Chester County PA - Directory Collection (1857-1914)
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
Directory of the Borough of West Chester - 1857 (Wood & James, 1857, 162 pages)
"Directory of the Borough of West Chester for 1857, containing a complete history of the borough from its first settlement to the present time, the names of all the inhabitants, alphabetically arranged, their occupations, places of business, and dwelling houses; also, a list of the streets, lanes, and alleys of the borough; statistics of public and private schools; the location and time of holding service in the churches; the time of arrival and departure of the different stages; the time and place of meeting of the various societies and associations."
Boyd's Business Directory of the Counties of Adams, Bucks, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin,
Delaware, Franklin, Lancaster, Montgomery and York, PA. together with a General Directory
of all the Inhabitants of Harrisburg 1860 (William H. Boyd, 1860, 326 pages)
This is an early resident directory of Harrisburg, and business directory of 10 counties in southeastern Pennsylvania. The directory of Harrisburg lists the resident's name, occupation, street address and whether they board or own the home. The business directory is arranged alphabetically by trade and lists the name of the business or business-person, and their location (Town). Along with the directory listings, there are also numerous ads for local businesses.
Boyd's Directory of Lancaster, Columbia, Chester and
West Chester, 1874-5 (Wm. H. Boyd, 1874, 497 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of the cities of Lancaster and Columbia [Lancaster County], Chester, [Delaware County], and West Chester [Chester County], PA for the year 1874-75. The directory lists residents and businesses alphabetically by city, and includes the name of the resident, their occupation and street address. At the end of the publication there is a classified business directory of the principle towns of Chester, Delaware and Lancaster Counties, PA.
Boyd's West Chester Directory for 1879-80 (S. Fred. Boyd, 1879, 120 pages)
This publication is a resident and business directory for the town of West Chester, Chester Co., PA. The directory information is arranged alphabetically and includes the resident's name, occupation and street address.
Boyd's Chester County Directory 1884-85 (W. Andrew Boyd, 1884, 351 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of Chester Co., PA for the year 1884-85, in particular the boroughs of West Chester, Phoenixville, Coatesville, Oxford, Downingtown and Kennett Square. The title pages adds that this includes "business directory of all the other towns and villages of the county. Together with an accurate list of all the farmers of the county..." The information is arranged alphabetically listing the resident's name, occupation and street address.
Boyd's Chester County Directory 1886-87 (W. Andrew Boyd, 1886, 421 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of Chester Co., PA for the year 1886-87, in particular the boroughs of West Chester, Phoenixville, Coatesville, Oxford, Downingtown and Kennett Square. The title pages adds that this includes "business directory of all the other towns and villages of the county. Together with an accurate list of all the farmers of the county..." The information is arranged alphabetically listing the resident's name, occupation and street address.
Boyd's Chester County Directory 1888-89 (W. Andrew Boyd, 1888, 438 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of Chester Co., PA for the year 1888-89, in particular the boroughs of West Chester, Phoenixville, Coatesville, Atglen, Avondale, Downingtown, Kennett Square, Oxford, Parkesburg, Spring City and West Grove. The title pages adds that this includes a "business directory of all the other towns and villages of the county. Together with a list of the farmers.." The information is arranged alphabetically listing the resident's name, occupation and street address.
Boyd's Chester County, Pennsylvania Directory, 1896-97
(C. E. Howe Company, 1896, 735 pages)
This publication is a General and Business Directory of Chester County, PA. It begins with a list of US, State and Local officials and their offices. The directory information is listed alphabetically by township and notes the resident's name, occupation, and street address. Each township section begins with a brief history and description of that area. At the end of the directory is the business directory, followed by a listing of all the farmers of the county. As with most directories of the time, there are also numerous ads for local businesses throughout.
Boyd's Chester County Pennsylvania Directory 1904-1905
(C. E. Howe Co., 1904, 779 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of Chester County, PA for the period of 1904-1905. The listings are arranged alphabetically by town and include the resident's or business' name, occupation and street address. The last section lists the farmers of Chester County and includes their name and post office address.
Boyd's West Chester, Oxford and Kennett Square Directory
for 1908-1909 (Howell & Co., 1908, 227 pages)
This publication is a resident and business directory for the towns of West Chester, Oxford and Kennett Square, Chester Co., PA. The directory information is arranged alphabetically and includes the resident's name, occupation and street address. This also includes a rural directory of the outlying areas of these towns, listing the name of the primary resident and route
Farm and Business Directory of Chester County Pennsylvania 1914
(Wilmer Atkinson Company, 1914, 372 pages)
As the title notes, this is a Farm and Business Directory of Chester County, PA for the year 1914. It contains a list of Chester County public officials and a number of local advertisements as well as the directory information. The directory information consists of the names of farmers and details such as the wife's name, number of children, location of farm, number of horses/cattle, a notation of whether they are retired, own their farm or are tenants, etc.number.
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