Montgomery County PA - Church, Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous History Collection

Montgomery County PA - Church, Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous History Collection


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This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.

This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.

Historical Sketch of the First Presbyterian Church, of Norristown, PA
(J. Grier Ralston, D.D., 1876, 64 pages)
A history of the church as well as biographies of its pastors: Joseph Barr, Charles W. Nassau, Robert Adair, Samuel M. Gould, Randolph A. Smith, and Job F. Halsey.

Historical Sketch of Wentz's Reformed Church, Worchester Township,
Montgomery County, PA (S. M. K. Huber, 1881, 28 pages)

Industrial and Commercial Resources of Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1886, 122 pages)
This publication presents an historical, descriptive and biographical review of the industries of southeast Pennsylvania. It includes sketches of prominent businesses and businessmen of Bridgeport, Conshohoken, Norristown, and Pottstown, PA.

From Montgomery County
-- From Bridgeport: -- John R. Horn, -- From Conshohoken: -- Montgomery Boiler and Machine Works, C. H. Thwaites, Edward F. Quigley, H. P. Reed & Son, James H. Steen, George Meyers, P. F. Dugan, James C. Hallowell, James W. Harry, A. S. Leedom & Co., F. J. Bloomhall, John Ellis, -- From Norristown: -- Enterprise Iron Works, Globe Tack Works, Philip Quillman, George A. Singerly & Co.'s Grain Binder Works, David S. Mowday, J. C. Snyder, Sherman's Pharmacy, Patrick McGrath, Lowe Manufacturing Company, Gardner & Harrison, A. Whitehead & Son, J. K. Hendricks, Samuel Kirts, W. S. Baker, H. B. Ritter & Co., F. D. Sower, Moyer Marble Works, Benjamin Quillman, R. R. DeHaven, James B. Hendrick, Daniel H. Streeper, F. M. Long, Dr. Theo. Jacobs, Norristown Hosiery Company, Atwood Yeakle, Geo. F. Neiman, Isaac Wilkinson, F. G. Stritzinger, L. F. Emery, Oliver Keisen, Walter D. Butz, Kelley and Townsend, Streeper & Hutchinson, Patrick Curran, Samuel L. Cowden, R. S. Newbold & Son, John J. Quay, James P. Harley, The Derr Marble and Granite Works, George H. Alker, Jacob Zimmerman, M. S. Rodenbough, James McGinnis, T. S. Adle, E. D. Rose, Jacob Strahley, Magee & O'Brien, William Hamill, Jacob T. Moore, R. W. Perry, -- From Pottstown: -- John R. Wynn, George Hartman, D. H. Keim.

The Industries and Advantages of the Borough of Norristown, in
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (John W. Bickel, 1887, 50 pages)
A sketch of the County, location of the town, railroad connections, with statistics showing the extent of its manufacturing industries and natural resources and productions, its churches, schools, banks, buildings, markets, etc.

Industries and Wealth of the Principle Points in Southeastern Pennsylvania (Excepting Philadelphia)
Embracing Dauphin, York, Lancaster, Schuylkill, Berks, Bucks, Montgomery, Chester and Delaware
Counties (American Publishing and Engraving Co., 1890, 148 pages)
This publication contains sketches of industrial and economic significance from the major populated areas of southeastern PA. These commercial sketches provide a rare look at many of the businesses and business people of Pennsylvania before the 20th Century.

From Montgomery County
-- From Conshohoken: -- H. K. Kroh, The First National Bank, Wm. T. Bate & Son, S. F. Jacoby, -- From Norristown: -- Lewis G. Stritzinger, Brown Cloud & Johnson, H. B. Ritter, James Hooven, First National Bank, F. D. Sower, A. H. March, Bodey & Livingston, The Montgomery Insurance Trust and Safe Deposit Company, The Albertson Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Montgomery National Bank, -- From Pottstown: -- Geo. G. Gilbert, William L. Antrim, Jr.

Susqui-Centennial of Boehm's Reformed Church,
Blue Bell, Montg. Co., PA. (Anonymous, 1890, 149 pages)

History of Lower Merion Baptist Church, Montgomery County,
Penna. (Horatio Gates Jones, 1892, 22 pages)

The Old Trappe Church - A Memorial of the Susqui-Centennial Services of Augustus
Evangelical Lutheran Church, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (Ernest T. Kretschmann, 1893, 191 pages)
This is a history of the old church along with biographical sketches of the pastors.

History of Montgomery Baptist Chuch, Montgomery Township,
Montgomery County, PA (Edward Mathews, 1895, 55 pages)

Norriton Presbyterian Church, Montgomery County, Penna
(Charles Collins, 1895, 59 pages)
This publication presents a brief history of this church along with some church records. It also includes some historical and genealogical information regarding a few families associated with the church: Armstrong, Knox, McCrea, Norris, Porter, and Thompson.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Trinity, Norristown, Pennsylvania
(Publication Committee, 1896, 92 pages)
This is a souvenir history of the reconsecration of the church, September 15, 1895.

Records of Rev. John Casper Stoever Baptismal and Marriage 1730-1779
(Anonymous, 1896, 79 pages)
John Casper Stoever was an early and prominent minister serving the area of southeast Pennsylvania, principally the counties of Berks, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Montgomery and York. He recorded the details of the baptisms and marriages he performed, providing an early primary set of vital records.

Montgomery Hose and Steam Fire Engine Co., No. 1,
1847-1897 (Mark Thomson, 1897, 91 pages)

History of the Parish of St. Thomas' Church, Whitemarsh,
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (D. C. Millett, 1862, 1899, 27 pages)

A History of the Upper Dublin Evangelical Lutheran Church, Montgomery County,
Pennsylvania (Marion Gilbert Richard, 1903, 28 pages)

History of the Falkner Swamp Reformed Church 1720 - 1904
(Geo. W. Roth, 1904, 80 pages)
This publication presents a history of the church along with some of its records.

Revolutionary Soldiers Graves in Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County,
Pennsylvania (Dora Harvey Develin, 1906, 11 pages)

Church History of Audubon-Oaks-Perkiomen, Montgomery County,
Pennsylvania 1829-1909 (Caleb Cresson, Jr., 1909, 72 pages)
This publication includes a history of this church as well as brief biographies of some of its members.

Charles Wetherill Gumbes, M.D., Isabella B. (Gumbes) Cresson, Rev. Joseph Bloomfield Wetherill, William Henry Wetherill, Maria Lawrence (Wetherill) Janeway, Rev. John Livingston Janeway, D.D., William H. Gumbes, Rachel W. (Janeway) Hodge, Charles Foster, Emily M. Foster, Charles Porter Shannon, Charles T. Davis, George Miller, Christian Plush Miller, Joseph Burgents, and Elizabeth W. Hall.

A History of the Lutheran Church in New Hanover,
Montgomery County, Penna. (J. J. Kline, 1910, 721 pages)
This is a history of the church and its pastors. Over half the publication consists of church records: Baptisms, Catechumens, Marriages and Deaths.

All Saints Church, Norristown, Penna.
Historical Sketch 1889-1914 (Anonymous, 1914, 59 pages)

Historical Sketch of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of St. Paul's Church, Ardmore,
Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (Charles Walker Anschutz, 1915, 55 pages)

Old Churches and Meeting Houses In and
Around Philadelphia (John T. Faris, 1926, 337 pages)
This is a chronicle of various meeting places in the Philadelphia area, written to give some permanence to their record and place in history. From the Preface: "Some years ago, when the author was preparing the book "Old Roads Out of Philadelphia," he began to gather information about the Old Churches an Meeting Houses of Philadelphia and its neighborhood. The desire to put in permanent form some of the information secured was held in abeyance, partly because there was such wealth of material. Now that the book has been prepared, it has, of course, been found impossible to tell of all the institutions that have claim to a place among the Old Churches and Meeting Houses in and about Philadelphia. Limitation of space has made necessary the selection of typical organizations which dated to the years before the Revolution and, in the selection, interest for the general reader has been one of the author's guiding principles." Unfortunately, there are simply too many churches and meeting houses to list, but the publication is fully bookmarked and includes a complete index at the end.

Commemorative Meeting Held At Providence Meeting House, Upper Providence
Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (Chas. Major, 1929, 70 pages)
This is a brief history of the meeting, as well as some records. Also includes a genealogical sketch of the families of: Adamson, Ambler, Coates, Corson, Cox, Evans, Jacobs, Hamer, Harper, Hobson, Hopkins, Jarrett, Potts, Richardson, Robinson, Rogers, Starr, Thomas, Tyson, and Watson.

History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Trinity,
Norristown, PA. 1848-1938 (Malcolm H. Ganser, 1938, 183 pages)
This is a history of the church, also includes a list of all those baptized or confirmed from 1849 to 1938.

A Historical Narrative of the Sunday Schools of Montgomery County Pennsylvania
(Edward W. Hocker & Ronald E. Heaton, 1945, 51 pages)

Gwynedd Monthly Meeting of the Religious
Society of Friends 1699 - 1949 (Anonymous, 1949, 69 pages)
This pamphlet was prepared for the 250th anniversary of the Friends Meeting in Gwynedd, Montgomery County. It contains a brief history of the settlement of the township and the early beginnings of the Meeting House. It then discusses the growth of the congregation and the building and its property. The second half covers the history of the school associated with the Meeting. At the end is a list of the current (1949) members of Gwynedd Monthly Meeting.

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