A Genealogical History of Moses and Barbara (Yoder) Peachey and Their Descendants from 1759-2018

A Genealogical History of Moses and Barbara (Yoder) Peachey and Their Descendants from 1759-2018

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey T. Petersheim, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Petersheim, and Frances E. Peachey

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Moses (Bitsche) Peachey (1759-1814) m. Barbara Yoder (1765-1835), dau. of John and Anna (Mast) Yoder, and had 4 children: John, Jacob, Abraham Z., and Christian Y. They resided in Belleville, Pa. This genealogy traces their descendants. Frequent surnames: Byler, Fisher, Glick, Hostetler, Kanagy, Kauffman, King, Lapp, Miller, Peachey, Smoker, Stoltzfus, Swarey, Wengerd, Yoder, Zook, etc. (678pp. illus. index. hardcover. Authors, 2018.)