Mercer County PA - County, Regional and Miscellaneous History Collection

Mercer County PA - County, Regional and Miscellaneous History Collection


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This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.

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County Histories & Biographical Volumes

History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania - Its Past and Present
(Brown, Runk & Co., 1888, 1213 pages)
This is a historical and biographical account of Mercer County, PA. The first chapters cover the history of the county; its settlement and growth. Succeeding chapters cover each of the county's townships and major towns, and each of these contains a biographical section outlining the history of many of the county's prominent and influential citizens. Hundreds of persons and families are sketched, and many of these are accompanied by a portrait of the subjects covered.

From Mercer:
Alexander, Amberson, Anderson, Baker, Bard, Barton, Bell, Bingham, Block, Bowser, Burwell, Chandler, Clawson, Courtney, Crawford, Davidson, Dean, Derickson, Donaldson, Douds, Elliott, Findley, Filson, Frankel, Gamble, Garvin, Gordon, Graham, Gregory, Griffith, Hall, Hefling, Herrington, Hope, Hosack, Hoon, Hutchinson, Isenberg, Jack, Keck, Kile, King, Kreps, Logan, Madge, Magoffin, Mason, McBride, McBurney, McClain, McCleery, McCullough, McDermitt, McElheny, McElrath, McKean, McKee, Mehard, Miller, Montgomery, Moon, Morris, Mowry, Nelson, Nickum, Orr, Palm, Patterson, Pearson, Ray, Robinson, Rose, Sheriff, Shipler, Small, Smith, Sykes, Stewart, Stranahan, Templeton, Weidman, Wharton, White, Williams, Wright, Yeager, Zahniser, Zeigler,

From Sharon:
Alderman, Applegate, Aschman, Ashton, Bailey, Barber, Beck, Beil, Bell, Bentley, Bowden, Boyce, Boyle, Brady, Brooks, Buchholz, Budd, Buhl, Bundel, Burnett, Canon, Carley, Chamberlain, Chase, Clark, Cohen, Cole, Cook, Cope, Cover, Crosthwaite, Curtis, Carver, Dach, Dahringer, Davis, Dillinger, Dresch, Eagan, Eckstein, Edmunds, Elliott, Ewing, Filer, Forker, Fruit, Gillespie, Griswold, Hall, Hann, Hanna, Harshaw, Haus, Heilman, Henderson, Henlan, Herrmann, Hoelzle, Hoffmann, Hoyt, Jones, Kahl, Kimberly, King, Kirk, Kissinger, Kline, Lafferty, Lee, Leonard, Leslie, Liddle, Love, Macaulay, Marsden, Marshall, Messersmith, McCleery, McClure, McFarland, McGilvray, McKnight, McManus, Miller, Morgan, Morrison, Moses, Neiler, Newton, Orchard, Patterson, Pew, Phillips, Polley, Porter, Powers, Prindle, Printz, Quinby, Ray, Reed, Rice, Roberts, Robinson, Robison, Rose, Saul, Seavy, Service, Shilling, Shiras, Smith, Spearman, Spencer, Stambaugh, Tanner, Taylor, Thomas, Traxler, Tresise, Tribby, Tyler, Van Orsdel, Wallis, Watkins, Wengler, Westerman, Wheeler, Whitehead, Wilkes, Williams, Williamson, Willson, Wilson, Wishart, Wright, Yahres, Yeager

From Greenville:
Allison, Annett, Artherholt, Ash, Austin, Bacher, Baskin, Beatty, Bennett, Benninghoff, Bittenbanner, Brittain, Brown, Brush, Carlin, Christy, Clark, Clift, Dambacher, Dickey, Donaldson, Donner, Donohue, Dumars, Emery, Fell, Fessler, Fetzer, Findley, Ford, Fry, Gaiser, Gibson, Gillespie, Grauel, Hamblin, Hamill, Hanna, Harpst, Hasenplug, Heilman, Henlein, Herrick, Hewitt, Hodge, Homer, Huling, Hutcheson, Kamerer, Kane, Keck, Krelen, Keller, Kuchler, Kughler, Kuder, Laird, Leech, Leet, Linn, Livingston, Loomis, Looser, Loutzenhiser, Martin, Mathers, Maxwell, McClimans, McCray, McElhaney, McFate, McQuiston, Miller, Moss, Mossman, Mould, Moyer, Muntz, Neel, Packard, Paden, Pearce, Reiss, Saal, Sankey, Saul, Sheakley, Shutt, Soult, Speir, Stewart, Stone, Taylor, Templeton, Thompson, Thorn, Tillotson, Tunison, Turner, Vaughn, Vosler, Waugh, West, Wick

From Sharpsville:
Agnew, Bartleson, Boston, Clark, Devitt, Dull, Dunham, Ford, Hadley, Hazen, Hofius, Kaufman, Kelly, Kitch, Lytle, McDowell, Nickle, Pierce, Thompson, Twitmyer, Zahniser

From Shenango Township:
Anderson, Bell, Buckwalter, Byers, Caldwell, Canon, Crossman, Dilley, Edeburn, Gearheart, Graham, haywood, Hillier, Huff, Jackson, Leese, McCandles, McCreary, Mitcheltree, Newkirk, Pettitt, Powell, Randall, Reed, Riggs, Russell, Satterfield, Stewart, Van Fleet, Watson, Wharton, Wheeler, Young

From Hickory Township:
Allen, Clark, Cole, DeForrest, Downing, Dunham, Eaton, Eberhart, Frampton, Hall, Hann, Hofius, Hull, Jamison, Jenkins, Love, Linn, Lytle, Miles, Miller, Ormsby, Perry, Robison, Satterfield, Shilling, Simonton, Staunton, Stevens, Stewart, Titus, Trout, Troutman, Welch

From Lackawannock Township:
Allen, Blackstone, Bortz, Burgess, Byers, Byler, Creen, Dunlap, Elliott, Hodge, Gordon, Hope, Hughes, Hunter, Love, Madge, Marquis, McWhirter, Pilgrim, Porter, Seidle, Standley, Thompson, Troutman, Wallace, Yarian, Young

East Lackawannock Township:
Amon, Budd, Brest, Carter, Cozad, Denniston, Drake, Edwards, Hawthorn, Hoagland, Hutchison, Lees, Miller, McCollough, McVey, Rogers, Stranahan, Wallace, Williams, Wright

From Wilmington Township:
Carter, McCrumb, McWhirter, Mercer, Porter, Van Orsdell

From Pymatuning Township:
Arthurholt, Byerly, Carnes, Chestnut, Clark, Fell, Frampton, Fruit, Gill, Gilliland, Hendrickson, Kamerer, Koonce, McClure, McFarland, McKnight, Reno, Rickert, Simonton, Stambaugh, Stoyer, Struble, Willson, Winger, Womer

From Delaware Township:
Acher, Bigler, Blumer, Busch, Fruit, Hecker, Kamerer, McCleery, McConvill, Magee, Mowry, Reichard, Wagoner

From Jefferson Township:
Anderson, Bagnall, Beringer, Brest, Broadbent, Clark, Davis, Forsythe, Fruit, Horne, McDowell, McCullough, Ray, Reno, Smith, Steingrebe, Steister, Zahniger, Zahniser

From Springfield Township:
Alexander, Arbuckle, Black, Christley, Coulter, Drake, Elliott, Gilson, Glenn, Gordon, Johnston, Kennedy, Love, McConnell, Michaels, Montgomery, Moore, Moul, Munnell, Nelson, Orr, Palmer, Reed, Williams

From Findley Township:
Achre, Alexander, Barnes, Bastress, Boston, Brandon, Buckham, Courtney, Cribbs, Crill, Davis, Eberle, Giles, Gilfillan, Glenn, Glendening, Graham, Harrison, Highbarger, Hosack, Houston, Ifft, Junkin, Masson, Maxwell, McCoy, Michaels, McKay, Meyer, Miller, Nelson, Newbury, Paxton, Rahauser, Rainey, Ramsey, Riddle, Robinson, Rupert, Seidley, Stewart, Wilson, Young

From Cool Spring Township:
Alexander, Allison, Armstrong, Backus, Bestwick, Boyd, Buxton, Byers, Caldwell, Cook, Homer, Johnston, Kelso, Kent, Lees, Madden, McDougall, McEwen, McMillan, Miller, North, Page, Reed, Rodgers, Scurry, Simpson, Stokely, Tait, Vanatta, Walker, Webb, Wilson, Worley

From Fairview Township:
Alexander, Boyd, Byles, Eckles, Gaiser, Harsh, Johnston, McLain, Morford, North, Roberts

From Lake Township:
Baskin, Bonner, Caldwell, Cann, Eckles, Fairlamb, Filer, Greer, Hanna, Hines, McIntire, McMichael, Parry, Pears, Slater, Thompson, Zahniser

From Jackson Township:
Black, Bromley, Donaldson, Gallagher, Graham, Harrison, Infield, Lytle, McCurdy, McElrath, McKay, Nisbet, Pearson, Pew, Porter, Silveus, Vernam, Wilson, Zahniser

From Wolf Creek Township:
Bardon, Coleman, Craig, Crawford, Eakin, Gill, Grace, Houston, Johnston, McDowell, McFarlin, Patterson

From Pine Township:
Allen, Black, Buckholdt, Buchanan, Borland, Coulter, Covert, Denniston, Daugherty, Filer, Gill, Graham, Humphrey, Ketler, Kinder, Little, Martin, McCoy, McClelland, McCutchen, McKay, McWilliams, Moore, Montgomery, Morrow, Orr, Ramsey, Stevenson, White, Young

From Liberty Township:
Courtney, Dight, Kirkpatrick, Snyder, Smith, Uber

From Sandy Lake Township:
Baird, Bailey, Barnes, Blatt, Bower, Brown, Buckley, Carver, Clawson, Cooley, Crawford, Cross, Dean, De France, Devore, Egbert, Elder, Farrah, Feather, Foster, Fowler, Fulton, Giebner, Gordon, Hawthorn, Hoovler, Archibald, McBurney, McClure, Mears, Nicklin, Osburn, Perrine, Porter, Potter, Robb, Rose, Simcox, Smith, Stevenson, Taylor, Troy, Welton, Winner, Worrell, Wright, Zahniser, Zeigler

From Worth Township:
Ball, Beach, Bestwick, Buckley, Carmical, Carmichael, Carroll, Grace, Geibner, Griffin, Henderson, Howe, Hunter, Huey, Jamison, Marshall, Medberry, Patterson, West, Wheeler, Wilson, Wright

From Mill Creek Township:
Blatt, Brunner, Canon, Clayton, Daubenspeck, Dean, Deemer, DeFrance, Glenn, Lindsay, Martin, McMullen, Nelson, Nicklin, Voorhies, Vorous

From French Creek Township:
Cooper, Crowell, Dean, Dilley, Farver, McConnell, Shirk, Williams

From Sandy Creek Township:
Axtell, Bell, Bradbury, Byers, Cochran, Couse, Dunn, McCracken, Minnis, Morrison, Moyer, Palm, Philips, Sheakley, Thompson, White

From Deer Creek Township:
Burnett, Caldwell, Curry, Price, Ross, Sterritt, Stright, Vaughn

From New Vernon Township:
Axtell, Borland, Boyd, Forbes, Haggertie, Hill, Infield, Lackey, McCartney, McCormick, McCracken, McCutcheon, McElwain, Moore, Ross, Sauers, Scofield, White

From Perry Township:
Beal, Beggs, Carringer, Corll, Donaldson, Feather, Foulk, Gilger, Goodrich, Hadley, Hoffacker, Jackson, Long, McClure, Morneweck, Stright, White, Yeager

From Salem Township:
Beatty, Bruch, Callahan, Donaldson, Euard, Hoobler, Matthews, McLean, Osborn, Riley, Rhoades, Roberts, Stevenson

From Sugar Grove Township:
Benninghoff, Burton, Campbell, Dumars, Grim, Leech, McAdoo, McClimans, McGranahan, Ray, Riley, Roberts, Stoll, Walker, Young

From Hempfield Township:
Aldenderfer, Christy, Baer, Beaver, Belton, Betts, Brown, Davidson, Dumars, Fritz, Gibson, Hecker, Hittle, Hull, Kamerer, Laird, Love, McCafferty, Morford, Mowry, Moyer, Paine, Reigelman, Reimold, Ridgeway, Robinson, Rutter, Saul, Snyder, Stenger, Stewart, Stinson, Troy, Wasser, Young

From Otter Creek Township:
Beatty, Eich, Haggerty, Kasner, Koon, McMillen, Sankey, Snyder, Wagner

From West Salem Township:
Arner, Aubel, Beil, Benninghoff, Bortz, Brockway, Brown, Burwell, Callahan, Calvert, Canon, La Cossitt, Diefenderfer, Dingman, Doyle, Fell, Ferguson, Fletcher, Foulk, Gahring, Harnit, Hasenplug, Hommer, Howe, Hunter, Johnston, Klingensmith, Knappenberger, Lininger, Loutzenhiser, McBroom, McDowell, McElheney, McLaughlin, McMahan, McMillen, McNeilly, Melvin, Miller, Morford, Nelson, Parker, Phelan, Porter, Rice, Richardson, Say, Simpkins, Smith, Snodgrass, Speir, Templeton, Trunkey, Tunison, Woods, Ziegler

From Greene Township:
Artman, Christy, Dennison, Gamble, Marley, McLaughlin, Plant, Porter, Robinson, Sherbondy, Stewart, Wertz

Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania
(W. J. McKnight, 1905, 719 pages)
The Full title is: "A Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Embracing the Counties of Tioga, Potter, McKean, Warren, Crawford, Venango, Forest, Clarion, Elk, Jefferson, Cameron, Butler, Lawrence, and Mercer, Also A Pioneer Sketch of the Cities of Allegheny, Beaver, Du Bois, and Towanda" This publication is a historical account of the early beginnings of several counties in Northwestern PA. The information is more focused on historical details than biographical, but it still contains a great deal of information useful for historical or genealogical research.

Twentieth Century History of Mercer County Pennsylvania
(J. G. White, 1909, 1241 pages)
This is a historical and biographical account of Mercer County, PA. The first section contains the historical information, covering the settlement and formation of the county, and its political, military, professional, and industrial history. Following the historical information are biographies of hundreds of Mercer County's citizens, along with many portraits. These men and women were important in various ways to the growth of the county and their respective areas.

Surnames Indexed:
Achre, Adams, Addison, Adler, Agner, Alexander, Allen, Amspoker, Amy, Anderson, Anglin, Anderson, Armour, Artman, Artherholt, Arnold, Ash, Ashton, Atwell, Axtell, Bachman, Bachop, Baer, Bagnall, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Banks, Barr, Barton, Bartlett, Bash, Balhline, Bates, Beal, Beatty, Beaver, Beggs, Beil, Bell, Benninghoff, Bentley, Berryhill, Betts, Bilig, Bingham, Bissell, Black, Blackston, Blair, Blaney, Bohlender, Boies, Bole, Bombeck, Bonner, Bortz, Boulger, Bovard, Bowen, Bowie, Boyce, Boyd, Brackin, Braden, Braggins, Breiner, Brenner, Bridges, Brittain, Brockway, Brooks, Brown, Bruner, Brush, Budd, Buhl, Bundel, Burdett, Burnett, Burton, Byers, Byerly, Callahan, Campbell, Cann, Canon, Carnes, Carr, Carringer, Carruthers, Carver, Cattron, Chase, Chess, Chestnut, Christy, Christopher, Clark, Clawson, Cleaveland, Cleland, Cochran, Cole, Collins, Condit, Cook, Cooper, Cossitt, Couse, Covert, Cowan, Cozadd, Craig, Crawford, Croghan, Cosson, Cubbison, Cunningham, Curtis, Cutler, Daily, Dale, Dallas, Davenny, Davidson, Davis, DAwes, Day, Deau, De Armit, De Forest, Dennison, Denniston, Denny, Devitt, Dickey, Dickinson, Dickson, Diefenderfer, Dilley, Dinehart, Douglass, Downs, Doyle, Drake, Dumars, Dunham, Dunn, Dwyer, Dye, Ealy, Eberman, Eckles, Edge, Egbert, Elliott, Emery, Erdice, Farrell, Farrelly, Fell, Filer, Findley, Fish, Fischer, Fithian, Fletcher, Flower, Floyd, Flick, Foltz, Ford, Forker, Forrest, Foster, Foulk, Frampton, Frankel, Frew, Fritz, Fruit, Fry, Frye, Fulton, Fyffe, Gaines, Gamble, Garber, Garts, Garvin, Gault, Gaylord, Gibson, Giebner, Gilkey, Gill, Gillespie, Gilmore, Gilmer, Gilson, Goodwin, Gordon, Grace, Graham, Griffith, Grove, Gruber, Hackney, Hadley, Hall, Haner, Hanna, Hannah, Harnevious, Harper, Harpst, Harris, Harrison, Harshaw, Hart, Hartman, Hauer, hayes, Haywood, Hazen, Heath, Hecker, Heilman, Heinz, Henderson, Henlein, Herriott, Herrmann, hewitt, Heydrick, Hillier, Hines, Hittel, Hittle, Hoagland, Hodge, Hoffacker, Hofius, Hoge, Hogue, Holmes, Hoobler, Hoon, Hoovler, Hope, Hosack, Hover, Hoyt, Hughes, Hull, Hum, Hunt, Hunter, Hutcheson, Hyde, Irvine, Jackson, James, Jaxtheimer, Jewell, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Junkin, Kamerer, Kearns, Keck, Keifer, Keith, Kennard, Kennedy, Kerr, Ketler, Kidd, Kilgore, King, Kitch, Klingensmith, Kohlmeyer, Koon, Koonce, Knauf, Kranz, Kreps, Kulp, Langley, Large, Larmier, Lawrence, Leech, Leet, Leslie, Levey, Liddle, Limberg, Lininger, Livingston, Long, Loutzenhiser, Love, Ludwig, Magoffin, Mallorie, Marshall, Marsteller, Martin, Mason, Mathay, Mathers, Matson, Maxwell, McAdams, McBride, McBroom, McCafferty, McCain, McCalmont, McCandless, McCartney, McCleery, McClelland, McClenahan, McClimans, McCloskey, McClure, McConkey, McCormick, McCoy, McCracken, McCreary, McCullough, McCurdy, McDermitt, McDowell, McElrath, McElwain, McGill, McIlroy, McIntire, McIntyer, McKain, McKay, McKean, McKinney, McKnight, McLaughlin, McLaughry, McLean, McMaster, McMillan, McMillen, McNary, McNeilly, McQuiston, Mead, Mehard, Mehl, Melvin, Menold, Mevey, Miles, Miller, Miniban, Minner, Minnis, Mitchell, Mitcheltree, Moats, Montgomery, Moore, More, Moreland, Morford, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Mortimer, Mortimore, Mossman, Mowry, Moyer, Mullen, Munnel, Murchie, Myers, Naylor, Nelson, Neville, Newbold, Neyman, Nicholson, Nickle, Nickum, Norris, Oakes, O'Branigan, Offutt, Ohl, O'Mahony, Orchard, Orr, Osborn, Packard, Paden, Palmer, Park, Passavant, Pattison, Pearse, Pearson, Peate, Perry, Pettit, Pew, Phillips, Philips, Pierce, Porter, Powell, Pringle, Printz, Redmond, Reed, Reeher, Reese, Reichard, Reimold, Reiss, Reno, Reyer, Reynolds, Reznor, Rhodes, Rice, Richardson, Rickerd, Robb, Roberts, Robinson, Robison, Rodgers, Rood, Rose, Ross, Roth, Ruffing, Runningbrew, Russell, Saal, Sample, Satterfield, Saylor, Schofield, Scott, Seaholm, Seidel, Seiple, Sellors, Semple, Seyler, Shafer, Shank, Sharp, Sheakley, Sherbondy, Shilling, Shippen, Shoemaker, Shrom, Simcox, Simmons, Simpkins, Simonton, Simons, Smathers, Smith, Snyder, Soult, Spearman, Speir, Spence, Spencer, Sproull, Stage, Stambaugh, Steele, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, STinson, Stone, Stoyer, Stranahan, Stright, Swartz, Tait, Taylor, Thiel, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Tidd, Tinker, Tribby, Brout, Trunkey, Truzell, Turner, Tuttle, Twitmyer, Uber, Van Eman, Vaughn, Vernon, Vincent, Vosler, Wagoner, Waldron, Walker, Warner, Washabaugh, Wasser, Watkins, Watson, Waugh, Webb, Webber, Welker, Wertz, West, Westerman, Wheeler, Whieldon, Whistler, White, Whitehead, Whitla, Wike, Williams, Williamson, Willson, Wilson, Wilt, Winterburn, Wolf, Wood, Woods, Wrights, Wyant, Yeager, Young, Zahniser, Zittel, Zuschlag

Town & Township Histories

Greenville Centennial 1838-1938 (Anonymous, 1938, 52 pages)
This is a program for Greenville's centennial celebrations in 1938. It contains a program of events for the centennial week. It also lists those residents involved in the committees and events of the celebration, and those who helped to sponsor the events. There are also a few ads for local businesses.

Church, Family, Education, Military and Misceallaneous Histories

Manufacturing and Mercantile Resources of Mercer County Pennsylvania
An Industrial, Historical and Statistical Review (D. S. Williams & Co., 1882, 163 pages)
This publication is a review of the business and industrial resources of Mercer County, PA. According to the cover page, this publication includes "historical sketches of the boroughs, villages and townships with their industries, production and population..." It covers specifically several cities in the county and provides sketches of some of their prominent businessmen and business operations.

From Mercer County
-- Clarksville -- G. W. Achre, William Dickson, Josiah Stewart, George Lowry, -- Fredonia -- M. F. Beaty, Josiah Baer, Mitchell & Walker, Thos. McCleery & Son, P. F. Roof, W. H. Davenny, -- Greenville -- W. A. Vaughn & Son, John P. Mathay, E. W. Hodge, John E. Hull Jr., Benjamin Bowers, J. J. Hutcheson, H. E. Camp, A. L. Stevens, Kreps Brothers, Henry Austin, H. H. Lininger, S. W. Foulk, J. E. Brockway, L. D. Brown & Co., Dickey Brothers, Kamerer & Leech, Bradley & Meacham, Smoyer & Knight, James Mathers & Con, Reznor & Campbell, F. H. Bortz & Co., Beatty & Findley, R. S. Johnston & Co., H. Watson & Co., F. W. Simmons, Hamblin Sons & Co., City Drug Store, W. R. Field, First National Bank, Harvey & McClure, T. C. Gibson, Heilman Brothers, E. H. Hawks, Fell House, T. E. Heilman, D. P. McMahan, R. Truran, Wm. Beatty & Son, Dr. J. A. Donaldson, Cook & Ford, W. J. McCrea & Co., Hull & Alexander, F. D. Moon, Taylor & Son, Wm. Wimer, National Hotel, Peter Saal, Shrom & Aldenderfer, Henlein & Bacher, Artherholt & Co., Wyatt Banks, Beachler & Reichard, C. H. Eaton, S. R. Keelen, John P. Derr, L. W. Jones, Partridge & Ellinger, W. J. Dunn, Geo. Becker, Samuel West, T. P. Garber, Hewitt & Price, L. L. Keck, Packard & Co., Greenville Rolling Mills, Miss M. Stinson, Turner & Co., C. W. Worthington, Stinsons & Co., Evna Shelly, John Taylor, E. McMannus, W. J. B. Findley & Co., John L. Caldwell, Seyler & Reynolds, -- Jamestown -- Uriah English, Griffin House, Jamestown Banking Co., A. B. Edson, Wm. Taylor, Samuel Gardner, Dr. D. Gamble, S. L. Robb, C. Davis & Son, Nelson Martin & Co., C. H. Sargent, Wm. Gibson & Co., Field & Fell, -- Mercer -- Packard & Black, N. J. McKean, Wm. Lary, Mercer Wooden Ware Co., Louis Schriner, Campbell & Emery, Levino Bros. & Co., F. F. Graham, W. B. Bard, George K. Smith, Centennial Organ Company, Nelson Manufacturing Co., J. & G. T. Sykes, E. B. Montgomery, J. M. Sherriff, St. Cloud Hotel, Noah Shipler, Frankel & Wright, John Daugherty, Northwestern Hotel, South Pitt Foundry and Machine Shop, Mercer Carriage Works, J. B. Mowry, W. R. Montgomery & Sons, R. B. Hoon, William Jack, George King, A. Laughlin, George Reznor, William Fox, A. L. Stewart, M. Noll, Charles Clawson, George Tanner, Shipler & Son, -- Pine Grove (Wolf Creek P.O.) -- J. N. Emery & Sons, Pine Grove Bank, Filer House, Pine Grove Carriage and Wagon Works, T. W. Dale, Black Diamond Coal Co., W. H. Monroe, H. N. Infield & Co., Black & Offut, Pine Grove Carriage Works, Maxwell & Offut, W. A. Young & Son, Pine Grove Coal Co., R. G. Black, Campbell's Mills, W. H. Heberling, Chestnut Ridge Colliery, J. H. G. Opre, Sharon Coal Company, W. M. Frew, J. H. Black, Wolf Creek Mills, C. H. Welch, -- Sandy Lake -- Watson & Zahniser, W. L. Johnston, Sandy Lake Flouring Mill, Sandy Lake Savings Bank, J. C. Allen, James Yanney Jr., Central Hotel, J. L. Cross, E. M. Latham & Sons, Jesse Edmund, J. A. Egbert, W. S. Eberman & Sons, Carnahan & De France, Sandy Lake House, Wm. Simcox, Waid & Harrison, W. R. Field, Sandy Lke Carriage Works, McBurney & Lyons, -- Sharon -- James Duffy, Sharon National Bank, J. L. Weaver, Luke Ryan, Sharon City Mills, Shenango Machine Works, Wilson & Robisons, Valley Gardens & Green House, R. A. Bell, Filer & Westerman, Gillespie & Hammon, John C. Owsley, Fruit Ohl & Co., P. Brady, Empire Planing Mill, Sharon Boiler Works, J. L. Carver, Neiler & Dodd, Mrs. J. Huether, C. E. Bundel, Hickory Coal Company, Harry Kline, John H. Nikirk, Anderson & Co., John S. Spencer, S. Watson, Liddle & Dougherty, John Kirk, White House, Dr. B. Love, W. C. DeForrest, Wm. V. Byard, J. L. Miller, George S. Kirk, Service Bros. & Co., The City Roller Mill, D. A. Clepper & Bro., John Burk, Wm. L. Prindle, Burchfield Brothers, Joseph Chamberlain, Sharon Iron Company, S. P. Dame, Jacob Dresch, W. O. Leslie, P. L. Kimberly & Co., Harry Orchard, W. E. Starkey, McDowell's Bank, Stewart Iron Co., Wm. Knighton & S. A. Gibson, F. M. Derr, G. W. Burnett, E. T. Renwick, Uriah Spencer, Snyder Coal Company, Singer Manufacturing Co., C. A. Ashton, J. Goldstein & Co., Chas. Zuber, First National Bank, John Filer & Co., Mrs. E. Crosthwaite, F. Hoelzle, Keystone Livery Stable, R. Hanlon, J. J. Stitt, Alvin Bronson, W. L. Lamphear, Carver House, John Stewart, David Cartwright, Wm. Porter, L. L. Jackson, L. M. Williams, C. Hossel, P. L. Williams & Son, Forker & Quinby, Keystone Cash Store, John Wright, -- Sharpsville -- Spearman Iron Co., J. W. Fuller, Douglas Furnaces, Walter Pierce & Co., Pierce House, N. Showers, J. R. Gemmill, C. Templeton, Geddes & Eagan, Pauly Bros. & McKean, Hawk & Dailey, J. L. Fillman, Pierce Coal Co., Henderson, Forker & Co., F. C. Ramig, Byers & Hewitt, J. W. Dickson & Co., Mt. Hickory Iron Co., Wm. Vogel, T. G. Robinson, Mabel Furnace, A. Roberts, Sharpsville Furnace Co., J. D. Hadley & Sons, Isaac Byerly, McClelland & Pauly, Samuel Dunham, W. S. Bebout, -- Stoneboro -- Mercer Iron and Coal Co., A. Bonner & Co., W. B. Cornwell, C. G. Larned & C., Stoneboro Bank, James L. Greer, Lake House, Porter & Horn, J. P. Hines, John Kelly, W. J. Broadbent, F. T. Mears, N. Houser, -- West Middlesex -- Wheeler Iron Company, J. M Hyde, Middlesex Mill, W. J. & J. E. Davidson, Homer T. King, W. R. Burnett, J. W. Russell, Ella Furnace, Randall Bros. & Co., "Veach's Bank", J. W. Porter

Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Northern] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 125 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from a dozens of towns throughout north, central and western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.

From Mercer County
-- From Sharon: -- Sharon Iron Company, Sharon Boiler Works, J. Goldstein & Co., C. J. Bussey, J. C. Hermann & Co., S. A. McKay, J. R. Hewitt, The Carver House, A. H. Stewart, F. T. Aschman, P. Brady, "Will" the Candy Man, W. A. McKnight, W. O. Leslie, Harry Orchard, Charles Dahringer, Joseph Chamberlain, Charles E. Hart, John Blake, George Tribby, The City Boiler Works, W. P. Hanna, James G. McKnight, Thomas J. Gillespie, W. L. Lamphear, Don Condo, J. Boyle, -- From Sharpsville: -- Sharpsville Furnace Company and Pierce Coal Company (Limited), Pierce Kelly & Co., Douglas Furnaces, Spearman Iron Company, W. D. Hofius, F. A. Jewell & Co., The Sharpsville Boot and Shoe Co., Hadley & Maxwell, M. J. Sample, Kitch & Mower, J. D. Hadley, -- From Greenville: -- J. L. Turner & Son, Jno. P. Derr & Son, Ford & Thorn, Pearce Woolen Co., A. D. Ives, G. W. Hewitt, J. T. McCarty, I. M. Moyer, J. H. Muntz, Henry Austin, McClimans & Lyon, John Annett, Heilman Brothers, Hodge Manufacturing Co., G. K. Anderson, C. T. Meachan, Thomas McMillen, Woodward Bros., T. C. Gibson, Thomas Stone, E. R. Price, Dickey Bros., -- From Mercer: -- R. J. Zahniser, C. H. Block's New York Five and Ten Cent Store, D. V. Stranahan, J. C. Glenn, Whistler's Hotel, A. J. McKean, Hosack's, J. G. Kline, A. Newell, Joel Snyder, W. J. McKean, J. M. Albin, J. W. Nickum, J. B. Mowry & Co., G. W. Myers, Jones & Smith, Logan & Kile

General Marshall's Victory Report [Greenville]
(U.S. War Department, 1946-47, 148 pages)
This was published following the close of the war to provide the public with a general account of the war from beginning to end. The report was published for individual areas throughout the state, and each of these areas included a list of local men and women who served in the war. This report covers the town of Greenville, PA.

Maps Atlases & Images

Maps & Atlases (***Not Text-searchable***)
1860 Map of Mercer Co. Pennsylvania (G. M. Hopkins and A. Pomeroy & S. W. Treat, Color)
1873 Combination Atlas of the County of Mercer and State of Pennsylvania (G. M. Hopkins & Co., 46 pages, B/W)

Birds-eye Town Views (***Not Text-searchable***)
Greenville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania (1896, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
Grove City, Mercer County, Pennsylvania (1901, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
Sharon, Mercer County, Pennsylvania (1901, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
Sharpsville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania (1901, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)

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