Somerset County, PA - County, Regional, Miscellaneous History & Directory Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
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County Histories & Biographicals
The History and Topography of Dauphin, Cumberland, Franklin,
Bedford, Adams, Perry, Somerset, Cambria, and Indiana Counties
(I. Daniel Rupp, 1848, 711 pages)
This publication begins with an early history of the state. It discusses the German and Scotch-Irish immigrants who settled in these counties, and the follows with a discussion of the troubles the early settlers had with the Indians.
After the general history of the area, it changes focus to the individual counties including Bedford (pages 486 to 510). These chapters discuss the formation and growth of the county as well as its geography, agriculture, industry, and a brief history of its major towns. At the end is a very useful Every-Name Index that was added to the original publication.
History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties, Pennsylvania
(Waterman, Watkins & Co., 1884, 779 pages)
This publication focuses on the history and development of the neighboring counties of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton, Pennsylvania. Briefly, it covers the settlement, wars, and civil growth of these counties as well as each of their respective townships. There is also a section of biographical sketches featuring the pioneers and prominent men of these areas. In addition to the more extensive biographies, there are shorter sketches of other residents in the township sections (these not listed in the index). Numerous pictures of the sketch subjects and occasional depictions of residences and businesses from the area are also included.
Bedford County Surnames:
Ake, Alsip, Anderson, Armstrong, Barclay, Barley, Barndollar, Barton, Blackburn, Breneman, Bruckman, Buck, Burd, Calhoun, Cessna, Clark, Compher, Conard, Daugherty, Detwiler, Donahoe, Doyle, DuBois, Ealy, Earnest, Elliott, Emigh, Enfield, Fletcher, Gump, Hadermann, Hall, Harris, Harry, Hartley, Henry, Hetrick, Hill, Hofius, Hughes, Jamison, Jenkins, Jordon, Kerr, King, Long, Lonenecker, Lutz, Madara, Magaw, Mann, Marbourg, Mattingly, McGirr, McNamara, Minnich, Miller, Mower, Mowry, Musser, Noble, Oellig, Pensyl, Plank, Points, Reamer, Reed, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Robinson, Russell, Sample, Scheel, Scott, Shaefer, Sill, Smith, Spang, Statler, Stayer, Stehley, Stoler, Tate, Thomson, Tod, Todd, Tomlinson, Watson, Weller, Woods
Biographical Review - Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens
of Bedford and Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania
(Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899, 312 pages)
This publication features numerous biographical sketches of the prominent residents and settlers from the counties of Bedford and Somerset, Pennsylvania. Publications of this nature are particularly good references for historical or genealogical research.
Surnames Indexed:
Arnold, Baker, Barclay, Barkman, Baush, Beegle, Bell, Berkey, Biesecker, Black, Blair, Bohn, Boor, Boose, Bortz, Boucher, Bowman, Boyer, Brant, Breneman, Brubaker, Brugh, Cable, Calhoun, Carpenter, Cassler, Cessna, Chamberlin, Clark, Cobaugh, Coffroth, Colborn, Collins, Countryman, Covalt, Cover, Covode, Cunningham, Custer, Davis, Deremer, Dibert, Dicken, Dickey, Diehl, Dodson, Dull, Eichelberger, Elliott, England, Eshelman, Feather, Fichtner, Figard, Filler, Flick, Floto, Fyan, Gardner, Garman, Good, Graves, Gump, Hall, Hammer, Harrison, Hartley, Hay, Helm, Hite, Holderbaum, Horner, Huffman, Humbert, Hunt, Imler, Ingard, Jones, Kichinann, Kimmel, Kimmell, Koontz, Kramer, Krebs, Lambert, Lee, Lichty, Livengood, Longenecker, Louther, Lowery, Lutz, Mason, Maurer, May, McDaniel, McFarland, McGregor, McKelvey, McKinley, McLellan, McMillan, Mellott, Merkle, Meyers, Miller, Minder, Morgart, Mostoller, Mountain, Muller, Mullin, Musser, Nycum, Ott, Paul, Pfahler, Phillippi, Philson, Pile, Reed, Reynalds, Reynolds, Rininger, Ritchey, Rodgers, Rose, Ross, Rush, Sams, Sanner, Saylor, Schaeffer, Schell, Schmucker, Schnably, Seibert, Shafer, Shaffer, Shank, Shaver, Shoemaker, Skillington, Sliger, Smith, Snyder, Sparks, Specht, Stallings, Stayer, Stoler, Stuckey, Sweet, Tannehill, Taylor, Wagner, Walker, Walter, Weigle, Weisel, Weller, Wertz, Whetstone, Will, Wolfersberger, Wolford, Yohn, Younkin, Zembower, Zeth, Zimmers
Early Somerset County & A Somerset County Historical Notebook
(Frederic Doyle & Mary Hause, 1945, 79 pages)
This publication consists of accounts from the early history of Somerset County, Pennsylvania. The information begins in pre-settlement times with accounts of the Native Americans and Traders who lived in the area before the settlers came. It also includes accounts of others who passed through the area such as George Washington, General John Forbes and Col. Henry Bouquet. The account then goes on to discuss some of the very early families to venture into the area. A nice early history of the county.
Town & Township Histories
The Valley of the Conemaugh (Thomas J. Chapman, 1865, 201 pages)
From the Preface:
"The scope of this little work is to give an historical and descriptive account of the Valley of the Conemaugh, which embraces the county of Cambria, and a portion of the counties of Somerset, Indiana and Westmoreland.
...so many older men still live, natives of this valley, and better acquainted with its early history... meanwhile, the time is passing away, and the scanty materials out of which to form a local history of the Conemaugh valley are yearly growing less and less. The author has gathered up such of the incidents in the early history of this section of the country as have been thought worthy of preservation, and he takes pleasure in thus submitting the results of his labors to the judgment of his readers."
50th Anniversary Windber, PA. 1897-1947
(50th Anniversary Committee, 1947, 108 pages)
This is a 50th anniversary history of the area of Windber, Somerset County, PA published in 1947. The publication covers the history of the area from indian times onward, including discussion of its early settlers and pioneers. It then highlights the progress and development of the town, its major industries and other aspects of civic life. Along with the historical information, there are numerous historical photographs of the area and its residents. At the end is a business directory of the town and surrounding area.
Military Histories
Survey of World War Veterans of Somerset County Pennsylvania
(Anonymous, 1936, 396 pages)
The Foreword describes the contents of the publication:
"It has been possible through the Works Progress Administration in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, to assemble interesting and important data regarding the World War Veterans of this county. While this information has been brief, nevertheless, the data compiled covers the activities of the Veterans in the most important phases. With few exceptions, the following list describes each Veteran's war service, wounds, and citations, if any, together with his present location, occupation, present employment and physical condition. Some few omissions were unavoidable due to lack of information."
Dedication of Honor Roll for Men in Service, Jerome, Pa.
(Anonymous, 1943, 4 pages)
This is a list of soldiers from Jerome, PA and vicinity who served in World War II.
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