Mennonite Family History July 1985
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Abraham Miller Bible Record [Miller]; Descendants of Jacob and Maria Burckhart [Burkhart, Burckhart]; Elder Martin Gaby [Gaby/Gaube]; Gather Before It's Too Late; Hans Landis Zurich Martyr [Landis]; Immigrant Bernhard Friesen's Flight From Russia Through China to Brazil [Friesen]; Immigrant Paulus Custers [Custer, Kuster]; Jonas D. Yoder [Yoder]; Mennonites in Elkhart Co., Indiana [Brown, Strohm, Huber, Wisler]; My Pennsylvania German Harbaugh Family [Harbaugh]; Philip Sehler's Tombstone [Sehler]; Pricetown Church of the Brethren [Gaby/Gaube]; Rifferswil Census Lists for 1678 [Bar, Hausser, Steinmann]; Stephen Zurcher of Ruderswil [Zurcher]; That's My Grandpa? [Diller]; The Browers of Coventry Twp., Chester Co., Pa. [Brower]; Three Generations of Johnson Tombstones [Johnson, Eby]; Using Deeds to Trace Why Peter Biehn Was Buried on Detweiler Land [Biehn, Detweiler].
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