Pennsylvania Biography Collection #1
BG01 - Pennsylvania Biography Collection #1
Biographical Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania of the
Nineteenth Century (Galaxy Publishing Company, 1874, 885 pages)
This is an early and obscure biographical reference work on Pennsylvania. It represents the whole of the state, providing hundreds of biographical sketches on important and influential men from nearly every county. These men were ones who worked hard to excel in their various fields: leaders of industry, business, education, religion, men who received important appointments of public service, and others who held various political or military offices. Many of the individuals were native to Pennsylvania, while others who grew to importance came from other states in the Union or even other countries.
This is an important reference work of Pennsylvania biography. A few of the individuals herein were also covered in other historical or biographical volumes, but the vast majority were not. Therefore, this is the only source of information publicly published on the majority these citizens, making this a very valuable tool for genealogical or historical research. Additionally, nearly 300 of the sketches contain portraits of the sketch subject.
Surnames Indexed:
Abbey, Abbott, Addison, Agnew, Ainey, Albright, Alcorn, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Alricks, Ammon, Anderson, Andrews, Archbold, Armstrong, Ashmead, Atkins, Atlee, Babbitt, Baber, Bache, Bailey, Bailly, Baird, Baker, Baldwin, Baldy, Bannan, Barcroft, Barker, Barnes, Barr, Bartholomew, Bartol, Barton, Bartram, Baumgardner, Bausman, Bayley, Bayne, Beale, Beard, Beath, Beaumont, Bechtel, Beck, Bedell, Beebe, Beidelman, Bell, Bement, Bennett, Benson, Betz, Bickley, Bidle, Biery, Bigham, Bigler, Billmeyer, Bingham, Binkerd, Binney, Birney, Bispham, Bitner, Black, Blackford, Blackmore, Blair, Blakely, Blodget, Blumer, Boardman, Boker, Bolton, Bomberger, Borda, Boreman, Borhek, Borie, Boudinot, Boyd, Boyer, Bradford, Brandes, Branson, Brewer, Brewster, Brice, Brick, Bridgens, Brinckmann, Brisbin, Brockie, Brockway, Brodhead, Bromley, Brooke, Brooks, Broomall, Brown, Browne, Bryden, Buchanan, Bucher, Buckalew, Buckingham, Budd, Bullitt, Bullock, Bunton, Burgess, Burgwin, Burns, Burroughs, Bushong, Butcher, Calder, Caldwell, Calvin, Camac, Cameron, Campbell, Carey, Carnahan, Carpenter, Carrigan, Casey, Cash, Cassatt, Cassidy, Cessna, Chain, Chambers, Chandler, Chapman, Chidsey, Childs, Christ, Christy, Church, Claghorn, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Clement, Clymer, Coates, Cochran, Coffey, Coffin, Coleman, Collier, Collis, Colwell, Comly, Compton, Conrad, Conyngham, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Coppee, Corson, Covode, Craig, Crease, Crenshaw, Cresson, Crew, Croskey, Crozer, Cummins, Curry, Curtin, Curtis, Cutler, Cuyler, Da Costa, Dahlgren, Dale, Dallas, Daniel, Darlington, Darragh, Davis, Davison, Dawson, De France, Delamater, Denny, Denues, Derbyshire, Dern, Derrickson, De Schweinitz, Detwiler, Devereux, Dewitt, Dickeson, Dickey, Dickinson, Dickson, Dill, Disston, Dolph, Domenec, Donaldson, Doran, Doster, Dougal, Dougherty, Douglass, Downing, Drake, Drew, Drexel, Drysdale, Duane, Ducachet, Duff, Duffee, Duhring, Duncan, Dundore, Dunglison, Dunning, Duponceau, Doront, Dysart, Earp, Eberhart, Eby, Eckert, Edge, Edwards, Egle, Elkins, Ellet, Elliott, Ellis, Ely, Emerson, Etting, Evans, Everhart, Ewing, Eyre, Fahnestock, Fairman, Fales, Farnum, Faulkner, Faust, Fearon, Fellows, Felton, Ferguson, Fertig, Fessenden, Fetterman, Filer, Finletter, Finney, Fish, Fisher, Flanders, Fleming, Foltz, Ford, Forman, Forney, Forward, Forwood, Foster, Fox, France, Franklin, Frazer, Freas, Fry, Fulton, Furness, Futhey, Gangewer, Gara, Garretson, Garrison, Garsed, Gartside, Gates, Gatzmer, Gazzam, Geary, Geise, Geist, George, Getz, Gibson, Gilfillan, Gillmore, Gilpin Girard, Glisson, Gordon, Gorman, Gotthold, Gould, Gowen, Graff, Graham, Grant, Gray, Gregle, Green, Greenough, Gregg, Grier, Griffen, Griffin, Griggs, Griswold, Grittinger, Gross, Grubb, Guetter, Guilford, Haberman, Hagenman, Hagner, Haldeman, Hall, Halsey, Hambright, Hamilton, Hammond, Hampton, Hancock, Hand, Handy, Harding, Hare, Harley, Harman, Harmer, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hartranft, Hartshorne, Harvey, Hastings, Hay, Hayes, Haywood, Heaton, Heiges, Heintzelman, Heister, Hellings, Henry, Henszey, Hering, Herr, Heverin, Hewitt, Hibberd, Hickman, Hickok, Hildrup, Hill, Hilles, Hinchman, Hirst, Hodge, Hodgson, Hoffman, Hollenback, Hollister, Hooper, Hopkins, Hopkinson, Horton, Hostetter, Houston, Howard, Howe, Howell, Hubbell, Huidekoper, Hulick, Hulme, Humphreys, Huselton, Huston, Hyatt, Imbrie, Ingersoll, Ingham, Irving, Jack, Jackson, Jacobus, James, Jamison, Jenks, Jennings, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Kaler, Kamerly, Kane, Kauffman, Kaufman, Kearns, Keim, Kelker, Kelly, Kennedy, Kerns, Kerr, Kilgore, King, Kingsbury, Kintzing, Kirkham, Kline, Knabb, Kneass, Knight, Kramer, Kunkel, Lacoe, Landell, Landenberger, Landreth, Langfitt, Lardner, Larkin, La Roche, Latta, Laudenslager, Lauer, Law, Lawrence, Lea, Lear, Ledward, Leet, Leidy, Lenthall, Lerch, Le Van, Levis, Lewis, Lex, Lilly, Linderman, Line, Linton, Lippe, Lippincott, Little, Littleton, Logan, Long, Loper, Loughridge, Lowrie, Lowry, Lucas, Luckenbach, Ludlow, Ludwig, Luther, Lyon, Macalester, Macarthur, Mackenzie, Mackey, MacVeagh, Maddox, Magarge, Magee, Mahon, Maisch, Malcom, Manley, Mann, Marshall, Martin, Massey, Maury, Maxwell, Mayer, McAllister, McCamant, McCandless, McCartney, McCauley, McClellan, McClintock, McClure, McClusky, McConkey, McCormick, McCreary, McCredy, McCrum, McCuen, McDevitt, McFarland, McHose, McIlvain, McJunkin, McKean, McKnight, McManus, McMichael, McNair, McNeill, McQuitlen, McSherry, Meade, Megargee, Melvin, Meredith, Merrifield, Metzger, Miles, Miller, Milliken, Milnes, Minor, Mintzer, Mitchell, Moeser, Montgomery, Montooth, Moore, Moorhead, Morgan, Morris, Morton, Mott, Muhlenberg, Mullen, Mumma, Murphy, Murray, Musgrave, Musselman, Musser, Myer, Myers, Neafie, Neagle, Negley, Neidhard, Nes, Nevin, Newell, Newkirk, Newkumet, Newlin, Newmyer, Newton, Noble, Noblit, Norris, North, Noyes, Nutting, Odenheimer, Orne, Orr, Orth, Ottinger, Otto, Packer, Page, Palmer, Pancoast, Parke, Parker, Parkhurst, Parrish, Parry, Patterson, Patton, Paul, Pearsol, Pearson, Pease, Peirce, Pender, Pennypacker, Pepper, Perkins, Peters, Peterson, Pettis, Phelps, Phillips, Physick, Pitcairn, Pleasanton, Pleasants, Pollock, Pomeroy, Porter, Pott, Potter, Potts, Poulson, Pretz, Price, Prince, Prizer, Pugh, Purviance, Quay, Quier, Ralston, Ramey, Randall, Rathfon, Rawle, Read, Reed, Reeder, Reese, Repplier, Reynolds, Rice,Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Riddle, Ridgway, Riland, Rinehart, Roberts, Robinson, Rockefeller, Rogers, Rohrer, Rollins, Romig, Rooke, Ross, Rothermel, Rowe, Rowland, Rush, Rutan, Sallade, Sanderson, Sanford, Sank, Sargent, Saunders, Sayre, Schall, Schlundecker, Schomacker, Schriver, Scofield, Scott, Scranton, Selfridge, Semple, Sener, Shaffer, Shanafeld, Sharp, Sharpless, Sharswood, Sheafer, Shenk, Sheppard, Sherrerd, Shillingford, Shippen, Shiras, Shock, Shoemaker, Shortridge, Shurlock, Sill, Sillyman, Simpson, Sims, Sinnott, Siter, Slack, Slemmer, Slifer, Sloan, Smith, Smull, Snodgrass, Snowden, Snyder, South, Spaulding, Speer, Speilman, Spencer, Spering, Sprecher, Stanton, Stauffer, Steel, Stellwagen, Sterrett, Stetson, Stevens, Stewart, Stichter, Stille, Stinson, Stokes, Storm, Stowe, Stranahan, Strang, Strawbridge, Strong, Stroud, Struthers, Sully, Sutton, Swain, Swann, Swarr, Sawyne, Sweitzer, Taggart, Talley, Taylor, Temple, Thayer, Thickstun, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Throop, Tiedemann, Todd, Topper, Tower, Townsend, Trainer, Treacy, Tredick, Tripp, Trotter, Vandergrift, Vanderslice,Van Reed, Vaux, Veech, Vincent, Waddell, Wadsworth, Wagner, Walker, Wallace, Walls, Walter, Walters, Walton, Ward, Warner, Watmough, Watson, Watts, Waxler, Way, Weakley, Weaver, Webster, Weiss, Welles, Welsh, West, Wetherill, Wetmore, Wharton, Wheatley, Whilden, Whitaker, Whitall, White, Whitman, Wickersham, Wiestling, Wilbur, Wildman, Wiler, Wilhelm, Wilkins, Willard, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Windrim, Winton, Wisner, Wister, Withrow, Wolle, Womrath, Wood, Woodruff, Woods, Woodward, Worrell, Worthington, Wright, Yerkes, Yingst, Young, Zahm, Zeigler, Zern
Continenal Sketches of Distinguished Pennsylvanians
(David R. B. Nevin, 1875, 248 pages)
This is an early book of Pennsylvania Biography, providing historical and biographical sketches of a number of influential men in Pennsylvania's history.
Surnames Indexed:
Armstrong, Biddle, Cadwalader, Clymer, Dickinson, Franklin, Fulton, Hopkinson, Gibson, Irvine, McKean, Mifflin, Morris, Morton, Muhlenberg, Porter, Reed, Ross, Rush, St. Clair, Smith, Taylor, Wayne, West, Williamson, Wilson
Some Pennsylvania Women During the War of the Revolution
(William Henry Egle, 1898, 207 pages)
This is a collection of biographical and historical accounts on numerous female relatives of Revolutionary heroes from Pennsylvania. It highlights their "patriotism, sufferings and self-denials", and provides an excellent source for research.
Surnames Indexed:
Allison, Armstrong, Atlee, Brady, Brodhead, Brown, Bull, Burd, Chambers, Clark, Clingan, Cook, Cooke, Corbin, Covenhoven, Crawford, Davidson, Davies, Foster, Gibson, Graydon, Hand, Hamilton, Hartley, Hays, Henry, Hepburn, Irvine, Irwin, Johnston, Lowrey, McAlister, McClean, McCormick, McFarland, McKee, Macpherson, Magaw, Mickley, Mifflin, Montgomery, Moorhead, Morris, Murray, Neville, O'Hara, Piper, Plumer, Poe, Pollock, Porter, Reily, Rosbrugh, St. Clair, Simpson, Sproat, Stewart, Swetland, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Traill, Wallis, Watts, Wayne, Weygandt
Prominent and Progressive Pennsylvanians of the
Nineteenth Century, Vol. 1-3 (L. M. Williamson, 1898, 2622 pages)
This is an extensive biographical publication on the prominent and influential men of Pennsylvania prior to the 20th Century. It sketches the lives and careers of hundreds of individuals from all over the state, and these men represent all manner of business, industry, and government. Along with each biographical sketch there is also a fine portrait of the subject.
Biographical Sketches Vol. 1
Acheson, Adams, Africa, Amerman, Armstrong, Ashman,Baily, Barnett, Baugh, Beaver, Bernardy, Biddle, Bigler, Blabon, Boardman, Boyer, Bromley, Brown, Budd, Burchfield, Butterworth, Carr, Chaplin, Clothier, Coburn, Comegys, Connell, Connell, Conwell, Cox, Craig, Cramp, Crawford, Day, Dean, Dechert, Doran, Edge, Edmunds, Elkin, Elkins, Elverson, Erdman, Fagan, Fell, Ferguson, Fisher, Fleming, Foederer, Ford, Foulkrod, Fouse, Fox, Furst, Garrett, Gazzam, Geyer, Gill, Given, Gordon, Green, Griscom, Hancock, Hanna, Harrity, Hastings, Haywood, Hicks, Hill, Humes, Hutchinson, Hyde, Karsner, Keator, Keen, Kulp, Lankenau, Lautenbach, Lawrence, Lowry, Magargee, Mestrezat, Mitchell, Montgomery, Morris, Morrison, Morwitz, Mylin, McClure, McCollum, McCormick, McLaughlin, McLean, Obdyke, Oellers, Orlady, Page, Paxson, Penrose, Perkins, Pitcairn, Porter, Prevost, Pugh, Quay, Rea, Read, Reeder, Reilly, Rhawn, Rice, Richards, Riebenack, Righter, Rilling, Ripple, Roach, Roberts, Rorer, Rorke, Rothermel, Ryan, Search, Sheppard, Shields, Shippen, Shortridge, Singerly, Smith, Smithers, Sterrett, Stetson, Stineman, Sulzberger, Thomson, Thompson, Throop, Tower, Tyndale, Vandling, Wainwright, Walker, Walton, Warwick, Watres, Watson, Wells, Wernwag, Whitney, Whickham, Widerer, Willard, Williams, Windrim, Wistar, Witherow, Wood, Woods, Woodside,Yerkes, Young
Biographical Sketches Vol. 2
Adaire, Adams, Addicks, Alexander, Allen, Amilon, Anderson, Andrews, Asbury, Ashbridge, Baer, Beates, Bigler, Blum, Bolles, Booth, Borgner, Bower, Bowman, Boyd, Boyle, Bradley, Brightly, Brooks, Brown, Bullitt, Callery, Cantrell, Carr, Carruth, Casanova, Clark, Clausen, Clement, Crankshaw, Croskey, Dale, Davis, Deemer, De Haven, Delaney, Detweiler, Dudley, Dyer, Eastburn, Elliott, England, Evans, Faunce, Fertig, Fletcher, Fritz, Gandy, Geary, Gest, Gibbs, Bill, Gilpin, Gilroy, Graham, Grant, Graves, Greene, Griffiths, Gripp, Groves, Guffey, Guiteras, Hackett, Fall, Halterman, Hardenbergh, Harris, Garrison, Harvey, Haugh, Hawkes, Henning, Herzog, Hoyt, Huey, Hulshizer, Hunt, Ingham, James, Jeitles, Kauffman, Keech, Kemp, Kinsey, Lambert, Lanius, Law, Lewis, Lindsey, Longaker, Lutz, Mack, mackey, maloney, Maneelym Mann, Marks, Marr, Marshall, Merrick, Meyers, Mishler, Moir, Moyer, Myers, MacLeod, McAleer, McCahan, McClain, McCullen, McGinley, McKean, McNaughton, McNichol, Olmstead, O'Donnell, Page, Palen, Park, Parsons, Pattison, Pepper, Peterson, Pierie, Porter, Price, ralston, Rambo, Reach, Rex, Richards, Rogers, Ryon, Schaffer, Schumann, Seif, Seltzer, Sever, Sheedy, Shindel, Shipley, Shock, Slingluff, Smith, Snyder, South, Strittmatter, Supplee, Swartz, Thorn, Tupper, Turnbull, Tyson, Veale, Wanger, Watson, Wharton, Whitney, Wolfe, Woverton, Wrigley
Biographical Sketches Vol. 3
Allman, Alter, Antelo, Arnold, Arundel, Atherton, Baum, Berens, Betz, Bohannan, Boney, Boyer, Brewster, Brooke, Bunn, Cameron, Campbell, Cassidy, Childs, Clymer, Crossan, Crozer, Cruice, Curren, Curtin, DeCoursey, Denlinger, Dickson, Durham, Dwight, Earle, Edwards, Egle, Fahy, Fetterolf, Firth, Flagg, Focht, Fow, French, Gage, Gillett, Gillingham, Gobin, Grady, Graham, Grier, Grist, Hall, Hanifen, Hartranft, Haupt, Heisler, Henry, Hess, Hewson, Himmelreich, Hollinshead, Hipkins, Huhn, Hulsizer, Hunsicker, Jones, Keyser, Kobler, Kynett, Ladner, Larzelere, Lenahan, Leonhardt, Lewis, Linderman, Lindsay, Lombaert, Lukens, Manderson, Marsden, Martin, Massey, Mathues, Merrick, Miller, Mohr, Moon, Morris, Morse, Mortonm Moyer, Muhlenberg, Muller, Munyon, McCarrell, McCarthy, McCauley, McConnell, McCrea, McFadden, McFetridge, McManus, McWade, Nead, Neale, North, Nunez, O'Callaghan, Osborne, Patton, Pearson, Piper, Pitcairn, Porter, Redheffer, Ridgway, Robinson. Rowland, Samuel, Sanders, Schissler, Schnure, Scholes, Schutte, Segal, Shoemaker, Smithman, Snowden, Snyder, Solis, Steigerwald, Steinmetz, Stevens, Stinson, Teller, Tennis, Terry, Thole, Thomas, Thompson, Tustin, Vare, Wanner, Warren, Waterhouse, Weger, Whitmer, Wilson, Wood, Young
The Progressive Men of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Vol. 1 & 2 (Col. Charles Blanchard, 1900, 1032 pages)
This is an extensive biographical publication on the prominent and influential men of Pennsylvania prior to the 20th Century. It sketches the lives and careers of many individuals and families from all over the state, and these represent all manner of business, industry, and government. With many of the biographical sketches there is also a portrait of the main subject.
Surnames Indexed:
Acheson, Africa, Agnew, Allen, Allison, Amerman, Anderton, Andrews, Armstrong, Arnold, Ashman, Atlee, Baer, Baird, Baker, Baldwin, Barnett, Barr, Baumgardner, Beale, Beaumont, Beaver, Biddle, Bierer, Bigler, Black, Blodget, Bohannan, Bolard, Borgner, Bowman, Boyer, Boyle, Bradford, Brennan, Brockett, Brown, Buchanan, Bullitt, Calder, Caldwell, Cameron, Campbell, Carruth, Casey, Chamberlain, Chatland, Childs, Clark, Cleaver, Clymer, Collier, Collins, Connell, Conyngham, Cope, Coulson, Cowan, Cramp, Crawford, Croson, Crown, Cruice, Cubbison, Curtin, Dale, Daniel, Darragh, Davidson, Davis, Dean, Dechert, Denny, Dickson, Doughtery, Dravo, Dudley, Duffy, Dunham, Earle, Eckert, Edge, Egle, Elkin, Ellis, Elverson, Enfield, England, Fagan, Fawcett, Fell, Ferguson, Fertig, Fisher, Focht, Forney, Fox, Franklin, Frazer, Fritz, Fulton, Gamble, Geary, Gibson, Gilpen, Girard, Gobin, Gordon, Grady, Graham, Grant, Greble, Green, Greene, Greenland, Greenough, Greer, Hamilton, Harris, Harrity, Harrold, Hartman, Hartranft, Hartshorne, Harvey, Hastings, Haupt, Hays, Haywood, Hazelton, Hazen, Heintzelman, Hellings, Henning, Heydrick, Himmelreich, Hollenback, Hosack, Howe, Howell, Hoyt, Hubbell, Hulings, Humbert, Hussey, Hutchison, Irwin, Jackson, Jeffries, Jennings, Johns, Jordan, Keaggy, Kefover, Keighley, Keim, Kenip, Kennedy, King, Kline, Kulp, Lambing, Lanius, Lenahan, Lenhart, Lewis, Lindsey, Lockwood, Lomison, Longaker, Lowry, Lyon, Macalester, Mackey, Magee, MacLeod, Marr, Marshall, Maxwell, Maynard, McAleer, McBryar, McCandless, McCarney, McClure, McCollough, McCollum, McCormick, McCrum, McKean, McKee, McKeown, McLaughlin, McLeod, McNamara, Meade, Mechling, Meredith, Merrill, Miller, Mishler, Mitchell, Moore, Moorehead, Morris, Morrison, Moyer, Muhlenburg, Mullen, Musgrave, Myers, Mylin, Negley, Nesbit, Newell, Nill, Nolan, O'Brien, Olmsted, Osborne, Osmer, Packer, Page, Patterson, Pattison, Paxson, Penn, Penrose, Perksin, Phillips, Pollock, Porter, Price, Quay, Read, Reed, Reeder, Reihing, Reppert, Rex, Rhawn, Rice, Richards, Rilling, Ritchey, Ritts, Roberts, Robinson, Ross, Ryan, Ryon, Saltsman, Sankey, Sayre, Schenck, Scott, Scranton, Searight, Sener, Selfridge, Shannon, Shinglingford, Shindel, Shock, Shortridge, Singfull, Slack, Slease, Smith, Smithman, Snowden, Snyder, Soisson, Springer, Stanton, Steelsmith, Stellwagen, Sterrett, Stetson, Stevens, Stineman, Stone, Stough, Struthers, Sullivan, Sully, Taylor, Tener, Thayer, Thompson, Thomson, Terrance, Tower, Trunkey, Van Reed, Vaux, Veale, Waldron, Walker, Walton, Wampler, Wanger, Warwick, Waters, Watres, Watts, Welles, Wharton, White, Wick, Wickham, Widener, Willard, Wilson, Wisener, Wistar, Wolverton, Wood, Woodside, Wright, Yeany, Yerkes
Encyclopedia of Genealogy and Biography of the State of
Pennsylvania Vol. 1 & 2 (Lewis Publishing Company, 1904, 1076 pages)
This is an extensive biographical publication on the prominent and influential men of Pennsylvania prior to the 20th Century. It sketches the lives and careers of many individuals and families from all over the state, and these represent all manner of business, industry, and government. With many of the biographical sketches there is also a portrait of the main subject.
Surnames Indexed:
Abel, Ashmead, Bailey, Baldwin, Barchfeld, Biddle, Bigelow, Black, Bleakley, Bowman, Brackenridge, Brennen, Broomall, Brown, Bullitt, Bunting, Burchfield, Burleigh, Butz, Carpenter, Carr, Cassatt, Clarke, Clay, Cooper, Cornell, Cottingham, Crozer, DaCosta, Daub, Davenport, Deemer, Dick, Douglass, Downing, Eyerman, Field, Filer, Fitzpatrick, Foerster, Foose, Fox, Galbreath, Gardiner, Garretson, Gould, Graham, Green, Guffey, Gunnison, Hardenbergh, Harris, Hart, Hartman, Hawley, Hays, Hazeltine, Heller, Hemphill, Hetzel, Hinkson, Hodgson, Hoffecker, Holland, Houston, Howard, Hunter, Irwin, Jame, Jenkins, Jenkinson, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, King, Kirkpatrick, Kramer, Kunkel, Lambie, Lanius, Lawrence, Leach, Lindsey, Locher, Mackey, MacVeagh, Magee, Magill, Maher, Mansfield, March, Martin, Matson, McCarrell, McCauley, McClure, McCollough, Mills, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moore, Muchlbronner, Murdock, Murray, Nesbit, Nimick, Ortt, Osmer, Palmer, Patterson, Pearson, Perley, Philips, Phillips, Pitcairn, Potter, Rancy, Rawle, Read, Reeder, Roach, Robb, Roberts, Rockwell, Rose, Rott, Scaife, Seip, Sharpless, Shortlidge, Smith, Stafford, Starr, Stearns, Steel, Stevenson, Stewart, Stone, Stoney, Swain, Taylor, Thomson, Tomlinson, Torrance, Trunkey, Tully, Ulrich, Walker, Wayne, West, Weston, Wetherill, Wetmore, Wightman, Wiley, Williams, Wilson, Wolfe, Wood, Woodbridge, Woodruff, Youngman, Zug
Who's Who in Pennsylvania (Lewis R. Hamersly, 1904, 842 pages)
From the Preface: "There are numerous men whose careers have a definite and important interest when considered as factors in the life of their special States, and whose reputations, while not national or world-wide, is such as to entitle them to consideration in such work....In the present volume they have endeavored to supply the people of Pennsylvania with similar information concerning its notable and eminent men, its jurists, lawyers, legislators, physicians, authors, financiers, merchants, inventors, and in short all who are taking part in the development, public and industrial, of the second State in wealth and population of the American Union."
This publication covers thousands of Pennsylvanians living in all parts of the state, and coming from all walks of life. Although some are shorter and some are longer, the following represents a typical entry:
"Adair, Watson Black:
Attorney at law; was born at Glen Osborne, Pa., May 29, 1875; educated at schools in Sewickley, pa., and New York; was a member of the class of 1896 of the University of the City of New York; studies law with William M. Hall, Jr., and was graduated from the Pittsburgh Law School in 1900, receiving the degree of LL. B. from the Western University of Pennsylvania. Practices his profession in Pittsburgh. Home address, Shields, Pa."
Who's Who in Pennsylvania - Second Edition 1908
(John W. Leonard, 1908, 602 pages)
This is the second edition of this publication originally produced in 1904. The goal of this publication was to give "a more complete and up-to-date presentation of personal statistics of those citizens of the Commonwealth whose lives and careers are of the greatest interest and who are taking the most active and influential part in the progress and development of the State." This volume presents brief biographical sketches of 100's of Pennsylvania's most influential people of the early 1900's.
Who's Who in the East 1930
(The Mayflower Publishing Company, 1930, 2254 pages)
This publication provides brief biographical sketches of thousands people in the eastern states, who were influential or worth of note in various spheres of life. Entries were taken from across the eastern U.S. including the states of Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. This is an excellent source for primary data on approximately 22,000 Americans. Although some are shorter and some are longer, the following represents a typical entry:
"Parker, George Howard
Educator. Born at Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 23, 1864. Son of George Washington and Martha (Taylor) Parker. Married Louise Merritt Stabler. Ed: Harvard Univ. (B.S., 1887; D.S., 1891); Univ. of Leipzig, Univ. of Berlin, Univ. of Freiburg, Germany, 1891-93. Mem: American Acad. of Arts and Sciences; American Philosophical Soc.; Natl. Acad. of Sciences. Clubs: Harvard, Boston; Harvard Union. Politics: Independent. Auth: "Biology and Social Problems." 1914; "Elementary Nervous System"; "What Evolution Is." Asst., Instr. in Zoology, 1888-91, Instr., 1898-99, Asst. Prof., 1899-1906, Prof., 1906--, Harvard Univ.; Parker Fellow in Europe, 1891-93; Dir., Harvard Univ. Zoological Lab., 1921--. Office; Harvard Univ. Home: 16 Berkeley St., Cambridge, Mass."
Who's Who in Pennsylvania
(The A. N. Marquis Company, 1939, 1053 pages)
The title page notes that this publication is "A biographical dictionary of leading living men and women of the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and West Virginia."
From the Preface: "It has been the aim of the publishers to gather into a single handy volume, brief, dependable personality sketches of the leading men and women of the various localities herein represented....Here are listed and biographically photographed 13,127 men and women who have "achieved" not only for themselves and their respective communities, but many of them also for the nation."
This publication covers thousands of Pennsylvanians living in all parts of the state, and coming from all walks of life. Although some are shorter and some are longer, the following represents a typical entry:
"DOUGHTY, Howard Ewing, pres. and gen. mgr. Lorenson-Matthews Mfg. Co.; b. Phila., Pa., Aug 1, 1891; s John and Grace (Hirst) D.; student high sch., Phila., 1905-08, Internat. Corr. Schs., 1907-09; m. Alida Hay, June 30, 1914; Children--Leona, John, Franklin. Draftsman Link Belt Co., Phila. Pa., 1910-12; chief elk. Gifford-Wood, Hudson, N.Y., 1912-26; pres. and gen. mrg. Lorenson-Matthews Mfg. Co., steel fabricators, Dickson City, Pa., since 1928. Mem. Scranton (Pa.) Chamber of Commerce. Republican. Mason. Clubs: Kiwanis (Scranton, Pa.); Abington Men's (Clarks Summit, Pa., pres.). Home: 211 Grove Av., Clarks Summit, Pa. Office: Dickson City, Pa."
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