Schuylkill County, PA - Church, Family, Education, Military and Misc History Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as PDFs. You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended. Unless notes, each of these files are text-searchable.
Memorial of the Patriotism of Schuylkill County in the
American Slaveholder's Rebellion (Francis B. Wallace, 1865, 559 pages)
The full title of the publication is: "Memorial of the Patriotism of Schuylkill County in the American Slaveholders Rebellion, embracing a complete list of the names of all the volunteers from the county during the war; patriotic contributions by the citizens; list of the names of those who fell in battle or died by disease; descriptions of the part taken in various engagements by our regiments, with casualties; chronological record of the principal events of the rebellion; biographical sketches of prominent officers and of surgeons from the county, & c., accompanied by a plate of portraits of generals and colonels from the county, and a map of the southern states with the battle fields marked."
Officers Sketched:
Gen. James Nagle, Gen. George C. Wynkoop, Gen. Benjamin C. Christ, Gen. Joshua K. Sigfried, Col. Henry L. Cake, Col. Jacob G. Frick, Gen. Henry Pleasants, Col. George W. Gowen, Col. I. F. Brannon, Col. Daniel Nagle, Col. William H. Lessig, Col. John E. Wynkoop, Col. Robert H. Ramsey, Lieut-Col. William Thompson, Lieut-Col. Frank T. Bennett, Lieut-Col. J. A. Hennessey, Maj. E. H. Leib, Maj. Edward C. Baird, Maj. Joseph A. Gilmour, Maj. Lewis J. Martin, Capt. Benjamin B. Schuck, Capt. H. A. M. Filbert, Capt. Horace Bennett, Capt. James Silliman, Capt. Herman G. Krauth, Lieut. Nicholas E. Wynkoop, Lieut. William Cullen, Lieut. William H. Hume, Lieut. William Laubenstine, Lieut. David B. Brown, Lieut. George H. Gressang, Lieut. Joseph Edwards, Lieut. Henry C. Jackson, Lieut. Curtis Clay Pollock, Lieut. Ernest T. Ellrich, Lieut. John Dougherty, Lieut. John T. Hannum
Surgeons Sketched:
John T. Carpenter, D. J. M'Kibbin, Henry Chester Parry, Henry R. Silliman, D. Webster Bland, O. M. Robbins, Thomas Turner, J. B. Brandt, P. R. Palm, J. H. Kauffman, George W. Saylor, C. P. Herrington, F. J. Kern, Charles, H. Haeseler, Douglass R. Bannan, Theodore Augustus Helwig, J. Burd Peale
Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Northern] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 125 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from a dozens of towns throughout north, central and western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.
-- From Pottsville: -- D. G. Yuengling & Son Eagle Brewery, F. B. Bannan's Steam Heating and Machine Works, Pennsylvania Diamond Drill Company, L. C. Thompson, Jacob Ulmer, Lorenze Schmidt, Custer & Middleton, Weed & Sailor, C. F. Kopitzsch, L. H. Gottschall, Miller Dillplane & Uhler, Laflin & Rand Powder Co., W. H. Mortimer, Herman Rabenau, Lewis C. King, The Orchard Milling Co., Limited, Rubinsky & Bro., D. L. Esterly, James W. Bowen, F. H. Nusbaum, Edward Brady & Co., Daniel Schertle, Seff & Jacobs, M. A. Nichols, -- From Shenandoah: -- Columbia House, The Ferguson Opera-house and Hotel, Ferguson House, M. C. Watson, David Faust, Daniel Ellis Jr., J. P. Williams & Bro., Johns D. Evans, F. J. Portz, G. W. Beddall, M. J. Whalen, The Singer Manufacturing Company, Charles A. Stwegel, Shenandoah Beef Co., John Portz, George Robinson, Watson House, Michael O'Hara, -- From Ashland: -- Peter E. Buck's Mercantile Establishment, B. M. Slobig, Ashland Iron Works, Citizens' National Bank, W. A. Wolff, Michael J. Monoghan, Nicholas Graeber, Ashland Boiler Flour Mills, Thomas P. Samuels & Bro., Louis Biltz, Bee-Hive Grocery, J. Wallauer Jr., J. B. Price & Sons, H. J. Constien, Edward Sutte, Dr. L. A. Snyder, William Landefeld, Rees T. Davis, Michael Groastz, Ashland House. C. W. Fenstermacher, August Koepke, Mansion House, Spangler & Bro., William H. Bright, F. Granzow, H. J. Ostheimer, M. Yost, J. B. Keim & Co., George S. Keiper, James S. Wythe, Samuel Fenstermacher, -- From Manahoy City: -- First National Bank, Brown & Adam, Seligman & Co., William Keegan, W. D. Reynolds & Co., H. K. Smith, William Spargo, Quin's Meat Market, Derrick House, Chas. Rensinger & Son, M. Coan Jr., Lewis' Drug-store, E. P. Lear's, J. B. Irish, R. T. Lewis, A. Ostheimer, E. F. Smith & Son, Mansion House, J. L. Bricker, J. W. Snyder, F. B. Wagner, Alexander A. Weber, John Lavelle, J. H. Enich, G. W. Stitzer, A. D. Restenberger, Isaac Lefkewitsh, Frank Myers, Smith & Bro., -- From Girardville: -- Peter Griffiths, R. F. Gill, T. K. Bright, Grant House, J. F. Shaw, Joseph M. Glick, I. Reith
Industries and Wealth of the Principle Points in Southeastern Pennsylvania
(Excepting Philadelphia) Embracing Dauphin, York, Lancaster, Schuylkill,
Berks, Bucks, Montgomery, Chester and Delaware Counties
(American Publishing and Engraving Co., 1890, 148 pages)
This publication contains sketches of industrial and economic significance from the major populated areas of southeastern PA. These commercial sketches provide a rare look at many of the businesses and business people of Pennsylvania before the 20th Century.
-- From Pottsville: -- D. G. Yuengling & Son, Charles Rettig, New York Life Insurance Company, Beecher & Sober, City Business College, L. C. Thompson, Hirshler & Fox, Albert Cable, Potomac Lumber Company, Joseph V. Wingert, J. W. Beecher, Herman Rabenau, F. M. Hulett, Bard Wells, The Anthracite Electric Light and Power Co., H. S. Thompson, Glen Union Lumber Co., C. B. Sillyman, The Standard Shirt Company, Wm. E. Boyer, F. P. Mortimer, Rosengarten Bros., Frank Hause, W. B. Fegley, L. Laubenstein, C. F. Seltzer, William F. Scheerer, Augustus Fox, James Focht, Simon Derr, R. J. Mills, Evan T. Jones, E. E. Reed, Baird Snyder, J. E. Fredericks, A. M. Allen, Knies's Shoe Store, -- From Ashland: -- Goyne Bros, L. C. Voshage, The Citizen's National Bank, Mansion House, Gust Reitzen, John Dence, Ashland House, Herman J. Stief, -- From Shenandoah: -- David Faust, City Hotel, The Improved Hat and Cap Manufacturing Company, Ferguson House, Ferguson House Drug Store, Daniel Ellis, J. J. Price, Kalback & Mease, C. H. Hagenbuch, O. S. Keller, C. D. Fricke, Geo. W. Beddell & Bro., H. A. Swalm, L. Ring, -- From Manahoy City: -- J. R. Hagenbuch, Clint Haines, Samuel Britton, G. W. Dennis, Mansion House, City Hotel, A. & D. M. Hoppes, W. J. Cleary, Lewis Grim, William Morgan, C. A. Van Horn.
Records of Rev. John Casper Stoever Baptismal and Marriage 1730-1779
(Anonymous, 1896, 79 pages)
John Casper Stoever was an early and prominent minister serving the area of southeast Pennsylvania, principally the counties of Berks, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Montgomery and York. He recorded the details of the baptisms and marriages he performed, providing an early primary set of vital records.
Scotch-Irish Pioneers of the Schuylkill Valley, PA with Notes
Relating to the Porter Family (Samuel Gordon Smyth, 1901, 13 pages)
This brief pamphlet discusses the Scotch-Irish settlers of the Schuylkill Valley, with particular reference to the family of Robert Porter who settled in the area after moving from New Hampshire about 1740.
Maps & Atlases (*** These files are not text searchable ***)
1830 Schuylkill County Pennsylvania (H. S. Tanner, Color)
1855 A Map of Schuylkill County Penna (P. W. Sheafer, Color)
1863 Map of Schuylkill County Pennsylvania (James D. Scott, Color)
1864 Map of Schuylkill County Pennsylvania (James D. Scott, Color)
1875 County Atlas of Schuylkill Pennsylvania (F. W. Beers & Co., 104 pages, B/W)
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