Mennonite Family History January 2012
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: The 1889 Johnstown Flood [Schantz, Johns]; Historic 1770 Germantown Mennonite Meetinghouse, Birthplace of Mennonites in America [Rittenhouse]; Families on the Move: The Stephen Kauffman (1832-1903) and Mary King (1843-1909) Family [Kauffman, King, Kurtz]; The Rare Mennonite Family Name of Graewe/Graves [Graewe, Graves]; Growing Up a Payne in Big Valley, Pennsylvania [Payne, Roth]; Notebook-Keeper Christian Engel (1764-1838), Anabaptist Advocate in Napoleonic France, Part IV: Some French-Language Entries in the Notebook [Engel]; Accidental Findings of Mennonites in Southwest Germany [Schneider, Egle]; New Book: Kauffman Chronicles [Kauffman]; Reports About the Immigration of German Mennonites to North America in Mennonite Papers from June 1866 to August 1871 [Holly]; Alphorn and Yodeling Concert, April 23, 2012, Conestoga Mennonite Church, Morgantown, Pa.
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