Mennonite Family History April 2016
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: International Zaugg Versammlung [Zaugg]; A Service of Memory [Hertzler]; The Ehresmanns of Dorrmoschel, Part X: A Fine Career Choice, Grandson [Ehresmann, Iutzi, Jotter]; Who Were the Children of Magdalena Zug [Zug, Frantz, Garst]; Margaret "Maggie" Ziegler (1844-1924), Heritage of Hope, Legacy of Love, Part IV: Married 1) Henry R. Boyer (1840-1865) and 2) Jacob Lawrence Lind (1849-1929) [Ziegler, Boyer, Lind]; The Augsburger Orphan Trail: Seventeen Minor Children Lost From Two Generations [Augsburger]; Daniel Shidler (1787-1864), Brethren Farmer in Pennsylvania and Ohio, Part II: Washington Co., Pa. [Shidler].
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