Lancaster County PA - Regional History Collection - Lititz-Manheim & Vicinity
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
View of Lititz, and Warwick, Lancaster County, PA (1887, T. M. Fowler)
This is a detailed image from birds-eye perspective of the town of Lititz, Lancaster County, PA in the year 1887. It details streets, homes, businesses, churches, etc., providing a unique view of the town and wider area. (Not Text-Searchable)
Historical and Pictorial Lititz (John Zook, 1905, 305 pages)
This is an extensive history of the area of Lititz and Warwick in Lancaster County, PA. It begins covering the Moravian origins of the area and its early settlers. It then provides numerous sketches of local institutions: churches, civic organizations, etc. Following this is a 1905 directory of the residents of Lititz and Warwick, listing all residents at each address including children. Along with the historical and directory information are numerous photographs of local residences, businesses and other features of the area.
Lititz - Warwick Directory and Surrounding Country - 1913
(The Express Printing Co., Inc., 1913, 228 pages)
This is a resident directory of the Lititz - Warwick area of Lancaster County, PA for the year 1913. According to the title page this is "a census or list of the names of every member of the families of Lititz, Warwick, Broad Street Addition to Lititz, the six Rural Free Delivery Routes from Lititz, Lexington, Brunnerville, Rothsville, Brickerville, Millway, Neffsville and Kisel Hill." As mentioned, the directory information covers all residents at each location including children. The information for Lititz and Warwick are presented two ways, first as an alphabetical directory, and second as a street directory.
1886-1936 The Manheim High School (George L. Heiges, 1936, 48 pages)
This is a history of the schools of the Manheim area and its High School from 1886-1936. It also contains biographical sketches of several of the Principals of the areas' public schools, and a list of Manheim High School graduates from 1886-1936.
Biographicals Sketches:
Binkley, Burgard, Heiges, Keener, Nauman, Shenck
Manheim Historical Pageant and Home Coming Days
(Anonymous, 1941, 60 pages)
This is a program and souvenir of Manheim's Home Coming Days in 1941, which included a pageant on the history of the town. This publication outlines the program and who was involved in its production. It also includes a few photographs of those involved, a list of patrons who supported it and numerous ads for local businesses.
A Brief History of Lititz Pennsylvania
(Mary Augusta Huebner, 1947, 25 pages)
This publication was written "to provide, in convenient form, a source of information on the founding and early history of Lititz, and the origin of some of its institutions and customs; and to show how these have influenced the development of the modern Borough and its activities." Along with the historical information are a number of photographs featuring the town and its residents.
Lititz 1756-1956 (Anonymous, 1956, 126 pages)
This is a bicentennial history of the borough of Lititz, Lancaster County written in 1956. The narrative covers the early settlement of Lititz and its development as a town since then. It also covers the current state of the borough (1956) providing sketches of its various churches and civic organizations. Along with this information, numerous photographs are included featuring the boroughs buildings, citizens and other scenes - some historic, some modern. There are also numerous ads for local businesses at the end.
Meet Manheim Community Directory
(Manheim Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1960, 112 pages)
This is a residential and civic directory of the town of Manheim, Lancaster County for the year 1960. It begins with a brief history of the town and its development, followed by sketches of its churches, and civic organizations. The residential listings include the names of the primary resident and mate and street address. Along with the directory information are numerous ads for local businesses.
Manheim, PA. Bicentennial 1762-1962
(Manheim Bic-Centennial Committee, 1962, 180 pages)
This is a bicentennial history of the town of Manheim from 1762-1962. It presents a history of the area and town from Indian times and follows its development through the years. Many historical photographs and illustrations are included to supplement the material. It also includes a description of the modern (1962) town and some of its various organizations, businesses, churches, etc. Many ads for local businesses are also included.
Historical Manheim 1762-1976
(Manheim Bicentennial Book Committee, 1976, 104 pages)
This was published for the nation’s Bicentennial Celebration and provides an historical narrative of the region of Manheim. It begins with the early settlement of the area in the early 1700’s, dealings with the local natives and subsequent development of the region, and ultimately, town of Manheim. This historical information is extensive and is accompanied by numerous period photographs and illustrations. The story progresses to include modern times (1976) with several sketches of modern organizations / businesses. It also includes a brief biographical section covering prominent citizens of the area: Dr. Loy Awkerman, Dr. Mark M. Burrell, Charles A. Callis, MD., Dr. R. Aubrey Edwards, Dr. Clinton L. Hoffman, Dr. Harold C. Killheffer, L. Reid Laughton, DO., Robert A. Long, Dr. Kenneth F. Lovell, Dr. John H. Marsteller, Richard M. Martin, Dr. Peter Nicolazzo, David Brian Reeder, William J. Stout, MD., Dr. Charles E. Weaver, Ronald Wayne Wedge, J. David Young.
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