Crawford County PA - County History & Biography Collection

Crawford County PA - County History & Biography Collection


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This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.

This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.

County Histories & Biographical Volumes

History of Crawford County, Pennsylvania (Warner, Beers & Co., 1885, 1182 pages)
This is a historical and biographical volume on Crawford County, PA. It presents a history of the county, its formation and growth. It also includes numerous biographical sketches of prominent and important citizens of the county arranged by location.

Biographical Sketches:
Affantranger, Anderson, Andrews, Austin, Barrett, Bates, Beach, Bemis, Bemus, Benninghoff, Boileau, Bole, Boush, Boyles, Brawley, Brooks, Calvin, Carman, Carnachan, Church, Clark, Compton, Cooper, Cotton, Coyle, Craighead, Culbertson, Davenport, Davis, Delamater, Dennington, Derickson, Derst, Dick, Dickson, Dorrance, Douglass, Doyle, Dreutlein, Dunbar, Dunn, Edson, Ellis, Farnicorn, Farrelly, Ferguson, Flood, Frazier, Fuller, Gable, Gill, Gleason, Graham, Grayson, Haas, Hallock, Hammer, Hampson, Hannah, Harper, Hartman, Hays, Hempstead, Huidekoper, Humes, Kepler, Lashells, Leberman, Limber, Livermore, Logan, Loveridge, McArthur, McCoy, McFarland, McGunnegle, McLean, McMillen, Magaw, Matson, Michel, Miller, Murray, Myers, Northam, Parsons, Patton, Peirson, Pentz, Pettis, Powler, Reisinger, Reynolds, Richmond, Roberts, Roddick, Rogers, Rose, Roth, Russell, Scheafnocker, Shippen, Shryock, Smith, Sprague, Steele, Striffler, Thomeier, Totman (Heiserman), Trawin, Tyler, Walp, Wenz, Wilson, Winter, Woodruff, Yates, Zone

Athens Township:
Adams, Ash, Bidwell, Boyle, Conner, Cummings, Dobbs, Drake, Felton, Fleek, Graham, Hall, Hatch, Himebaugh, Hutchinson, Jameson, Langdon, Merchant, Minium, Minniss, Ongley, Post, Rice, Richards, Root, Russell, Scott, Shotwell, Smith, Southworth, Strickland, Sickle

Beaver Township:
Broughton, Corey, Groodt, Gates, Vickery, Whitford, Williams

Bloomfield Township:
Batchelder, Bisbe, Blakeslee, Blanchard, Brown, Cole, Cummings, Dobbins, Elderkin, Geer, Lindsay, Maine, Marsh, Miller, Morton, Paige, Parkin, Payne, Porter, Pound, Range, Rossell, Shreve, Smith, Spencer, Taylor

Cambridge Township:
Allen, Ames, Barber, Baugher, Beech, Birchard, Catling, Chamberlain, Crosley, Doctor, Dow, Drake, Durham, Folsom, Ford, Gage, Gerow, Hawthorn, Herrick, Hicks, Humes, Hutchison, Kelly, Klie, Long, Luse, Mitchell, Moses, Reynolds, Rhodes, Robbins, Rockwell, Root, Ross, Russell, Salen, Sherred, Sherwood, Siverling, Smith, Stanford, Strayer, Upham, Wade, Wilber

Conneaut Township:
Abell, Allen, Barber, Bates, Bollard, Bradt, Brooks, Bush, Carpenter, Corey, Dorchester, Elsworth, Gilliland, Graham, Greenfield, Holman, Jackett, Johnson, Ladner, Landon, Lawrence, Leonard, Lowing, Luke, Maloney, Manning, Maxwell, Miller, Partch, Penfield, Phelps, Potter, Robertson, Rushmore, Sanderson, Schermerhorn, Spalding, Sprague, Steffee, Stevens, Stimpson, Thompson, Walsh, Warriner, Wright

Cussewago Township:
Barns, Bennett, Boggs, Bradish, Cutler, Davis, Donehue, Erwin, Freeman, Fullerton, Gamble, Harned, Heard, Helmbrecht, Hills, Hotchkiss, Lewis, Little, Manville, Mosier, Muckinhoupt, Nash, Pier, Potter, Rice, Rogers, Slocum, Spitler, Stebbins, Sweney, Terrill, Veiley, Waldo, Webster, White, Wiard, Wiley, Zimmer

East Fairfield Township:
Beatty, Cochran, Dean, Donnan, Flaugh, Hassler, Holmes, McFate, McGouran, Marley, Pontius, Shafer, Wakefield, Weller

East Fallowfield Township:
Findley, Lackey, Minnis, Randolph

Fairfield Township:
Calvin, Dickson, Hanes, Hill, Johnson, Mann, Marshall, Mumford, Nelson, Peterman, Porter, Read, Strayer

Greenwood Township:
Biles, Christ, Coulter, Marshall, Mellon, Smith

Hayfield Township:
Acker, Allee, Amidon, Armstrong, Barnes, Beebe, Boyd, Brookhouser, Campbell, Clemens, Crosley, Culp, Cutshall, DeRoss, Hartman, Hickernell, Hites, Hower, Ingols, Johnson, Jones, Kelley, Kern, Kilday, Lankton, Lewis, Lilly, McGill, McMillen, Moore, Morse, Peters, Quay, Reynolds, Seavy, Skeel, Smith, Snyder, Stockton, Straw, Torry, Wasson, Watson, Wilson

Mead Township:
Benninghoff, Brawley, Buchanan, Byam, Cogneville, Compton, Daniels, Davis, Dewey, Doane, Douglas, Ellis, Gerdon, Gorton, Hatch, Hunter, Jeunet, Kimmey, Kraeer, Lake, Leslie, Lord, McClintock, McKinney, Merrill, Merriman, Pardee, Rundel, Rushlander, Smith, Stadtler, Stitzer, Waid, Warner, Wasson, Whitehill, Williams, Wirt, Wyman

North Shenango Township:
Allen, Andrews, Campbell, Collins, Cunningham, Espy, Freeman, Hays, Kent, Linn, McArthur, McKay, McNutt, Merritt, Patterson, Simons, Stewart, Wolverton

Oil Creek Township:
Archer, Bartlett, Conover, Crawford, Gilson, Kelly, Kerr, Lewis, Mars, Nelson, Pastorius, Swanson

Pine Township:
Bishop, Burt, Dennis, Frey, Hendrick, Irons, Jack, Knapp, Limber, Lowing, Miller, Naramore

Randolph Township:
Ashley, Bandley, Birchard (Burroughs), Blanchard, Bogardus, Brawley, Britton, Brunson, Byham, Coburn, Corliss, Crouch, Cutshall, Davison, Graham, Griggs, Guy, Hall, Hatch, Hovey, Jones, Keep, Lewis, McCartney, McKay, McLachlin, Maning, Morgan, Murdoch, Owen, Phillips, Shaffer, Sikes, Spring, Steadman, Stewart, Sweet, Utley, Virtue, Wilder, Wilson, Wood, Wright

Richmond Township:
Bailey, Baker, Bertram, Bowman, Breese, Burdick, Cannon, Carpenter, Chamberlain, Childs, Clark, Danforth, Davison, Delamater, Fosburgh, Franklin, Green, Griswold, Hall, Hamilton, Harter, Holmes, Hunt, Kingsley, McFadden, McFaden, Mackey, Miles, Morse, Pinney, Polley, Richardson, Salen, Sanderson, Sayre, Scott, Smith, Swift, Townley, Ward, Willis, Winans, Winston, Willey, Wright

Rockdale Township:
Babcock, Beedy, Birchard, Bunce, Campbell, Canfield, Doctor, Finney, Fullerton, Jervis, Kelly, McFadden, McLatchey, McQueen, Mitchell, Smith, Webster, Wilcox, Wing, Woodside

Rome Township:
Bement, Bennett, Carroll, Clark, Conover, Coyle, Dunlap, Eichbaum, Farrington, Fish, Goodrich, Goodwill, Henderson, Holbrook, Kerr, Lewis, Magee, Markham, Matteson, Nash, Odell, Perry, Philp, Post, Putnam, Reid, Rodier, Sherman, Snapp, Stewart, Thompson, Weidner, Weld, Wetherbee, Winton

Sadsbury Township:
Adsit, Andrews, August, Foust, Gehr, Gibson, Harper, Jackson, Johnston, Kean, Knierman, Lindsey, McKay, Magill, Mellon, Miller, Ralya, Raydure, Scott, Shellito, Shontz, Sidler, Stratton, Walker, Young

South Shenango Township:
Craven, Gamble, Johnson, Logan, McGranahan, McLean, Marshall, Raslton, West

Sparta Township:
Alsdorf, Baker, Bates, Blakeslee, Bradford, Burlingham, Burrows, Chelton, Cowles, Day, Fralick, Fuller, Groom, Harrington, Heath, Major, Miller, Obert, Ogden, Peck, Stranahan, Webb, White

Spring Township:
Bail, Baker, Baldwin, Bannister, Bligh, Bolard, Booth, Bowman, Brown, Burger, Chapman, Clark, Cody, Cook, Darby, Davenport, Dempsey, Dimick, Eighmey, Ellis, Englehaupt, Field, Foster, Frasier, Graham, Graves, Greenlee, Griswold, Hadsell, Hale, Hall, Hammon, Hawkins, Head, Hickernell, Higenell, Hill, Hills, Holcomb, Hotchkiss, Hough, Hynes, Ikeler, Joslin, Kendall, Landon, Lavery, Lawrence, Litchfield, Loper, Lowry, McCabe, McCoy, McDowell, McMullen, Meyler, Morley, Moses, Moulthrop, Nelson, Newton, Nichols, Nicolls, Oakes, Parsons, Pearse, Power, Prusia, Rice, Ross, Rogers, Ruddy, Rundel, Sergeant, Sheldon, Slayton, Sloan, Sperry, Spicer, Stilwell, Sturtevant, Swaney, Swap, Temple, Thomas, Ticknor, Truesdale, Tubbs, West, Wells, Wetmore, Whitmore, Wilder, Williams, Wormald, Young

Summerhill Township:
Carr, Davenport, Dearborn, Fetterman, Fish, Hall, Jenkins, Jolly, Klumph, Lane, Lord, McDowell, McKay, Proctor, Sebaugh, Shaw, Stanley, Sterling, Vredenburg, Waters, Webb, Wood

Steuben Township:
August, Baker, Barton, Booth, Buckley, Buel, Casselman, Castle, Clark, Drake, Edson, Farrelly, Fross, Gillet, Hanna, Lamb, McCrillis, Navy, Parker, Peavy, Preston, Reynolds, Rose, Ross, Rounds, Smith, Squier, Stevens, Sturgis, Stuyvesant, Thomas, Tryon, Waid, Wheelock, Winans

Summit Township:
Bean, Beatty, Benedict, Brown, Close, Ford, Foust, Fuller, Gehr, Johnson, McClure, McGuire, Read, Sitler, Sloan, Smith, Whiting

Anderson, Barnsdale, Barr, Bates, Caldwell, Chase, Coady, Crossman, Eason, Eddy, Emerson, Emery, Hottel, Hyde, Jones, Kuntz, Lowe, Martin, Mignault, Purdon, Roberts, Smith, Stewart, Thomas, Truesdell, Varian, Young

Troy Township:
Altenburg, Armstrong, Benn, Ghering, Higley, Kopf, McCurdy, Monnin, Patterson, Prather, Reynolds, Rhodes, Schreiner, Seely, Styer, Titus, Viets, Vrooman

Union Township:
Barber, Beers, Davis, Ehrgott, Findley, Fox, Hamman, Henry, Herrington, Reitze, Scowden, Stein

Venango Township:
Bernhardt, Blystone, Bole, Carman, Colter, Culbertson, Faulkner, Hazen, Hills, Himebaugh, Homan, Hornaman, Johnson, Kingsley, Kleckner, Marcy, Miller, Nickerson, Peiffer, Rubner, Siverling, Straw

Vernon Township:
Anderson, Andrews, Berg, Birch, Brown, Carr, Collom, Cotton, Dudenhoeffer, First, Flickinger, Gibson, Harshelman, Hosmer, Hotchkiss, Johnston, Kebort, Kreiter, McFarland, Merrill, Merritt, Nelson, Pease, Scowden, Shafer, Shartel, Smith, Strachan, Sturrock, Trace, Tritt, Van Riper, Williams, Wilson, Wishart, Zimmerman

Wayne Township:
Allen, Ferry, Lang, Long, Monderau, Nelson

West Fallowfield:
Andrews, Hervey, Hunter, Miller, Patton, Snodgrass

West Shenango Township:
Hitchcock, Royal, Snodgrass

Woodcock Township:
Balliet, Beck, Bell, Birchard, Bossard, Carr, Carringer, Clark, Clark, Coup, Culp, Davis, Davison, Deichman, Dickson, Diehl, Flaugh, Gilmore, Henry, Hornstein, Hume, Humel, Humes, Johnson, Kern, Ketner, Knerr, Lang, Leibersperger, Logan, Long, McGranahan, McIntosh, McQuiston, Miller, Mook, Price, Rice, Roudebush, Ryan, Saeger, Schanck, Schuetz, Seavy, Sensor, Shaw, Siverling, Smith, Spaulding, Strauss, Stull, Thomas, Trace, Waid, Weikal, Weter, Wilson, Wise, Wotring, Wygant

Jamestown (Mercer County):
Gibson, Marshall, Wallace

Our County and Its People (Samuel P. Bates, 1899, 1012 pages)
This is a historical and biographical volume focusing on Crawford County, PA. It outlines the beginnings of the county from frontier times, including troubles with the native population and its war involvement. It discusses early settlers and the subsequent growth and development of the county. Titusville and Meadville are both given special consideration as the largest population centers of the county. Following those sections, each of the townships of the county are sketched. The last section contains biographical sketches of many of the county's prominent men and women.

Surnames Indexed:
Abbott, Abel, Akin, Alden, Aldrich, Ames, Anderson, Andrews, Atherton, Austin, Babcock, Bail, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Bannister, Barber, Barker, Barnsdall, Barr, Barrett, Bartle, Bartlett, Bates, Baugher, Baumgartner, Beers, Belknap, Bement, Bender, Benedict, Bennett, Benson, Berly, Best, Bethune, Beuchat, Bidwell, Binney, Bishop, Black, Blair, Blatchley, Bloomfield, Bloss, Blum, Bohn, Bollard, Bookhammer, Bortles, Bowman, Boyd, Boyer, Bradford, Brawley, Braymer, Bresee, Brittain, Bronson, Broughton, Brown, Brownson, Brunson, Bryan, Bue, Bugbee, Burchfield, Burger, Burgeson, Burgess, Burlingame, Burrows, Burwell, Byham, Byles, Cadwallader, Cady, Caldwell, Calvin, Campbell, Carkhuff, Carr, Carter, Cary, Chapman, Chase, Christy, Church, Clark, Cochran, Cogswell, Cole, Coleman, Colestock, Colter, Consider, Coombs, Cooper, Cowles, Coyle, Crawford, Crider, Crocker, Crossley, Crowe, Croxall, Culbertson, Cummings, Cunningham, Daily, Dame, Davenport, Davis, Day, Demary, Derickson, Dick, Dickson, Doane, Dobbs, Donehue, Donor, Double, Douglass, Drake, Drown, Drury, Dubar, Dudenhoeffer, Dunn, Dutton, Eason, Edson, Edwards, Egan, Eiler, Ellicott, Elston, Emerson, Emery, Farel, Farner, Farrelly, Fertig, Fetterman, Finney, First, Fish, Fisher, Fitz, Flood, Flower, Fogle, Forker, Forsbloom, Foster, Fox, Free, Fuller, Fulmer, Gable, Gardner, Gaston, Gates, Gehr, Gerlach, Gibbs, Gilbert, Gill, Gilson, Gordon, Graham, Graves, Gray, Greenlee, Griffiths, Grumbine, Gutman, Haas, Hamaker, Hammon, Hardy, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Harvey, Hazen, Head, Heath, Hecker, Henderson, Henne, Hettler, Heywang, Hicks, Higgins, Hill, Hilton, Hines, Hipple, Hoag, Hoffman, Hollister, Holman, Hopkins, Hotchkiss, Houser, Houtz, Hughes, Huidekoper, Hull, Humes, Hummer, Hunt, Hunter, Hyatt, Hyde, Jackson, Jameson, Jamison, Jeanney, Jennings, Johnson, Johnston, Jolly, Joy, Jude, Kaster, Kean, Kebort, Kellogg, Kendall, Kennedy, Kepler, Kerr, King, Kinney, Kirk, Klippel, Kuntz, Laffer, Lake, Lashells, Le Conte, Lee, Leffingwell, Lenhart, Lester, Levy, Ley, Lincoln, Loomis, Lord, Mackey, Magee, Mandell, Mantor, Mapes, Markham, Marshall, Marsteller, Martin, Marvin, Mason, Mather, Maxwell, Maynard, McArthur, McCauley, Mccombs, McCracken, McCrea, McCrum, McDowell, McFate, McGill, McGrath, McGuire, McKinney, McLachlin, McLaughlin, Mead, Medo, Merrell, Miller, Moody, Moore, Morris, Moulthrop, Mullen, Murdock, Murray, Nason, Nau, Neill, Nelson, Netcher, Northam, Norton, Oakes, O'Hare, Oliver, Parker, Pastorius, Patten, Patterson, Pease, Peebles, Pentz, Perrin, Peterman, Pettitt, Philley, Porter, Post, Potter, Powell, Pratt, Proper, Purdon, Quick, Quigley, Quinby, Radebush, Ralston, Ray, Reynolds, Richmond, Ridgway, Roberts, Rogers, Rosaback, Rose, Roser, Rossiter, Rouse, Russ, Sager, Satterfield, Schofield, Schwartz, Scott, Selzer, Shafer, Shaffer, Shaffner, Shamburg, Sharpe, Shauberger, Sheldon, Sherman, Sherwood, Shippen, Shoffstall, Shreve, Sikes, Silliman, Simons, Sinning, Smith, Snodgrass, Sperry, Spicer, Squier, Squires, Stebbins, Steele, Stephens, Stewart, Stolz, Stranahan, Sturtevant, Sutton, Sweetman, Tack, Taft, Tarbell, Tarr, Taylor, Teege, Tew, Thackara, Theobold, Thomas, Thompson, Tillotson, Titus, Todd, Townsend, Tubbs, Tucker, Tyler, Ullman, Vancise, Van Horn, Van Syckel, Varian, Waggoner, Waid, Walker, Wallace, Walrath, Ward, Washburn, Watson, Wells, Welton, Wentworth, Wesley, West, Westgate, Westheimer, Wheeler, White, Wilcox, Wilson, Winter, Witherop, Wood, Woodward, Wormald, Wright, York, Young, Youngson

Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania
(W. J. McKnight, 1905, 719 pages)
The Full title is: "A Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Embracing the Counties of Tioga, Potter, McKean, Warren, Crawford, Venango, Forest, Clarion, Elk, Jefferson, Cameron, Butler, Lawrence, and Mercer, Also A Pioneer Sketch of the Cities of Allegheny, Beaver, Du Bois, and Towanda" This publication is a historical account of the early beginnings of several counties in Northwestern PA. The information is more focused on historical details than biographical, but it still contains a great deal of information useful for historical or genealogical research.

Town, Township & Regional Histories

Meadville's Sesqui-Centennial Souvenir Programme (Anonymous, 1938, 52 pages)
This is a souvenir program of the 150th Anniversary of Meadville, Crawford County, PA in 1938. The program contains a brief amount of historical information but mostly focuses on the events of the Celebration. It includes a list of Sesqui-Centennial Displays, a program of the celebration events, play and chorus. Many of the participants of these events are named, as well as those serving on the various committees coordinating the events. Along with the program are many ads for local businesses.

Meadville Yesterday and Today (Meadville Area Bi-Centennial Committee, 1976, 184 pages)
This is a souvenir history written for the nation’s bicentennial in 1976. It provides a local history of the Meadville area – its settlement and development through the years. It includes numerous photographs both historic and contemporary (1976), of the town and its people. It also includes brief sketches of many local businesses and organizations

Church, Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous Histories

Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Northern] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 125 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from a dozens of towns throughout north, central and western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.

From Crawford County
-- From Meadville: -- Phoenix Iron Works Limited, J. R. Dick & Co., Meadville Glass Co., Limited, Park Avenue Carriage Works, Ingham & Co., The Merchants' National Bank, J. E. Hall, J. G. Foster & Co., F. Schauweker, Chas. C. McLean, J. F. Frazier, V. C. Place, Nathan Stein, J. D. Dunn, Barrett Vise and Tool Co., J. M. Hamilton, A. J. Walp, Meadville Savings Bank, Ashley & Gelvin, James E. Richmond, L. L. Lord, Delamater & Co., T. A. McElwain, J. M. Davenport, W. S. Trowbridge, J. G. Lindeman, D. W. Lyon, Union Pacific Tea Co., C. C. Carroll M.D., Dr. Jas. Ferguson

Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Western] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 144 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from dozens of towns throughout Western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.

From Crawford County
-- From Titusville: -- The Sportsman's Depot, D. M. Zook, Titusville Elastic Chair Company, S. S. Bryan Jr. & Co., John Kellogg, John Coots, J. Lee & Brother, H. Buser, Bartlett & Firth, D. W. Field, William Moran, E. K. Thompson, C. H. Warrior, I. Westheimer & Brother, Theodore Avery, Titusville Steam Laundry, Theo. W. Reutling, Wilson Smith, "Geotchius", C. P. Caspersen, Edwin C. Bell, Wm. Hunt, Jacob Young, H. M. Jennings, I. L. Well & Son, J. B. Barber & Co., J. J. Van Sciver, Charles D. Lippincott

A Historical Sketch of the Independent Congregational Church,
Meadville, Pennsylvania 1825-1900 (Earl Morse Wilbur, 1902, 113 pages)

An Industrial Magazine - Descriptive of and Illustrating
Meadville and Adjacent Territory (Anonymous, 1912, 48 pages)
This is a collection of sketches featuring the businesses of Meadville, Crawford County, PA. They provide a history and current description of the business or business person highlighted, as well as some sketches on local government officials. The sketches are accompanied by photographs and illustrations including many portraits of company owners or officers. There are also many ads for local businesses throughout.

The Spirella Company, Northwestern Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Neal Granite and Marble Company, The Leon C. Magaw Cheese Company, Scowden Brothers, Tracy D. Kepler, A. L. Thomas, V. L. Greeley, Lewis H. Lauderbaugh, H. C. Wasson, William A. Thompson, George C. Reitze, Academy of Music Drug Store, A. E. Lilley, James D. Roberts, P. D. Blair, Lynn Hazen, Hon. C. Victor Johnson, H. M. Dickson, Hon. Frank B. Von Tackey Jr., John J. Shryock Company, Michel Brothers, L. E. Stacy, W. M. Cares, Oscar H. Roudebush, Brownell Shoe Company, Harry Ellsworth, George W. Phillips, James M. Dunbar, B. F. Miller Jr., R. E. Brownell, E. F. Hughes, Champion Tool Works, The Harper Lumber Company, Hon. Milton W. Shreve, F. M. Graff, Sherman Milling Company, Beman Automatic Oil Can Company, William H. Page Boiler Company, Barrett Machine Tool Company, Isador Sobel, Charles H. Schmidt, Henry Haas, J. P. Colter, Graham & McClintock, Phoenix Iron Works Company, The Atlantic Engine Company, The Blystone Machinery Company, Natural Gas, The G. H. Cutter Lumber Company, Otto P. Hauch, W. E. Byham & Son Funeral Directors and Embalmers, P. B. Graham, Mill Run Lumber Company, Hon. David Mead, Samuel P. Schiek, Herbert Van Patton, Harley D. Carpenter, A. W. Ellsworth, L. F. Smith

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