Northumberland County, PA - Everything Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA. This collection includes all of the individual collections covering Northumberland County, PA (Please see individual collection listings for detailed descriptions of titles.)
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
NU01 - Northumberland County PA - Everything Collection (All Collections on Northumberland County)
NU02 - County History & Biography Collection
History and Topography of Northumberland, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Centre, Union, Columbia, Juniata, and Clinton Co., PA (I. Daniel Rupp, 1847, 567 pages)
Otzinachson; or a History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna (J. F. Meginnes, 1857, 533 pages)
History of Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania (Everts & Stewart, 1876, 234 pages)
Otzinachson; or a History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna (J. F. Meginnes, 1889, 712 pages)
Biographical Annals of Deceased Residents of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna (J. F. Meginness, 1889, 270 pages)
History of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania (Herbert C. Bell, 1891, 1255 pages)
Book of Biographies. Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of the 17th Congressional District, Pennsylvania (Biographical Publishing Co., 1899, 680 pages)
Genealogical and Biographical Annals of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania (J. L. Floyd & Co., 1911, 1072 pages)
Historical Preservation (Northumberland County Planning Commission, 1978, 113 pages)
NU03 - Regional History Collection - Sunbury & Vicinity
Historical Sketch and Business Review of Sunbury in 1872-3 (E. B. Haines, 1872, 70 pages)
History of the Presbytery of Northumberland (Rev. Joseph Stevens, 1888, 92 pages)
History of Zion's Ev. Lutheran Church 1791-1891 (Rev. J. H. Weber, 1891, 76 pages)
Sunbury - Historical, Biographical and Industrial (The Daily Item, 1905, 52 pages)
[Souvenir of] Sunbury, Pa. (The Rotograph Co., 1905, 14 pages)
Souvenir Letter - Sunbury, PA (P. P. Smith & Sons, 1908, 12 pages)
Reminiscences of Sunbury (J. C. Irwin, 1910, 69 pages)
1928 Directory - Grace Lutheran Church Sunbury, Pennsylvania (James A. Hartman, 1928, 24 pages)
Souvenir Program - 23rd Annual Convention and Reunion - Pennsylvania State Association B. P. O. Elks, Sunbury, Pa. (Anonymous, 1929, 106 pages)
Brief History and Membership Directory of Zion Lutheran Church, Sunbury, PA - 1930 (1930, 59 pages)
Sesqui-Centennial 1785-1935 - First Presbyterian Church, Sunbury, PA (Anonymous, 1935, 92 pages)
Sesqui-Centennial Souvenir - 1941, Zion's Ev. Luth. Church, Sunbury (Anonymous, 1941, 26 pages)
More Than A Hundred Years - A Brief History of St. John's Methodist Church, Sunbury, PA (Mrs. Cora E. Yoder & Rev. C. F. Berkheimer, 1941, 33 pages)
General Marshall's Victory Report [Millersburg - Berrysburg - Pillow - Dalmatia] (U.S. War Department, 1946-47, 160 pages)
Centennial Celebration 1850-1950 - St. John's Lutheran Church, Leck Kill, PA (Anonymous, 1950, 21 pages)
1854-1954 - 100th Anniversary of Northumberland Royal Arch Chapter No. 174, Sunbury, Pennsylvania (Anonymous, 1954, 36 pages)
1929-1959 Our Thirtieth Anniversary - Albright Church, Evangelical United Brethren, Sunbury, PA (Anonymous, 1959, 34 pages)
Dedication of Himmel's Lutheran and United Church of Christ, Rebuck, Pennsylvania (1960, 20 pages)
Sunbury PA Bicentennial 1772-1972 (The Daily Item, 1972, 44 pages)
Sunbury Pennsylvania - Two Hundred Years - 1772-1972 (Sunbury Bicentennial Inc., 1972, 211 pages)
Sunbury Area Spirit of '76 Pictorial History (Bicentennial Committee, 1976, 35 pages)
150th Anniversary 1827-1977 - St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Sunbury, Penna. (Anonymous, 1977, 16 pages)
NU04 - Regional History Collection - Northumberland & Vicinity
Northumberland Pennsylvania (Bureau of Industry, 1910, 18 pages)
Buyers' Guide and Community Annual - Northumberland, Pa. 1924 (Susquehanna Press, 1924, 36 pages)
Buyers' Guide and Community Annual - Northumberland, Pa. 1925 (Susquehanna Press, 1925, 36 pages)
Buyers' Guide and Community Annual - Northumberland, Pa. 1927 (Susquehanna Press, 1927, 35 pages)
The Story of An Old Town - Northumberland 1829-1929 (The Susquehanna Press, 1929, 52 pages)
Trinity Evangelical Church, Northumberland, Pa. - Dedicatory Services of the Sunday School Building (Anonymous, 1933, 4 pages)
1897-1941 - Rededication Program - Trinity Lutheran Church, Point Township, Northumberland County, PA (Anonymous, 1941, 8 pages)
1791-1941 One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary Services - Northumberland Methodist Church (Anonymous, 1941, 15 pages)
10th Anniversary of Services in Present Building - Trinity Evangelical Church, Northumberland, PA (Anniversary Committee, 1942, 14 pages)
Second Annual Minstrel - Northumberland Methodist Men (Anonymous, 1943, 16 pages)
Northumberland Methodist Men Present Their Fourth Annual Minstrel (Anonymous, 1945, 16 pages)
Our Town - Northumberland and How It Grew - Volume I Edition I (Northumberland Jr. Local History Club, 1945, 18 pages)
Our Town - Interesting Facts In Its History - Volume II Edition I (Northumberland Junior History Club, 1945, 18 pages)
Our Town - Interesting Facts In the History of Northumberland - Volume III Edition I (Northumberland Junior History Club, 1946, 20 pages)
General Marshall's Victory Report [Northumberland] (U.S. War Department, 1946-47, 138 pages)
1897-1947 - 50th Anniversary and 15th Annual Homecoming - Trinity Lutheran Church, Point Twp, Northumberland Co., PA (Anonymous, 1947, 8 pages)
1897-1947 - Fifthieth Anniversary - Grace Lutheran Church, Point Township, Pennsylvania (Anonymous, 1947, 18 pages)
A Vision Fulfilled - Note Burning - Trinity Evangelical United Brethren Church, Northumberland, Pa. (Anonymous, 1947, 8 pages)
Northumberland Civic Club Year Book 1950-1951 (Anonymous, 1950, 14 pages)
25th Anniversary of Building and Dedication - Trinity Evangelical United Brethren Church, Northumberland, PA (Anonymous, 1958, 20 pages)
One Hundred and Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Services 1791-1966 - Northumberland Methodist Church (Anonymous, 1966, 22 pages)
1817-1967 - St. John's Lutheran Church, Northumberland, Pennsylvania - One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary (Anonymous, 1967, 30 pages)
Trinity United Methodist Church, Northumberland, Pennsylvania (Anonymous, 1971, 20 pages)
Northumberland - Point Township Pennsylvania Bicentennial 1772-1972 (Bicentennial Historical Book Committee, 1972, 190 pages)
25th Anniversary 1947-1972 - Major General Uzal G. Ent Post 8298 Veterans of Foreign Wars (Anonymous, 1972, 32 pages)
The Dedication Service of the Trinity United Methodist Church, Northumberland, Pa. (Anonymous, 1977, 16 pages)
NU05 - Regional History Collection - Mount Carmel-Shamokin & Vicinity
View of Shamokin (P. S. Duval, 1853, Color)
Map of the Borough of Shamokin (O. M. Fowler, 1873, B/W)
Mount Carmel (1884, O. H. Bailey & Co.)
Shamokin (1884, O. H. Bailey & Co.)
Souvenir Art Edition of the Mt. Carmel Daily News, Illustrating the City of Mount Carmel, Penna. (The Daily News, 1896, 38 pages)
History of Riverside and South Danville, Northumberland Co., PA 1906 [with index] (Ogden H. Ostrander, 1906, 70 pages)
Souvenir of Shamokin and Vicinity (G. V. Millar, 1908, 30 pages)
Souvenir of Trevorton Penna (Published by G. V. Millar & Co., ~1910, 18 pages)
Old Home Week and Light's Golden Jubilee - Mount Carmel, Penna (Mount Carmel Chamber of Commerce, 1929, 80 pages)
Shamokin Diamond Jubilee 1864-1939 (Anonymous, 1939, 65 pages)
1914-1939 St. Casimir's Church, Kulpmont, Penna. (Anonymous, 1939, 46 pages)
History of Trinity Lutheran Church Shamokin, Pennsylvania 1840-1940 (Richard Byers Martin, 1940, 90 pages)
1845-1945 Centennial Year Book of The First Presbyterian Church of Shamokin (100th Anniv. Committee, 1945, 57 pages)
General Marshall's Victory Report [Shamokin & Coal Township] (U.S. War Department, 1946-47, 212 pages)
1950 Directory - Grace Ev. Luth. Church, Shamokin (Anonymous, 1950, 44 pages)
100th Anniversary of Grace Ev. Luth. Church [Mount Carmel], 1855-1955 (1955, 12 pages)
1905-1955 Golden Jubilee - St. Peters Church, St. Pauls Chapel [Mount Carmel] (Anonymous, 1955, 31 pages)
1883-1958 - Diamond Anniversary - Shamokin High School Alumni Association (Shamokin High School Alumni Association, 1958, 290 pages)
Souvenir Historical Booklet - Mount Carmel, Pa. Centennial 1862-1962 (Anonymous, 1962, 56 pages)
Greater Shamokin Centennial 1864-1964 (Anonymous, 1964, 294 pages)
85th Anniversary - Chestnut Street Methodist Church, Shamokin, Pa. (Anonymous, 1967, 40 pages)
Kulpmont, PA, 1875-1975 (Anonymous, 1975, 95 pages)
NU06 - Regional History Collection - Milton-Turbotville & Vicinity
Milton, PA (1883, O. H. Bailey & Co.)
Souvenir Letter Milton, PA. (Bertram Galbraith & Bro., ~1900-1910, 12 pages)
Milton Pennsylvania 1905 (Anonymous, 1905, 114 pages)
Milton Pennsylvania 1909 (Milton Evening Standard, 1909, 142 pages)
A History of the First Presbyterian Church of Milton, Pennsylvania 1811-1936 (W. T. Linn Kieffer, 1936, 1938, 158 pages)
History of McEwensville (Agnes I. Beard, 1945, 22 pages)
General Marshall's Victory Report [Milton] (U.S. War Department, 1946-47, 149 pages)
Turbotville Centennial 1859-1959 (Booklet Committee, 1959, 72 pages)
Milton Area Sesquicentennial 1818-1967 (Centennial Association, 1967, 105 pages)
Watsontown Centennial 1867-1967 (The Milton Standard, 1967, 64 pages)
The First Presbyterian Church, Milton, Pennsylvania (Anonymous, 1972, 4 pages)
Bicentennial Reprint of Old Home Week, Watsontown, PA (Watsontown National Bank, 1976, 41 pages)
McEwensville in History (George S. Wesner, 1976, 44 pages)
Turbotville Pennsylvania 1859-1976 (M. Luther Heisey, 1976, 68 pages)
NU07 - Church, Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous History Collection
Industries of Pennsylvania - Williamsport, Lock Haven, Bellefonte, Lewisburg, Milton, Selin’s Grove, Renovo, Philipsburg, Mifflinburg, Muncy, Newberry, Jersey Shore, Hughesville, Milesburg (Richard Edwards, 1882, 145 pages)
Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Northern] Pennsylvania (Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 125 pages)
Industries and Wealth of the Principal Points in Northeastern Pennsylvania (American Publishing and Engraving Co., 1890, 125 pages)
Freemasonry in Northumberland & Snyder Counties, Pennsylvania [Vol. 1 & 2] (Frederic A. Godcharles, 1911, 1268 pages)
Northumberland County School Annual and Institute Manual (Northumberland County Annual Teacher's Institute, 1915, 60 pages)
Northumberland County School Annual and Institute Manual (Northumberland County Annual Teacher's Institute, 1921, 52 pages)
Northumberland County School Annual and Institute Manual (Northumberland County Annual Teacher's Institute, 1922, 68 pages)
Northumberland County School Annual and Institute Manual (Northumberland County Annual Teacher's Institute, 1924, 84 pages)
Northumberland County School Annual and Institute Manual (Northumberland County Annual Teacher's Institute, 1925, 88 pages)
Susquehanna Flood Scenes 1936 (Melick & Mull, 1936, 68 pages)
Susquehanna on the Rampage 1936 (Wilkes-Barre News Agency, 1936, 32 pages)
In Memory of Our Honored Dead - Souvenir Program [Columbia, Montour & Northumberland Counties] (Honor Degree of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1947, 120 pages)
In Memory of Our Honored Dead - Souvenir Program [Northumberland & Snyder Counties] (Anonymous, 1947, 74 pages)
In Memory of Our Honored Dead - Souvenir Program [Northumberland & Union Counties] (Anonymous, 1947, 72 pages)
Early Wills and Administrations of Northumberland County, PA. Also the same of Union, Mifflin and Indiana Co. (Dr. Charles A. Fisher, 1950, 80 pages)
Flood Pennsylvania - 1972 (Timothy E. Euker, David Berner, 1972, 68 pages)
Maps & Atlases
1858 Map of Northumberland County Pennsylvania (J. A. J. Cummins, Color)
1874 Map of Northumberland County Pennsylvania (J. A. J. Cummins, Color)
NU08 - Directory Collection (1884-1911)
Boyd's Shamokin and Sunbury Directory 1884-1885 (W. Harry Boyd, 1884, 196 pages)
List of Subscribers - March 1st, 1886 [Telephone Directory, Eastern PA] (Pennsylvania Telephone Company, 1886, 84 pages)
Schedule of Rates - Shamokin and Mt. Carmel, PA (Shamokin and Mt. Carmel Board of Underwriters, 1886, 86 pages)
Boyd's Shamokin Directory 1889-1891 (W. Harry Boyd, 1889, 188 pages)
Boyd's Directory of Shamokin 1891-1893 (W. Harry Boyd, 1891, 186 pages)
Boyd's Directory of Shamokin 1895-1897 (W. Harry Boyd, 1895, 244 pages)
Breed Publishing Co's Directory of the Pennsylvania Railroad From Sunbury to Williamsport For the Year 1897. Embracing the Following Places: Sunbury, Northumberland, Montandon, Lewisburg, Milton, Watsontown, Dewart, Montgomery and Muncy. (Breed Publishing Co., 1897, 266 pages)
Boyd's Directory of Shamokin 1899-1901 (W. H. Boyd Co., 1899, 254 pages)
1901-1903 Boyd's Directory of Shamokin (W. H. Boyd Co., 1901, 259 pages)
Official Directory Harrisburg Exchange - March 1905 (The Pennsylvania Telephone Co., 1905, 98 pages)
United Telephone & Telegraph Company District No. 4 (United Telephone & Telegraph Company, 1906, 124 pages)
People's Ideal Telephone Company Directory - Dec 1909 [Montour County & Vicinity] (People's Ideal Telephone Company, 1909, 120 pages)
Telephone Directory May 1911 - Williamsport, Bellefonte, Lock Haven and Nearby Places (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1911, 64 pages)
NU09 - Directory Collection (1913-1925)
1913-1914 Williams' Directory of Milton, West Milton, Watsontown, New Columbia and Rural Routes (J. E. Williams, 1913, 246 pages)
Harrisburg, Carlisle, Chambersburg, Waynesboro and Nearby Places Telephone Directory - June 1, 1913 (Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1913, 116 pages)
Shamokin, Sunbury, Bloomsburg, Milton, Berwick and Nearby Places Telephone Directory - September 15, 1916 (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1916, 68 pages)
Williamsport, Bellefonte, Lock Haven and Nearby Places Telephone Directory - October 25, 1920 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1920, 124 pages)
Harrisburg, Carlisle, Chambersburg, Waynesboro and Nearby Places Telephone Directory - October 15, 1920 (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1920, 156 pages)
Williamsport, Bellefonte, Lock Haven and Nearby Places Telephone Directory - April, 1921 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1921, 132 pages)
Telephone Directory - May 1921 - Reading-Lebanon-Pottsville and Nearby Places (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1921, 172 pages)
Telephone Directory - November 1921 [Reading-Lebanon-Pottsville and Vicinity] (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1921, 188 pages)
Telephone Directory - April 1922 (Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1922, 172 pages)
Telephone Directory - May 1922 [Reading-Lebanon-Pottsville and Vicinity] (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1922, 200 pages)
Telephone Directory - May 1923 [Reading-Lebanon-Pottsville and Vicinity] (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1923, 160 pages)
United Telephone Directory - June 1923 - Northern District (United Telephone & Telegraph Company, 1923, 176 pages)
Telephone Directory - November 1923 [Reading-Lebanon-Pottsville and Vicinity] (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1923, 164 pages)
Telephone Directory - October 1924 (Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1924, 152 pages)
Polk's Sunbury and Northumberland Pennsylvania Directory - 1925 (R. L. Polk & Co., 1925, 496 pages)
Telephone Directory - Winter 1925 [Reading-Lebanon-Pottsville and Vicinity] (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1925, 218 pages)
NU10 - Directory Collection (1926-1940)
Telephone Directory - 1926 Issue (Cumberland Valley Telephone Co., 1926, 204 pages)
Telephone Directory - Spring 1926 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1926, 210 pages)
Carlisle and Nearby Points - Telephone Directory - Winter 1928 (Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, 1928, 410 pages)
Harrisburg and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - Winter 1931-32 (Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1931, 380 pages)
Berwick and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - Summer 1932 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1932, 120 pages)
Boyd's Shamokin Directory 1934-35 (W. H. Boyd Co., Inc., 1934, 396 pages)
Jersey Shore - Lock Haven - Renovo and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - March 1934 (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1934, 114 pages)
Mount Carmel Directory 1936-37 (Hogan Directory Company, 1936, 228 pages)
Polk's Shamokin Directory 1936-37, Including Coal Township (R. L. Polk & Co., 1936, 424 pages)
Jersey Shore - Lock Haven - Renovo and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1937 (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1937, 136 pages)
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1938 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1938, 120 pages)
Sunbury and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - February 1938 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1938, 130 pages)
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1940 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1940, 138 pages)
NU11 - Directory Collection (1941-1952)
Sunbury and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - February 1941 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1941, 118 pages)
Pottsville and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - April 1941 (Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, 1941, 134 pages)
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1946 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1946, 310 pages)
Mount Carmel - Shamokin and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - May 1946 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1946, 152 pages)
Mount Carmel - Shamokin and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - May 1947 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1947, 188 pages)
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1948 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1948, 370 pages)
Polk's Sunbury City Directory - 1949 Inc. Northumberland, Clifmont, Hamilton, Island Park, Kapp Heights and Oaklyn (R. L. Polk & Co., 1949, 532 pages)
Mount Carmel - Shamokin and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - July 1949 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1949, 212 pages)
Mount Carmel - Shamokin and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - July 1950 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1950, 212 pages)
Sunbury Directory - December 1950 (Inc. Northumberland, Selinsgrove, Shamokin Dam, Hummels Wharf) (Standard Directories, 1950, 168 pages)
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - February 1951 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1951, 236 pages)
Selinsgrove - Beaver Springs - Middleburg and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - September 1951 (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1951, 98 pages)
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - February 1952 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1952, 240 pages)
Berwick - Bloomsburg - Danville and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - April 1952 (Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1952, 244 pages)
NU12 - Directory Collection (1954-1961)
West Branch Bell Telephone Co. Telephone Directory - January 1954 (West Branch Bell Telephone Co., 1954, 92 pages)
Berwick and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - May 1954 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1954, 184 pages)
Mount Carmel - Shamokin and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - September 1954 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1954, 234 pages)
West Branch Bell Telephone Co. Telephone Directory - January 1956 (West Branch Bell Telephone Co., 1956, 88 pages)
Selinsgrove - Beaver Springs - Middleburg and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - February 1956 (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1956, 112 pages)
West Branch Bell Telephone Co. Telephone Directory - January 1957 (West Branch Bell Telephone Co., 1957, 84 pages)
Mount Carmel - Shamokin and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - September 1957, (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1957, 244 pages)
Mount Carmel - Shamokin and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - September 1958, (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1958, 136 pages)
Hughesville, Montgomery, Muncy, Turbotville, Watsontown and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1959 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1959, 148 pages)
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1959 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1959, 260 pages)
Polk's Sunbury City Directory 1960 [Including Northumberland, Cliftmont, Hamilton, Island Park, Kapp Heights, Oaklyn, Selinsgrove, Shamokin Dam and Hummel's Wharf (R. L. Polk & Co., 1960, 676 pages)
Mount Carmel - Shamokin and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - July 1960, (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1960, 136 pages)
Mount Carmel - Shamokin and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - August 1961, (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1961, 128 pages)
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