A Sauder Family History with Ancestors and Descendants of Samuel G. Sauder and Elizabeth Eaby
Casper Sauder I (ca.1722-ca.1793) is the pioneer New World ancestor of all the descendants of Samuel G. Sauder (1842-1925). Casper I is the great-grandfather of Samuel G., and until recent research and discoveries, there was confusion over who Casper I and Casper II really were. This book untangles this mystery. Samuel G. and Elizabeth Ranck Eaby (1846-1927) married in 1869 in Lancaster Co., Pa., and raised their 6 children there. The genealogy section also includes each descendants' current address. Frequent surnames include: Esbenshade, Hoover, Martin, Snader, and Weaver. (298pp. illus. index. hardcover. Authors, 2008.)