Northumberland County, PA - Regional History Collection - Northumberland & Vicinity
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
Northumberland Pennsylvania (Bureau of Industry, 1910, 18 pages)
This booklet was written to highlight the town of Northumberland, Northumberland County, PA, as an attractive place to live and do businesses. It gives a brief description of its current (1910) state, as well as its attractive features. Especially noted are the town's railroad connections and prospects. Along with the information, there are several photographs of the town, a few of its businesses, churches, and the rail yard.
Buyers' Guide and Community Annual - 1924 Northumberland, Pa.
(The Susquehanna Press, 1924, 36 pages)
This annual booklet relates information on the town of Northumberland and vicinity through a series of short articles. This edition discusses the new bridge across the Susquehanna following the fiery destruction of the old wooden bridge the previous year. There are also brief articles on a new theatre, banks and a hotel. This is followed by an article on Joseph Preistly and another on Captain James Taggart. There are about a dozen other articles on various local subjects along with ads for local businesses.
Buyers' Guide and Community Annual - 1925 Northumberland, Pa.
(The Susquehanna Press, 1925, 36 pages)
This booklet contains a variety of material from various authors dealing with the borough of Northumberland, PA. The first article is entitled: “Not So Long Ago in Northumberland”. The next article provides brief sketches on a number of local residents or individuals somehow associated with the town: Dr. John Simpson, Mrs. Mary Kapp Sheppard, M. P Tierney, John A. Mitchell, Ralph P. Russell, and W. H. Calhoun. There are also other articles of historical interest as well as many ads for local businesses.
Buyer's Guide and Community Annual - Northumberland, Pa.
(Various Authors, published by The Susquehanna Press, 1927, 36 pages)
This booklet contains a variety of material from various authors dealing with the borough of Northumberland, PA. The first two articles cover the work of the Chamber of Commerce to improve the town. Other interesting articles include: "A Native and Former Resident Recalls the Town's Outstanding Characters, the Scenes and Pranks of His Boyhood", "Northumberland's Oldest Industry", and "Reminiscences of the First Pilgrimage to Northumberland." Other articles discuss the current events of the town and its organizations, and provide sketches of some of the town's current and former residents. There are also numerous ads for local businesses.
Amos E. & Clara Kapp, John Binns, Scott J. Corbett, Morris Gubin, Miss Jessie Wilson, William G. McCorkill, Miss Ida B. Weaver,
The Story of An Old Town - Northumberland 1829-1929
(The Susquehanna Press, 1929, 52 pages)
This booklet was published to commemorate the centennial of Northumberland Borough, Northumberland County, PA in 1929. It contains a number of articles relating to the history of Northumberland and its immediate vicinity near Sunbury, including some of its historic buildings and prominent residents. There are also numerous photographs and illustration of the town and its residents included.
Trinity Evangelical Church, Northumberland, Pa. - Dedicatory Services
of the Sunday School Building (Anonymous, 1933, 4 pages)
This is a program of services for this church as a list of church officers.
1897-1941 - Rededication Program - Trinity Lutheran Church,
Point Township, Northumberland County, PA (Anonymous, 1941, 8 pages)
This is a brief history of the church and a program for its rededication.
1791-1941 One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary Services
Northumberland Methodist Church (Anonymous, 1941, 15 pages)
This is a brief history of this church presented in chronological snippets. It also includes a list of pastors through its 150 years, and a membership roll of the church for 1941.
10th Anniversary of Services in Present Building - Trinity Evangelical Church,
Northumberland, PA (Anniversary Committee, 1942, 14 pages)
This presents a roster of church officials, a program of services, and a membership roll of the church for 1942.
Second Annual Minstrel - Northumberland Methodist Men
(Anonymous, 1943, 16 pages)
This is a program for this annual entermainment event.
Northumberland Methodist Men Present Their Fourth Annual Minstrel
(Anonymous, 1945, 16 pages)
This is a program for this annual entermainment event.
Our Town - Northumberland and How It Grew - Volume I
(Northumberland Junior History Club, 1945, 18 pages)
This is booklet presents a series of brief historical articles on the town of Northumberland, PA. Articles include: The Town's First Decoration Day, The Old Stone Mill, Early Churches of Northumberland, Shikellamy Hotel, The Part Northumberland Played in The Whiskey Rebellion, Joseph Priestley, John Mason and His Tower, The First Schools of Northumberland, Robert James Walker, The Northumberland Academy, The Banking Business of Old Northumberland, Oak Hall, Shikellamy Profile, Quaker Green, "Opera Houses" of Bygone Days, The VanAlen Nail Mill, and Noted Hostelries.
Our Town - Interesting Facts In Its History - Volume II
(Northumberland Junior History Club, 1945, 18 pages)
This booklet was published as a brief historical record of the vicinity of Northumberland, Northumberland County, PA. This edition covers such topics as: Norry’s Famous Football Team, Northumberland’s Industrial History, Religious Census of 1900, Northumberland in the Forties, Northumberland Considered for State Capitol, Early and Later Journalism, The Railroads of Northumberland, Old Bridges of Northumberland, and The Last Raft.
Our Town - Interesting Facts In Its History - Volume III
(Northumberland Junior History Club, 1946, 20 pages)
This booklet was published as a brief historical record of the vicinity of Northumberland, Northumberland County, PA. This edition discusses some early settlers of the region including Col. Philip Frederick Antes, Thomas Cooper, John Binns, Joseph Priestley, William Cook, John Lowden and John Mason. It also covers some of the town's organizations and concludes with a section dealing with the war history of the area.
General Marshall’s Victory Report [Northumberland]
(U.S. War Department, 1946-47, 138 pages)
This was published following the close of the war to provide the public with a general account of the war from beginning to end. The report was published for individual areas throughout the state, and each of these areas included a list of local men and women who served in the war. This report covers the area of Northumberland, PA.
1897-1947 - 50th Anniversary and 15th Annual Homecoming - Trinity Lutheran Church,
Point Twp, Northumberland Co., PA (Anonymous, 1947, 8 pages)
This is a brief history of the church, a program of church services and a number of portraits of pastors.
1897-1947 - Fifthieth Anniversary - Grace Lutheran Church,
Point Township, Pennsylvania (Anonymous, 1947, 18 pages)
This is a brief history of the church, and a program of church services. It also includes portraits of a number of pastors.
A Vision Fulfilled - Note Burning - Trinity Evangelical United
Brethren Church, Northumberland, Pa. (Anonymous, 1947, 8 pages)
This is a program of for this special service of the church.
Northumberland Civic Club Year Book 1950-1951
(Anonymous, 1950, 14 pages)
This is a brief listing of committee members of this civic association for the year 1950-51.
25th Anniversary of Building and Dedication - Trinity Evangelical
United Brethren Church, Northumberland, PA (Anonymous, 1958, 20 pages)
This is a roster of church officials, a program of services, a brief history of the church, and a membership roll of the church for 1958.
One Hundred and Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Services 1791-1966
Northumberland Methodist Church (Anonymous, 1966, 22 pages)
This is a brief history of the church, and a membership roll of the congregation for 1966. It also contains a number of photographs of previous pastors and views of the church.
1817-1967 - St. John's Lutheran Church, Northumberland, Pennsylvania
One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary (Anonymous, 1967, 30 pages)
This contains a brief history of the church, a list of previous pastors and photographs of councils, committees and other church groups. Finally there is a portrait membership roll, providing the name and a photograph of each of the current (1967) church members.
Trinity United Methodist Church, Northumberland, Pennsylvania
(Anonymous, 1971, 20 pages)
This is a brief history of the church, a program of church services, and a membership roll of the church for 1971.
Northumberland - Point Township Pennsylvania Bicentennial 1772-1972
(Bicentennial Historical Book Committee, 1972, 190 pages)
This is a bicentennial history of the town of Northumberland. It is presented in two sections, the first section being a reprint of the earlier history of Northumberland published in 1929. The second section presents more historical information on the town - some additional information to the 1929 material and other material from 1929 to the present (1972). Both sections are filled with illustrations and photographs of the town and vicinity and some of its citizens.
25th Anniversary 1947-1972 - Major General Uzal G. Ent Post 8298
Veterans of Foreign Wars (Anonymous, 1972, 32 pages)
This is a brief history of the VFW of Northumberland along with a number of photographs of its members through the years.
The Dedication Service of the Trinity United Methodist Church,
Northumberland, Pa. (Anonymous, 1977, 16 pages)
This is a brief history of the church, a program of church services.
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