Pennsylvania Welsh Collection
WL01 - Pennsylvania Welsh Collection
Historical Collections Relating to Gwyneed, 2nd Edition (Howard M. Jenkins, 1884, 1897, 472 pages)
This publication is a collection of historical and biographical material focusing on the townships of Gwynedd, and adjoining Montgomery (Montgomery County, PA), both of which were settled early by Welsh immigrants. It discusses these early settlers, and their role in the growth of the townships. A useful inclusion in this book are 38 pages of marriage and death records from some of the early meeting houses in the area: Haverford Monthly Meeting (1701-1812), Gwynedd Monthly Meeting (1715-1868), and Orthodox Monthly Meeting of Gwynedd (1832-1853). Also related are genealogical accounts of a number of early families and individuals: Cadwalader, Castner, Cleaver, Evans, Foulke, Hancock, Helffenstein, Hoxworth, Jenkins, Jones, Lewis, Medary, Morgan, Roberts, and Spencer.
Rev. Morgan John Rhys (John T. Griffith, 1899, 122 pages)
This publication is a sketch of the life and works of Rev. Morgan John Rhys, a Welsh Baptist Minister of the Philadelphia region, and of his wife, Ann Loxley Rhys. It also relates the genealogies of both the Rhys (Rhees) and Loxley families, and contains a biography of Morgan John Rhees, Jr., and William Jones Rhees. This publication is not an extensive work, but still presents information of a useful nature from the Philadelphia area of Pennsylvania.
Welsh Founders of Pennsylvania (Thomas Allen Glenn, 1911, 400 pages)
From the Preface:
"Fifteen years ago I published, under the title "Merion in the Welsh Tract," an account of the settlement by Welshmen of Merion, Radnor, and Haverford, in Pennsylvania, with particular reference to the former township. Since then a long residence in Wales has afforded me opportunities of ascertaining the parentage and birth-places in the Principality of many more of those who, about the close of the seventeenth century, left their native hills to become Founders of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I have also traced the lineage of some of these early colonists, and added much which it is hoped may prove of interest, and by way of verification, to several of those pedigrees which appeared in skeleton form in "Merion," and in "Gwynedd.
What has been gathered I here present to the public, trusting that this contribution to the history of my native State may be deemed of value, not only by the descendants of the Welsh pioneers, but also by those who may care to study the source from whence so many of Pennsylvania ancestry derive, at least in part, their marked abilities in the several professions, in finance, and in the successful management of great business enterprises." This publication was published without an index, however, the surnames are listed in the front in the Table of contents.
Surnames Included in Pedigrees:
Able, Aiken, Andrews, Anwyl, Arthur, Banks, Bendew, Bevan, Biddle, Borden, Brinton, Cadwalader, Cadwgan, Chew, Coates, Cook, Cooper, Coppock, Corbet, Corne, Cotes, David, Davies, Davis, Dickinson, Drexel, Eachus, Earle, Edward, Edwards, Ellis, Erskine, Evan, Evans, Flaidd, Fletcher, Foulke, Francine, French, Gibbons, Griffith, Griffiths, Hansell, Hardyman, Hare, Harry, Haverd, Hayes, Henri, Hent, Howel, Howell, Hugh, Hughes, Humphrey, Humphreys, Hunter, Iddings, James, Jarmon, Jenkins, John, Jones, Kinsey, Kirk, Kite, Lawson, Leasher, Levering, Levick, Lewis, von Lohr (Leer), Lloyd, McIlhenny, McKim, Maris, Martin, Matthews, Maurice, Means, Meredith, Meyrick, Miles, Miller, Minshall, Mitchell, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Mortimer, Myddelton, Neall, Newlin, Oakford, Oliver, Orme, Owen, Painter, Pardo, Parry, Peter, Philips, Potts, Powel, Price, Pritchard, Pugh, Rawle, Rees, Rhydderch, Rhys, Rhytherrach, Rice, Richard, Richards, Rider, Ringgold, Robert, Roberts, Rothers, Rowland, Samuel, Samuels, Scarlet, Scourfield, Sellers, Smith, Streeper, Thomas, Townsend, Troth, Thorne, Tudder, Tudor, Tunis, Tyson, Vaughan, Walker, Warner, Watkin, Whelan, William, Williams, Wisdom, Wister, Wynn, Wynne, Yale
Lloyd Manuscripts (Howard Williams Lloyd, 1912, 395 pages)
Full Title: "Lloyd manuscripts : Genealogies of the Families of Awbrey-Vaughan, Blunston, Burbeck, Garrett, Gibbons, Heacock, Hodge, Houlston, Howard, Hunt, Jarman, Jenkin-Griffith, Jones, Knight, Knowles, Lloyd, Newman, Paschall, Paul, Pearson, Pennell, Pott, Pyle, Reed, Sellers, Smith, Thomas, Till, Williams, Wood : Welsh records"
From the Preface: "The genealogical MSS. left by Mr Howard Williams Lloyd consist of a number of volumes of notes and correspondence relating to those early settlers in Pennsylvania from whom he was descended, and, incidentally, to some of their relations, neighbors, and posterity...."
Surnames Indexed: (with at least 4 occurrences)
Adams, Alberico, Allen, Anwyl, Armitt, Ashton, Aubrey, Awbrey, Bartram, Beard, Bennett, Bethel, Bevan, Blundeston, Blundson, Blundston, Blundstone, Blunston, Bois, Bonsall, Bound, Bowne, Bradshaw, Brown, Bunting, Burbeck, Burbicke, Cadwalader, Chamberlain, Chambers, Clayton, Cliffe, Colmer, Conway, Cooke, Cox, David, Davies, Davis, Duncan, Edge, Edward, Edwards, Einion, Ellis, Ellissey, Emlen, Evan, Evans, Fearn, Fearne, Fisher, Fletcher, Foulke, Franklin, Freeman, Frith, Garrat, Garratt, Garret, Garrett, Garrit, Gaved, George, Gethyn, Gibbons, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilpin, Goch, Gregory, Griffith, Gruffith, Gruffydd, Grundy, Gunter, Gwyn, Gwynn, Hallam, Hallowell, Harrison, Harry, Harvey, Harvard, Heacock, Herbert, Heycock, Hibberd, Hodge, Hopwood, Horne, Houlston, Howard, Howell, Hugh, Hughes, Humffrey, Humphrey, Hunt, Jackson, James, Jarman, Jenkins, Jerman, John, Johnson, Jones, Kendall, Kenricke, Knight, Knowles, Lawrence, Lewis, Lightfoot, Lincoln, Livezey, LLewelyn, Lloyd, Marshall, Mason, Maule, Maurice, Maxey, Mendenhall, Meredith, Meyricke, Miles, Minshall, Moore, Morgan, Moris, Morris, Mostin, Myles, Nanney, Needham, Newman, Nicholas, Noble, Orme, Orpwood, Osborne, Owen, Parker, Parry, Paschall, Passmore, Paul, Pearson, Pemberton, Penn, Pennell, Phillip, Pierce, Piers, Pool, Pott, Powel, Powell, Press, Price, Prichard, Pugh, Pye, Pyle, Rawle, Reed, Reede, Rees, Rhoads, Rhys, Richard, Roades, Robert, Roberts, Rowland, Scott, Sellers, Serrill, Shalcross, Sharples, Shaprless, Simonds, Smith, Storrs, Skyes, Taylor, Thomas, Till, Tuder, Vachan, Vaughan, Vernon, Vychan, Ward, Warner, Watkin, William, Williams, Wilmerton, Wilson, Wood, Worth, Wright, Wynn, Wynne, Yarnall,
Welsh Settlement of Pennsylvania (Charles H. Browning, 1912, 617 pages)
This publication is an extensive look at the early Welsh settlers of Pennsylvania. There is a huge amount of historical information related as well as a significant amount of genealogical data, including family ties, birth and death dates, etc.
Arranging Welsh settlement
Welsh land companies
Thomas and Jones' land patent
Merion adventurers
Families and lands of first arrivals
Families and lands of second arrivals
Lloyd and Davies' land patent
John Bevan's land patent
John and Wynne's land patent
Lewis David's land patent
Richard Thomas' land patent
Richard David's land patent
Welsh planters and servants
Welsh Friends' pedigrees
Annals of the Welsh settlers
Welsh Tract affairs
Welsh Tract townships
Merion, Haverford and Radnor
Friend's Meetings of the Welsh Tract
The History of Old St. David's Church Radnor, Delaware County, Pennsylvania (Henry Pleasants, 1915, 348 pages)
This publication is a history of the Old Welsh Church of St. Davids located in Radnor, Delaware County, PA. This church was formed very early in Pennsylvania's history by Welsh immigrants, and proved to be a lasting institution. This account chronicles the history of this church through the country's bicentennial. The Appendix contains some very useful information for genealogical or historical research. The first section contains a list of the internments in St. Davids Burial Ground from 1716-1914, some with brief genealogical notes. The second section is a list of church officers, early communicants, and subscribers. The third section contains biographical sketches of some of the early settlers who attended the church. There is no index included with this publication, however, the file is text-searchable.
Surnames from Biographical Sketches:
Brooks, Cornog (Cornock), Davis (Davies), Edwards, Evans, Godfrey, Gyger (Giger, Geiger), Harry, Hughes, Hunter, James, Jones, Lee, Mather, Morgan, Moore, Owen, Macue, Price, Sharratton, Sheaff, Siter (Cyter), Van Leer (Lear), Wayne, Weathersby, Wills
The Davis (Davies and David) Family in Wales and America (Harry Alexander Davis, 1927, 458 pages)
This publication chronicles the Davis family of Wales as it is immigrated and spread throughout America. About 2 dozen branches of the family are covered spanning the states of Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. There is also an every-name index in the back of the publication.
A Record of the Descendants of Robert Lloyd who came From Wales and Settled
in the Welsh Tract at Merion Pennsylvania About 1684 (R. Louis Lloyd, 1945, 71 pages)
This publication is a genealogical record of the Lloyd family of Merion, Montgomery Co., PA. It begins with Robert Lloyd and his wife, Lowry Jones, and details the descendants who came from them down to the date of publication.
Surmanes Indexed: (with 3 or more occurrences)
Allen, Baily, Batt, Baynes, Brooks, Brown, Cadwallader, Clayton, Coates, Collins, Cox, Downing, Gray, Hackman, Hart, Hill, Howell, Irving, James, Johnson, Jones, Leonard, Levis, Lewis, McIlvain, Miller, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Oakford, Parker, Paschall, Powell, Price, Remington, Roberts, Serrill, Sheppard, Smith, Souder, Taylor, Thomas, Townsend, Troth, Trueblood, Way, Williams, Wilson, Witter, Wood, Young
Gwynedd Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 1699 - 1949 (Anonymous, 1949, 69 pages)
This pamphlet was prepared for the 250th anniversary of the Friends Meeting in Gwynedd, Montgomery County. It contains a brief history of the settlement of the township and the early beginnings of the Meeting House. It then discusses the growth of the congregation and the building and its property. The second half covers the history of the school associated with the Meeting. At the end is a list of the current (1949) members of Gwynedd Monthly Meeting.
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