Beechwood Acres
In this sequel to Tall Cedars Homestead (#2629), Kermit and Joy move to Beechwood Acres only to discover that someone is living in an old abandoned range shelter on their property. Then there is the visit from Joy's great-grandmother who brought a journal written by her mother when she lived in the Conestoga Valley of Lancaster Co., Pa., in the 1700s. Read about the Indian settlement near Weber's Thal; a man who weighed 400 pounds and built a cart because he was too heavy to ride a horse only to discover that the church leaders felt it was too worldly; and the Settlement of the Solitary (later called Ephrata Cloister) who claimed local Mennonites. Would it claim Feronica, or would she marry Yockel, her Mennonite sweetheart. Tears of joy and sorrow bring the reader to an unexpected ending! (136pp. illus. Masthof Press, 2003.)
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