Mennonite Family History October 1992
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Life in the Jura in 1875: The Life of David Habegger (1860-1943) [Habegger]; A 1908 Visit to the Alsace [Fisher]; Have Fun With Genealogy; Renatha (Mierau) Wall Lender's Journal From Molotschna to Nebraska [Mierau, Wall, Lender]; John Kurtz (1805-1838): An AAMG Correction [Kurtz]; From Waldeck to America in 1820 With an Emphasis on the Kempfs [Kempf]; Where Once They Toiled: A Synopsis [Brandt]; Unsolved Mystery: Frantz Puzzle [Frantz]; The Peter Recher Letters of 1751 and 1753 [Recher]; What Happened to 31 Amish-Mennonite Families? [Augspurger, Hauter, Sommer, Miller, Gunden]; Rosenthal: The Old Colony Russia; The First Settlers: 1796-1808, Part II [Rosenthal, Berg, Boldt, Braun, De Fehr, Dyck, Ens, Epp, Friesen, Harder, Janzen, Klassen, Krocker, Lowen, Pries, Neufeld, Redekop, Rempel, Siemens, Wiebe, Funk, Hamm, Jager, Kruger, Lammert, Lowen, Neudorf]; A 265-Foot Historical Cyclorama; The Grabills of Grabill, Indiana [Grabill]; Jacob Brubaker (Schmidt) Smith, 1870-1951 [Smith]; Armengelder Account of the Danzig Waterlanders of 1698 [Enken, Allerts, Klaassen, Penner, Jansen]; The Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies and the California Mennonite Historical Society: Partners in Preserving the Mennonite Story; My Lauver Ancestry [Lauver].
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