, Charleroi, Chicora, Clarion, Claysville, Connellsville, Crafton, Dawson, Du Bois, Dunbar, Ebensburg, Elizabeth, Ellwood City, Emlenton, Evans City, Fairchance, Falls Creek, Finleyville, Foxburg, Franklin, Freeport, Greensburg, Greenville, Grove City, Harmony, Hastings, Homestead, Indiana, Irwin, Jeannette, Johnstown, Kittanning, Latrobe, Leechburg, Mahoningtown, Manor, Meadville, Mercer, Monaca, Monongahela, Mt. Pleasant, McDonald, McKeesport, New Brighton, New Castle, New Kensington, Oakmont, Oil City, Patton, Petersville, Punxsutawney, Reynoldsville, Rochester, Scottdale, Sewickley, Sharon, Sharpsburg, Sharpville, South Fork, Tarenturm, Tionesta, Titusville, Turtle Creek, Uniontown, Washington, Waynesburg, West Newton, Wilkinsburg, Zelienople
Ohio Towns included:
Bellaire, Bridgeport, Cadiz, Cambridge, Canal Dover, Columbiana, East Liverpool, East Palestine, Girard, Leetonia, Lisbon, Martin's Ferry, New Comerstown, New Philadelphia, Niles, St. Clairsville, Salem, Salineville, Steubenville, Toronto, Uhrichsville, Warren, Wellsville
West Virginia Towns included:
Altenheim, Benwood, Clarksburg, Elm Grove, Fairmont, Grafton, Mannington, Morgantown, Moundsville, New Cumberland, Parkersburg, Sisterville, Wellsburg, Wheeling
Mowrey's Tri-State Directory - 1907
(Mowrey Directory Co., 1907, 544 pages)
This is a business directory primarily of Western Pennsylvania but also including parts of Eastern Ohio and West Virginia for the year 1907. 1000's of businesses are listed in the directory, and many also have ads included. The directory information is arranged alphabetically by trade and lists the name of the business or businessman, and its street address. The portion on PA includes coverage of parts of these counties: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Cambria, Clarion, Fayette, Greene, Somerset, Venango, Washington, and Westmoreland.
Pennsylvania Cities
Allegheny, Avalon, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Bellevue, Ben Avon, Braddock, Bridgeville, Butler, Canonsburg, Carnegie, Charleroi, Connellsville, Crafton, Duquesne, East Brady, Emlenton, Emsworth, Etna, Ford City, Franklin, Freedom, Greensburg, Heidelberg, Homestead, Ingram, Irwin, Jeannette, Johnstown, Kittanning, Latrobe, Mars, McKeesport, McKees Rocks, Midland, Millvale, Monaca, Monongahela, Munhall, New Brighton, New Haven, Oakmont, Oil City, Parkers Landing, Pittsburgh, Rochester, Scottdale, Sewickley, Sharpsburg, Sheridan, Uniontown, Verona, Washington, Waynesburg, Wilkinsburg, Wilmerding, Windber
Ohio Cities
Bellair, Brilliant, East Liverpool, Martins Ferry, Mingo Junction, Steubenville, Toronto, Wellsville
West Virginia Cities
Benwood, Chester, Elm Grove, Follansbee, McMechen, Moundsville, New Cumberland, Newell, Wellsburg, Wheeling
Telephone Directory - July 1915 - Fayette, Greene, Washington Counties
and Monongahela Valley (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1915, 152 pages)
This is a telephone directory of covering parts of Fayette, Greene, and Washington counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1915 The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Covered:
Ache Junction, Adelaide, Aleppo, Allenport, Amyville, Arden, Arensberg Station, Arneyville, Ashtree, Atchison, Avella, Ayers Hollow, Axleton, Baird Station, Balsinger, Beallsville, Bear Run, Belle Vernon, Bentleyville, Bishop, Bissell, Bitner, Black Diamond Sta., Blacksville W VA, Blainsburg, Bluff, Blythedale, Bower Hill, Boyce Station, Brave, Braznell, Bridgeport, Brier Hill, Bristoria, Broadford, Broadford Jct, Brock, Brookside Farms, Brownfield, Brownsville, Brush Run, Buffalo, Buffington, Burdette, Burnstown, Burnsville, Bute, Buzz, Cadwallader, California, Canonsburg, Carmichaels, Castile, Centerville, Ceylon, Chadville, Chalk Hill, Charleroi, Cheathaven, Chestnut Ridge, Church Hill, Clarktown, Clarksville, Claysville, Clifton, Clifton Stockfarm, Clokey, Clover Hill, Coal Center, Cokeburg, Collinsburg, Concord Station, Confluence, Conger, Connellsville, Continental, Cooksville, Courtney, Creek, Crossland, Crothers, Cummins, Dawson, Dearth, Dearthtown, Deep Valley, Deerlick, Delphene, Dilliner, Dickerson Run, Donora, Douglass, Dunbar, Dunkirk,Dunlevy, Dunningville, Dunn, Durbin, Duvalltown, East Bethlehem, East Charleroi, East Monogahela, East Riverside, East Smithfield, East Waynesburg, Eclipse, Edenborn, Elco, Eighty-Four, Edlersville, Eldora Park, Elkhorn, Ella Mine, Ellsworth, Elm Grove, Eno, Evans, Fairbanks, Fairchance, Farmington, Fayette City, Finleyville, Finney, Fitz Henry, Flatwoods, Footedale, Fordyce, Fredericktown, Friendship Hill, Gallatin, Gallatin Fayette Co, Gamble Station, Gans, Garards Fort, Garrison, Garwood, Gates, Gibson Junction, Gibsonton, Glyde, Gratztown, Grays Landing, Graysville, Greensboror, Greenwood Fayette Co, Gretna, Griffin, Grindstone, Gump, Hackney, Haddenville, Halls, Harts Mill, Harvey, Haydentown, Hazelkirk, Helen, Hickory, Highhouse, Hills, Holbrook, Hoover Run, Hope, Hopkins Mills, Hopwood, Houston, Houstonville, Hunters Cave, Huston Run, Hutchison Station, Iams Station, Indian Creek, Independence, Irondale, Jacksonville Greene Co, Jacktown, Jacob's Creek, Jefferson, Jumonville, Juniata, Kammerer, Khedive, Kirby, Kughntown, Lavelle, Laboratory, Lagonda, Lambert, Lamberton, Laurel Hill, Lawrence, Layton, Leith, Leckrone, Lemont, Lemont Furnace, Leonardville, Liberty, Library, Lick Run, Linden, Linn, Linn Station, Liffincott Greene Co, Little Chicago, Lock Four, Lock View, Lonepine, Lone Star, Lowland Farm, Lucyville, Luke, Manifold, Manown, Mapletown, Marchand Fayette Co, Marianna, Martin, Martinville, Maryville, Masontown, Meadow Lands, Merrittstown, Mill Run, Monessen, Monongahela, Morganza, Morrell, Morris Crossroads, Morrisville, Mt Braddock, Mount Hope, Mt Morris, Mount Sterling, Moyer, Mulgrave, McClellandtown, McConnells Mills, McCoy Heights, McCracken, McGovern, McMurray, McPherson Mills, Naomi, Newcomer, New Eagle, Newell, New Geneva, New Haven, New Salem, Newton Greene Co, Nilan, Neneveh, Normanville, North Belle Vernon, North Charleroi, North Connellsville, North Washington Wash. Co., North Webster, Oak Forest, Oak Grove, Ohiopyle, Old Concord, Oldframe, Oliver Fayette Co, Orient, Osborne Mines, Outcrop, Paisley, Pancake, Patterson Mills, Pentress, Percy, Perryopolis, Pickensville, Pidgeon Creek, Pine Bank, Pleasant Hill Fayette Co, Pleasant Valley Wash. Co, Point Marion, Port Royal, Pricedale, Prosperity, Pryor Station, Rea, Red Stone Jct, Reduction, Rees Mill, Republic, Revere, Rices Landing, Riverview Fatette Co, Reverview Washington Co, Rogers Mills, Rogersville, Ronco, Roscoe, Ruble, Ruff Creek, Rush Run, Rutan, Ryerston Sta, Sand Rick Fatette Co, Sand Rock Greene Co, Scenery Hill, Scott Haven, Searights, Shamrock Fatette Co, Shamrock Greene Co, Shoaf Works, Sigsbee, Simpson, Smiley Station, Smithfield, Smithfield, Station, Smithton, Smithville, Smock, Snydertown, Somerfield, South Connellsville, South Masontown, South Washington, Sparta, Speers, Sprago, Springfield, Staggers Store, Star Junction, Stewarton, Strabane, Sugar Grove, Sugar Run, Sunnyside, Suter, Suterville, Swart, Swaugertown, Sycamore, Tannehill Station, Taylorstown, Ten Mile, Thomas, Thompsonville, Time, Tower Hall Farm, Tower Hill, Triumph, Turkey Hollow, Turkey Knob, Twilight, Tylerdale, Uledi, Uniontown, Upper Middletown, Van Buren, Vance Mill Junction, Vance mills, Vance Station, Vanceville, Vanderbilt, Vandergrift Landing, Van Emmas, Vanmeter, Van Vorhees, Video, Virginia Station W VA, Virginville W VA, Walnut Hill, Waltersburg, Washington, Washington Park, Waynesburg, Webster, West Alexander, West Amity Station, West Belle Vernon, west Brownsville, West Finley, Westland, West Leisenring, West Masontown, West Middletown, West Monongahel, West Newhaven, West Newton, West Perryopolis, West Union, West Washington, West Waynesburg, Wheeler, White Cottage, White House, Whiteley, Wickhaven, Willow Tree, Windridge, Wireton Westmoreland Co, Wolftown, Woodrow, Woodruff, Woodside, Woods Run Washington Co, Wylandville, York Run, Zollarsville
Polk's Connellsville City Directory 1942
[Including South Connellsville] (R. L. Polk & Co., 1942, 342 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of the city of Connellsville, (and South Connellsville), Fayette County, PA for the year 1942. The publication starts with lists of local officials and ads for local businesses. After this comes the main residential directory, listing residents and businesses from the area, providing the resident's (or business) name, mate's name, occupation, and street address. Following this is a classified business directory of the area. Lastly is a numerical street directory listing residents and businesses by street number.
Belle Vernon - Fayette City - West Newton - and Nearby Communities
Telephone Directory [1959-60] (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1959, 236 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Allegheny, Fayette and Washington Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1959-60. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Included:
Allenport, Arnold City, Beallsville, Belle Vernon, Bentleyville, Blythedale, California, Charleroi, Coal Center, Collinsburg, Courtney, Daisytown, Donora, Douglass, Dunlevy, East Monongahela, Eighty Four, Elco, Ellsworth, Fairhope, Fayette City, Findleyville, Gallatin, Gastonville, Gillespie, Jacobs Creek, Long Branch, Lowber, Monessen, Monongahela, New Eagle, Newell, North Belle Vernon, North Charleroi, Pricedale, Richeyville, Roscoe, Smithdale, Smithton, Speers, Stockdale, Sunny Side, Sutersville, Twilight, Van Meter, Van Voorhis, Waltz's Mills, Webster, West Newton, Wyano, Yukon
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