Adams County PA - Directory Collection (1860-1940)
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
Boyd's Business Directory of the Counties of Adams, Bucks, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Franklin, Lancaster, Montgomery and York, PA, together with a General Directory of all the Inhabitants of Harrisburg 1860 (William H. Boyd, 1860, 326 pages)
This is an early resident directory of Harrisburg, and business directory of 10 counties in southeastern Pennsylvania. The directory of Harrisburg lists the resident's name, occupation, street address and whether they board or own the home. The business directory is arranged alphabetically by trade and lists the name of the business or business-person, and their location (Town). Along with the directory listings, there are also numerous ads for local businesses.
History and Directory of the Boroughs of Gettysburg, Oxford,
Littlestown, York Springs, Berwick, and East Berlin, Adams County, PA
with Historical Collections. (John T. Reily, 1880, 188 pages)
From the Prefatory: This publication "...has been limited to the boroughs of the county, combining a history and a directory of the same as more interesting, and giving such other history and directory matter as could be obtained under the head of "Historical Collection." The publication begins with a brief history of the settlement and development of the area, and details about the formation of the county from York county. It then proceeds to cover the major towns.
Gettysburg - The sketch includes a brief history of the town, relates the histories of several churches within it: St. Marks & St. James Reformed Churches, Rock Creek Presbyterian Church, The Methodist Church, Upper & Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian Churches, Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, The Protestant Episcopal Church, Conewago Chapel and St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church. It then relates a description of the Battle of Gettysburg, the Soldiers Monument, and a history of the Theological Seminary and Pennsylvania College. Following this is the Directory, listing County and Borough Officials, Churches, Lodges and Corporations and their leaders. It includes a Business Directory listed alphabetically by trade, followed by a Post Office Directory listing the resident's name, occupation and street.
New Oxford - The sketch begins with a history of the town's founding, followed by histories of the following churches: The Union Reformed Church, the Lutheran Church, Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, and the Methodist Episcopal Church. Following this are some additional historical aspects of the area and then the same type of directory information noted above for Gettysburg.
Littlestown - Like above, the sketch begins with a history of the town's founding followed by discussion of its churches: The Catholic Church, United Brethren Church in Christ, the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Redeemer's Reformed Church, and St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. The same directory information related above follows.
York Springs - This sketch is like the others before it, including historical in formation on: the Presbyterian Church, the Huntington Lutheran Church, the Protestant Episcopal Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church. The same directory information related above follows.
Abbottstown - Contains same information as listed above. Churches: St. John's Lutheran Church, and Emmanuel's Reformed Church. The same directory information related above follows.
East Berlin - Contains same information as listed above. Churches: Presbyterian (now Reformed) Church, Union Lutheran and Reformed Church, Trinity Evangelical Church, and the Methodist Church. The same directory information related above follows.
Following the directory information above is another section relating historical details from the area, including information focused on the smaller towns and villages, and the county's townships. As is the case with most directories of this era, there are also ads for local businesses interspersed throughout.
Local & Long Distance Telephone Directory - October 1910 Lancaster, Gettysburg,
Hanover, York and Nearby Places (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1910, 68 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Adams, Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania and parts of Maryland for the year 1910. The directory information lists the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Pennsylvania Towns Included:
Abbottstown, Airville, Akron, Atglen, Aspers, Bainbridge, Bamford, Bareville, Bartville, Bellaire, Belview, Bendersville, Benton Station, Bethesda, Beyerstown, Biglersville, Bird-in-hand, Bittinger Station, Blue Ball, Bonneauville, Breeze Hill, Bridgeton, Brodbecks, Brogue, Brogueville, Brownstown, Brownton, Bryansville, Brysonia, Buck, Camargo, Cashtown, Castle Pin, Centennial, Central Rapho, Centre Mills, Centreville, Chanceford, Cherry Hill, Chestnut Level, Christiana, Cochranville, Codorus Station Collins, Collinsville, Columbia, Cly, Conawago Chapel, Craley, Cream, Constitution, Cross Roads, Dallastown, Del Roy, Delta, Deodate, Donegal, Donnerville, Dover, Draco, Dunmore Centre, East Berlin, East Prospect, Eden, Edge Grove, Edisonville, Edwin, Elizabethtown, Elstonville, Emigsville, Ephrata, Fairfield, Fairland, Fairmount, Fairview, Falls View, Fawn Grove, Felton, Fernglen, Fishing Creek, Flora Dale, Florin, Fousts, Fremont, Fruitville, Fulton House, Gap, Gatchelville, Georgetown, Gettysburg, Glen Rock, Glen Roy, Glenville, Glenwood, Goldsboro, Gordonville, Goshen, Grahamville, Greenland, Green Ridge Station, Greentree, Groffs Mills, Guernsey, Gum Tree, Hanover, Harristown, Hayesville, Hellam, Hensel, Hess Station, High Rock, Homeville, Hopkins Mill, Intercourse, Irishtown, Iva, Jack, Jacobus, Jefferson, Keys, Kinzer, Kirk's Mills, Kirkwood, Kyleville, Lampeter, Lancaster, Lancaster Junction, Landisville, Laurel, Lawn, Leaman Place, Lenover, Leola, Letort, Liberty Square, Lime Valley, Lititz, Littlestown, Loganville, Long Level, Lyles, McCalls Ferry, McKinghtstown, McSherrystown, Manchester, Manheim, Marietta, Masonville, Mastersonville, May, Maytown, Mechanics Grove, Mechanicsburg, Mechanicsville, Menges Mills, Millway, Milton Grove, Millersville, Mt. Hope, Mount Joy, Mount Vernon, Mountville, Mount Nebo, Mt. Wolf, Muddy Creek Forks, Mummasburg, Narrows, Nashville, Neffsville, Neimans, New Bridgeville, New Danville, New Freedom, New Holland, New Oxford, New Park, New Providence, Nine Points, Newville, Norrisville, Oak Bottom, Oak Hill, Oakryn, Oak Shade, Oak Vale, Old Line, Oyster Point, Paradise, Park, Peach Bottom, Penn Hill, Pennville, Penryn, Petersburg, Pine Grove, Pleasant Grove, Point Lookout, Puseyville, Quarryville, Railroad Borough, Rqawlinsville, Red Lion, Repton, Rheems, Ridgeway, Rinely, Rock Hill, Rocky Springs, Rohrerstown, Roseville, Rothsville, Russellville, Rye, Safe Harbor, Salunga, Seitzland, Sells Station, Seven Stars, Seven Valley, Shrewsbury, Silver Spring, Sinsheim, Slab, Slackwater, Smyrna, Smyser, Sporting Hill, Spring Garden, Spring Grove, Springers Road, Springville, Spruce Grove, Spry, Steeleville, Steartstown, Stony Brook, Stony Hill, Strasburg, Sunnyburg, Table Rock, Tayloria, Terre Hill, Texas, Thomasville, Tillie, Townsend, Tweedale, Unicorn, Union, Union Square, Upper Rapho, Wabank, Wakefield, Washington Borough, Weiglestown, West Bangor, West Willow, White Hall, White Horse, White Oak, White Rock, Wilben, Windom, Windsor Station, Windsorville, Winterstown, Wiota, Witmer, Woodbine, Wrightsdale, Wrightsville, Yoe, York, York Haven, York Furnace
Maryland Towns Included:
Ady, Berkley, Cardiff, Castleton, Cherry Hill, Clermont, Conowingo, Darlington, Dublin, Flintville, Forest Hill, Harkins, Macton, Poole, Prospect, Pylesville, Rocks, Scarborough, Sharon, Slate Hill, Street, Whiteford
Farm Journal Directory of Adams County Pennsylvania 1915-1920
(Wilmer Atkinson Company, 1915, 258 pages)
This is a Farm and Rural Directory of Adams County, PA for the year s 1915-1920. It contains a list of Adams County public officials and a number of local advertisements as well as the directory information. The directory information consists of the names of farmers and details such as the wife's name, number of children, location of farm, number of horses/cattle, a notation of whether they are retired, own their farm or are tenants, etc.
Telephone Directory - April 1924
(Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1924, 172 pages)
This is a telephone directory of covering parts of Adams, Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania and part of northern Maryland for the year 1924. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns Included:
Abbottstown, Aberdeen, Adamstown, Ailston, Airville, Akron, Anderson Mills, Andrews Bridge, Arendtsville, Aspers, Atglen, Bainbridge, Bair Station, Bamford, Bareville, Bart, Bartville, Bausman, Beartown, Beecherstown, Bellaire, Bellbank, Belview, Bendersville, Benton Station, Benzer, Berlin Junction, Bethesda, Beverly, Beyerstown, Biglerville, Bird-in-hand, Bittinger, Bittinger Station, Black Horse, Blainsport, Blue Ball, Bonneauville, Bowmansville, Breeze Hill, Brickerville, Bridgeport, Bridgeton, Brodbecks, Brogue, Brogueville, Brownstown, Brownton, Brubaker, Brunnerville, Brushtown, Bryansville, Brysonia, Buck, Buena Vista, Buyerstown, Camargo, Cashtown, Castle Fin, Cedar Lane, Cedarridge, Centennial, Center Church, Center Mills, Centerville, Central Rapho, Chancford, Cherry Hill, Chesnut Level, Chickies Hill, Christiana, Churchtown, Clay, Cly, Cocalico, Cochranville, Codorus, Colebrook, Colerain, Collamer, Collins, Collinsville, Columbia, Compass, Conestoga Center, Conewago, Conewago Chapel, Conrad, Constitution, Craley, Cream, Creswell, Cross Road, Dallastown, Delroy, Delta, Denver, Deodate, Diamond Station, Dillerville, Disston, Donegal, Donerville, Dover, Draco, Drumore, Drumore Center, Durlach, East Berlin, East Earl, East Petersburg, East Petersburg Pike, East Prospect, East Rapho, Eberton, Eden, Edgegrove, Edisonville, Edwin, Eldora, Elim, Elizabethtown, Elm, Elmwood, Elstonville, Emigsville, Ephrata, Fairfield, Fairland, Fairmount, Fairview, Falls View, Falmouth, Farmers, Farmersville, Fawn Grove, Felton, Fernglen, Fertility, Fetterville, Fishing Creek, Five Points, Fivepointsville, Floradale, Florin, Fousts, Fremont, Fruitville, Fulton House, Furniss, Gables Park, Gap, Gardners Station, Georgetown, Gettysburg, Glen Rock, Glenville, Glenwood, Goodville, Goodville Mills, Gordonville, Goshen, Graceton, Grahamville, Granite, Greene, Greenfield, Greenland, Green Ridge, Green Tree, Groffs Mill, Guernsey, Guldens, Gum Tree, Hahnstown, Halfville, Hampton, Hanover, Harristown, Hawkesville, Hayesville, Heildlersburg, Hellam, Hensel, Hessdale, Hess Station, Highrock, Hilton, Hinkletown, Hollinger, Holtwood, Homeville, Hopeville, Hopeland, Hopkins Mill, Hubers, Hunterstown, Idaville, Intercourse, Iva, Jack, Jacks Mountain, Jacobus, Jefferson, Keys, Kingsbridge, Kingsdale, Kinzers, Kirks Mills, Kirkwood, Kisselhill, Kradyville, Kyleville, La Bott, Lampeter, Lancaster, Lancaster Junction, Landis Valley, Landisville, Lapark, Lapps, Latmore, Lawn, Leacock, Leaman Place, Ledger, Lenover, Leola, Letort, Lexington, Liberty Square, Lime Valley, Limeville, Lincoln, Linden Grove, Lititz, Little Britain, Littlestown, Loganville, Longlevel, Lucky, Lyles, Lyndon, McCall Ferry, McGovernsville, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, McSparran, Manchester, Manheim, Marietta, Mars Hill, Martindale, Mascot, Masonville, Mastersonville, May, Maytown, Meadow Valley, Mechanic Grove, Mechanicsburg, Mechanicsville, Menges Mills, Middleburg, Middle Creek, Midway, Millersville, Millway, Milton Grove, Minqua, Monterey, Mount Airy, Mount Hope, Mounty Joy, Mount Nebo, Mount Pleasant, Mount Rock, Mount Vernon, Mount Wolf, Mountville, Muddy Creek, Muddy Creek Forks, Mummasburg, Murrell, Narrows, Narvon, Nashville, Naumanstown, Neffsville, Neighborville, Neiman, New Bridgeville, New Chester, New Danville, New Freedom, New Holland, New Milltown, New Oxford, New Park, New Providence, New Salem, Newtown, Newville, Ninepoints, North York, Nottingham, Oakbottom, Oak Hill, Oakryn, Oak Shade, Oakvale, Octoraro, Old Line, Oregon, Orrtanna, Oxford, Oyster Point, Paradise, Parke, Peach Bottom, Penn Hill, Pennville, Penryn, Pequea, Petersburg, Peterscreek, Pigeon Hills, Pine Grove, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant View, Point Lookout, Porters, Puseyville, Pylesville, Quarryville, Railroad, Rawlinsville, Reamstown, Red Lion, Redrun, Refton, Reidenbachs Store, Reinholds Stations, Rheems, Ridgeway, Rinely, Rockhill, Rockville, Rocky Springs, Rohrerstown, Ronks, Rose Hill, Roseville, Rothsville, Running Pump, Russellville, Rye, Safe Harbor, Salisbury, Salunga, Schoeneck, Seitzland, Sells Station, Sevenstars, Seven Valleys, Sherwood, Shreiners Station, Shrewsbury, Silver Spring, Sinsheim, Slab, Slackwater, Slate Hill, Smoketown, Smyrna, Smyser, Soudersburg, Southside, Sporting Hill, Springers Road, Spring Forge, Spring Garden, Spring Grove, Springville, Sprucegrove, Spry, Square Corners, Steelville, Stevens, Stewartstown, Stony Brook, Stony Hill, Stoverstown, Strasburg, Strinestown, Sun Hill, Sunnyburn, Swartzville, Table Rock, Talmage, Tayloria, Terre Hill, Texas, The Pines, Thomasville, Tillie, Townsend, Turnpike, Tweedale, Unicorn, Union, Union Grove, Union Square, Upper Lawn, Upper Rapho, Vici, Vintage, Violet Hill, Virginia Mills, Vogansville, Wabank, Wabash, Wakefield, Walheim, Washington Boro, Weaverland, Weidmanville, Weiglestown, Wenksville, West Bangor, Westbrook, West Earl, West Willow, West York, Wheatland Mills, White Hall, White Horse, Whiteoak, White Rock, Wilben, Wiley Station, Williamstown, Willow Street, Windom, Windsor, Windsorville, Witmer, Woodbine, Wrightsdale, Wrightsville, Yoe, York, York Furnace, Yorkhaven, York New Salem, York Springs
Maryland Towns Included:
Ady, Cambria, Cardiff, Cherry Hill, Clermont Mills, Cooper, Flintville, Harkins, Highland, Macton, Markers Mill, Mayberry, Millgreen, Norrisville, Prospect, Rocks, Scarboro, Silver Run, Street, Union Mills, Whiteford
Telephone Directory - October 1924
(Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1924, 152 pages)
This is a telephone directory of parts of Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Northumberland, Perry, Schuylkill, and York Counties, Pennsylvania and some towns of northern Maryland for the year 1924. It lists over 26,000 residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's (or business) name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns:
Alinda, Allen, Altenwald, Alterton, Amberson, Amsterdam, Andersonburg, Antietam, Andrim, Aqua, Aqueduct, Aula, Balfour, Baremont, Barnitz, Beaufort Lodge, Beaufort Orchard, Beautiful, Beaver, Beaver Creek, Beaver Station, Beavertown, Becks Mills, Bella Vista, Bellvue Park, Benvenue, Bermudian, Berrysburg, Big Cove Tannery, Big Run, Bigspring, Bino, Bird-in-hand, Bixler, Blain, Blue Ridge Summit, Boiling Springs, Bonny Brook, Bouch Mills, Bowmansdale, Boyd Station, Bradley, Brandtsville, Bridgeport, Broadway, Brookside, Browns Mills, Brownsville, Buena Vista Springs, Byerly, Camp Hill, Camp Siding, Canebrake, Caprivi, Carlisle, Carlisle Springs, Carsonville, Cascade, Cedar Grove, Center, Centerville, Chambersburg, Charleston, Charlton Station, Charmian, Chestnut Hill, Churchtown, Cisna Run, Clarks Valley, Clayhill, Clear Springs, Clemsons Island, Cleversburg, Cloverly Heights, Colonial Acres, Cona, Conboy, Concord, Couchs Mills, County Line, Covallen, Cove, Cove Forge, Cove Gap, Coxestown, Craighead, Culbertson, Cummingston, Curtain, Dalmatia, Dauphin, Derry Church, Dietrich, Dillsburg, Dimmsville, Dornsife, Doubling Gap, Doylesburg, Dromgold, Dry Run, Duffield, Duncannon, Dunkelbergers, Earlington, East Fayetteville, East Waterford, Eberly's Mill, Edenville, Edgemont, Edgewood, Elbrook, Elizabethville, Elk View, Elkwood, Elliotsburg, Elliottston, Enders, Enhaut, Enola, Enterline, Entlerville, Erdman, Erly, Estherton, Etters Post Office, Falling Springs, Fannettsburg, Farmlyn, Fayetteville, Fearnot, Fisherville, Five Forks, Foltz, Fort Hunter, Fort Loudon, Fort Robinson, Fountaindale, Fox Hill, Franklin Furnace, Franklintown, Gap, Gap Road, Garret Grove, Georgetown, Geutner, Glen Furney, Glenwood, Goldsboro, Goodspring, Goods Siding, Goodyear, Grantham, Grantley, Grantville, Gratz, Greason, Greenbrier, Greencastle, Green Hill, Greenpark, Green Spring, Greythorne, Grier Point, Grindstone, Guilford Siding, Guilford Springs, Hades Church, Hainlyn, Hainton, Halifax, Hanoverdale, Harrisburg, Hays Grove, Hebe, Heberlig, Hecks Station, Heckton, Heckton Mills, Hegins, Helper, Herndon, Hershey, Hickory Corners, Hickorytown, Highland, Highspire, Hill Grove, Hill Road, Hockersville, Hogestown, Hummelstown, Hunter, Hunters Run, Hunters Valley, Huntsdale, Ickesburg, Inglenook, Jackson Hall, Jacksonville, Jednota, Johnstown, Joliett, Juniata Bridge, Kasiesville, Kauffman, Keffers, Kehler, Killinger, Kistler, Klingerstown, Knepper, Kollertown, Landisburg, Latshaw, Lawnton, Lebo, Leck Kill, Ledy, Leesburg, Lees Cross Roads, Lehmasters, Leib, Leidighs Station, Lemoyne, Lenkers Station, Lewisberry, Libonia, Linden Mills, Lingles Mills, Linglestown, Lisburn, Little Manahoy, Liverpool, Lochiel, Locust Level, Longdorf, Lower Paxton, Loyalton, Loysville, Lucknow, Lutztown, Lykens, Madoka, Manahoy, Mainesville, Malta, Mandata, Manheim, Mannsville, Marion, Markelsville, Markes, Marsh, Marysville, Mason & Dixon, Matamoras, Matterstown, McClellan, McConnellsburg, McCrea, Meadow Brook, Mechanisburg, Mercersburg, Metal, Middleburg, Middlesex, Middle Spring, Middletown, Millersburg, Millerstown, Millbrook Statin, Millstone, Milltown, Milnor, Mont Alto, Mont Alto Juntion, Monterey, Montsera, Mooredale, Mount Alto Sanatorium, Mt. Holly Springs, Mount Pleasant, Mountrock, Mt. Tabor, Mount Top, Mount Zion, Muir, Nantillie, Nekoda, Newberrytown, New Bloomfield, Newbridge, Newburg, New Cumberland, New Franklin, New Germantown, New Kingston, New Market, Newport, Newtown, Newville, Nunnery, Oak Grove, Oakville, Oberlin, Old Orchard, Oriental, Orrstown, Orwin, Otto, Overview, Oysters Mills, Park Hill, Paxtang, Paxton, Paxtonia, Peach Glen, Penbrook, Pen Mar, Pen Mar Park Station, Pennersville, Perdix, Perry Valley, Pfouts Valley, Piketown, Pillow, Pine Run, Pinola, Pittman, Plainfield, Pleasant Hall, Pond Bank, Powels Valley, Progress, Quincy, Quinsonia, Raker, Raysorville Heights, Rebuck, Red Bridge, Red Cross, Reiner City, Reinerton, Richmond Furnace, Rife, Riverside, Riverview, Roadside, Rockdale, Rockville, Roseburg, Rosegarden, Rossmoyne, Rough & Ready, Rouzerville, Roxbury, Royalton, Rutherford, Rutherford Heights, Sabillasville, Sacramento, Saint Thomas, Salem Church, Sandbeach, Sandy Hook, Saville, Shadygrove, Scotland, Shellsville, Shepherdstown, Shermans Dale, Shippensburg, Silver Spring, Simonton Heights, South Mountain, South Mountain Camp, Speeceville, Springfield, Spring Glen, Spring Run, Springville, Starners, State Line, State Road, Steelton, Stenger, Stone Bridge, Stonehenge, Stoney Point Stoufferstown, Stoughstown, Sulphur Spring, Summerdale, Sunbeam, Swatara Station, Sylvan, Thompsontown, Toland, Tomstown, Tower City, Tremont, Trevorton, Trindle Spring, Turkey Foot, Turkey Valley, Union Deposit, Uniontown, Upper Strasburg, Upton, Urban, Uriah, Valley View, Vera Cruz, Walnut Bottom, Waltonville, Waroville, Washington Heights, Wayne Heights, Waynecastle, Waynesboro, Waynesville, Webster Mills, Wellsville, Welsh Run, West Fairview, West Fayetteville, West Hanover, West Hill, White Hill, White Pine, Wiconisco, Wila, Williams grove, Williams Mills, Williamson, Williamstown, Willow Hill, Worleytown, Wormleysburg, Yocumtown, Zionsville, Zullinger
Maryland Towns:
Cascade, Germantown, Highfield, Pen Mar, Ringgold, Sanatorium
Telephone Directory - April 1925
(Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1925, 216 pages)
This is a telephone directory of covering parts of Adams, Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania and part of northern Maryland for the year 1925. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns Included:
Abbottstown, Aberdeen, Adamstown, Ailston, Airville, Akron, Anderson Mills, Andrews Bridge, Arendtsville, Aspers, Atglen, Bainbridge, Bair Station, Bamford, Bareville, Bart, Bartville, Bausman, Beartown, Beecherstown, Bellaire, Bellbank, Belview, Bendersville, Benton Station, Benzer, Berlin Junction, Bethesda, Beverly, Beyerstown, Biglerville, Billmyer, Bird-in-hand, Bittinger, Bittinger Station, Black Horse, Blainsport, Blue Ball, Bonneauville, Bowmansville, Breeze Hill, Brickerville, Bridgeport, Bridgeton, Brodbecks, Brogue, Brogueville, Brownstown, Brownton, Brubaker, Brunnerville, Brushtown, Bryansville, Brysonia, Buck, Buena Vista, Buyerstown, Camargo, Cashtown, Castle Fin, Cedar Lane, Cedarridge, Centennial, Center Church, Center Mills, Centerville, Central Rapho, Chanceford, Cherry Hill, Chestnut Hill, Chesnut Level, Chickies, Chickies Hill, Chickies Park, Christiana, Churchtown, Clay, Cly, Cocalico, Cochranville, Codorus, Colebrook, Colerain, Collamer, Collins, Collinsville, Columbia, Compass, Conestoga Center, Conewago, Conewago Chapel, Conrad, Cordelia, Craley, Cream, Creswell, Crossroad, Dallastown, Delroy, Delta, Denver, Deodate, Diamond Station, Dillerville, Disston, Donegal, Donerville, Dover, Draco, Drumore, Drumore Center, Durlach, East Berlin, East Earl, East Petersburg, East Petersburg Pike, East Prospect, East Rapho, Eberton, Eden, Edgegrove, Edisonville, Edwin, Eldora, Elim, Elizabethtown, Elm, Elmwood, Elstonville, Emigsville, Ephrata, Fairfield, Fairland, Fairmount, Fairview, Falls View, Falmouth, Farmers, Farmersville, Fawn Grove, Felton, Fernglen, Fertility, Fetterville, Fishing Creek, Five Points, Fivepointsville, Floradale, Florin, Florinel, Fousts, Fremont, Fruitville, Fulton House, Furniss, Gables Park, Gap, Gardners Station, Georgetown, Gettysburg, Glen Manor, Glen Rock, Glenville, Glenwood, Goodville, Goodville Mills, Gordonville, Goshen, Graceton, Grahamville, Granite, Greene, Greenfield, Greenland, Green Ridge, Green Tree, Groffs Mill, Guernsey, Guldens, Gum Tree, Hahnstown, Halfville, Hampton, Hanover, Harristown, Hawkesville, Hayesville, Heildlersburg, Hellam, Hensel, Hessdale, Hess Station, Highrock, Hilton, Hinkletown, Hollinger, Holtwood, Homeville, Hopeville, Hopeland, Hopkins Mill, Hubers, Hunterstown, Idaville, Indiantown Gap, Intercourse, Iva, Jack, Jacks Mountain, Jacobus, Jefferson, Keys, Kinderhook, Kingsbridge, Kingsdale, Kinzers, Kirks Mills, Kirkwood, Kisselhill, Kradyville, Kyleville, La Bott, Lampeter, Lancaster, Lancaster Junction, Landis Valley, Landisville, Lapark, Lapps, Latmore, Laurel, Lawn, Leacock, Leaman Place, Ledger, Lenover, Leola, Letort, Lexington, Liberty Square, Lime Valley, Limeville, Lincoln, Linden Grove, Lititz, Little Britain, Littlestown, Lobato, Locust Grove, Loganville, Longlevel, Lucky, Lyles, Lyndon, McCall Ferry, McGovernsville, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, McSparran, Manchester, Manheim, Marietta, Mars Hill, Martindale, Mascot, Masonville, Mastersonville, May, Maytown, Meadow Valley, Mechanic Grove, Mechanicsburg, Mechanicsville, Menges Mills, Middleburg, Middle Creek, Midway, Millersville, Millway, Milton Grove, Minqua, Monterey, Mount Airy, Mount Hope, Mounty Joy, Mount Nebo, Mount Pleasant, Mount Rock, Mount Vernon, Mountville, Mount Wolf, Muddy Creek, Muddy Creek Forks, Mummasburg, Murrell, Narrows, Nashville, Naumanstown, Neffsville, Neighborville, Neiman, New Bridgeville, New Chester, New Danville, New Freedom, New Holland, New Milltown, New Oxford, New Park, New Providence, New Salem, Newtown, Newville, Ninepoints, North York, Norwood, Nottingham, Oakbottom, Oak Hill, Oakryn, Oak Shade, Oakvale, Octoraro, Old Line, Oregon, Orrtanna, Oxford, Oyster Point, Paradise, Parke, Peach Bottom, Penn Hill, Pennville, Penryn, Pequea, Petersburg, Peterscreek, Pigeon Hills, Pine Grove, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant View, Point Lookout, Porters, Puseyville, Quarryville, Railroad, Rawlinsville, Reamstown, Red Lion, Redrun, Refton, Reidenbachs Store, Reinholds Stations, Rheems, Ridgeway, Rinely, Rockhill, Rockville, Rocky Springs, Rohrerstown, Ronks, Rose Hill, Roseville, Rothsville, Rowenna, Running Pump, Russellville, Rye, Safe Harbor, Salisbury, Salunga, Schoeneck, Seitzland, Sells Station, Sevenstars, Seven Valleys, Sherwood, Shreiners Station, Shrewsbury, Silver Springs, Sinsheim, Slab, Slackwater, Slate Hill, Smoketown, Smyrna, Smyser, Soudersburg, Southside, Sporting Hill, Springers Road, Spring Forge, Spring Garden, Spring Grove, Springville, Sprucegrove, Spry, Square Corners, Steelville, Stevens, Stewartstown, Stony Brook, Stony Hill, Stoverstown, Strasburg, Strinestown, Sun Hill, Sunnyburn, Swartzville, Talmage, Tayloria, Terre Hill, Texas, The Pines, Thomasville, Townsend, Turnpike, Tweedale, Unicorn, Union, Union Grove, Union Square, Upper Lawn, Upper Rapho, Vici, Vintage, Violet Hill, Virginia Mills, Vogansville, Wabank, Wabash, Wakefield, Walheim, Washington Boro, Weaverland, Weidmanville, Weiglestown, Wenksville, West Bangor, Westbrook, West Earl, West Hempfield, West Willow, West York, Wheatland Mills, White Hall, White Horse, Whiteoak, White Rock, Wilben, Wiley Station, Williamstown, Willow Street, Windom, Windsor, Windsorville, Winterstown, Witmer, Woodbine, Wrightsdale, Wrightsville, York, York Furnace, Yorkhaven, York New Salem, York Springs
Maryland Towns Included:
Ady, Cambria, Cardiff, Cherry Hill, Clermont Mills, Cooper, Flintville, Harkins, Highland, Macton, Markers Mill, Mayberry, Millgreen, Norrisville, Prospect, Pylesville, Rocks, Scarboro, Silver Run, Street, Union Mills, Whiteford
Telephone Directory - 1926 Issue
(Cumberland Valley Telephone Co. of PA, 1926, 204 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lancaster, Mifflin, Northumberland, Perry, Schuylkill, Snyder and York counties, Pennsylvania and parts of Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia for the year 1926. It lists thousands of residents and businesses from these areas. The directory information lists the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes a small section of ads covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns Included:
Adamsburg (Beaver Springs), Abbottstown, Academia, Alerton, Alfarata, Aline, Allen, Allensville, Arendtsville, Aspers, Bachmansville, Balfour, Baresville, Barnitz Station, Beaver Creek, Bella Vista, Belleville, Bendersville, Biglerville, Bloserville, Boiling Springs, Bonneauville, Bonny Brook, Bowmansdale, Brandtsville, Bressler, Brownstone, Bunkertown, Burnham, Camp Hill, Carlisle, Carlisle Springs, Carsonville, Cashtown, Centennial, Centerville, Centre Mills, Chambersburg, Churchtown, Cocolanus, Cove, Craighead's Station, Crossgrove, Cuba Mills, Culbertson, Cummingstown, Curtin, Dauphin, Dayton, Denholm, Dillsburg, Dry Run, Duncannon, East Berlin, East Salem, East Waterford, Eberly's Mills, Edge Grove, Ellendale, Elizabethtown, Elizabethville, Elkwood, Elliottstown, Emmitsburg, Enhaut, Enola, Enterline, Entlersville, Evandale, Fairfield, Fayetteville, Fisherville, Fort Louden, Freeburg, Fremont, Gettysburg, Geyers Church, Goldenville, Granite, Grantham, Gratz, Greason, Greencastle, Greenvillage, Guernsey, Guldens, Halifax, Hanover, Harrisburg, Hedgesville, Herndon, Hershey, Hickorytown, Highspire, Hockersville, Hoernerstown, Hoffer, Hogestown, Hummelstown, Jefferson, Jericho Mills, Kauffman's Station, Kramer, Kratzerville, Laurel, Lee's Cross Roads, Leideight's Station, Lemaster, Lemoyne, Lewistown, Lewistown Junction, Licking Creek, Linglestown, Littlestown, Liverpool, Lochiel, Lucknow, Lykens, McAlisterville, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, Maitland, Mandata, Manheim, Mannsville, Marion, Marklesville, Marks, Marsh, Marysville, Mechanicsburg, Melrose Mill, Menges Mills, Mercersburg, Mexico, Middlesex, Middletown, Mifflintown, Millersburg, Milroy, Moores Mills, Moredale, Mowersville, Mt. Alto, Mt. Holly, Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Tauber, Mt. Zion, Mummasburg, Nantille, Nelltown, New Baltimore, New Buffalo, Newburg, New Cumberland, New Franklin, New Kingston, New Oxford, Newport, Newville, Nollville, Nook, Oakland Mills, Oakville, Oberlin, Orrstown, Ortanna, Orwin, Overview, Paintersville, Pallas, Parkville, Paxtang, Penbrook, Pennville, Perdix, Pike Side, Pillow, Pine Grove Furnace, Plainfield, Pleasant Hall, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant View, Port Royal, Porters Siding, Progress, Quincy, Reedsville, Reeds Gap, Reiner City, Richfield, Richmond Furnace, Rife, Riverton, Roaring Run, Rockville, Rose Garden, Roxhug, Royalton, Rutherford, Rutherford Heights, Saint Thomas, Salem, Scotland, Selinsgrove, Seven Stars, Shellsville, Shade Gap, Sharder, Shepherdstown, Shindle, Shiremanstown, Shirleysburg, Shippensburg, Siglerville, Smith Station, South Mountain, Spring Grove, Spruce Hill, Stephenson, Stouffertown, Strawsburg, Swatara, Table Rock, Troxelville, Two Taverns, Upton, Upper Strasburg, Union Deposit, Valley View, Verdilla, Vian, Williamstown, Wagner, Walnut, Walnut Bottom, Washington Heights, Watsonville, Waynesboro, West Fairview, West Hill, White Hill, Wiconisco, Williamsgrove, Williamson, Williamstown, Wormleysburg, Yeagertown, Yocumtown, York Springs, Zora
Maryland Towns Included:
Virginia Towns Included:
Berryville, Brucetown, Clearbrook, Middletown, Ridgeway
West Virginia Towns Included:
Arden, Berkley Springs, Bunker Hill, Cumbo, Darkesville, Gerrardstown, Jones Spring, Kearneysville, Tablers, Vanclesville
Carlisle and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - Winter 1928
(Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, 1928, 410 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Adams, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, Northumberland, Schuylkill and York counties Pennsylvania and some towns of Maryland for the year 1928 listing over 60,000 residents and businesses. The directory information lists the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns:
Abbottstown, Aberdeen, Accomac, Adamstown, Admire, Ailston, Airville, Akron, Alinda, Allen, Alpine, Altenwald, Alterton, Amberson, Amsterdam, Anderson Mills, Andersonburg, Andrews Bridge, Annville, Anteitam, Antrim, Aqueduct, Arbor, Arentsville, Aspers, Atglen, Aula, Bainbridge, Bair Station, Bald Hill, Balfour, Bamford, Bareville, Barnitz, Barshingers Mill, Bart, Bartville, Baughmanville, Baumgardner, Bausman, Beartown, Beaufort Lodge, Beaufort Orchard, Beaver, Beaver Creek, Beaver Station, Beavertown, Becks Mills, Beecherstown, Bella Vista, Bellaire, Bellbank, Bellevue Park, Belview, Bendersville, Benroy, Benton Station, Bentzels Mill, Benvenue, Benzer, Berlin Junction, Bermudian, Berrysburg, Bethesda, Beverly, Beyerstown, Bigdam, Big Mount, Big Run, Bigerlsville, Bigspring, Billmeyer, Bino, Bird-in-Hand, Bittersville, Bittinger, Bittinger Station, Bixler, Black Horse, Black Rock, Blain, Blainsport, Bloserville, Blue Ball, Blue Ridge Summit, Blue Spring, Boiling Springs, Bonnair, Bonneauville, Bonny Brook, Bouch Mills, Bowmansdale, Bowmansville, Boyd Station, Bradley, Brandtsville, Breeze Hill, Brickerville, Bridgeport, Bridgeton, Brillharts, Broadway, Brodbecks, Brodbecks Mill, Brogue, Brogueville, Brookside, Browns Mills, Brownstown, Brownton, Brubaker, Bruce, Brunnerville, Brushtown, Bryansville, Brysonia, Buck, Buena Vista, Buena Vista Springs, Bups Union, Buyerstown, Byerly, Camargo, Camp Hill, Canebrake, Caprivi, Carlisle, Carlisle Springs, Carsonville, Cascade, Cashtown, Castle Fin, Cave Hill, Cedar Grove, Cedar Lane, Cedarridge, Centennial, Center, Center Church, Center Mills, Center Square, Centerville, Central Rapho, Chambersburg, Chanceford, Charleston, Charlton Station, Charmian, Cherry Cottage, Cherry Hill, Chestnut Hill, Chickies, Chickies Hill, Chickies Park, Christiana, Churchtown, Cisna Run, Clarks Valley, Clay, Clayhill, Clear Spring, Clear Springs, Clemsons Island, Cleversburg, Cloverly Heights, Cly, Cocalico, Cochranville, Codorus, Colebrook, Colerain, Collamer, Collins, Collinsville, Colonial Acres, Columbia, Cona, Conboy, Concord, Conestoga Center, Conewago, Conewago Chapel, Conewago Heights, Conrad, Constitution, Cordelia, Couchs Mills, County Line, Covallen, Cove, Cove Forge, Cove Gap, Coxestown, Craighead, Craley, Craleyville, Cram, Creswell, Crossroads, Crumblings Mill, Cummingston, Curtain, D & M Junction, Dallastown, Dalmatia, Dauphin, Davidsburg, Days Mill, Delroy, Delta, Denver, Deodate, Derry Church, Dew Drop, Diamond Station, Dietrich, Dillerville, Dillsburg, Dimmsville, Disston, Donaldson, Donegal, Donerville, Dornsife, Doubling Gap, Dover, Doylesburg, Draco, Dromgold, Druck Valley, Drumore, Drumore Center, Dry Run, Duffield, Duncannon, Dunkelbergers, Durlach, Earlington, East Berlin, East Earl, East Fayetteville, East Petersburg, East Petersburg Pike, East Prospect, East Rapho, East Yoe, Eastmont, Eberly's Mill, Eberton, Eden, Edenville, Edgegrove, Edgemont, Edgewood, Edisonville, Edwin, Eisenharts Mill, Elbrook, Eldora, Elim, Elizabethtown, Elizabethville, Elk View, Elkwood, Elliotsburg, Elliottston, Elm, Elmwood, Elstonville, Emigs Mill, Emigsville, Enders, Enhaut, Enola, Enterline, Entlerville, Ephrata, Erdman, Erly, Erney, Esenharts Mill, Estherton, Etters P.O., Fairfield, Fairland, Fairmount, Fairview, Falling Spring, Falling Springs, Falls View, Falmouth, Fannettsburg, Farmers, Farmers P.O., Farmersville, Farmlyn, Fawn Grove, Fayetteville, Felton, Fernglen, Fertility, Fetterville, Fisherville, Fishing Creek, Fissels, Five Points, Fiveforks, Fivepointsville, Floradale, Florin, Florinel, Foltz, Fort Hunter, Fort Loudon, Fort Robinson, Fortney, Fountain Dale, Fousts, Fousttown, Fox Hill, Franklin Furnace, Franklintown, Fremont, Freysville, Fruitville, Fulton House, Furniss, Gables Park, Gap, Gap Road, Gardners Station, Garret Grove, Gatchelville, Georgetown, Gettysburg, Geutner, Glades, Glatfelters Station, Glen Manor, Glen Rock, Glenville, Glenwood, Goldsboro, Goods Siding, Goodspring, Goodville, Goodville Mills, Goodyear, Goram, Gordonville, Goshen, Gracton, Grahamville, Granite, Grantham, Grantley, Grantville, Gratz, Graybills, Graydon, Graysville, Greason, Green Hill, Green Ridge, Green Spring, Greentree, Greenbrier, Greencastle, Greene, Greenefield, Greenland, Greenmount, Greenpark, Greenstone, Greythorne, Grier Point, Grindstone Hill, Groffs Mill, Guernsey, Guilford Siding, Guilford Springs, Guldens, Gum Tree, Hades Church, Hahnstown, Hainlyn, Hainton, Halfville, Halifax, Hall, Hallam, Hametown, Hampton, Hanover, Hanover Junction, Hanoverdale, Harmony Grove, Harrisburg, Harristown, Hawkesville, Hayesville, Hays Grove, Hebe, Heberlig, Hecks Station, Heckton, Heckton Mills, Hegins, Heidlersburg, Hellam, Hensel, Hepler, Herndon, Herrville, Hershey, Hess Station, Hessdale, Hickory Corners, Hickorytown, Highland, Highmount, Highrock, Highspire, Hill Grove, Hill Road, Hilton, HInkletown, Hiveleys Mill, Hockersville, Hoffmansville, Hogestown, Hokes Mill, Hollinger, Holtwood, Holtz, Holtzschavam, Holtzville, Homeville, Hopeland, Hopewell Center, Hopkins Mill, Hubers, Hummelstown, Hunter, Hunters Run, Hunters Valley, Hunterstown, Huntsdale, Ickesburg, Idaville, Indiantown, Inglenook, Intercourse, Irishtown, Iron Springs, Ironville, Iva, Jack, Jacks Mountain, Jackson Hall, Jacksonville, Jacobus, Jednota, Jefferson, Joliett, Juniata Bridge, Kasiesville, Kauffman, Keffers, Kehler, Kerrsville, Keys, Killinger, Kinderhook, Kingsbridge, Kingsdale, Kinzers, Kirks Mills, Kirkwood, Kisselhill, Kistler, Klines Station, Klinesville, Klingerstown, Knepper, Kollertown, Kradyville, Kreidlers Mill, Kyleville, La Bott, Lampeter, Lancaster, Lancaster Junction, Landis Valley, Landisburg, Landisville, Lapark, Lapps, Larue, Latimore, Latshaw, Laurel, Lawn, Lawnton, Leacock, Leaman Place, Lebanon, Lebo, Leck Kill, Ledger, Ledy, Lees Cross Roads, Leesburg, Lehmasters, Leib, Leidighs Station, Lemoyne, Lenkers Station, Lenover, Leola, Letort, Lewisberry, Lexington, Liberty Square, Libonia, Lime Valley, Limerock, Limeville, Lincoln, Linden Grove, Linden Mills, Lineboro, Lingles Mills, Linglestown, Lionsville, Lisburn, Lititz, Little Britain, Little Mahanoy, Littlestown, Liverpool, Lobato, Lochiel, Locust Grove, Locust Level, Loganville, Long Lane, Lone Level, Longsdorf, Lower Paxton, Loyalton, Loysville, Lucknow, Lucky, Lutztown, Lykens, Lyles, Lyndon, Madoka, Mahanoy, Malta, Manchester, Mandata, Manheim, Mannsville, Marburg, Margaretta Furnace, Marietta, Marion, Markelsville, Markes, Mars Hill, Marsh, Martindale, Martins Station, Martinsville, Marysville, Mascot, Mason & Dixon, Masonville, Mastersonville, Matamoras, Matterstown, May, Maytown, McCall Ferry, McClellan, McConnellsburg, McCrea, McGovernsville, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, McSparran, Meadow Brook, Meadow Brook Park, Meadow Valley, Mechanic Grove, Mechanicsburg, Mechanicsville, Menges Mills, Mercersburg, Metal, Middle Creek, Middle Spring, Middleburg, Middlesex, Middletown, Midvale, Midway, Millbrook Station, Millers Mill, Millersburg, Millerstown, Millersville, Millgreen, Millstone, Milltown, Millway, Milnor, Milton Grove, Minqua, Mont Alto, Mont Alto Junction, Monterey, Montsera, Mooredale, Morrisville, Mount Airy, Mount Alto Sanitorium, Mt. Gretna, Mt. Holly Springs, Mount Hope, Mt. Joy, Mount Nebo, Mount Olivet, Mount Pisgah, Mount Pleasant, Mount Rock, Mount Royal, Mt. Tabor, Mount Top, Mount Vernon, Mount Washington, Mount Wolf, Mount Zion, Mountrock, Mountville, Muddy Creek, Muddy Creek Forks, Muir, Mulberry, Mummasburg, Murrell, Nantillie, Narrows, Narvon, Nashville, Naumanstown, Neffsville, Neighborville, Neiman, Nekoda, New Baltimore, New Bloomfield, New Bridgeville, New Chester, New Cumberland, New Danville, New Franklin, New Freedom, New Germantown, New Holland, New Kingstown, New Market, New Milltown, New Oxford, New Park, New Providence, New Salem, Newberrytown, Newbridge, Newburg, Newport, Newtown, Newville, Ninepoints, Norrisville, North Hopewell, North York, Norwood, Nottingham, Nunnery, Oak Grove, Oak Hill, Oak Shade, Oakbottom, Oakryn, Oakvale, Oakville, Oberlin, Octoraro, Old Forge, Old Line, Old Orchard, Ore Valley, Oregon, Oriental, Orrtanna, Orwin, Otto, Overview, Oxford, Oyster Point, Oyster Mills, Palmyra, Paradise, Park Hill, Parke, Paxtang, Paxtonia, Peach Bottom, Peach Glen, Pen Mar, Pen Mar Park Station, Penbrook, Penn Hill, Pennersville, Pennville, Penryn, Pequea, Perdix, Perry Vally, Petersburg, Peterscreek, Pfouts Valley, Peirceville, Pigeon Hill, Pigeon Hills, Piketown, Pillow, Pilsen, Pine Grove, Pine Run, Pinola, Pittman, Plainfield, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Hall, Pleasant View, Pleasureville, Point Lookout, Pond Bank, Porters, Potosi, Potosi P.O., Powells Valley, Prices Church, Progress, Puseyville, Quarryville, Quincy, Quinsonia, Railroad, Railroad Borough, Raker, Rawlinsville, Raysorville Heights, Reamstown, Rebuck, Red Cross, Red Lion, Redrun, Refton, Reidenbachs Store, Reinerton, Reinholds Station, Rennolls Mill, Rheems, Richmond, Richmond Furnace, Ridgeway, Rife, Rinley, Riverside, Riverton, Riverview, Roadside, Rockville, Rocky Springs, Rohrerstown, Roller, Ronks, Rose Hill, Roseburg, Rosegarden, Rosevale, Roseville, Rossmoyne, Rossivlle, Rothsville, Rough & Ready, Roundtown, Rouzerville, Rowenna, Roxbury, Royalton, Rudys Mill, Running Pump, Rutherford, Rutherford Heights, Rye, Sacramento, Safe Harbor, Saint Thomas, Salem Church, Salisbury, Salunga, Sandbeach, Sandy Hook, Saville, Schoeneck, Scotland, Seitzland, Seitzville, Sells Station, Sevenstars, Seven Valleys, Shadygrove, Shellsville, Shenks Ferry, Shepherstown, Shermans Dale, Sherwood, Shiloh, Shippensburg, Shiremanstown, Shoops Church, Shreiners Station, Shrewsbury, Siddonsburg, Silver Spring, Silver Springs, Simonton Heights, Sinsheim, Slab, Slackwater, Slate Hill, Smithville, Smoketown, Smyrna, Smyser, Soudersburg, South Mountain, South Mountain Camp, Southside, Speeceville, Sporting Hill, Spring Forge, Spring Garden, Spring Glen, Spring Grove, Spring Run, Springers Road, Springfield, Springvale, Springville, Sprucegrove, Spry, Square Corners, Starners, Starview, State Line, State Road, Steelville, Steelton, Stenger, Stevens, Stewartstown, Sticks, Stiltz, Stone Bridge, Stonehenge, Stoney Point, Stony Brook, Stony Hill, Stoufferstown, Stoughstown, Stoverstown, Strasburg, Strickhousers Station, Stricklers Station, Strinestown, Sulphur Spring, Summersdale, Summit, Sun Hill, Sunnyburn, Sunnyside, Swartzville, Swatara Station, Sylvan, Talmadge, Taxville, Tayloria, Terre Hill, Texas, The Pines, Thomasville, Thompsontown, Tilden, Toland, Tolna, Tomstown, Tower City, Townsend, Tremont, Trevorton, Trindle Spring, Turkey Valley, Turnpike, Tweedale, Unicorn, Union, Union Deposit, Union Grove, Union Square, Uniontown, Uno, Upper Lawn, Upper Rapho, Upper Strasburg, Upton, Urban, Uriah, Valley View, Vera Cruz, Vici, Vintage, Violet Hill, Virginia Mills, Voganville, Wabank, Wabash, Wakefield, Walheim, Walnut Bottom, Waltonville, Wardville, Washington Boro, Washington Heights, Wayne Heights, Waynecastle, Waynesboro, Waynesville, Weaverland, Webster Mills, Weidmanville, Weiglestown, Wellsville, Welsh Run, Wenksville, West Bangor, West Earl, West Fairview, West Fayettesville, West Hanover, West Hempfield, West Hill, West Willow, West York, Westbrook, Wheatland Mills, White Hall, White Hill, White Horse, White Pine, White Rock, Whiteford, Whiteoak, Wiconisco, Wila, Wiley, Wiley Station, Williams Grove, Williams Mills, Williamson, Williamstown, Willow Grove, Willow Hill, Willow Street, Windom, Winsor, Winsorville, Wingerton, Winterstown, Wiota, Witmer, Wolfes Church, Woodbine, Woodbury, Worleytown, Wormleysburg, Wrightsdale, Wrightstown, Yocumtown, Yoe, York, York Furnace, York New Salem, York Springs, Yorkanna, Yorkhaven, Zions View, Zionsville, Zullinger
Maryland Towns
Ady, Cambria, Cardiff, Cascade, Cherry Hill, Clermont Mills, Cooper, Flintville, Germantown, Harkins, Highfield, Highland, Macton, Markers Mill, Mayberry, Millgreen, Penmar, Prospect, Pylesville, RInggold, Rocks, Sabillasville, Sanatorium, Scarboro, Silver Run, Street, Union Mills, Whiteford, Whitehall
Lancaster and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - June 1940
(Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1940, 234 pages)
This is a telephone directory parts of Adams, Lancaster, Lebanon, and York Counties, Pennsylvania and some towns of Northern Maryland for the year 1940. It lists over 37,000 residents and businesses. The directory information lists the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns included:
Abbottstown, Aberdeen, Accomac, Adamstown, Admire Ailston, Airville, Akron, Alpine, Anchor, Anderson Mills, Andersontown, Andrews Bridge, Arbor, Atglen, Bainbridge, Bair, Bair Station, Bareville, Barlow, Bartville, Baughmansville, Baumgardner, Bausman, Beartown, Beavertown, Bellair, Bellbank, Bellemnot, Belview, Benroy, Benton Station, Bentzles Mill, Berlin Junction, Bermudian, Bethesda, Beverly, Biesecker's Mill, Big Mount, Bigdam, Billmeyer, Bird-in-Hand, Bittersville, Bittinger, Bittinger Station, Blainsport, Blue Ball, Bon View, Bonnair, Bonneauville, Bowmansdale, Bowmansville, Brickerville, Bridgeport, Bridgeton, Brillharts, Brodbecks, Brogue, Brogueville, Brookside, Brownstown, Brownton, Bruce, Bruckharts, Brunnersville, Brush Run, Brushtown, Bryansville, Buck, Buffalo Valley, Bupps Union, Buyerstown, Cains, Camargo, Cambell, Cashtown, Castle Fin, Cedar Lane, Cedarridge, Centennial, Center Church, Centerville, Chanceford, Cherry Cottage, Chestnut Hill, Chestnut Level, Chickies, Chickies Park, Christiana, Churchtown, Clay, Clear Springs, Cly, Cocalico, Cochranville, Codorus, Colemanville, Colerain, Collamer, Collins, Collinsville, Columbia, Compass, Cona, Conestoga Center, Conewago, Conewago Chapel, Conewago Heights, Conrad, Constitution, Cordelia, Craley, Craleyville, Cream, Creswell, Crossroads, Crumblings Mill, D & M Junction, Dallastown, Davidsburg, Deitz Mill, Delroy, Delta, Denver, Deodate, Dew Drop, Dillerville, Dillsburg, Donegal, Donerville, Dover, Druck Valley, Drumore, Drumore Center, Durlach, East Berlin, East Earl, East Petersburg, East Prospect, East Yoe, East York, Ebys, Eden, Edgegrove, Edisonville, Elizabethtown, Elm, Elmwood, Elstonville, Emigs Mill, Emigsville, Engleside, Enterprise, Ephrata, Eystertown, Fairfield, Fairland, Fairmount, Falls View, Flamouth, Farmers P.O., Farmersville, Fawn Grove, Felton, Fertility, Fetterville, Fishing Creek, Fissels, Five Points, Fivepointville, Florin, Florinel, Fortney, Fousts, Fousttown, Franklintown, Freysville, Fruitville, Fulton House, Furniss, Gables Park, Gap, Garner's Station, Gatchellville, Gemmills, Georgetown, Gettysburg, Glades, Glatfelters Station, Glen Manor, Glen Rock, Glenville, Glenwood, Goodville, Goram, Gordonville, Goshen, Gracton, Grahamville, Granite, Grantham, Grantley, Graybill, Graydon, Graysville, Green Ridge, Green Tree, Greenbank, Greene, Greenfield, Greenland, Greenmount, Groffdale, Guldens, Gum Tree, Hahnstown, Halfville, Hall, Hallam, Hametown, Hampton, Hanover, Hanover Junction, Harmony Grove, Harristown, Hawkesville, Heidlersburg, Hellam, Hensel, Herrville, Hess, Hess Station, Hessdale, Highmount, Highrock, Highville, Hillcrest, Hilltown, Hilton, Hinkletown, Hiveleys Mill, Hobart, Hogestown, Hollinger, Hollywood Heights, Holtwood, Holtz, Holtzschavam, Holtzville, Hopeland, Hopewell Center, Hubers, Hungerford, Hunterstown, Idaville, Intercourse, Irishtown, Iron Ridge, Ironville, Iva, Jack, Jacobs Mills, Jacobus, Jefferson, Keys, Kinderhook, Kings Bridge, Kinzers, Kirks Mills, Kirkwood, Kissel Hill, Klines Station, Klinesville, Knoxlyn, Kollertown, Kreadyville, Kunkels Mill, Kyleville, La Bott, Lampeter, Lancaster, Lancaster Junction, Landis Valley, Landisville, Lapark, Lapps, Larue, Latimore, Laurel, Lawn, Leacock, Leaman Place, Lenover, Leola, Letort, Lexington, Liberty Square, Lime Rock, Lime Valley, Limeville, Lincoln, Linden Grove, Lineboro, Lisburn, Lititz, Little Britain, Lobato, Locust Grove, Loganville, Long Level, Longstown, Lucky, Lyndon, Manchester, Manheim, Marburg, Margaretta Furnace, Marietta, Mars Hill, Marsh Creek Heights, Marticville, Martindale, Martins Station, Mascot, Masonville, Mastersonville, May, Maytown, McCall Ferry, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, McSparran, Mechanic Grove, Mechanicsburg, Mechanicsville, Mellingers Church, Menges Mills, Middleburg, Midway, Millers Mill, Millersville, Millway, Millwood, Milport, Milton Grove, Monterery, Morrisville, Mount Airy, Mount Hope, Mt. Joy, Mount Nebo, Mount Olivet, Mount Pleasant, Mount Rock, Mount Royal, Mount Top, Mount Vernon, Mount Washington, Mount Wolf, Mount Zion, Mountville, Muddy Creek Forks, Mulerry, Mummasburg, Murrell, Narvon, Nashville, Neffsville, Neiman, New Bridgeville, New Chester, New Danville, New Freedom, New Holland, New Kingstown, New Milltown, New Oxford, New Park, New Providence, New Salem, Newtown, Newville, Nickel Mines, Minepoints, Norrisville, North Hopewell, North York, Norwood, Nottingham, Oak Hill, Oak Shade, Oakbottom, Oakryn, Octoraro, Ore Valley, Oregon, Orwigs, Oyster Point, Paradise, Parke, Parkville, Peach Bottom, Penn Hill, Pennyville, Penryn, Pequea, Picketts, Pierceville, Pigeon Hills, Pilsen, Pine Run, Leasant Grove, Pleasant Hill, Pleasureville, Porters, Potosi, Puseyville, Quarryville, Railroad, Railroad Borough, Rawlinsville, Reamstown, Red Lion, Red Run, Redrum, Refton, Reinholds Station, Rennolls Mill, Rheems, Richmond, Rinley, Rockhill, Rockville, Rocky Springs, Rohrerstown, Roller, Ronks, Rosegarden, Roseville, Rossmere, Rossmoyne, Rossville, Roths, Rothsville, Round Hill, Roundtown, Rowenna, Rudys Mill, Running Pump, Rye, safe Harbor, Saginaw, Salisbury, Salunga, Schoeneck, Seitzland, Seitzville, Sevenstars, Seven Valleys, Shenks Ferry, Shepherdstown, Shiloh, Shiremanstown, Shreiners Station, Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury Station, Siddonsburg, Silver Spring, Sinsheim, Slab, Slackwater, Slate Hill, Slaymakertown, Smith Station, Smithville, Smoketown, Smyser, Soudersburg, Southside, Spanglers Mill, Sporting Hill, Spring Forge, Spring Garden, Spring Grove, Springers Road, Springvale, Springville, Sprucegrove, Spry, Starview, Steelville, Stevens, Stewartstown, Sticks, Stiltz, Stony Brook, Stony Hill, Stoverstown, Strasburg, Strickhousers Station, Stricklers Station, Strinestown, Summit, Sunnyburn, Sunnyside, Swartzville, Talmage, Taxville, Tayoria, Terre Hille, Texas, The Pines, Thomasville, Tolna, Turnpike, Tweedale, Unicorn, Union, Union Grove, Uno, Vici, Victory, Vintage, Violet Hill, Voganville, Wabank, Wago, Wakefield, Washington Boro, Watts Station, Weaverland, Weidmanville, Weigelstown, West Bangor, West Hempfield, West Willow, West York, Westbrook, Wheatland Mills, White Horse, White Oak, White Rock,Whiteford, Wiley, Wiley Station, Williams Grove, Willow Street, Windom, Windsor, Windsorville, Winterstown, Wiota, Witmer, Wolfs Church, Woodbine, Woodbury, Wrightsdale, Wrightsville, York, York Furnace, York New Salem, York Road Station, York Springs, Yorkana, Yorkhaven, Yorkshire, Zions View, Zook's Corner
Maryland Towns included:
Ady, Cambria, Cardiff, Cherry Hill, Clermont Mills, Cooper, Flintville, Harkins, Highland, Macton, Millgreen, Prospect, Pylesville, Rocks, Scarboro, Street, Whiteford
Telephone Directory - 1940-41 Issue
(United Telephone Company of PA, 1940, 154 pages)
This is a telephone directory of covering parts of Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, Fulton, Juniata, Perry, and York Counties, Pennsylvania and part of northern Maryland for the year 1940-41. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns Covered:
Abbottstown, Alinda, Allen, Alpine, Altenwald, Alterton, Amsterdam, Andersonburg, Antietam, Antrim, Aqueduct, Arendtsville, Aspers, Aula, Bair Station, Balfour, Baresville, Barnitz, Beecherstown, Bellaire, Benvenue, Biglerville, Blain, Bloserville, Blue Ridge Summit, Blue Springs, Boiling Springs, Bonneauville, Bonny Brook, Bouch Mills, Bridgeport, Broadway, Bradley, Brushtown, Brysonia, Canebrake, Caprivi, Carlisle, Carlisle Springs, Cascade, Cashtown, Cave Hill, Cedar Grove, Cedarridge, Centennial, Center, Center Mills, Centerville, Chambersburg, Cherry Cottage, Chestnut Hill, Churchtown, Clear Springs, Cleversburg, Codorus, Conboy, Conewago Chapel, Couchs Mills, Covallen, Cove, Cove Forge, Cove Gap, Craighead, Cummingston, D & M Junction, Dillsburg, Dry Run, Duffield, Duncannon, East Berlin, Edge Grove, Elliottstown, Entlerville, Fairfield, Falling Springs, Farmers, Farmers Post Office, Fayetteville, Five Forks, Five Points, Floradale, Foltz, Fort Loudon, Fortney, Fountain Dale, Fox Hill, Franklin Furnace, Franklintown, Garnders, Gardners Farm, Gardners Station, Georgetown, Gettysburg, Glen Furney, Goldenville, Goodyear, Granite, Greason, Greencastle, Greenmount, Greenpark, Greenstone, Greythorne, Grier Point, Grindstone Hill, Guernsey, Guldens, Hades Church, Hanover, Ickesburg, Idaville, Irishtown, Iron Springs, Jacks Mtn, Jackson Hall, Jacksonville, Jefferson, Kasiesville, Kauffman, Kerrsville, Kingsdale, Kistler, Knepper, La Bott, Landisburg, Lebo, Ledy, Lees Cross Roads, Leesburg, Lehmasters, Leidighs Station, Littlestown, Liverpool, Long Lane, Longsdorf, Loysville, Lutztown, Madoka, Manheim, Marion, Mannsville, Markelsville, Markes, Marysville, McConnellsburg, McCrea, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, Meadow Brook, Meadow Brook Park, Menges Mills, Mechanicsburg, Mercersburg, Middle Spring, Middleburg, Middlesex, Midvale, Midway, Millbrook Station, Millerstown, Millstone, Milnor, Mont Alto, Monterey, Montsera, Mooredale, Mt. Alto Sanitorium, Mt. Holly Springs, Mount Hope, Mount Pleasant, Mount Rock, Mount Tabor, Mountrock, Mummasburg, Narrows, Nekoda, New Baltimore, New Buffalo, New Bloomfield, Newburg, New Chester, New Franklin, New Oxford, Newport, Newville, Nunnery, Oakgrove, Oakville, Old Forge, Oriental, Orrstown, Ortanna, Overview, Paradise, Peach Glen, Penn Mar, Pennville, Perdix, Pigeon Hills, Pine Run, Plainfield, Porters Siding, Quincy, Quinsonia, Roadside, Roseburg, Rossville, Rouzerville, Roxbury, Saint Thomas, Salem Church, Sandy Hook, Saville, Scotland, Sells Station, Sevenstars, Shermansdale, Shippensburg, Siddonstown, Sinsheim, Smith Station, South Mountain, Spring Forge, Spring Grove, Springfield, Square Corners, Starners, State Line, State Road, Stonehenge, Stony Point, Stoufferstown, Strickhousers Station, Stroughstown, Summit, Sunnyside, Table Rock, The Pines, Thomasville, Toland, Two Taverns, Uno, Upton, Upper Strasburg, Uriah, Virginia Mills, Walheim, Walnut Bottom, Waynesboro, Websters Mills, Wellsville, Welsh Run, Wenksville, West Fayetteville, West Hill, White Hall, Williamson, York Springs, Zora, Zullinger
Maryland Towns Covered:
Cascade, Hagerstown, Ringgold, Silver Run
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
Boyd's Business Directory of the Counties of Adams, Bucks, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Franklin, Lancaster, Montgomery and York, PA, together with a General Directory of all the Inhabitants of Harrisburg 1860 (William H. Boyd, 1860, 326 pages)
This is an early resident directory of Harrisburg, and business directory of 10 counties in southeastern Pennsylvania. The directory of Harrisburg lists the resident's name, occupation, street address and whether they board or own the home. The business directory is arranged alphabetically by trade and lists the name of the business or business-person, and their location (Town). Along with the directory listings, there are also numerous ads for local businesses.
History and Directory of the Boroughs of Gettysburg, Oxford,
Littlestown, York Springs, Berwick, and East Berlin, Adams County, PA
with Historical Collections. (John T. Reily, 1880, 188 pages)
From the Prefatory: This publication "...has been limited to the boroughs of the county, combining a history and a directory of the same as more interesting, and giving such other history and directory matter as could be obtained under the head of "Historical Collection." The publication begins with a brief history of the settlement and development of the area, and details about the formation of the county from York county. It then proceeds to cover the major towns.
Gettysburg - The sketch includes a brief history of the town, relates the histories of several churches within it: St. Marks & St. James Reformed Churches, Rock Creek Presbyterian Church, The Methodist Church, Upper & Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian Churches, Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, The Protestant Episcopal Church, Conewago Chapel and St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church. It then relates a description of the Battle of Gettysburg, the Soldiers Monument, and a history of the Theological Seminary and Pennsylvania College. Following this is the Directory, listing County and Borough Officials, Churches, Lodges and Corporations and their leaders. It includes a Business Directory listed alphabetically by trade, followed by a Post Office Directory listing the resident's name, occupation and street.
New Oxford - The sketch begins with a history of the town's founding, followed by histories of the following churches: The Union Reformed Church, the Lutheran Church, Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, and the Methodist Episcopal Church. Following this are some additional historical aspects of the area and then the same type of directory information noted above for Gettysburg.
Littlestown - Like above, the sketch begins with a history of the town's founding followed by discussion of its churches: The Catholic Church, United Brethren Church in Christ, the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Redeemer's Reformed Church, and St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. The same directory information related above follows.
York Springs - This sketch is like the others before it, including historical in formation on: the Presbyterian Church, the Huntington Lutheran Church, the Protestant Episcopal Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church. The same directory information related above follows.
Abbottstown - Contains same information as listed above. Churches: St. John's Lutheran Church, and Emmanuel's Reformed Church. The same directory information related above follows.
East Berlin - Contains same information as listed above. Churches: Presbyterian (now Reformed) Church, Union Lutheran and Reformed Church, Trinity Evangelical Church, and the Methodist Church. The same directory information related above follows.
Following the directory information above is another section relating historical details from the area, including information focused on the smaller towns and villages, and the county's townships. As is the case with most directories of this era, there are also ads for local businesses interspersed throughout.
Local & Long Distance Telephone Directory - October 1910 Lancaster, Gettysburg,
Hanover, York and Nearby Places (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1910, 68 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Adams, Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania and parts of Maryland for the year 1910. The directory information lists the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Pennsylvania Towns Included:
Abbottstown, Airville, Akron, Atglen, Aspers, Bainbridge, Bamford, Bareville, Bartville, Bellaire, Belview, Bendersville, Benton Station, Bethesda, Beyerstown, Biglersville, Bird-in-hand, Bittinger Station, Blue Ball, Bonneauville, Breeze Hill, Bridgeton, Brodbecks, Brogue, Brogueville, Brownstown, Brownton, Bryansville, Brysonia, Buck, Camargo, Cashtown, Castle Pin, Centennial, Central Rapho, Centre Mills, Centreville, Chanceford, Cherry Hill, Chestnut Level, Christiana, Cochranville, Codorus Station Collins, Collinsville, Columbia, Cly, Conawago Chapel, Craley, Cream, Constitution, Cross Roads, Dallastown, Del Roy, Delta, Deodate, Donegal, Donnerville, Dover, Draco, Dunmore Centre, East Berlin, East Prospect, Eden, Edge Grove, Edisonville, Edwin, Elizabethtown, Elstonville, Emigsville, Ephrata, Fairfield, Fairland, Fairmount, Fairview, Falls View, Fawn Grove, Felton, Fernglen, Fishing Creek, Flora Dale, Florin, Fousts, Fremont, Fruitville, Fulton House, Gap, Gatchelville, Georgetown, Gettysburg, Glen Rock, Glen Roy, Glenville, Glenwood, Goldsboro, Gordonville, Goshen, Grahamville, Greenland, Green Ridge Station, Greentree, Groffs Mills, Guernsey, Gum Tree, Hanover, Harristown, Hayesville, Hellam, Hensel, Hess Station, High Rock, Homeville, Hopkins Mill, Intercourse, Irishtown, Iva, Jack, Jacobus, Jefferson, Keys, Kinzer, Kirk's Mills, Kirkwood, Kyleville, Lampeter, Lancaster, Lancaster Junction, Landisville, Laurel, Lawn, Leaman Place, Lenover, Leola, Letort, Liberty Square, Lime Valley, Lititz, Littlestown, Loganville, Long Level, Lyles, McCalls Ferry, McKinghtstown, McSherrystown, Manchester, Manheim, Marietta, Masonville, Mastersonville, May, Maytown, Mechanics Grove, Mechanicsburg, Mechanicsville, Menges Mills, Millway, Milton Grove, Millersville, Mt. Hope, Mount Joy, Mount Vernon, Mountville, Mount Nebo, Mt. Wolf, Muddy Creek Forks, Mummasburg, Narrows, Nashville, Neffsville, Neimans, New Bridgeville, New Danville, New Freedom, New Holland, New Oxford, New Park, New Providence, Nine Points, Newville, Norrisville, Oak Bottom, Oak Hill, Oakryn, Oak Shade, Oak Vale, Old Line, Oyster Point, Paradise, Park, Peach Bottom, Penn Hill, Pennville, Penryn, Petersburg, Pine Grove, Pleasant Grove, Point Lookout, Puseyville, Quarryville, Railroad Borough, Rqawlinsville, Red Lion, Repton, Rheems, Ridgeway, Rinely, Rock Hill, Rocky Springs, Rohrerstown, Roseville, Rothsville, Russellville, Rye, Safe Harbor, Salunga, Seitzland, Sells Station, Seven Stars, Seven Valley, Shrewsbury, Silver Spring, Sinsheim, Slab, Slackwater, Smyrna, Smyser, Sporting Hill, Spring Garden, Spring Grove, Springers Road, Springville, Spruce Grove, Spry, Steeleville, Steartstown, Stony Brook, Stony Hill, Strasburg, Sunnyburg, Table Rock, Tayloria, Terre Hill, Texas, Thomasville, Tillie, Townsend, Tweedale, Unicorn, Union, Union Square, Upper Rapho, Wabank, Wakefield, Washington Borough, Weiglestown, West Bangor, West Willow, White Hall, White Horse, White Oak, White Rock, Wilben, Windom, Windsor Station, Windsorville, Winterstown, Wiota, Witmer, Woodbine, Wrightsdale, Wrightsville, Yoe, York, York Haven, York Furnace
Maryland Towns Included:
Ady, Berkley, Cardiff, Castleton, Cherry Hill, Clermont, Conowingo, Darlington, Dublin, Flintville, Forest Hill, Harkins, Macton, Poole, Prospect, Pylesville, Rocks, Scarborough, Sharon, Slate Hill, Street, Whiteford
Farm Journal Directory of Adams County Pennsylvania 1915-1920
(Wilmer Atkinson Company, 1915, 258 pages)
This is a Farm and Rural Directory of Adams County, PA for the year s 1915-1920. It contains a list of Adams County public officials and a number of local advertisements as well as the directory information. The directory information consists of the names of farmers and details such as the wife's name, number of children, location of farm, number of horses/cattle, a notation of whether they are retired, own their farm or are tenants, etc.
Telephone Directory - April 1924
(Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1924, 172 pages)
This is a telephone directory of covering parts of Adams, Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania and part of northern Maryland for the year 1924. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns Included:
Abbottstown, Aberdeen, Adamstown, Ailston, Airville, Akron, Anderson Mills, Andrews Bridge, Arendtsville, Aspers, Atglen, Bainbridge, Bair Station, Bamford, Bareville, Bart, Bartville, Bausman, Beartown, Beecherstown, Bellaire, Bellbank, Belview, Bendersville, Benton Station, Benzer, Berlin Junction, Bethesda, Beverly, Beyerstown, Biglerville, Bird-in-hand, Bittinger, Bittinger Station, Black Horse, Blainsport, Blue Ball, Bonneauville, Bowmansville, Breeze Hill, Brickerville, Bridgeport, Bridgeton, Brodbecks, Brogue, Brogueville, Brownstown, Brownton, Brubaker, Brunnerville, Brushtown, Bryansville, Brysonia, Buck, Buena Vista, Buyerstown, Camargo, Cashtown, Castle Fin, Cedar Lane, Cedarridge, Centennial, Center Church, Center Mills, Centerville, Central Rapho, Chancford, Cherry Hill, Chesnut Level, Chickies Hill, Christiana, Churchtown, Clay, Cly, Cocalico, Cochranville, Codorus, Colebrook, Colerain, Collamer, Collins, Collinsville, Columbia, Compass, Conestoga Center, Conewago, Conewago Chapel, Conrad, Constitution, Craley, Cream, Creswell, Cross Road, Dallastown, Delroy, Delta, Denver, Deodate, Diamond Station, Dillerville, Disston, Donegal, Donerville, Dover, Draco, Drumore, Drumore Center, Durlach, East Berlin, East Earl, East Petersburg, East Petersburg Pike, East Prospect, East Rapho, Eberton, Eden, Edgegrove, Edisonville, Edwin, Eldora, Elim, Elizabethtown, Elm, Elmwood, Elstonville, Emigsville, Ephrata, Fairfield, Fairland, Fairmount, Fairview, Falls View, Falmouth, Farmers, Farmersville, Fawn Grove, Felton, Fernglen, Fertility, Fetterville, Fishing Creek, Five Points, Fivepointsville, Floradale, Florin, Fousts, Fremont, Fruitville, Fulton House, Furniss, Gables Park, Gap, Gardners Station, Georgetown, Gettysburg, Glen Rock, Glenville, Glenwood, Goodville, Goodville Mills, Gordonville, Goshen, Graceton, Grahamville, Granite, Greene, Greenfield, Greenland, Green Ridge, Green Tree, Groffs Mill, Guernsey, Guldens, Gum Tree, Hahnstown, Halfville, Hampton, Hanover, Harristown, Hawkesville, Hayesville, Heildlersburg, Hellam, Hensel, Hessdale, Hess Station, Highrock, Hilton, Hinkletown, Hollinger, Holtwood, Homeville, Hopeville, Hopeland, Hopkins Mill, Hubers, Hunterstown, Idaville, Intercourse, Iva, Jack, Jacks Mountain, Jacobus, Jefferson, Keys, Kingsbridge, Kingsdale, Kinzers, Kirks Mills, Kirkwood, Kisselhill, Kradyville, Kyleville, La Bott, Lampeter, Lancaster, Lancaster Junction, Landis Valley, Landisville, Lapark, Lapps, Latmore, Lawn, Leacock, Leaman Place, Ledger, Lenover, Leola, Letort, Lexington, Liberty Square, Lime Valley, Limeville, Lincoln, Linden Grove, Lititz, Little Britain, Littlestown, Loganville, Longlevel, Lucky, Lyles, Lyndon, McCall Ferry, McGovernsville, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, McSparran, Manchester, Manheim, Marietta, Mars Hill, Martindale, Mascot, Masonville, Mastersonville, May, Maytown, Meadow Valley, Mechanic Grove, Mechanicsburg, Mechanicsville, Menges Mills, Middleburg, Middle Creek, Midway, Millersville, Millway, Milton Grove, Minqua, Monterey, Mount Airy, Mount Hope, Mounty Joy, Mount Nebo, Mount Pleasant, Mount Rock, Mount Vernon, Mount Wolf, Mountville, Muddy Creek, Muddy Creek Forks, Mummasburg, Murrell, Narrows, Narvon, Nashville, Naumanstown, Neffsville, Neighborville, Neiman, New Bridgeville, New Chester, New Danville, New Freedom, New Holland, New Milltown, New Oxford, New Park, New Providence, New Salem, Newtown, Newville, Ninepoints, North York, Nottingham, Oakbottom, Oak Hill, Oakryn, Oak Shade, Oakvale, Octoraro, Old Line, Oregon, Orrtanna, Oxford, Oyster Point, Paradise, Parke, Peach Bottom, Penn Hill, Pennville, Penryn, Pequea, Petersburg, Peterscreek, Pigeon Hills, Pine Grove, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant View, Point Lookout, Porters, Puseyville, Pylesville, Quarryville, Railroad, Rawlinsville, Reamstown, Red Lion, Redrun, Refton, Reidenbachs Store, Reinholds Stations, Rheems, Ridgeway, Rinely, Rockhill, Rockville, Rocky Springs, Rohrerstown, Ronks, Rose Hill, Roseville, Rothsville, Running Pump, Russellville, Rye, Safe Harbor, Salisbury, Salunga, Schoeneck, Seitzland, Sells Station, Sevenstars, Seven Valleys, Sherwood, Shreiners Station, Shrewsbury, Silver Spring, Sinsheim, Slab, Slackwater, Slate Hill, Smoketown, Smyrna, Smyser, Soudersburg, Southside, Sporting Hill, Springers Road, Spring Forge, Spring Garden, Spring Grove, Springville, Sprucegrove, Spry, Square Corners, Steelville, Stevens, Stewartstown, Stony Brook, Stony Hill, Stoverstown, Strasburg, Strinestown, Sun Hill, Sunnyburn, Swartzville, Table Rock, Talmage, Tayloria, Terre Hill, Texas, The Pines, Thomasville, Tillie, Townsend, Turnpike, Tweedale, Unicorn, Union, Union Grove, Union Square, Upper Lawn, Upper Rapho, Vici, Vintage, Violet Hill, Virginia Mills, Vogansville, Wabank, Wabash, Wakefield, Walheim, Washington Boro, Weaverland, Weidmanville, Weiglestown, Wenksville, West Bangor, Westbrook, West Earl, West Willow, West York, Wheatland Mills, White Hall, White Horse, Whiteoak, White Rock, Wilben, Wiley Station, Williamstown, Willow Street, Windom, Windsor, Windsorville, Witmer, Woodbine, Wrightsdale, Wrightsville, Yoe, York, York Furnace, Yorkhaven, York New Salem, York Springs
Maryland Towns Included:
Ady, Cambria, Cardiff, Cherry Hill, Clermont Mills, Cooper, Flintville, Harkins, Highland, Macton, Markers Mill, Mayberry, Millgreen, Norrisville, Prospect, Rocks, Scarboro, Silver Run, Street, Union Mills, Whiteford
Telephone Directory - October 1924
(Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1924, 152 pages)
This is a telephone directory of parts of Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Northumberland, Perry, Schuylkill, and York Counties, Pennsylvania and some towns of northern Maryland for the year 1924. It lists over 26,000 residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's (or business) name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns:
Alinda, Allen, Altenwald, Alterton, Amberson, Amsterdam, Andersonburg, Antietam, Andrim, Aqua, Aqueduct, Aula, Balfour, Baremont, Barnitz, Beaufort Lodge, Beaufort Orchard, Beautiful, Beaver, Beaver Creek, Beaver Station, Beavertown, Becks Mills, Bella Vista, Bellvue Park, Benvenue, Bermudian, Berrysburg, Big Cove Tannery, Big Run, Bigspring, Bino, Bird-in-hand, Bixler, Blain, Blue Ridge Summit, Boiling Springs, Bonny Brook, Bouch Mills, Bowmansdale, Boyd Station, Bradley, Brandtsville, Bridgeport, Broadway, Brookside, Browns Mills, Brownsville, Buena Vista Springs, Byerly, Camp Hill, Camp Siding, Canebrake, Caprivi, Carlisle, Carlisle Springs, Carsonville, Cascade, Cedar Grove, Center, Centerville, Chambersburg, Charleston, Charlton Station, Charmian, Chestnut Hill, Churchtown, Cisna Run, Clarks Valley, Clayhill, Clear Springs, Clemsons Island, Cleversburg, Cloverly Heights, Colonial Acres, Cona, Conboy, Concord, Couchs Mills, County Line, Covallen, Cove, Cove Forge, Cove Gap, Coxestown, Craighead, Culbertson, Cummingston, Curtain, Dalmatia, Dauphin, Derry Church, Dietrich, Dillsburg, Dimmsville, Dornsife, Doubling Gap, Doylesburg, Dromgold, Dry Run, Duffield, Duncannon, Dunkelbergers, Earlington, East Fayetteville, East Waterford, Eberly's Mill, Edenville, Edgemont, Edgewood, Elbrook, Elizabethville, Elk View, Elkwood, Elliotsburg, Elliottston, Enders, Enhaut, Enola, Enterline, Entlerville, Erdman, Erly, Estherton, Etters Post Office, Falling Springs, Fannettsburg, Farmlyn, Fayetteville, Fearnot, Fisherville, Five Forks, Foltz, Fort Hunter, Fort Loudon, Fort Robinson, Fountaindale, Fox Hill, Franklin Furnace, Franklintown, Gap, Gap Road, Garret Grove, Georgetown, Geutner, Glen Furney, Glenwood, Goldsboro, Goodspring, Goods Siding, Goodyear, Grantham, Grantley, Grantville, Gratz, Greason, Greenbrier, Greencastle, Green Hill, Greenpark, Green Spring, Greythorne, Grier Point, Grindstone, Guilford Siding, Guilford Springs, Hades Church, Hainlyn, Hainton, Halifax, Hanoverdale, Harrisburg, Hays Grove, Hebe, Heberlig, Hecks Station, Heckton, Heckton Mills, Hegins, Helper, Herndon, Hershey, Hickory Corners, Hickorytown, Highland, Highspire, Hill Grove, Hill Road, Hockersville, Hogestown, Hummelstown, Hunter, Hunters Run, Hunters Valley, Huntsdale, Ickesburg, Inglenook, Jackson Hall, Jacksonville, Jednota, Johnstown, Joliett, Juniata Bridge, Kasiesville, Kauffman, Keffers, Kehler, Killinger, Kistler, Klingerstown, Knepper, Kollertown, Landisburg, Latshaw, Lawnton, Lebo, Leck Kill, Ledy, Leesburg, Lees Cross Roads, Lehmasters, Leib, Leidighs Station, Lemoyne, Lenkers Station, Lewisberry, Libonia, Linden Mills, Lingles Mills, Linglestown, Lisburn, Little Manahoy, Liverpool, Lochiel, Locust Level, Longdorf, Lower Paxton, Loyalton, Loysville, Lucknow, Lutztown, Lykens, Madoka, Manahoy, Mainesville, Malta, Mandata, Manheim, Mannsville, Marion, Markelsville, Markes, Marsh, Marysville, Mason & Dixon, Matamoras, Matterstown, McClellan, McConnellsburg, McCrea, Meadow Brook, Mechanisburg, Mercersburg, Metal, Middleburg, Middlesex, Middle Spring, Middletown, Millersburg, Millerstown, Millbrook Statin, Millstone, Milltown, Milnor, Mont Alto, Mont Alto Juntion, Monterey, Montsera, Mooredale, Mount Alto Sanatorium, Mt. Holly Springs, Mount Pleasant, Mountrock, Mt. Tabor, Mount Top, Mount Zion, Muir, Nantillie, Nekoda, Newberrytown, New Bloomfield, Newbridge, Newburg, New Cumberland, New Franklin, New Germantown, New Kingston, New Market, Newport, Newtown, Newville, Nunnery, Oak Grove, Oakville, Oberlin, Old Orchard, Oriental, Orrstown, Orwin, Otto, Overview, Oysters Mills, Park Hill, Paxtang, Paxton, Paxtonia, Peach Glen, Penbrook, Pen Mar, Pen Mar Park Station, Pennersville, Perdix, Perry Valley, Pfouts Valley, Piketown, Pillow, Pine Run, Pinola, Pittman, Plainfield, Pleasant Hall, Pond Bank, Powels Valley, Progress, Quincy, Quinsonia, Raker, Raysorville Heights, Rebuck, Red Bridge, Red Cross, Reiner City, Reinerton, Richmond Furnace, Rife, Riverside, Riverview, Roadside, Rockdale, Rockville, Roseburg, Rosegarden, Rossmoyne, Rough & Ready, Rouzerville, Roxbury, Royalton, Rutherford, Rutherford Heights, Sabillasville, Sacramento, Saint Thomas, Salem Church, Sandbeach, Sandy Hook, Saville, Shadygrove, Scotland, Shellsville, Shepherdstown, Shermans Dale, Shippensburg, Silver Spring, Simonton Heights, South Mountain, South Mountain Camp, Speeceville, Springfield, Spring Glen, Spring Run, Springville, Starners, State Line, State Road, Steelton, Stenger, Stone Bridge, Stonehenge, Stoney Point Stoufferstown, Stoughstown, Sulphur Spring, Summerdale, Sunbeam, Swatara Station, Sylvan, Thompsontown, Toland, Tomstown, Tower City, Tremont, Trevorton, Trindle Spring, Turkey Foot, Turkey Valley, Union Deposit, Uniontown, Upper Strasburg, Upton, Urban, Uriah, Valley View, Vera Cruz, Walnut Bottom, Waltonville, Waroville, Washington Heights, Wayne Heights, Waynecastle, Waynesboro, Waynesville, Webster Mills, Wellsville, Welsh Run, West Fairview, West Fayetteville, West Hanover, West Hill, White Hill, White Pine, Wiconisco, Wila, Williams grove, Williams Mills, Williamson, Williamstown, Willow Hill, Worleytown, Wormleysburg, Yocumtown, Zionsville, Zullinger
Maryland Towns:
Cascade, Germantown, Highfield, Pen Mar, Ringgold, Sanatorium
Telephone Directory - April 1925
(Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1925, 216 pages)
This is a telephone directory of covering parts of Adams, Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania and part of northern Maryland for the year 1925. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns Included:
Abbottstown, Aberdeen, Adamstown, Ailston, Airville, Akron, Anderson Mills, Andrews Bridge, Arendtsville, Aspers, Atglen, Bainbridge, Bair Station, Bamford, Bareville, Bart, Bartville, Bausman, Beartown, Beecherstown, Bellaire, Bellbank, Belview, Bendersville, Benton Station, Benzer, Berlin Junction, Bethesda, Beverly, Beyerstown, Biglerville, Billmyer, Bird-in-hand, Bittinger, Bittinger Station, Black Horse, Blainsport, Blue Ball, Bonneauville, Bowmansville, Breeze Hill, Brickerville, Bridgeport, Bridgeton, Brodbecks, Brogue, Brogueville, Brownstown, Brownton, Brubaker, Brunnerville, Brushtown, Bryansville, Brysonia, Buck, Buena Vista, Buyerstown, Camargo, Cashtown, Castle Fin, Cedar Lane, Cedarridge, Centennial, Center Church, Center Mills, Centerville, Central Rapho, Chanceford, Cherry Hill, Chestnut Hill, Chesnut Level, Chickies, Chickies Hill, Chickies Park, Christiana, Churchtown, Clay, Cly, Cocalico, Cochranville, Codorus, Colebrook, Colerain, Collamer, Collins, Collinsville, Columbia, Compass, Conestoga Center, Conewago, Conewago Chapel, Conrad, Cordelia, Craley, Cream, Creswell, Crossroad, Dallastown, Delroy, Delta, Denver, Deodate, Diamond Station, Dillerville, Disston, Donegal, Donerville, Dover, Draco, Drumore, Drumore Center, Durlach, East Berlin, East Earl, East Petersburg, East Petersburg Pike, East Prospect, East Rapho, Eberton, Eden, Edgegrove, Edisonville, Edwin, Eldora, Elim, Elizabethtown, Elm, Elmwood, Elstonville, Emigsville, Ephrata, Fairfield, Fairland, Fairmount, Fairview, Falls View, Falmouth, Farmers, Farmersville, Fawn Grove, Felton, Fernglen, Fertility, Fetterville, Fishing Creek, Five Points, Fivepointsville, Floradale, Florin, Florinel, Fousts, Fremont, Fruitville, Fulton House, Furniss, Gables Park, Gap, Gardners Station, Georgetown, Gettysburg, Glen Manor, Glen Rock, Glenville, Glenwood, Goodville, Goodville Mills, Gordonville, Goshen, Graceton, Grahamville, Granite, Greene, Greenfield, Greenland, Green Ridge, Green Tree, Groffs Mill, Guernsey, Guldens, Gum Tree, Hahnstown, Halfville, Hampton, Hanover, Harristown, Hawkesville, Hayesville, Heildlersburg, Hellam, Hensel, Hessdale, Hess Station, Highrock, Hilton, Hinkletown, Hollinger, Holtwood, Homeville, Hopeville, Hopeland, Hopkins Mill, Hubers, Hunterstown, Idaville, Indiantown Gap, Intercourse, Iva, Jack, Jacks Mountain, Jacobus, Jefferson, Keys, Kinderhook, Kingsbridge, Kingsdale, Kinzers, Kirks Mills, Kirkwood, Kisselhill, Kradyville, Kyleville, La Bott, Lampeter, Lancaster, Lancaster Junction, Landis Valley, Landisville, Lapark, Lapps, Latmore, Laurel, Lawn, Leacock, Leaman Place, Ledger, Lenover, Leola, Letort, Lexington, Liberty Square, Lime Valley, Limeville, Lincoln, Linden Grove, Lititz, Little Britain, Littlestown, Lobato, Locust Grove, Loganville, Longlevel, Lucky, Lyles, Lyndon, McCall Ferry, McGovernsville, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, McSparran, Manchester, Manheim, Marietta, Mars Hill, Martindale, Mascot, Masonville, Mastersonville, May, Maytown, Meadow Valley, Mechanic Grove, Mechanicsburg, Mechanicsville, Menges Mills, Middleburg, Middle Creek, Midway, Millersville, Millway, Milton Grove, Minqua, Monterey, Mount Airy, Mount Hope, Mounty Joy, Mount Nebo, Mount Pleasant, Mount Rock, Mount Vernon, Mountville, Mount Wolf, Muddy Creek, Muddy Creek Forks, Mummasburg, Murrell, Narrows, Nashville, Naumanstown, Neffsville, Neighborville, Neiman, New Bridgeville, New Chester, New Danville, New Freedom, New Holland, New Milltown, New Oxford, New Park, New Providence, New Salem, Newtown, Newville, Ninepoints, North York, Norwood, Nottingham, Oakbottom, Oak Hill, Oakryn, Oak Shade, Oakvale, Octoraro, Old Line, Oregon, Orrtanna, Oxford, Oyster Point, Paradise, Parke, Peach Bottom, Penn Hill, Pennville, Penryn, Pequea, Petersburg, Peterscreek, Pigeon Hills, Pine Grove, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant View, Point Lookout, Porters, Puseyville, Quarryville, Railroad, Rawlinsville, Reamstown, Red Lion, Redrun, Refton, Reidenbachs Store, Reinholds Stations, Rheems, Ridgeway, Rinely, Rockhill, Rockville, Rocky Springs, Rohrerstown, Ronks, Rose Hill, Roseville, Rothsville, Rowenna, Running Pump, Russellville, Rye, Safe Harbor, Salisbury, Salunga, Schoeneck, Seitzland, Sells Station, Sevenstars, Seven Valleys, Sherwood, Shreiners Station, Shrewsbury, Silver Springs, Sinsheim, Slab, Slackwater, Slate Hill, Smoketown, Smyrna, Smyser, Soudersburg, Southside, Sporting Hill, Springers Road, Spring Forge, Spring Garden, Spring Grove, Springville, Sprucegrove, Spry, Square Corners, Steelville, Stevens, Stewartstown, Stony Brook, Stony Hill, Stoverstown, Strasburg, Strinestown, Sun Hill, Sunnyburn, Swartzville, Talmage, Tayloria, Terre Hill, Texas, The Pines, Thomasville, Townsend, Turnpike, Tweedale, Unicorn, Union, Union Grove, Union Square, Upper Lawn, Upper Rapho, Vici, Vintage, Violet Hill, Virginia Mills, Vogansville, Wabank, Wabash, Wakefield, Walheim, Washington Boro, Weaverland, Weidmanville, Weiglestown, Wenksville, West Bangor, Westbrook, West Earl, West Hempfield, West Willow, West York, Wheatland Mills, White Hall, White Horse, Whiteoak, White Rock, Wilben, Wiley Station, Williamstown, Willow Street, Windom, Windsor, Windsorville, Winterstown, Witmer, Woodbine, Wrightsdale, Wrightsville, York, York Furnace, Yorkhaven, York New Salem, York Springs
Maryland Towns Included:
Ady, Cambria, Cardiff, Cherry Hill, Clermont Mills, Cooper, Flintville, Harkins, Highland, Macton, Markers Mill, Mayberry, Millgreen, Norrisville, Prospect, Pylesville, Rocks, Scarboro, Silver Run, Street, Union Mills, Whiteford
Telephone Directory - 1926 Issue
(Cumberland Valley Telephone Co. of PA, 1926, 204 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lancaster, Mifflin, Northumberland, Perry, Schuylkill, Snyder and York counties, Pennsylvania and parts of Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia for the year 1926. It lists thousands of residents and businesses from these areas. The directory information lists the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes a small section of ads covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns Included:
Adamsburg (Beaver Springs), Abbottstown, Academia, Alerton, Alfarata, Aline, Allen, Allensville, Arendtsville, Aspers, Bachmansville, Balfour, Baresville, Barnitz Station, Beaver Creek, Bella Vista, Belleville, Bendersville, Biglerville, Bloserville, Boiling Springs, Bonneauville, Bonny Brook, Bowmansdale, Brandtsville, Bressler, Brownstone, Bunkertown, Burnham, Camp Hill, Carlisle, Carlisle Springs, Carsonville, Cashtown, Centennial, Centerville, Centre Mills, Chambersburg, Churchtown, Cocolanus, Cove, Craighead's Station, Crossgrove, Cuba Mills, Culbertson, Cummingstown, Curtin, Dauphin, Dayton, Denholm, Dillsburg, Dry Run, Duncannon, East Berlin, East Salem, East Waterford, Eberly's Mills, Edge Grove, Ellendale, Elizabethtown, Elizabethville, Elkwood, Elliottstown, Emmitsburg, Enhaut, Enola, Enterline, Entlersville, Evandale, Fairfield, Fayetteville, Fisherville, Fort Louden, Freeburg, Fremont, Gettysburg, Geyers Church, Goldenville, Granite, Grantham, Gratz, Greason, Greencastle, Greenvillage, Guernsey, Guldens, Halifax, Hanover, Harrisburg, Hedgesville, Herndon, Hershey, Hickorytown, Highspire, Hockersville, Hoernerstown, Hoffer, Hogestown, Hummelstown, Jefferson, Jericho Mills, Kauffman's Station, Kramer, Kratzerville, Laurel, Lee's Cross Roads, Leideight's Station, Lemaster, Lemoyne, Lewistown, Lewistown Junction, Licking Creek, Linglestown, Littlestown, Liverpool, Lochiel, Lucknow, Lykens, McAlisterville, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, Maitland, Mandata, Manheim, Mannsville, Marion, Marklesville, Marks, Marsh, Marysville, Mechanicsburg, Melrose Mill, Menges Mills, Mercersburg, Mexico, Middlesex, Middletown, Mifflintown, Millersburg, Milroy, Moores Mills, Moredale, Mowersville, Mt. Alto, Mt. Holly, Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Tauber, Mt. Zion, Mummasburg, Nantille, Nelltown, New Baltimore, New Buffalo, Newburg, New Cumberland, New Franklin, New Kingston, New Oxford, Newport, Newville, Nollville, Nook, Oakland Mills, Oakville, Oberlin, Orrstown, Ortanna, Orwin, Overview, Paintersville, Pallas, Parkville, Paxtang, Penbrook, Pennville, Perdix, Pike Side, Pillow, Pine Grove Furnace, Plainfield, Pleasant Hall, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant View, Port Royal, Porters Siding, Progress, Quincy, Reedsville, Reeds Gap, Reiner City, Richfield, Richmond Furnace, Rife, Riverton, Roaring Run, Rockville, Rose Garden, Roxhug, Royalton, Rutherford, Rutherford Heights, Saint Thomas, Salem, Scotland, Selinsgrove, Seven Stars, Shellsville, Shade Gap, Sharder, Shepherdstown, Shindle, Shiremanstown, Shirleysburg, Shippensburg, Siglerville, Smith Station, South Mountain, Spring Grove, Spruce Hill, Stephenson, Stouffertown, Strawsburg, Swatara, Table Rock, Troxelville, Two Taverns, Upton, Upper Strasburg, Union Deposit, Valley View, Verdilla, Vian, Williamstown, Wagner, Walnut, Walnut Bottom, Washington Heights, Watsonville, Waynesboro, West Fairview, West Hill, White Hill, Wiconisco, Williamsgrove, Williamson, Williamstown, Wormleysburg, Yeagertown, Yocumtown, York Springs, Zora
Maryland Towns Included:
Virginia Towns Included:
Berryville, Brucetown, Clearbrook, Middletown, Ridgeway
West Virginia Towns Included:
Arden, Berkley Springs, Bunker Hill, Cumbo, Darkesville, Gerrardstown, Jones Spring, Kearneysville, Tablers, Vanclesville
Carlisle and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - Winter 1928
(Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, 1928, 410 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Adams, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, Northumberland, Schuylkill and York counties Pennsylvania and some towns of Maryland for the year 1928 listing over 60,000 residents and businesses. The directory information lists the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns:
Abbottstown, Aberdeen, Accomac, Adamstown, Admire, Ailston, Airville, Akron, Alinda, Allen, Alpine, Altenwald, Alterton, Amberson, Amsterdam, Anderson Mills, Andersonburg, Andrews Bridge, Annville, Anteitam, Antrim, Aqueduct, Arbor, Arentsville, Aspers, Atglen, Aula, Bainbridge, Bair Station, Bald Hill, Balfour, Bamford, Bareville, Barnitz, Barshingers Mill, Bart, Bartville, Baughmanville, Baumgardner, Bausman, Beartown, Beaufort Lodge, Beaufort Orchard, Beaver, Beaver Creek, Beaver Station, Beavertown, Becks Mills, Beecherstown, Bella Vista, Bellaire, Bellbank, Bellevue Park, Belview, Bendersville, Benroy, Benton Station, Bentzels Mill, Benvenue, Benzer, Berlin Junction, Bermudian, Berrysburg, Bethesda, Beverly, Beyerstown, Bigdam, Big Mount, Big Run, Bigerlsville, Bigspring, Billmeyer, Bino, Bird-in-Hand, Bittersville, Bittinger, Bittinger Station, Bixler, Black Horse, Black Rock, Blain, Blainsport, Bloserville, Blue Ball, Blue Ridge Summit, Blue Spring, Boiling Springs, Bonnair, Bonneauville, Bonny Brook, Bouch Mills, Bowmansdale, Bowmansville, Boyd Station, Bradley, Brandtsville, Breeze Hill, Brickerville, Bridgeport, Bridgeton, Brillharts, Broadway, Brodbecks, Brodbecks Mill, Brogue, Brogueville, Brookside, Browns Mills, Brownstown, Brownton, Brubaker, Bruce, Brunnerville, Brushtown, Bryansville, Brysonia, Buck, Buena Vista, Buena Vista Springs, Bups Union, Buyerstown, Byerly, Camargo, Camp Hill, Canebrake, Caprivi, Carlisle, Carlisle Springs, Carsonville, Cascade, Cashtown, Castle Fin, Cave Hill, Cedar Grove, Cedar Lane, Cedarridge, Centennial, Center, Center Church, Center Mills, Center Square, Centerville, Central Rapho, Chambersburg, Chanceford, Charleston, Charlton Station, Charmian, Cherry Cottage, Cherry Hill, Chestnut Hill, Chickies, Chickies Hill, Chickies Park, Christiana, Churchtown, Cisna Run, Clarks Valley, Clay, Clayhill, Clear Spring, Clear Springs, Clemsons Island, Cleversburg, Cloverly Heights, Cly, Cocalico, Cochranville, Codorus, Colebrook, Colerain, Collamer, Collins, Collinsville, Colonial Acres, Columbia, Cona, Conboy, Concord, Conestoga Center, Conewago, Conewago Chapel, Conewago Heights, Conrad, Constitution, Cordelia, Couchs Mills, County Line, Covallen, Cove, Cove Forge, Cove Gap, Coxestown, Craighead, Craley, Craleyville, Cram, Creswell, Crossroads, Crumblings Mill, Cummingston, Curtain, D & M Junction, Dallastown, Dalmatia, Dauphin, Davidsburg, Days Mill, Delroy, Delta, Denver, Deodate, Derry Church, Dew Drop, Diamond Station, Dietrich, Dillerville, Dillsburg, Dimmsville, Disston, Donaldson, Donegal, Donerville, Dornsife, Doubling Gap, Dover, Doylesburg, Draco, Dromgold, Druck Valley, Drumore, Drumore Center, Dry Run, Duffield, Duncannon, Dunkelbergers, Durlach, Earlington, East Berlin, East Earl, East Fayetteville, East Petersburg, East Petersburg Pike, East Prospect, East Rapho, East Yoe, Eastmont, Eberly's Mill, Eberton, Eden, Edenville, Edgegrove, Edgemont, Edgewood, Edisonville, Edwin, Eisenharts Mill, Elbrook, Eldora, Elim, Elizabethtown, Elizabethville, Elk View, Elkwood, Elliotsburg, Elliottston, Elm, Elmwood, Elstonville, Emigs Mill, Emigsville, Enders, Enhaut, Enola, Enterline, Entlerville, Ephrata, Erdman, Erly, Erney, Esenharts Mill, Estherton, Etters P.O., Fairfield, Fairland, Fairmount, Fairview, Falling Spring, Falling Springs, Falls View, Falmouth, Fannettsburg, Farmers, Farmers P.O., Farmersville, Farmlyn, Fawn Grove, Fayetteville, Felton, Fernglen, Fertility, Fetterville, Fisherville, Fishing Creek, Fissels, Five Points, Fiveforks, Fivepointsville, Floradale, Florin, Florinel, Foltz, Fort Hunter, Fort Loudon, Fort Robinson, Fortney, Fountain Dale, Fousts, Fousttown, Fox Hill, Franklin Furnace, Franklintown, Fremont, Freysville, Fruitville, Fulton House, Furniss, Gables Park, Gap, Gap Road, Gardners Station, Garret Grove, Gatchelville, Georgetown, Gettysburg, Geutner, Glades, Glatfelters Station, Glen Manor, Glen Rock, Glenville, Glenwood, Goldsboro, Goods Siding, Goodspring, Goodville, Goodville Mills, Goodyear, Goram, Gordonville, Goshen, Gracton, Grahamville, Granite, Grantham, Grantley, Grantville, Gratz, Graybills, Graydon, Graysville, Greason, Green Hill, Green Ridge, Green Spring, Greentree, Greenbrier, Greencastle, Greene, Greenefield, Greenland, Greenmount, Greenpark, Greenstone, Greythorne, Grier Point, Grindstone Hill, Groffs Mill, Guernsey, Guilford Siding, Guilford Springs, Guldens, Gum Tree, Hades Church, Hahnstown, Hainlyn, Hainton, Halfville, Halifax, Hall, Hallam, Hametown, Hampton, Hanover, Hanover Junction, Hanoverdale, Harmony Grove, Harrisburg, Harristown, Hawkesville, Hayesville, Hays Grove, Hebe, Heberlig, Hecks Station, Heckton, Heckton Mills, Hegins, Heidlersburg, Hellam, Hensel, Hepler, Herndon, Herrville, Hershey, Hess Station, Hessdale, Hickory Corners, Hickorytown, Highland, Highmount, Highrock, Highspire, Hill Grove, Hill Road, Hilton, HInkletown, Hiveleys Mill, Hockersville, Hoffmansville, Hogestown, Hokes Mill, Hollinger, Holtwood, Holtz, Holtzschavam, Holtzville, Homeville, Hopeland, Hopewell Center, Hopkins Mill, Hubers, Hummelstown, Hunter, Hunters Run, Hunters Valley, Hunterstown, Huntsdale, Ickesburg, Idaville, Indiantown, Inglenook, Intercourse, Irishtown, Iron Springs, Ironville, Iva, Jack, Jacks Mountain, Jackson Hall, Jacksonville, Jacobus, Jednota, Jefferson, Joliett, Juniata Bridge, Kasiesville, Kauffman, Keffers, Kehler, Kerrsville, Keys, Killinger, Kinderhook, Kingsbridge, Kingsdale, Kinzers, Kirks Mills, Kirkwood, Kisselhill, Kistler, Klines Station, Klinesville, Klingerstown, Knepper, Kollertown, Kradyville, Kreidlers Mill, Kyleville, La Bott, Lampeter, Lancaster, Lancaster Junction, Landis Valley, Landisburg, Landisville, Lapark, Lapps, Larue, Latimore, Latshaw, Laurel, Lawn, Lawnton, Leacock, Leaman Place, Lebanon, Lebo, Leck Kill, Ledger, Ledy, Lees Cross Roads, Leesburg, Lehmasters, Leib, Leidighs Station, Lemoyne, Lenkers Station, Lenover, Leola, Letort, Lewisberry, Lexington, Liberty Square, Libonia, Lime Valley, Limerock, Limeville, Lincoln, Linden Grove, Linden Mills, Lineboro, Lingles Mills, Linglestown, Lionsville, Lisburn, Lititz, Little Britain, Little Mahanoy, Littlestown, Liverpool, Lobato, Lochiel, Locust Grove, Locust Level, Loganville, Long Lane, Lone Level, Longsdorf, Lower Paxton, Loyalton, Loysville, Lucknow, Lucky, Lutztown, Lykens, Lyles, Lyndon, Madoka, Mahanoy, Malta, Manchester, Mandata, Manheim, Mannsville, Marburg, Margaretta Furnace, Marietta, Marion, Markelsville, Markes, Mars Hill, Marsh, Martindale, Martins Station, Martinsville, Marysville, Mascot, Mason & Dixon, Masonville, Mastersonville, Matamoras, Matterstown, May, Maytown, McCall Ferry, McClellan, McConnellsburg, McCrea, McGovernsville, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, McSparran, Meadow Brook, Meadow Brook Park, Meadow Valley, Mechanic Grove, Mechanicsburg, Mechanicsville, Menges Mills, Mercersburg, Metal, Middle Creek, Middle Spring, Middleburg, Middlesex, Middletown, Midvale, Midway, Millbrook Station, Millers Mill, Millersburg, Millerstown, Millersville, Millgreen, Millstone, Milltown, Millway, Milnor, Milton Grove, Minqua, Mont Alto, Mont Alto Junction, Monterey, Montsera, Mooredale, Morrisville, Mount Airy, Mount Alto Sanitorium, Mt. Gretna, Mt. Holly Springs, Mount Hope, Mt. Joy, Mount Nebo, Mount Olivet, Mount Pisgah, Mount Pleasant, Mount Rock, Mount Royal, Mt. Tabor, Mount Top, Mount Vernon, Mount Washington, Mount Wolf, Mount Zion, Mountrock, Mountville, Muddy Creek, Muddy Creek Forks, Muir, Mulberry, Mummasburg, Murrell, Nantillie, Narrows, Narvon, Nashville, Naumanstown, Neffsville, Neighborville, Neiman, Nekoda, New Baltimore, New Bloomfield, New Bridgeville, New Chester, New Cumberland, New Danville, New Franklin, New Freedom, New Germantown, New Holland, New Kingstown, New Market, New Milltown, New Oxford, New Park, New Providence, New Salem, Newberrytown, Newbridge, Newburg, Newport, Newtown, Newville, Ninepoints, Norrisville, North Hopewell, North York, Norwood, Nottingham, Nunnery, Oak Grove, Oak Hill, Oak Shade, Oakbottom, Oakryn, Oakvale, Oakville, Oberlin, Octoraro, Old Forge, Old Line, Old Orchard, Ore Valley, Oregon, Oriental, Orrtanna, Orwin, Otto, Overview, Oxford, Oyster Point, Oyster Mills, Palmyra, Paradise, Park Hill, Parke, Paxtang, Paxtonia, Peach Bottom, Peach Glen, Pen Mar, Pen Mar Park Station, Penbrook, Penn Hill, Pennersville, Pennville, Penryn, Pequea, Perdix, Perry Vally, Petersburg, Peterscreek, Pfouts Valley, Peirceville, Pigeon Hill, Pigeon Hills, Piketown, Pillow, Pilsen, Pine Grove, Pine Run, Pinola, Pittman, Plainfield, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Hall, Pleasant View, Pleasureville, Point Lookout, Pond Bank, Porters, Potosi, Potosi P.O., Powells Valley, Prices Church, Progress, Puseyville, Quarryville, Quincy, Quinsonia, Railroad, Railroad Borough, Raker, Rawlinsville, Raysorville Heights, Reamstown, Rebuck, Red Cross, Red Lion, Redrun, Refton, Reidenbachs Store, Reinerton, Reinholds Station, Rennolls Mill, Rheems, Richmond, Richmond Furnace, Ridgeway, Rife, Rinley, Riverside, Riverton, Riverview, Roadside, Rockville, Rocky Springs, Rohrerstown, Roller, Ronks, Rose Hill, Roseburg, Rosegarden, Rosevale, Roseville, Rossmoyne, Rossivlle, Rothsville, Rough & Ready, Roundtown, Rouzerville, Rowenna, Roxbury, Royalton, Rudys Mill, Running Pump, Rutherford, Rutherford Heights, Rye, Sacramento, Safe Harbor, Saint Thomas, Salem Church, Salisbury, Salunga, Sandbeach, Sandy Hook, Saville, Schoeneck, Scotland, Seitzland, Seitzville, Sells Station, Sevenstars, Seven Valleys, Shadygrove, Shellsville, Shenks Ferry, Shepherstown, Shermans Dale, Sherwood, Shiloh, Shippensburg, Shiremanstown, Shoops Church, Shreiners Station, Shrewsbury, Siddonsburg, Silver Spring, Silver Springs, Simonton Heights, Sinsheim, Slab, Slackwater, Slate Hill, Smithville, Smoketown, Smyrna, Smyser, Soudersburg, South Mountain, South Mountain Camp, Southside, Speeceville, Sporting Hill, Spring Forge, Spring Garden, Spring Glen, Spring Grove, Spring Run, Springers Road, Springfield, Springvale, Springville, Sprucegrove, Spry, Square Corners, Starners, Starview, State Line, State Road, Steelville, Steelton, Stenger, Stevens, Stewartstown, Sticks, Stiltz, Stone Bridge, Stonehenge, Stoney Point, Stony Brook, Stony Hill, Stoufferstown, Stoughstown, Stoverstown, Strasburg, Strickhousers Station, Stricklers Station, Strinestown, Sulphur Spring, Summersdale, Summit, Sun Hill, Sunnyburn, Sunnyside, Swartzville, Swatara Station, Sylvan, Talmadge, Taxville, Tayloria, Terre Hill, Texas, The Pines, Thomasville, Thompsontown, Tilden, Toland, Tolna, Tomstown, Tower City, Townsend, Tremont, Trevorton, Trindle Spring, Turkey Valley, Turnpike, Tweedale, Unicorn, Union, Union Deposit, Union Grove, Union Square, Uniontown, Uno, Upper Lawn, Upper Rapho, Upper Strasburg, Upton, Urban, Uriah, Valley View, Vera Cruz, Vici, Vintage, Violet Hill, Virginia Mills, Voganville, Wabank, Wabash, Wakefield, Walheim, Walnut Bottom, Waltonville, Wardville, Washington Boro, Washington Heights, Wayne Heights, Waynecastle, Waynesboro, Waynesville, Weaverland, Webster Mills, Weidmanville, Weiglestown, Wellsville, Welsh Run, Wenksville, West Bangor, West Earl, West Fairview, West Fayettesville, West Hanover, West Hempfield, West Hill, West Willow, West York, Westbrook, Wheatland Mills, White Hall, White Hill, White Horse, White Pine, White Rock, Whiteford, Whiteoak, Wiconisco, Wila, Wiley, Wiley Station, Williams Grove, Williams Mills, Williamson, Williamstown, Willow Grove, Willow Hill, Willow Street, Windom, Winsor, Winsorville, Wingerton, Winterstown, Wiota, Witmer, Wolfes Church, Woodbine, Woodbury, Worleytown, Wormleysburg, Wrightsdale, Wrightstown, Yocumtown, Yoe, York, York Furnace, York New Salem, York Springs, Yorkanna, Yorkhaven, Zions View, Zionsville, Zullinger
Maryland Towns
Ady, Cambria, Cardiff, Cascade, Cherry Hill, Clermont Mills, Cooper, Flintville, Germantown, Harkins, Highfield, Highland, Macton, Markers Mill, Mayberry, Millgreen, Penmar, Prospect, Pylesville, RInggold, Rocks, Sabillasville, Sanatorium, Scarboro, Silver Run, Street, Union Mills, Whiteford, Whitehall
Lancaster and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - June 1940
(Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1940, 234 pages)
This is a telephone directory parts of Adams, Lancaster, Lebanon, and York Counties, Pennsylvania and some towns of Northern Maryland for the year 1940. It lists over 37,000 residents and businesses. The directory information lists the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns included:
Abbottstown, Aberdeen, Accomac, Adamstown, Admire Ailston, Airville, Akron, Alpine, Anchor, Anderson Mills, Andersontown, Andrews Bridge, Arbor, Atglen, Bainbridge, Bair, Bair Station, Bareville, Barlow, Bartville, Baughmansville, Baumgardner, Bausman, Beartown, Beavertown, Bellair, Bellbank, Bellemnot, Belview, Benroy, Benton Station, Bentzles Mill, Berlin Junction, Bermudian, Bethesda, Beverly, Biesecker's Mill, Big Mount, Bigdam, Billmeyer, Bird-in-Hand, Bittersville, Bittinger, Bittinger Station, Blainsport, Blue Ball, Bon View, Bonnair, Bonneauville, Bowmansdale, Bowmansville, Brickerville, Bridgeport, Bridgeton, Brillharts, Brodbecks, Brogue, Brogueville, Brookside, Brownstown, Brownton, Bruce, Bruckharts, Brunnersville, Brush Run, Brushtown, Bryansville, Buck, Buffalo Valley, Bupps Union, Buyerstown, Cains, Camargo, Cambell, Cashtown, Castle Fin, Cedar Lane, Cedarridge, Centennial, Center Church, Centerville, Chanceford, Cherry Cottage, Chestnut Hill, Chestnut Level, Chickies, Chickies Park, Christiana, Churchtown, Clay, Clear Springs, Cly, Cocalico, Cochranville, Codorus, Colemanville, Colerain, Collamer, Collins, Collinsville, Columbia, Compass, Cona, Conestoga Center, Conewago, Conewago Chapel, Conewago Heights, Conrad, Constitution, Cordelia, Craley, Craleyville, Cream, Creswell, Crossroads, Crumblings Mill, D & M Junction, Dallastown, Davidsburg, Deitz Mill, Delroy, Delta, Denver, Deodate, Dew Drop, Dillerville, Dillsburg, Donegal, Donerville, Dover, Druck Valley, Drumore, Drumore Center, Durlach, East Berlin, East Earl, East Petersburg, East Prospect, East Yoe, East York, Ebys, Eden, Edgegrove, Edisonville, Elizabethtown, Elm, Elmwood, Elstonville, Emigs Mill, Emigsville, Engleside, Enterprise, Ephrata, Eystertown, Fairfield, Fairland, Fairmount, Falls View, Flamouth, Farmers P.O., Farmersville, Fawn Grove, Felton, Fertility, Fetterville, Fishing Creek, Fissels, Five Points, Fivepointville, Florin, Florinel, Fortney, Fousts, Fousttown, Franklintown, Freysville, Fruitville, Fulton House, Furniss, Gables Park, Gap, Garner's Station, Gatchellville, Gemmills, Georgetown, Gettysburg, Glades, Glatfelters Station, Glen Manor, Glen Rock, Glenville, Glenwood, Goodville, Goram, Gordonville, Goshen, Gracton, Grahamville, Granite, Grantham, Grantley, Graybill, Graydon, Graysville, Green Ridge, Green Tree, Greenbank, Greene, Greenfield, Greenland, Greenmount, Groffdale, Guldens, Gum Tree, Hahnstown, Halfville, Hall, Hallam, Hametown, Hampton, Hanover, Hanover Junction, Harmony Grove, Harristown, Hawkesville, Heidlersburg, Hellam, Hensel, Herrville, Hess, Hess Station, Hessdale, Highmount, Highrock, Highville, Hillcrest, Hilltown, Hilton, Hinkletown, Hiveleys Mill, Hobart, Hogestown, Hollinger, Hollywood Heights, Holtwood, Holtz, Holtzschavam, Holtzville, Hopeland, Hopewell Center, Hubers, Hungerford, Hunterstown, Idaville, Intercourse, Irishtown, Iron Ridge, Ironville, Iva, Jack, Jacobs Mills, Jacobus, Jefferson, Keys, Kinderhook, Kings Bridge, Kinzers, Kirks Mills, Kirkwood, Kissel Hill, Klines Station, Klinesville, Knoxlyn, Kollertown, Kreadyville, Kunkels Mill, Kyleville, La Bott, Lampeter, Lancaster, Lancaster Junction, Landis Valley, Landisville, Lapark, Lapps, Larue, Latimore, Laurel, Lawn, Leacock, Leaman Place, Lenover, Leola, Letort, Lexington, Liberty Square, Lime Rock, Lime Valley, Limeville, Lincoln, Linden Grove, Lineboro, Lisburn, Lititz, Little Britain, Lobato, Locust Grove, Loganville, Long Level, Longstown, Lucky, Lyndon, Manchester, Manheim, Marburg, Margaretta Furnace, Marietta, Mars Hill, Marsh Creek Heights, Marticville, Martindale, Martins Station, Mascot, Masonville, Mastersonville, May, Maytown, McCall Ferry, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, McSparran, Mechanic Grove, Mechanicsburg, Mechanicsville, Mellingers Church, Menges Mills, Middleburg, Midway, Millers Mill, Millersville, Millway, Millwood, Milport, Milton Grove, Monterery, Morrisville, Mount Airy, Mount Hope, Mt. Joy, Mount Nebo, Mount Olivet, Mount Pleasant, Mount Rock, Mount Royal, Mount Top, Mount Vernon, Mount Washington, Mount Wolf, Mount Zion, Mountville, Muddy Creek Forks, Mulerry, Mummasburg, Murrell, Narvon, Nashville, Neffsville, Neiman, New Bridgeville, New Chester, New Danville, New Freedom, New Holland, New Kingstown, New Milltown, New Oxford, New Park, New Providence, New Salem, Newtown, Newville, Nickel Mines, Minepoints, Norrisville, North Hopewell, North York, Norwood, Nottingham, Oak Hill, Oak Shade, Oakbottom, Oakryn, Octoraro, Ore Valley, Oregon, Orwigs, Oyster Point, Paradise, Parke, Parkville, Peach Bottom, Penn Hill, Pennyville, Penryn, Pequea, Picketts, Pierceville, Pigeon Hills, Pilsen, Pine Run, Leasant Grove, Pleasant Hill, Pleasureville, Porters, Potosi, Puseyville, Quarryville, Railroad, Railroad Borough, Rawlinsville, Reamstown, Red Lion, Red Run, Redrum, Refton, Reinholds Station, Rennolls Mill, Rheems, Richmond, Rinley, Rockhill, Rockville, Rocky Springs, Rohrerstown, Roller, Ronks, Rosegarden, Roseville, Rossmere, Rossmoyne, Rossville, Roths, Rothsville, Round Hill, Roundtown, Rowenna, Rudys Mill, Running Pump, Rye, safe Harbor, Saginaw, Salisbury, Salunga, Schoeneck, Seitzland, Seitzville, Sevenstars, Seven Valleys, Shenks Ferry, Shepherdstown, Shiloh, Shiremanstown, Shreiners Station, Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury Station, Siddonsburg, Silver Spring, Sinsheim, Slab, Slackwater, Slate Hill, Slaymakertown, Smith Station, Smithville, Smoketown, Smyser, Soudersburg, Southside, Spanglers Mill, Sporting Hill, Spring Forge, Spring Garden, Spring Grove, Springers Road, Springvale, Springville, Sprucegrove, Spry, Starview, Steelville, Stevens, Stewartstown, Sticks, Stiltz, Stony Brook, Stony Hill, Stoverstown, Strasburg, Strickhousers Station, Stricklers Station, Strinestown, Summit, Sunnyburn, Sunnyside, Swartzville, Talmage, Taxville, Tayoria, Terre Hille, Texas, The Pines, Thomasville, Tolna, Turnpike, Tweedale, Unicorn, Union, Union Grove, Uno, Vici, Victory, Vintage, Violet Hill, Voganville, Wabank, Wago, Wakefield, Washington Boro, Watts Station, Weaverland, Weidmanville, Weigelstown, West Bangor, West Hempfield, West Willow, West York, Westbrook, Wheatland Mills, White Horse, White Oak, White Rock,Whiteford, Wiley, Wiley Station, Williams Grove, Willow Street, Windom, Windsor, Windsorville, Winterstown, Wiota, Witmer, Wolfs Church, Woodbine, Woodbury, Wrightsdale, Wrightsville, York, York Furnace, York New Salem, York Road Station, York Springs, Yorkana, Yorkhaven, Yorkshire, Zions View, Zook's Corner
Maryland Towns included:
Ady, Cambria, Cardiff, Cherry Hill, Clermont Mills, Cooper, Flintville, Harkins, Highland, Macton, Millgreen, Prospect, Pylesville, Rocks, Scarboro, Street, Whiteford
Telephone Directory - 1940-41 Issue
(United Telephone Company of PA, 1940, 154 pages)
This is a telephone directory of covering parts of Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, Fulton, Juniata, Perry, and York Counties, Pennsylvania and part of northern Maryland for the year 1940-41. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns Covered:
Abbottstown, Alinda, Allen, Alpine, Altenwald, Alterton, Amsterdam, Andersonburg, Antietam, Antrim, Aqueduct, Arendtsville, Aspers, Aula, Bair Station, Balfour, Baresville, Barnitz, Beecherstown, Bellaire, Benvenue, Biglerville, Blain, Bloserville, Blue Ridge Summit, Blue Springs, Boiling Springs, Bonneauville, Bonny Brook, Bouch Mills, Bridgeport, Broadway, Bradley, Brushtown, Brysonia, Canebrake, Caprivi, Carlisle, Carlisle Springs, Cascade, Cashtown, Cave Hill, Cedar Grove, Cedarridge, Centennial, Center, Center Mills, Centerville, Chambersburg, Cherry Cottage, Chestnut Hill, Churchtown, Clear Springs, Cleversburg, Codorus, Conboy, Conewago Chapel, Couchs Mills, Covallen, Cove, Cove Forge, Cove Gap, Craighead, Cummingston, D & M Junction, Dillsburg, Dry Run, Duffield, Duncannon, East Berlin, Edge Grove, Elliottstown, Entlerville, Fairfield, Falling Springs, Farmers, Farmers Post Office, Fayetteville, Five Forks, Five Points, Floradale, Foltz, Fort Loudon, Fortney, Fountain Dale, Fox Hill, Franklin Furnace, Franklintown, Garnders, Gardners Farm, Gardners Station, Georgetown, Gettysburg, Glen Furney, Goldenville, Goodyear, Granite, Greason, Greencastle, Greenmount, Greenpark, Greenstone, Greythorne, Grier Point, Grindstone Hill, Guernsey, Guldens, Hades Church, Hanover, Ickesburg, Idaville, Irishtown, Iron Springs, Jacks Mtn, Jackson Hall, Jacksonville, Jefferson, Kasiesville, Kauffman, Kerrsville, Kingsdale, Kistler, Knepper, La Bott, Landisburg, Lebo, Ledy, Lees Cross Roads, Leesburg, Lehmasters, Leidighs Station, Littlestown, Liverpool, Long Lane, Longsdorf, Loysville, Lutztown, Madoka, Manheim, Marion, Mannsville, Markelsville, Markes, Marysville, McConnellsburg, McCrea, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, Meadow Brook, Meadow Brook Park, Menges Mills, Mechanicsburg, Mercersburg, Middle Spring, Middleburg, Middlesex, Midvale, Midway, Millbrook Station, Millerstown, Millstone, Milnor, Mont Alto, Monterey, Montsera, Mooredale, Mt. Alto Sanitorium, Mt. Holly Springs, Mount Hope, Mount Pleasant, Mount Rock, Mount Tabor, Mountrock, Mummasburg, Narrows, Nekoda, New Baltimore, New Buffalo, New Bloomfield, Newburg, New Chester, New Franklin, New Oxford, Newport, Newville, Nunnery, Oakgrove, Oakville, Old Forge, Oriental, Orrstown, Ortanna, Overview, Paradise, Peach Glen, Penn Mar, Pennville, Perdix, Pigeon Hills, Pine Run, Plainfield, Porters Siding, Quincy, Quinsonia, Roadside, Roseburg, Rossville, Rouzerville, Roxbury, Saint Thomas, Salem Church, Sandy Hook, Saville, Scotland, Sells Station, Sevenstars, Shermansdale, Shippensburg, Siddonstown, Sinsheim, Smith Station, South Mountain, Spring Forge, Spring Grove, Springfield, Square Corners, Starners, State Line, State Road, Stonehenge, Stony Point, Stoufferstown, Strickhousers Station, Stroughstown, Summit, Sunnyside, Table Rock, The Pines, Thomasville, Toland, Two Taverns, Uno, Upton, Upper Strasburg, Uriah, Virginia Mills, Walheim, Walnut Bottom, Waynesboro, Websters Mills, Wellsville, Welsh Run, Wenksville, West Fayetteville, West Hill, White Hall, Williamson, York Springs, Zora, Zullinger
Maryland Towns Covered:
Cascade, Hagerstown, Ringgold, Silver Run
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