Northumberland County, PA - Regional History Collection - Mount Carmel-Shamokin & Vicinity
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
View of Shamokin (P. S. Duval, 1853, Color)
This is a very early view of the town of Shamokin looking north-east. (*Not text-searchable*)
Map of the Borough of Shamokin (O. M. Fowler, 1873, B/W)
This is an early map of Shamokin showing the street layout and wards of the developing town. It also includes an illustrated view of the town looking south. (*Not text-searchable*)
Mount Carmel (1884, O. H. Bailey & Co.)
This is a view of the town of Mount Carmel looking south-east. The birds-eye view is surrounded by a number of illustrations of prominent homes, businesses and other features of the town. (*Not text-searchable*)
Shamokin (1884, O. H. Bailey & Co.)
This is a view of the town of Shamokin looking north-east. By the time of this view, the town had developed significantly due to the coal industry. The birds-eye view of the town is surrounded by over a dozen views of its prominent homes and businesses. (*Not text-searchable*)
Souvenir Art Edition of the Mt. Carmel Daily News, Illustrating
the City of Mount Carmel, Penna. (The Daily News, 1896, 38 pages)
According to the title page this booklet contains "Facts relative to its health, wealth and prosperity, together with statements showing its remarkable growth within the past few years and present importance in the mercantile world." Also, "its business, residential, educational, and religious advantages, trade, citizens, mining and manufacturing interests." Along with this historical information presented in this publication there are also over 50 photographs of the town of Mt. Carmel, Northumberland County, PA, its buildings or scenes from the area, and over 40 portraits of important citizens.
Business & Personal Sketches:
Maysville Park-Shamokin-Mt. Carmel Electric Railway, Mt. Carmel Iron Works, F. A. Smith, A. S. Clarkson, H. S. Fagley, Beddall & Wardrop, Keiser & Chester, St. Joseph's Polish Church, P. A. Magennis, W. F. Stine, George McFee, Robertson & Bro., Montelius Bakery, R. Brown, Simon's Cheap Store, George J. Moleski, Russian Catholic Church, J. H. Miller, Joseph Bierschmidt, Frank Schoener, J. C. Menagh, E. A. Adam, Jacob Heller, Mrs. Lipsiki, Thomas Carey, L. V. Employees, John S. Miller, The P. & R. Railroad, Jefferson Bros., Alex Halaburda, Rev. Fr. Kenney, Valley House, B. W. Kriner, The Y.M.C.A., Mt. Carmel Banking Co., John H. Goeser & Co., Fine Printing, Ralph Fleetwood, The First National Bank, The Mt. Carmel Colliery, Commisioner Cope, George Keefer, R. Davis, Edison Elec. Illuminating Co., Peter A. Stief, Bickel & Co., Joseph B. Young, L. Grossman, Edwards & Elliot, Samuel F. Weary, The Daily News, Congressman Kulp, Real Estate Exchange, H. Keller
History of Riverside and South Danville, Northumberland Co., PA 1906
(Ogden H. Ostrander, 1906, 70 pages)
This is a history of Riverside and South Danville, Northumberland County, PA. These neighboring towns were located across the river from Danville, Montour County. This publication provides a history of the towns and their residents. There is also a modern every-name index not originally included with the publication.
Souvenir of Shamokin and Vicinity (George V. Millar, 1908, 30 pages)
This photographic souvenir of Shamokin and vicinity, Northumberland County, PA, highlights views from all over town. It shows businesses and residences and other scenes from the area. It also has a brief sketch of the Eagle Run Brewery.
Souvenir of Trevorton Penna
(Published by G. V. Millar & Co., Scranton, ~1910, 18 pages)
This is a rare photographic souvenir of the coal town of Trevorton, Northumberland PA. It contains 16 views of the town and its buildings. Judging by the photographs, it was probably produced between 1890 and 1900.
Old Home Week and Light's Golden Jubilee - Mount Carmel, Penna
(Mount Carmel Chamber of Commerce, 1929, 80 pages)
This booklet is a brief history of the borough of Mount Carmel, Northumberland County, PA, and a commemoration of the creation of the first light. The history of the town is given on the top of each page, above an ad for a local business. This historical information touches on the first settlers of the area, the town's foundation and improvements over the years, its industries and business operations, etc. This is a rare and useful piece for historical research in the section of Pennsylvania.
Shamokin Diamond Jubilee 1864-1939 (Anonymous, 1939, 65 pages)
This booklet was written to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA from 1864-1939. It relates a history of the town and area and its development, particularly with reference to the coal industry. It also goes on to relate details of other industry in the town, some of the town's war history, sketches of its churches, schools, newspapers, etc. Along with the historical information there are also a number of historical photographs of places and people of the town. This publication also contains a program of events associated with the 75th anniversary celebration as well as lists of the residents who were involved.
Silver Jubilee 1914-1939 St. Casimir's Church,
Kulpmont, Penna. (Anonymous, 1939, 46 pages)
This is a 25th Anniversary history of St. Casimir's Church in Kulpmont, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania covering the period of 1914-1939. This was a Polish church in the area, and part of the publication is printed in Polish with English translation.
History of Trinity Lutheran Church Shamokin, Pennsylvania 1840-1940
(Richard Byers Martin, 1940, 90 pages)
From the Foreword: "It is the purpose of this work to gather the sparse fragments of the history of Trinity Lutheran Church, Shamokin, Pa., and together with additional source material assemble a historical continuity of facts relating to the church and its organizations, that these may be preserved in permanent form for the benefit of future generations in Trinity Church." This is a history of the formation and growth of Trinity Lutheran Church of Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA. Following the historical account there are several biographical sketches of past ministers
John Peter Shindel, Monroe J. Alleman, James Philip Willard, Charles John Ehrehart, Jacob Frederick Wampole, Jacob E. Keller, John R. Williams, Samuel Domer, Henry C. Haithcox, Philip Stansbury Hooper, John A. Flickinger, Laurent D. Wells, Charles Theodore Steck, William Edward Fischer, Richard Byers Martin
1845-1945 Centennial Year Book of The First Presbyterian Church of Shamokin
(100th Anniv. Committee, 1945, 57 pages)
This booklet is a history of the First Presbyterian Church of Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA, from 1845-1945. It covers the formation and growth of the church and its organizations. It includes a list of elders and trustees and pictures of numerous members of the congregation in 1945. Another nice feature is a list of members who served in World Wars I & II. The end of the publication is a directory of current members.
General Marshall's Victory Report [Shamokin & Coal Township]
(U.S. War Department, 1946-47, 212 pages)
This was published following the close of the war to provide the public with a general account of the war from beginning to end. The report was published for individual areas throughout the state, and each of these areas included a list of local men and women who served in the war. This report covers sections of Northumberland County, including Shamokin, Coal Township, [Brady, Coal Run, Boydtown], Bear Valley, East End, Edgewood District, Excelsior, Garfield, Lincoln District, Marshallton District, South Coal, Tharptown, and Trevorton Road.
1950 Directory - Grace Ev. Luth. Church, Shamokin
(Anonymous, 1950, 44 pages)
This is a directory of this Northumberland Co., PA church, listing current members and their addresses. It also contains a brief history of the church, and ads for local businesses.
100th Anniversary of Grace Ev. Luth. Church [Mount Carmel],
1855-1955 (Anonymous, 1955, 12 pages)
This is a brief history of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mount Carmel, PA and also a program of the events of its 100th anniversary celebration.
1905-1955 Golden Jubilee - St. Peters Church,
St. Pauls Chapel (Anonymous, 1955, 31 pages)
This is a 50th Anniversary history of two associated churches in Mount Carmel, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania covering the period of 1905-1955.
1883-1958 - Diamond Anniversary - Shamokin High School Alumni Association
(Shamokin High School Alumni Association, 1958, 290 pages)
This is a historical collage of Shamokin High School in Northumberland County, PA covering the years 1883-1958. It presents a great deal of historical information on the school, individual class-years and faculty. Along with the information are hundreds of photographs primarily featuring students and faculty. Also included is a year-by-year listing of class graduates.
Souvenir Historical Booklet - Mount Carmel, Pa. Centennial
1862-1962 (Anonymous, 1962, 56 pages)
This booklet was published as a souvenir history for the centennial celebration of Mount Carmel, PA in 1962. It presents an account of the town’s history and development along with sketches of many of its institutions.
Greater Shamokin Centennial 1864-1964 (Anonymous, 1964, 294 pages)
This is an extensive history of Shamokin and vicinity published for its centennial in 1964. The information is profusely illustrated with maps, illustrations and hundreds of photographs both historic and modern. It covers the period from indian times to the present (1964).
85th Anniversary - Chestnut Street Methodist Church,
Shamokin, Pa. (Anonymous, 1967, 40 pages)
This is a program of events for the 85th Anniversary of this church, along with a list of patrons supporting it and some ads for local businesses.
Kulpmont, PA, 1875-1975 (Anonymous, 1975, 95 pages)
This is a centennial history of the town of Kulpmont, Northumberland County, PA from 1875 to 1975. It provides a brief history of the town's beginnings and growth and a description of many of its businesses and organizations. Along with this information, there are also many photographs of the town's people and buildings and numerous ads for local businesses. This is an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research in this area.
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