Philadelphia, PA - County, Regional, Miscellaneous History & Directory Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
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County Histories & Biographical Volumes
Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in the Olden Times
(John F. Watson, 1850, 1251 pages)
This is the 1850 edition of the 1830 original, and was updated greatly from that point. The full title of this publication is "Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania In the Olden Times; Being a Collection of Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Incidents of the City and Its Inhabitants, and of the Earliest Settlements of the Inland Part of Pennsylvania From the Days of the Founders Intended to Preserve the Recollections of Olden Time, and to Exhibit Society in Its Changes of Manners and Customs, and the City and Country in their Local Changes and Improvements."
This is an extensive work, published early in Pennsylvania's history. The first volume thoroughly covers the early history of Colonial Pennsylvania including its settlement and growth. Along with this it describes various aspects of society and daily life in those times. It then proceeds into a detailed discussion of the city of Philadelphia which includes dozen of illustrations of its important buildings. The second volume focuses on Pennsylvania's early history outside of Philadelphia. It discusses some of the early groups that settled the outlying lands, such as the Swedes, Germans, and Irish. This volume covers numerous other details of life in those times. Each volume has its own index.
Makers of Philadelphia - An Historical Work
(Charles Morris, 1894, 308 pages)
The full title of this publication is: "Makers of Philadelphia - An Historical Work Giving Portraits and Sketches of the Most Eminent Citizens of Philadelphia From the Time of William Penn to the Present Day."
From the Preface:
"The History of a city is, to a very considerable extent, the history of the men who, by their energy, ability, and public spirit, have made it what it is; the men to whose well-directed efforts is due the development of its municipal institutions, industrial interests, and standing in public estimation. This may be particularly said of Philadelphia, which has been the nursery of a succesion of able and patriotic citizens, whose influence has been steadily felt in the growth of its civic institutions, while many of them have won a reputation that extends throughout the civilized world. These men have been, in the fullest sense, the "Makers of Philadelphia," and deserved all the honor that can be given them by placing on record their careers. To them the city owes its origin and its prosperity, and it is due to them that the story of their lives and doings shall be preserved for future generations of Philadelphians to read and take example from." Each of the hundreds of biographies of these important men also includes a small portrait. This is a wonderful reference for historical or genealogical research in the Philadelphia area.
Surnames Indexed:
Abbot, Adams, Addicks, Agnew, Alexander, Allison, Archer, Ash, Ashmead, Ayer, Bache, Baily, Baird, Baker, Baldwin, Barnes, Bartram, Beck, Benson, Bergner, Biddle, Bingham, Binney, Bishop, Blanchard, Boker, Boyd, Brewster, Brinton, Brooke, Brown, Bullitt, Burroughs, Cadwalader, Campbell, Carey, Cassatt, Cassidy, Caven, Chapman, Childs, Chipman, Clay, Clothier, Coates, Colahan, Collum, Conner, Conover, Conrad, Conwell, Cooke, Cope, Cramp, Croskey, Dallas, Darlington, Davis, Deardorn, Dechert, De Coursey, Dickinson, Disston, Doak, Dobson, Dolan, Doran, Dreer, Drexel, Eisner, Elkins, Elverson, Esling, Etting, Evans, Farrelly, Field, Fitler, Fitzgerald, Ford, Forney, Forrest, Franklin, Frazer, Furness, Gazzam, Gilroy, Gimbel, Birard, Godey, Gorman, Gowan, Graff, Graham, Gray, Green, Grier, Griscom, Gross, Grubb, Hare, Harris, Harrison, Harrity, Hartshorne, Henry, Herring, Hodge, Holmes, Horstmann, Hotchkin, Howe, Huey, Huggard, Ingersoll, Irvin, Jayne, Jones, Jordan, Kane, Keim, Kelley, Kirkbride, Kneass, Knight, Knowles, Lambert, Landreth, Lang, Lea, Leidy, Lewis, Lippincott, Little, Littleton, Logan, McAleer, McArthur, McClellan, McClure, McConnell, McCook, McCreary, McDowell, McKean, McMichael, Mann, Mayer, Meade, Mendelson, Merchant, Meredith, Mooris, Morton, Morwitz, Mott, Muckle, Muhr, Mutchmore, Neagle, Neff, Norris, North, Oellers, Ogden, O'Neill, Paddock, Page, Pancoast, Patterson, Pattison, Paulding, Paxson, Peale, Peckham, Peirce, Penn, Pepper, Perot, Perry, Physick, Pollock, Potter, Potts, Poulson, Powel, Pratt, Preston, Preyost, Price, Pugh, Queen, Randall, Randolph, Rawle, Rittenhouse, Roberts, Rogers, Rothermel, Rush, Ryan, Sartain, Savidge, Scott, Sellers, Shapley, Sharswood, Sheppard, Shipley, Shippen, Shortridge, Simpson, Singerly, Sinn, Smedley, Smith, Snowden, South, Steel, Stetson, Stevens, Stevenson, Stoddart, Stuart, Sullivan, Sully, Supplee, Sutherland, Teller, Terry, Thayer, Thompson, Thomson, Tibbals, Tilghman, Vail, Vaux, Veale, Wagner, Waln, Walton, Wanamaker, Warburton, Wayland, Welsh, Wetherill, Wharton, Whitaker, White, Wiedersheim, Williamson, Wilson, Wistar, Wister, Wolsieffer, Wood, Wright, Yarnall, Young
Philadelphia and Notable Philadephians (Moses King, 1902, 232 pages)
This is an amazing collection of photographs dealing with the city of Philadelphia and prominent residents thereof. The Introduction notes the extent of this pictorial record: "Twenty-one hundred and fifty-two Philadelphia portraits and views are brought together in this volume: Fifteen hundred and sixty classified uniform portraits of Philadephians; a half hundred historic prints and nearly six hundred historical and photographic views, including one hundred and sixty-eight city and country homes. It is hoped they will interest the present generation and be of permanent biographical and historic value."
The publication starts with brief history of the city in general and then some of the more historic areas of the city. It then proceeds into the pictorial record, highlighting what is mentioned above. Each picture and portrait has a brief description. The pictures themselves are of good quality, but are not high resolution. There is an index included in the back, however, the last page is missing approximately half of its content due to page loss.
Philadelphia Pictorial and Biographical
(S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1911, 498 pages)
This publication is a modest biographical edition covering some of the leading and influential men of Philadelphia. Each of the biographies also include a portrait of the sketch subject. This is an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research in the Philadelphia area.
Surnames Indexed:
Acker, Anders, Armstrong, Ashton, Baile, Baugh, Beates, Bahrens, Bodine, Boice, Boston, Bradford, Brown, Bryan, Bullitt, Burpee, Carrigan, Carson, Chambers, Conwell, Coyle, Crawford, Croskey, Crowder, Cummings, Dare, Devlin, Disston, Dolan, Doran, Dreer, Ellis, Forsyth, Fose, Fouse, Garrett, Greene, Griscom, Gummey, Hallowell, Harned, Harrison, Harts, Hearn, Heekscher, Henszey, Hicks, Hilprecht, Hohlfeld, Houston, Hunter, Ketcham, Lawrence, Leaf, McClure, McCurdy, Mackay, Meeker, Meirs, Miller, Montgomery, Morgan, Morris, Moulton, Oberholtzer, Old, O'Reilly, Page, Peirce, Plumb, Poth, Potter, Purves, Reeves, Register, Remington, Roesch, Rushton, Schell, Schmidt, Search, Sellers, Shannon, Simpson, Smith, Souder, Steel, Stetson, Strittmatter, Supplee, Thomas, Thornton, Vare, Vogdes, Weightman, Wenger, Whitmer, Wight, Wilson, Wister, Woolley, Ziegler
Town, Township & Regional Histories
A History of the Townships of Byberry and Moreland, in Philadelphia, PA
From Their Earliest Settlement by the Whites to the Present Time.
(Joseph C. Martindale, 1867, 375 pages)
From the Preface: This "work embraces not only a history of the townships but also a sketch of their topography, geology, and mineralogy, a few biographical sketches of prominent individuals who resided in them, and a genealogical account of the Bolton, Carver, Comly, Duffield, Gilbert, Knight, Martindale, Saurman, Thornton, Tomlinson, Walmsley, Shearer, and Worthington families."
Early History of the Falls of Schuylkill, Manayunk, Schuylkill and Lehigh Navagation
Companies, Fairmount Waterworks, Etc. (Charles V. Hagner, 1869, 99 pages)
This is a history of the area of the Philadelphia region known as the Falls of Schuylkill and Manayunk. It gives an account of a number of old-time local residents, showing what life was like in this area.
Southwark, Moyamensing, Weccaco, Passyunk, Dock Ward for
Two Hundred and Seventy Years (Quaker City Publishing, 1892, 161 pages)
This publication is a "historical review of the founding, rise and progress of the southern portion of Philadelphia, comprising the territory lying below Walnut Street and east of Broad, including east of Third and South of Callowhill Street. With a description of that portion of the city at the present time and of its industries, commerce, manufactures, business institutions, civic, scientific and military organizations."
The main portion of this publication is a biographical section on the businesses in the southern Philadelphia region, which describes the proprietors and their respective business operations.
Businessmen or Businesses Reviews:
Abrahams, Adams & Smith, Joseph Adler, Thomas W. Allmond & Son, M. Alsberg & Son, O. N. J. Allen, James Alcorn & Co., R. Andrews, C. Amerling, George Badey, J. C. Bartlett, Frank Bachman, J. D. Ballentine, J. W. Badey, Geo. W. Beckett, Bennett Bros., J. R. Beale, J. H. Beck, C. Becker, Fred. Behmke, L. Braunagel, E. M. Bromel, Wm. Brown, Jr., W. N. Brown, D. G. Brown, L. Brooks, Chas. F. Brandt, Edward Biester, E. E. Birchett, Geo. D. Blemer, J. H. Botwright, L. Borgos, Louis W. Bonnin, Buck and Gallagher, M. Busch, Jacob Buehn, Jehu Burdsall, W. Burke & Son, J. C. Burr, Chas. Bien, Geo. Blundell, Francis Bloomer, Joseph Boyd, Byrne's Dry Goods, Edward Cassidy, Geo. L. Carty, Jas. Carmint, Jos. C. Cartledge, Catanach & Peterson, C. Eifler & F. Bernucca, J. & H. Cree, Miss L. Chatham, Frank Corson, Frank Cuneo, W. F. Cushings, Mrs Dr. H. M. Chapman, H. N. Dale, Davis 5 & 10, Chas. L. Davis, Chas. Devenny & Son, Jno. Devitt, Wm. Delker, Sam'l Doak, Jas. Doak, S. Dominguez, Thos. M. Dudley, L. Drucker, John H. Eckhardt, Geo. Eckhardt, J. Q. A. Erickson, Joseph Eichmann, Wm. Engle, E. H. Evans, H. F. Farrell, Fegley's Meat Market, H. S. Foster, A. Foster, Max Frank, J. French, P. J. Flanagan, Chas. Fichtel & Son, J. Garnier, J. P. Gaffney, S. Glickson & Co., Wm. Gordon, Gonzalez & Silvera, L. W. Gray, Griffin & Masterson, Jno. A. Graham, Thos. K. Graham, H. Greenbaum, Chas. A. Gillingham, Thos. H. Goldey, S. Goldman, Rose Goldstrom, Robt. M. Gibb & Co., Robt. Gunson, Giles McMichael & Co., Giles & Co., Alex. Green, Stanton H. Hackett, Wm. Hall, T. J. Hanratty, W. J. Hamilton, G. M. Harrison, R. I. Hartzell, Jno. Hazlett, L. Henderson, Geo. W. Hetrick, C. Held, E. W. Helm, S. P. Hegener, Hewitt's Meat Market, A. P. Heyl & Son, Mrs. M. A. Henon, Jno. Hughes, B. J. Hunt, Fred. Huber, M. B. Hubbell, C. E. Hindermeyer, M. Higgins, Hinkle, F. Horn, E. M. Horne, Mrs Carrie E. Howard, K. J. & E. Hoffmeister, Wm. Hill & Son, J. F. Hill, C. Immendorf, S. Joseph, U. Jones, W. B Jones, Jenness & McCurdy, M. C. Kamp, Ed. Karcher, Chas. Kaiser, Robt. Kelso, Kercher & Peterson, W. Kennedy, H. J. Klauder, Kenny Bros., E. H. Koch, Edward Korb, J. G. Krimmel, Oscar Krause, R. Koopman, Jas. E. Kees, N. M. Kueny, A. Lawrence, Frank Lauer, Owen Y. Landis, J. Lawley, Albert Lawrence, M. A. J. Lauer, Laurent, L. Larger, Isaac Lord, F. P. Leggett, Leiken Bros., Geo. W. Lord, J. S. Lowrey, B. Lunn & Son, H. Margolies, Geo. Manning, Jas. Maguire, M. Malone, Wm. T. Maltby, Frank Maguire, Joseph Mathers, Mrs. John McAndrew, Frank McGonigal, McKee & Tait, G. A. McFarlane, A. McCall, J. McCann, H. McCandless, D. F. McCallister, S. McClellan, McFall & Son, Jas. McGugan, McGinty & Co., A. B. McLaughlin, A. McManus, Frank McManus, Z. Metzner, Chas. O. Merrill, H. H. Meyer, Mrs. C. Melloy, Victor Michelotti, Chas. A. Miller, S. C. Miller, Mrs. M. Miller, Hugh Moreland, Moyamensign Plumbing Works, Jos. Mohr, Robert Monroe, J. B. Moroge, Jno S. Myers & Co.J. J. Mullins, Murray's Pharmacy, Sam'l Nathan, Joseph Nahrgang, H. J. Nickel, R. Nuttall & Son, O'Byrne & Ertel, Sam'l F. Oarchard, H. Oldden, Miss M. O'Gara, Wm. Patton, C. W. Pennington, G. M. Peppelman, H. Pearson, Harry Pritner, G. Present, Ed. A. Phillips, Miss L. K. Rauch, Wm. Raynor, Wm. E. Rash, Randolf & Boyer, Royal Tea and Coffee Co., Roundtree Bros., Joseph J. Roberts, L. Ringe, J. H. & K. Riordan, M. Rubenstein, Jno. Rotenbury, M. Rosenthal, Matthew Rogers, R. Rosenthal, J. F. Rice, Ripka Messrs. & Co., J. T. Sandman, Chas. D. Scott, Walter Scott, Mrs. J. Scott, H. G. Seybert, P. Seeber, Mrs A. S. Sibbits, Jeremiah Sullivan, Wm. Suelke, J. C. Steinman, M. Steward, James Stewart, H. Steinhart, Wm. Stuebing, J. H. Stuebing, C. Frank Stephens, Z. A. Shaw, J. C. Sherry, Louis Sherman, H. Shultz, Joseph A. Smith, H. J. Smith, Southwood's Floral Depots, H. G. Spellissy, Annie Sprout, Harry Swain, Frank P. Swift, Geo. T. Sharper, David Simpson, R. Taggart, Lewis Taylor, E. M. Taylor, J. H. Taylor, Harry Tamme, B. Tenneson, John Trainor, A. Trinkner, The Quaker City Bottling Co., Thwaites & Smith, The Accommodation Baggage Exp. Co., Margaret Thompson, P. Waldron, J. H. Waldron, D. Walton, W. M. Watson, J. B. Webber, Jas. West, Ed. Whitehill, Mrs. R. M. Wilson, Thos. J. Wiley, T. L. Wilgus, U. S. Wilgus, Wilson's Grocery Store, A. Wilson, Paul Will, Henry Wiechard, Jr., J. A. Wood, Workman's Oyster and Chop House, O. H. Wolhschlagel, Fred. Wolf, Wm. Young, Henry A. Young, H. B. S. Young, Ezekiel Yhost.
Old Historic Germantown (Naaman Henry Keyser, 1906, 104 pages)
According to the Preface: "This little volume was prepared at the request of the Pennsylvania-German Society. It is not intended as a history of Germantown, its purpose is rather to illustrate the German influence in the settlement and development of the most unique town in Pennsylvania in not in America."
It includes a general discussion of the town and its settlement, and its early residents, homes, mills, taverns, churches, etc. There are numerous photographs and engravings of historic buildings included as well.
Surnames Indexed:
Agnew, Andre, Asbury, Ashmead, Barr, Bechtel, Benner, Bensell, Billmeyer, Bockius, Boehm, Books, Bringhurst, Cassel, Chew, Dannenhower, Darrach, De La Plain, Deshler, Detweiler, Dewees, Dock, Donat, Dotterer, Dove, Drinker, Engle, Ernhardt, Falckner, Ferree, Fisher, Frank, Frey, Geisler, Gorgas, Gotschalk, Greeley, Grimes, Gumre, Haines, Harvey, Heath, Helffenstein, Hendricks, Hergesheimer, Hesser, Hogermold, Jansen, Jefferson, Junkin, Junkurth, Kalkglaser, Kalm, Kelpius, Keyser, Keurlis, Kin, Koster, Kunder, Lehman, Lennox, Logan, Ludwig, Mack, Macknett, Meng, Milan, Miller, Mushler, Musgrave, Nice, Pastorius, Papen, Philips, Randolph, Redheffer, Reger, Ritter, Rittenhouse, Royal, Saur, Schlatter, Schull, Selig, Shippen, Shoemaker, Sommer, Stokes, Stuart, Telner, Tilly, Townsend, Up de Graef, Van Bebber, Ban Lashet, Varick, Warner, Waterman, Watson, Weygandt, Weaver, Whitefield, Wister, Wood, Zinzendorf
Latest Views of Philadelphia (L. H. Nelson Company, 1907, 49 pages)
This publication was produced as a souvenir of the city of Philadelphia, PA. It contains over 80 photographs of historic buildings or locations around the city.
Birch's Views of Philadelphia (Abram Cox Stove Company, 1908, 36 pages)
This publication was originally published as a souvenir of the city of Philadelphia in 1800, by a notable engraver of the time, Wm. Birch & Son. In 1908 this historic publication was reproduced in connection with Founder's Week, by the Abram Cox Stove Company. This booklet contains over two dozen engraved illustrations in an around Philadelphia in the 18th Century [1700's]. Most of these highlight important areas of the city or notable buildings.
Quaint Old Germantown in Pennsylvania
(Julius Friedrich Sachse, 1915, 64 pages)
A paper read before the Pennsylvania-German Society at the annual meeting, Oct. 4th, 1912. It contains a very brief account of the town's history and early settlers. The main portion of the publication is a series of illustrations featuring historic buildings in the area.
The Guide Book to Historic Germantown
(Charles F. Jenkins, 1902, 1904, 1915, [Third Edition], 164 pages)
From the Preface:
"This little book is not a history of Germantown. Its aim is to present in as brief a way as possible the main historic facts connected with the town, and to arrange these facts in such a way that the sightseer may have no trouble in finding and identifying each particular site."
The publication does include a very basic history of the settlement of Germantown and the families which settled it, and also t includes a layout of the town with many illustrations of historical buildings found in the area.
Surnames Indexed:
Alcott, Armat, Ashmead, Barron, Chew, Clapier, Cushman, Drinker, Forrest, Godfrey, Gorgas, Jefferson, Kelpius, Kemble, Logan, Ludwig, McKean, Meade, Penn, Randolph, Rittenhouse, Saur, Shippen, Stuart, Warner, Washington, Welsh, Whitefield, Wister, Witherspoon, Witt, Zinzendorf
Quaint Corners In Philadelphia [Revised Edition]
(John Wanamaker, 1883, 1922, 435 pages)
This publication is a collection of history and anecdotes from the Philadelphia region. It is liberally illustrated and makes a nice addition to other resources for historical research in Philadelphia.
From the Preface:
"Originally written for one of the best weekly magazines ever issued in the United States, Our Continent, the various chapters were written by writers who not only knew their Philadelphia, but had a deep sympathy with their subject. They appeared in the pages of that publication during 1882 and 1883. At the close of the series they were collected and issued in the form in which they now appear under the title, A Sylvan City; or, Quaint Corners in Philadelphia.
It was a lively, entertaining, informative book, and gave an excellent idea of Philadelphia, its history, its institutions, and its own peculiar viewpoint, as they then existed. Moreover, the narratives were charmingly illustrated by some of Philadelphia's most attractive young illustrators..."
The Wissahickon Valley Within the City of Philadelphia
(Francis Burke Brandt, 1927, 144 pages)
This publication contains descriptions of a very scenic area in the Philadelphia region. It included a pictorial review of a number of locations in the Wissahickon Valley, which is good for historical research of the Philadelphia area.
Germantown, 1683 - 1933 (Edward W. Hocker, 1933, 330 pages)
This publication contains a discussion of the history of Germantown from its founding up into the 20th century. It begins with coverage of the town's founding in 1683 and discusses it's early settlers and history. It then goes into the Colonial period relates the changes that came to the town with the advance of years, new immigrants and shifting influences. The account then progresses through the Revolutionary War period and its growth and development afterwards. Next, the period from its incorporation in 1854 to the beginning of the 20th century is discussed, noting its continued development. It finally moves into the 20th century, and relates the further changes that came with time, including the technological and social forces that shaped it. The publication also includes a full index at the end.
Church, Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous Histories
Biographies of Successful Philadelphia Merchants
(James K. Simon, 1864, 244 pages)
This book is a collection of biographical sketches on the merchants and businessmen of Philadelphia. The sketches provide an account of the life and dealings of each individual in full, highlighting how they came to be leading men of the city. This book offers an interesting view into the history of Philadelphia.
Surnames Indexed:
Austin, Bispham, Boker, Breck, Budd, Bullock, Campbell, Carey, Carpenter, Cattell, Coates, Cope, Craig, Cummings, Davis, Derbyshire, Drake, Elmslie, Evans, Eyre, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Freed, Getty, Grigg, Henry, Jayne, Jordan, Kelly, Knight, Leaming, McHenry, Macalester, Massey, Mifflin, Morris, Musser, Oakford, Perot, Peterson, Richards, Ricketts, Ridgway, Rockhill, Seal, Shewell, Souder, Sparks, Thomas, Trucks, Vetterlein, Wetherill, Waln, Welsh, Young
A Record of the Burials of the Tablets and Grave-Stones in the Burial Grounds
of Christ Church, Philadelphia (Edward L. Clark, 1864, 694 pages)
This is a record of the graveyard of Christ Church, Philadelphia, a historic Pennsylvanian church. The publication includes hundreds of records, most of which are transcriptions of the headstone, not merely the name and dates. There is also an index at the end of the publication listing those covered.
Official Souvenir - 81st Annual Session Sovereign Grand Lodge I.O.O.F. Philadelphia,
September 18th to 23rd, 1905 (William J. Malcomson, 1905, 166 pages)
This is a descriptive and pictorial souvenir of the 81st Annual Session of I.O.O.F. held in 1905 at Philadelphia. It gives a description of Odd Fellowship and its origins in addition to a description of the celebration. The book also includes information on many members including biographies of some and photographs of many others.
Philadelphia in the World War 1914-1919
(The Philadelphia War History Committee, 1922, 780 pages)
This publication is a rather extensive collection of information concerning the involvement of Philadelphia and its resources and residents in the efforts of World War I.
From the Foreword:
"Philadelphia's patriotism and unswerving loyalty to the Nation were never more plainly manifested than during the World War. Her people gave without stint, of their time and their means; many were wounded, and some, alas, made the supreme sacrifice at their Country's call. It is appropriate that a record of their work shall be preserved in permanent form for widespread circulation. Interest and sentiment alike suggest that all information concerning the activities of Philadelphians, whether in military, naval, civil, industrial or financial circles during the war, shall be preserved for historical reasons, and is an inspiration to future generations."
Old Churches and Meeting Houses In and Around Philadelphia
(John T. Faris, 1926, 337 pages)
This is a chronicle of various meeting places in the Philadelphia area, written to give some permanence to their record and place in history.
From the Preface:
"Some years ago, when the author was preparing the book "Old Roads Out of Philadelphia," he began to gather information about the Old Churches an Meeting Houses of Philadelphia and its neighborhood. The desire to put in permanent form some of the information secured was held in abeyance, partly because there was such wealth of material.
Now that the book has been prepared, it has, of course, been found impossible to tell of all the institutions that have claim to a place among the Old Churches and Meeting Houses in and about Philadelphia. Limitation of space has made necessary the selection of typical organizations which dated to the years before the Revolution and, in the selection, interest for the general reader has been one of the author's guiding principles."
Unfortunately, there are simply too many churches and meeting houses to list, but the publication is fully bookmarked and includes a complete index at the end.
Official Program - Pennsylvania State Camp Patriotic Order of Americans
(Anonymous, 1927, 20 pages)
The Mercantile Agency Reference Book, July 1889 [Philadelphia]
(R. G. Dun & Co., 1889, 47 pages)
The Mercantile Agency Reference Book was published as a reference work for banks and financial institutions. It was originally published for use by private institutions, not mass produced for the general public, therefore relatively few were published of each edition. Also, it was published each year (and in some cases multiple times a year). As such, each subscribing business was instructed to destroy older copies when newer ones were received. Those factors make this publication is a rare resource today. What makes this edition especially useful today is that is was published shortly before Federal Census of 1890. This Census was damaged by fire in 1921 and the damaged originals were authorized to be destroyed by 1935. Less than 1% of the Census remains to this day, leaving a void for genealogists and historians. Although this publication does not contain the same information as the Federal Census of 1890, the information contained within is quite useful for research, and includes financial information the census did not.
This edition covers the city of Philadephia, Pennsylvania, and includes an estimated 20,000 separate listings The information is arranged alphabetically and includes the name of the establishment or business owner, the type of business, the estimated wealth of the business and its general credit rating. Since this was originally published for private institutions there are no ads for local businesses included.
Telephone Directory Philadelphia & Vicinity - January 1911
(Bell Telephone Co. of PA, American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
& Diamond State Telephone Co., 1911, 568 pages)
This is a telephone directory for Philadelphia and surrounding areas for the year 1911, including sections of New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Delaware and Virginia. The areas of Pennsylvania covered are the city of Philadelphia, and Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties.
Towns Included:
Abington, Allentown, Ambler, Andalusia, Ardmore, Atglen, Atlantic City, Avondale, Bargaintown, Barnegat City, Beach Haven, Bellemead, Berlin, Berwyn, Bethayres, Beverly, Blackwood, Belmont, Bordontown, Bridgeton, Bristol, Bryn Mawr, Buckingham, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cedarville, Center Point, Cheltenham, Chester, Chester Heights, Chester Springs, Chestnut Hill, Coatesville, Collegeville, Collingswood, Concordville, Conshohocken, Cookstown, Cranbury, Cynwyd, Darby, Devon, Dividing Creek, Downingtown, Doylestown, Eddington, Egg Harbor, Eagle, Elmer, Exton, Fox Chase, Gibbstown, Glassboro, Glen Mills, Glouchester, Grenloch, Haddon Heights, Hatboro, Hightstown, Hockessin, Honeybrook, Imlaystown, Iona, Jacksons Mills, Juliustown, Kemblesville, Kennet Square, Lakewood, Langhorne, Lambertville, Lansdale, Lansdowne, Laurel Springs, Lawrenceville, Lenape, Line Lexington, Llanerch, Longport, Lumberville, Marcus Hook, Marsh, Mays Landing, Medford, Media, Melrose, Mendenhall, Merchantville, Merion, Millville, Moorestown, Morrisville, Morton, Mount Holly, Mullica Hill, Narberth, Newark, New Castle, New Egypt, New Hope, Newtown, Newtown Square, Norristown, Northmont, North Wales, Oak Lane, Ocean City, Ogontz, Overbrook, Oxford, Paoli, Parksburg, Passer, Paulsboro, Pemberton, Penington, Pennsburg, Penn's Grove, Perkasie, Phoenixville, Pitman, Plainesboro, Pleasantville, Plymouth Meeting, Point Norris, Point Pleasant, Port Kennedy, Pottstown, Princeton, Pughtown, Quakertown, Ridley Park, Riverton, Rosenhayn, Royersford, Salem, Sea Isle City, Schwenksville, Sellersville, Sharon Hill, Somers Point, Souderton, Springtown, Sugartown, Swarthmore, Swedesboro, Sykesville, Toms River, Trenton, Tuckerton, Union Station, Vineland, Waretown, Wayne, Wenonah, West Chester, West Grove, Westville, Whitemarsh, Wildwood, Williamstown, Willow Grove, Wilmington, Woodbine, Woodstown, Wrightstown, Wycombe, Yardley
The Germantown Red Book - November, 1915
(Gill Publishing Company, 1915, 44 pages)
This is a social directory of the Germantown, PA area near Philadelphia. It provides the names, addresses and telephone numbers of approximately 3,900 residents in 1915. There are also a number of ads for local businesses throughout.
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