Luzerne County PA - County & Regional History Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
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County History & Biography Collection
Annals of Luzerne County [PA] (Stewart Pearce, 1860, 573 pages)
This is an early historical volume of Luzerne County, PA. It provides a great deal of historical information on the county's growth and development from before the revolutionary war.
1 - The Indians
2 - The Pennamite and Yankee War
3 - Captain Lazarus Stewart
4 - The Revolutionary War
5 - Luzerne County
6 - Boroughs and Townships
7 - The Judiciary
8 - Education
9 - Religious Denominations
10 - The Military
11 - Agriculture and Manufactures
12 - Minerals and the Coal Trade
13 - Newspapers, Books, Poetry, Literary and Beneficial Societies
14 - Roads, Mails and Stages
15 - Navigation on the Susquehanna
16 - Climate
17 - Wild Animals, Hunting, Fishing
18 - Miscellaneous
Appendix (Early lists of settlers, muster rolls, and tax lists)
History of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania with Biographical Selections
(H. C. Bradsby, Editor, S. B. Nelson & Co., Publishers, 1893, 1489 pages)
This is a historical and biographical history of Luzerne County, PA. The first half deals the the history of the county, covering such topics as the County's settlement and organization, its military history, and an account of its industries, professions, and businesses. It also contains a brief sketch of the County's townships and boroughs. The second part is biographical in nature, providing sketches of hundreds of the prominent and influential members of the county.
Surnames Indexed:
Abbott, Acker, Ackerman, Addison, Aitkin, Albert, Alden, Allbright, Allen, Alles, Amsbry, Anderson, Andes, Andres, Anstett, Aregood, Armbruster, Armstrong, Arnold, Ashelman, Aston, Atherholt, Atherton, Athey, Atkinson, Austin, Aveny, Ayers, Ayre, Bach, Baer, Bailey, Baird, Baldwin, Balliet, Banker, Banks, Banta, Barber, Barnes, Barney, Barrall, Barrett, Barthe, Barton, Bates, Batey, Baur, Beach, Beadle, Beatty, Beaumont, Becker, Beckwith, Bedford, Beidleman, Belles, Benedict, Benner, Bennet, Bennett, Benninger, Benscoter, Bergold, Bergrath, Bertels, Bertram, Betterly, Bidlack, Biemneller, Bilby, Binney, Birk, Birkbeck, Bisher, Bittenbender, Black, Blackman, Blackwell, Blaine, Blair, Blakeslee, Blakey, Blanchard, Blaum, Bodine, Bodle, Bogert, Bohlander, Bohlin, Boland, Bomboy, Bonham, Bonn, Boone, Booth, Bossert, Boughtin, Bound, Bowden, Bowkley, Bown, Boyd, Boyle, Brader, Bradigan, Brandon, Branning, Breisch, Brennan, Brenton, Brew, Breyer, Briggs, Brimble, Brislin, Brittain, Broad, Brockway, Brodhead, Brong, Bronson, Brooks, Brown, Brundage, Bruning, Brunner, Bryant, Bryden, Buchman, Buckley, Burgess, Burgunden, Burke, Burket, Burnaford, Burns, Burt, Bush, Buss, Butler, Butts, Buzza, Byrne, Cadwalader, Cahalan, Cain, Cake, Callaghan, Callahan, Callary, Callender, Campbell, Canfield, Canlan, Cannon, Capwell, Carabine, Carey, Carkhuff, Carle, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Case, Cassedy, Casselberry, Casterline, Castner, Cavenee, Cease, Challenger, Chapin, Charles, Charlton, Chase, Chesworth, Childs, Chrisman, Christian, Church, Chynoweth, Clark, Cleaveland, Coates, Cobleigh, Cobley, Coggins, Colborn, Coldren, Coles, Collamer, Collins, Colvin, Connell, Conniff, Connole, Connor, Conover, Conrad, Conyngham, Coogan, Cook, Cooke, Coon, Cooper, Cope, Coray, Corbett, Corby, Corcoran, Corgan, Coronway, Corss, Cortright, Coulter, Coursen, Courtright, Coxe, Coyle, Crary, Crawford, Cressler, Crispell, Crockett, Croop, Crosby, Cross, Crouse, Crulip, Culp, Culver, Cummings, Cunniff, Cunnius, Curnow, Curry, Curtis, Custer, Cutler, Daly, Dana, Daniels, Danner, Danzer, Darling, Darte, Dauber, Davenport, Davey, Davies, Davis, De Frehn, Deiterick, Deitrick, Delaney, Delong, Denison, Dennis, Denniston, De Pierro, Derr, Detro, Devaney, Devenport, Devers, De Voe, DeWitt, Dickover, Dietrick, Dilley, Dills, Dils, Dinenny, Dipple, Distelhurst, Dodson, Doherty, Donahue, Donnelly, Donoghoe, Dony, Dorrance, Dotter, Doty, Dougherty, Dove, Doyle, Dreisbach, Driesbach, Driggs, Drum, Drumheller, Drumtra, Drury, Duane, Du Bois, Duddy, Dugan, Dullard, Dunn, Durkee, Durkin, Durland, Dushek, Dymond, Earnhart, Eaton, Eberly, Eby, Eckenrode, Eckman, Eckroth, Eddinger, Eder, Edgar, Edsall, Edson, Edwards, Egan, Egge, Ehret, Eicke, Eipper, Elbert, Elliott, Elston, Emory, Engle, English, Enterline, Ernest, Eroh, Eustice, Evans, Evarts, Eveland, Everhard, Evert, Faas, Fairchild, Fairclough, Falk, Falkenbridge, Fallihee, Farnham, Farrell, Faulds, Faux, Fear, Featherston, Feist, Feldmann, Fell, Felter, Fenner, Fenstermacher, Ferrell, Ferris, Ferry, Finch, Finn, Finney, Fisher, Fisk, Fitch, Fitzsimmon, Fitzsimmons, Flanagan, Flanley, Flannery, Fletcher, Flood, Flosser, Flynn, Fogel, Foley, Folk, Foltz, Foote, Ford, Forschner, Forve, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Franklin, Frantz, Frederick, French, Frew, Friederich, Frisbie, Fritsch, Fritz, Fry, Fuller, Furey, Gabel, Gabrill, Gallagher, Gallup, Galvin, Gannon, Gardner, Garinger, Garnett, Garrahan, Garthwaite, Gathercole, Gaughan, Gavin, Gavitt, Gay, Gaylord, Gemeinder, George, Geritz, Gerlach, German, Getting, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilchrist, Gillespie, Gilligan, Gilmore, Gilroy, Girton, Glennon, Goeltz, Goff, Good, Goode, Goodwin, Gores, Goss, Graaf, Grady, Gray, Grebey, Green, Greenburg, Gregory, Greich, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grimes, Grover, Grow, Guard, Guiney, Guinnip, Gunster, Gustin, Gutendorf, Habblett, Hague, Hahn, Hakes, Hale, Hallock, Hamilton, Hammond, Hampel, Hampton, Hancock, Hand, Haney, Harding, Harlos, Harned, Harris, Harrison, Harrower, Harsch, Hart, Harter, Hartranft, Hartrum, Hartzel, Harvey, Hauze, Havard, Hawk, Hawley, Hay, Hayden, Hayes, Hays, Hebel, Heim, Heisz, Heller, Henderson, Heness, Henney, Henrich, Henry, Herring, Herrman, Hershberger, Heslin, Hess, Hibbs, Hicks, Higgins, Hilbert, Hilbronner, Hilburt, Hildebrand, Hildebrant, Hill, Hillman, Himmler, Hind, Hine, Hislop, Hitchler, Hoban, Hofmann, Holbrook, Holcomb, Holgate, Holland, Hollar, Hollenback, Holley, Hollister, Holly, Holmes, Holschuh, Honeywell, Hopkins, Hoover, Houpt, Houser, Howe, Howell, Howells, Howey, Hoyt, Hubbs, Huff, Hufford, Hughes, Hull, Humphreys, Hunlock, Hunsicker, Hunsinger, Hunt, Hunter, Hutchins, Hutchison, Ide, Imlay, Inman, Irwin, Ittig, Ives, Jackson, Jacobs, James, Jameson, Jeffrey, Jenkins, Jennings, Jeremy, Jessop, John, Johnson, Jones, Jopling, Jordan, Joseph, Judge, Kaeufer, Kane, Kappler, Karchner, Kaschenbach, Kasper, Kastrup, Kaufer, Kauffman, Kaufman, Kay, Kearns, Keating, Keats, Keck, Keely, Keen, Keil, Keiser, Kelchner, Keller, Kelly, Kellmer, Kellner, Kelshaw, Kembel, Kemp, Kern, Kerr, Kester, Kidder, Killgallon, Killion, Kindred, Kines, King, Kingsbury, Kingsley, Kinney, Kirkendall, Kirschner, Kirwan, Kishbouch, Kisner, Kitchen, Kleintob, Kline, Klinkhammer, Klose, Knapp, Knelly, Knight, Knox, Kocher, Koehler, Koenig, Kolb, Koons, Kosek, Kreidler, Kresge, Kulp, Kunkel, Kunkle, Kuntz, Kuschke, Kyttle, La Bar, Lacey, La France, Laird, Lake, Lamoreux, Lampman, Landmesser, Langan, Langdon, Laning, Lanning, Lape, Larned, Larnerd, Lathrop, Latta, Laubach, Laux, Lavin, Law, Lawall, Lawless, Lawn, Layaon, Laycock, Lazarus, Leacock, Leaser, Leckle, Lee, Lees, Le Grand, Leibensberger, Leighow, Leisenring, Lenahan, Lentz, Leonard, Letteer, Levi, Levison, Lewis, Leyh, Leyson, Liem, Liggett, Lilly, Lindeman, Linn, Lintern, Lippincott, Little, Littleton, Lloyd, Lockhart, Long, Longshore, Longwell, Lonzer, Loomis, Loop, Lord, Loudenburg, Loughrey, Loveland, Lovell, Luddon, Ludwig, Lutsey, Lutz, Lyman, Lynch, Lynn, Lyons, McAlarney, McAlpine, McAniff, McCaa, McCabe, McCall, McCann, McCarty, McCauley, McClintock, McCloskey, McCombs, McCormick, McCoy, McDaniels, McDermot, McDonough, McFadden, McGahren, McGinnis, McGinty, McGoldrick, McGovern, McGowan, McGrane, McGraw, McGreevy, McGregor, McGroarty, McGuiness, McGuire, McHugh, McIntosh, McKay, McKechnie, McKee, McKnight, McLain, McLaughlin, McLean, McManus, McMenamin, McMorris, McMurtrie, McNamara, McNeal, McNelis, McNulty, McSweeny, MadFarlane, MacKnight, Macdonald, Mackin, Magee, Magraw, Mahedy, Mahon, Mahoney, Maiden, Major, Makely, Malloy, Maloney, Mandeville, Mangan, Mann, Marcy, Markle, Marshall, Marstellar, Martin, Marvel, Marvin, Mask, Mason, Massman, Masten, Masters, Matey, Mathers, Matthews, Mattimore, Maurer, May, Mayberry, Mayock, Mears, Meck, Meckel, Meehan, Meixell, Melan, Melvin, Meneeley, Meredith, Merithew, Merrel, Merritt, Metcalf, Metz, Meyer, Meyers, Miers, Mifflin, Miles, Miller, Mimford, Miner, Mitchel, Mitchell, Monroe, Montanye, Moon, Moore, Moot, Moran, Mordon, Morgan, Morgans, Morris, Morrissey, Morrow, Morton, Moss, Mott, Mowery, Moyer, Moylan, Moyles, Mugford, Mulholand, Mulligan, Murdoch, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Nankivell, Nash, Nattrass, Naugle, Neagley, Neale, Needham, Neely, Neilson, Nelson, Nemeth, Nesbitt, Newhart, Newton, Neyhart, Nicely, Nicholas, Nichols, Nicholson, Nimmo, Noble, Nolan, Noot, Nulton, O'Boyle, O'Brien, O'Donnell, O'Flaherty, O'Mally, O'Neill, Oberrender, Ogin, Ohl, Oldfield, Oliver, Oplinger, Orindorff, Orr, Osboroe, Otto, Pace, Parcell, Pardee, Park, Parke, Parrish, Patten, Patterson, Patton, Paul, Payne, Pearce, Pearn, Pearson, Peck, Peckens, Pedrick, Pence, Pennington, Perkins, Perrigo, Perrin, Perry, Peter, Peters, Pethick, Petkoski, Pettebone, Pettit, Petty, Pfeiffer, Pfouts, Philips, Phillips, Pickering, Pickett, Pier, Pierce, Pocknell, Polgrean, Pollock, Poole, Pope, Post, Poust, Powell, Price, Prichard, Pringle, Pritchard, Protheroe, Prutzman, Pursel, Pursell, Quigley, Raber, Race, Raeder, Raeuchle, Ralston, Randall, Ransom, Rarich, Raub, Rea, Read, Reap, Reed, Rees, Reese, Reeve, Regan, Reichard, Reick, Reid, Reiley, Reilly, Reisenweave, Reith, Remaly, Renniman, Renshaw, Reutelhuber, Reynolds, Rhinehart, Rhoades, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Ricketts, Ridall, Riechers, Rieg, Riley, Rimer, Ringsdorph, Rinker, Rittel, Rittenhouse, Roach, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robson, Rockafellow, Rodda, Roderick, Rodgers, Rogers, Rohland, Rohrbach, Rohrig, Rood, Roos, Root, Ross, Roth, Rough, Rouse, Roushey, Rowland, Ruddy, Rudewick, Ruggles, Rush, Russell, Rutledge, Ryan, Ryman, Sage, Sahm, Salvage, Sampson, Samuel, Sandel, Santee, Sarge, Sargent, Saul, Saunders, Schaefer, Schaffer, Schappert, Schaub, Scheidel, Scheidy, Schench, Schilling, Schimpff, Schleppy, Schmitt, Schnell, Schooley, Schreiner, Schroeder, Schultz, Schwab, Schwabe, Schwarz, Schweppenheiser, Scott, Scouton, Search, Seebold, Seely, Seiwell, Senn, Serfass, Seward, Shaffer, Shannon, Sharp, Shaver, Shaw, Shea, Shearer, Shepherd, Sheridan, Sherman, Shiffer, Shiner, Shipton, Shive, Shoemaker, Shonk, Shook, Shotwell, Shugard, Shupp, Sickler, Siegel, Sieger, Sills, Simon, Simpson, Sims, Singer, Sites, Skidmore, Slyker, Smawley, Smethers, Smith, Smoulter, Smorls, Snell, Snowden, Snyder, Sodon, Solt, Sorber, Spade, Spaide, Spalding, Spayd, Spencer, Sprague, St. John, Stackhouse, Stark, Staub, Steel, Stein, Steinberg, Stephens, Stevens, Stewart, Stites, Stivers, Stock, Stoneham, Stout, Strait, Stranberg, Strange, Stroh, Stull, Sturdevant, Sullivan, Sutliff, Sutton, Swartwood, Sweeny, Swingle, Switzer, Sword, Synott, Tammany, Tannant, Tasker, Taylor, Teasdale, Teeter, Teller, Templeton, Terry, Theophilus, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorn, Tighe, Tigue, Tinklepaugh, Todd, Towner, Traver, Traxler, Trenery, Trimble, Trimmer, Tripp, Troutman, Tubbs, Tuck, Turkes, Turnbach, Turner, Tyrrell, Umsted, Underwood, Van Buskirk, Van Campen, Van Horn, Van Keuren, Van Loon, Van Wickle, Vandermark, Vandling, Vannauker, Vargo, Vaughan, Vaughn, Vincent, Voigt, Von Krug, Vosburgh, Waddell, Wagner, Walker, Wall, Walsh, Walter, Walters, Waltman, Walton, Ward, Ware, Waring, Warner, Wasley, Wasser, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Weaver, Weintz, Weir, Weisheit, Weiss, Welch, Wells, Wendel, Wenner, Wernet, Wesley, West, Westfield, Westley, Whalen, Wheaton, Whelan, Whitaker, White, Whitebread, Whitebred, Whitesell, Whitney, Wiegand, Wieh, Wilbur, Wilcox, Wilde, Wildoner, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wilson, Winans, Windsor, Winter, Winters, Wiseman, Wisley, Wolcott, Wolf, Wolfe, Womelsdorf, Wood, Woodring, Woodruff, Woodward, Woodworth, Woolcock, Worthington, Wright, Wynn, Yannes, Yates, Yeocsak, Yost, Young, Youngcourt, Zemany, Ziegler, Zimmerman, Zukoski
Church, Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous Histories
Industries and Wealth of the Principle Points in Northeastern Pennsylvania;
Being Scranton, Williamsport, Lock Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Allentown,
Bethlehem, Easton, Danville, Sunbury and Shamokin
(American Publishing and Engraving Co., 1890, 125 pages)
This publication contains sketches of industrial and economic significance from the major populated areas of northeastern PA. These commercial sketches provide a rare look at many of the businesses and business people of Pennsylvania before the 20th Century.
From Luzerne County
-- From Wilkes-Barre: -- Wyoming Valley Coal Company, H. S. Reets, F. A. Phelps & Co., Reynolds & Co., Miner & Co., Barber Asphalt Paving Company, Nat. Wolfe & Co., Empire Brewery, Hillard & Bro., H. A. Jacoby, Williamson & Wallace, J. W. Raeder, W. B. Rick, A. R. Bacon, W. D. White & Co., M. H. Cooke, The Kress Stationery Company, Vosburgh Brothers, Wm. Stoddart & Co., C. Stegmaier & Son, Louis Tisch, William Puckey & Brother, C. B. Metzger, N. P. Jordan, Oscar Heyer, Lewis Brown, Constines' Market
Susquehanna on the Rampage 1936 (Wilkes-Barre News Agency, 1936, 32 pages)
This is a pictorial souvenir of the 1936 flood of the Susquehanna River and its effect in Sunbury, Lewisburg, Wilkes-Barre, Kingston, Nanticoke, West Nanticoke and Plymouth.
In Memory of Our Honored Dead – Souvenir Program
(Honor Degree of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1947, 68 pages)
This booklet was published as an honorary souvenir of the men and women of Luzerne County, PA who died in the course of World War II. It covers numerous individuals from each branch of the military and includes a portrait, a listing of where they lived, when they entered service and where and when they died. This is an excellent resource for research on these counties of Pennsylvania or WWII.
Flood 1972 (Pennsylvania Mirror, 1972, 48 pages)
This is a souvenir of the 1972 Flood in Pennsylvania resulting from Hurricane / Tropical storm Agnes. A section of the publication shows some of the damage done in the Wilkes-Barre area.
Flood Pennsylvania - 1972 (Timothy E. Euker, David Berner, 1972, 68 pages)
This is a pictorial souvenir of the flood from Hurrican Agnes which struck central Pennsylvania and other areas in 1972. Photographs show the floodwaters and damage done in various locations in Clinton, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Luzerne, Lycoming, Perry, Montour, Northumberland and Snyder Counties.
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