Sullivan County, PA - Everything Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA. This collection includes all of the individual collections covering Schuylkill County, PA (Please see individual collection listings for detailed descriptions of titles.)
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
SL01 - Sullivan County PA - Everything Collection (All Material on Sullivan County)
County History & Biography Collection
Book of Biographies. Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of the
17th Congressional District, Pennsylvania. (Biographical Publishing Company, 1899, 680 pages)
This publication is a collection of biographies from the areas of Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, and Sullivan Counties in Pennsylvania. This information highlights many of the important men and families who helped this part of Pennsylvania to prosper over the decades. This is an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research, and a nice addition to the other historical / biographical volumes published for this area.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Alexander, Angle, Arment, Armstrong, Aucker, Auten, Avery, Baker, Baldy, Barton, Beahen, Bealor, Beaver, Beck, Bedford, Bennett, Bergstresser, Betts, Bigger, Binder, Bird, Black, Bloom, Bobb, Bogardus, Boody, Botsford, Bower, Boyd, Breckel, Breece, Brennen, Brewster, Bright, Brobst, Brong, Brower, Brown, Bryfogle, Buck, Buckalew, Buddinger, Burg, Cadwallader, Cake, Camp, Campbell, Carl, Caswell, Cathcart, Catterall, Chalfant, Chester, Christian, Clement, Clifford, Colt, Conner, Cotner, Creasy, Croninger, Cruikshank, Cummings, Davenport, Davis, Dean, DeArmond, Deeter, Deininger, Derby, Dewart, Dickson, Diemer, Dillon, Diltz, Divel, Dorr, Drinker, Dunlap, Eckman, Edgar, Edwards, Elliott, Elwell, Erieg, Evans, Everett, Evert, Eves, Fagely, Faughnan, Faust, Fawcett, Ferris, Fertig, Fischer, Fisher, Fleming, Flynn, Forrester, Forry, Fosnot, Frick, Fritz, Fruit, Funk, Furmann, Gallagher, Gamble, Gansel, Gardner, Garr, Gearhart, Geisinger, Gibbons, Gilbert, Glenn, Glockler, Goeser, Golembiewski, Goodwill, Gorrey, Graham, Green, Grier, Gross, Grotz, Haas, Haley, Hall, Hamilton, Hancock, Hanion, Hannon, Harding, Harman, Harpel, Harris, Harrison, Harter, Hartman, Hartzell, Hassert, Hawley, Hazen, Heim, Heller, Hemingray, Hemingway, Hempsted, Hennessy, Herr, Herring, Higbee, Higgins, Hill, Hinckley, Hoffman, Hollenback, Hollister, Holloway, Holmes, Hoover, Horn, Houck, Howells, Huber, Hubler, Huckell, Hugo, Hull, Jefferson, John, Johnson, Jury, Karns, Kase, Kashner, Kay, Kearney, Keefer, Keim, Keiser, Kennedy, Kiefer, Kimble, Kitchen, Kliem, Kline, Knapp, Knight, Koch, Kocher, Kohlbraker, Konstankiewicz, Kopp, Kreamer, Kremer, Kreitzer, Krickbaum, Kulp, Kurtz, Laird, Lancaster, Laubauch, Lay, Leader, Leisering, Lesher, Lewis, Lilley, Little, Logan, Lonshore, Lorenz, Lotier, Low, Lowry, Luckenbill, Ludy, Magargel, Markle, Mason, Mauser, May, McBride, McCarthy, McCleery, McEliece, McElwee, McFarlane, McHenry,McKamey, McKillip, McWilliams, Mears, Meek, Mercer, Merithew, Meuwese, Meylert, Miller, Misicki, Momley, Monroe, Montelius, Montgomery, Moody, Moore, Morehead, Morton, Mowrey, Mullen, Myers, Newbaker, Newman, Norton, Oram, Osler, Ostrander, Packer, Pardoe, Paules, Pealer, Pensyl, Peterman, Phillips, Plumstead, Polk, Price, Priestly, Purcell, Purman, Quick, Quirk, Rabb, Raessler, Raker, Ramsey, Randall, Ratti, Raup, Reber, Rebman, Redeker, Reed, Reese, Reichert, Reimard, Rhawn, Richard, Richardson, Riehl, Robbins, Robertson, Robison, Rockefeller, Rogers, Rohrbach, Rothrock, Ryon, Rutter, Sands, Sanger, Savage, Savidge, Schaffer, Schill, Schlief, Schmick, Schneder, Schoener, Seely, Seibert, Seiler, Shannon, Sharpless, Sharretts, Shay, Shew, Shindel, Shipman, Shultz, shuman, Sidler, Slate, Small, Smink, Smith, Snyder, Sollenberger, Sowers, Stager, Starr, Staver, Stearns, Sterling, Stroh, Stroup, Sult, Supplee, Sweisfort, Swenk, Taggart, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Van Dyke, Vannan, Vastine, Vincent, Visick, Wallize, Walter, Walton, Watkins, Webster, Weicksel, Wells, Welsh, Wendling, Werkheiser, West, White, Whitley, Wiest, Wilcox, Williams, Willits, Wilson, Wolverton, Woodin, Wragg, Yost, Young, Zimmeman, Zuern
Memorial Edition History of Sullivan County Pennsylvania
(George Streby, Clara A. Streby, 1903, 1921, 530 pages)
This publication was produced as the first complete history of Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. Originally published in parts in local newspapers, it was later complied together, updated and published as a complete volume by the authors daughter. This history covers each township individually, and provides a wealth of information on the settlers and growth of each area. Along with the historical narrative, there is a wealth of genealogical information on the inhabitants of the county.
Sullivan County Pennsylvania “Endless Mountains”
(Anonymous, 1933, 48 pages)
This is a pictorial and descriptive souvenir on Sullivan County, PA. It highlights the county and give brief sketches of some of its officials. It also sketches some of its major business operations, as well as the natural and scenic attractions of the area.
Maps Atlases & Images
1872 Topographical Map of Sullivan Co. Pennsylvania
(F. W. Beers and A. Pomeroy & Co., Color) ** Not Text-searchable **
Telephone Directory May 1911 - Williamsport, Bellefonte, Lock Haven
and Nearby Places (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1911, 64 pages)
This is a telephone directory of parts of Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan, and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1911. It lists 1,000's residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's (or business) name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Allenwood, Antes Fort, Antes Gap, Avis, Axemann, Bastress, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bitumen, Blanchard, Blueball, Bodines, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mills, Bucknell, Buffalo Roads, Buffalo Run, Castanea, Center Hall, Centre Mills, Chamouni, Chippewa, Clarks, Clintondale, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Collomsville, Colyer, Coveytown, Curtin, Dewart, Dice, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Earleystown, East Lewisburg, English Center, Essick Heights, Farrandsville, Farwell's Addition, Fielder, Filmore, Fleming, Flemington, Forest Hill, Frenchtown, Gatesburg, Gleasonton, Glen Iron, Glen Mawr, Halls, Hartleton, Hecla, Hillsgrove, Hoffas Mills, Houserville, Howard, Hughesville, Hyner, Jersey Shore, Julian, Kelly Cross Roads, Kelly Point, Kreamersville, Lairdsville, Lake Ganoga, Lamar, Laporte, Larrys Creek, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lewisburg, Limestoneville, Linden, Linntown, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Lopez, Madisonburg, McEwensville, Mazeppa, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Milton, MIngoville, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, New Berlin, Newberry, Newberry Junction, New Columbia, Nisbet, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, North Point, Oriole, Oval, Paradise, Paradise Valley, Penn Hall, Pennsdale, Peru, Picture Rocks, Pine Creek, Pine Run, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Valley, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Pottsgrove, Queens Run, Ralston, Rauchtown, Rays Church, Rebersburg, Red Mill, Red Top, Renovo, River Roads, Roaring Branch, Rockville, Roland P.O., Roopsburg, Rotes Mills, Runville, Rutherton, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Salona, Satterfield, Shintown, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Sonestown, South Renovo, South Williasmport, Spring Bank, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stormstown, Strawbridge, Swengle, Taylorsville, Trout Run, Turbotville, Unionville, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, Whetham, White Pine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Winfield, Wingate P.O., Wolfs Store, Woolrich, Woodward, Yarnell, Zion
Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Carbondale, Hawley, Hazleton, Honesdale,
Pittston and Nearby Places Telephone Directory January 1917
(Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1917, 210 pages)
This is a telephone directory of covering parts of Bradford, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Pike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming Counties, PA for the year 1917. The directory lists over 1,000's of residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's name, street address and telephone number (arranged alphabetically by town). There are also some ads for local businesses included.
Towns Included:
Adelia, Albert, Alden, Alderson, Alford, Alum, Archbald, Ariel, Arlington, Asbury, Ashley, Askam, Auburn, Auburn Centre, Auburn Four Corners, Audell, Audenried, Avery, Avoca, Avondale, Avoy, Bald Mount, Bardwell, Barnum, Baylor Pond, Beach Lake, Bear Creek, Bear Lake, Bear Swamp, Beaumont, Beaver Brook, Beaver Meadow, Beaver Valley, Beech Grove, Beisels, Beisel's Corner, Bendertown, Benscoter, Bernice, Bethany, Birchardsville, Black Creek, Black Ridge, Black Walnut, Blakely, Balkeslee & Fern Ride Tel. Co., Blandin, Blooming Grove, Bloomingdale, Blytheburn, Bohemia, Bone Ridge, Boston, Settlement, Bowman's Creek, Brandonville, Brandts, Breslau, Briggsville, Broadway, Brodericks, Brooklyn, Brookside, Brown's Grove, Browntown, Buck Hill Falls, Bunker Hill, Bunnell Hill, Bunnelltown, Buttonwood, Butzbach, Calapoose, Cambra, Campbellsville, Canadensis, Carbondale, Carley Brook Carney, Carverton, Caryl's Station, Cease's Mills, Ceasestown, Center Moreland, Chase, Chauncey, Cherry Ridge, Childs, Chinchilla, Clark's Corner, Clarks Green, Clarks Summit, Clemo, Cliffside, Clifton, Coleraine, Colley, Conyngham, Cooper Hill, Cortez, Courtdale, Coxton, Craig, Cranberry, Cresco, Crosses, Crystal Lake, Crystal Springs, Cumming's Pond, Daleville, Dallas, Dalton, Deckertown, Deckerville, Demunds, Dickson, Dicksville, Dimock, Dixon, Doolittle, Dorrance, Dorranceton, Drifton, Drinker, Drums, Dundaff, Dunmore, Dupont, Duryea, Dushore, Dyberry, East Benton, East Butler, East Dallas, East Dimock, East Honesdale, East Lemon, East Lynn, East Plymouth, East Rush, East Swiftwater, Eatonville, Eckley, Edwardsville, Eldredsville, Elk Lake, Ellsworth Hill, Elmdale, Elmhurst, Estella, Evan's Falls, Evergreen, Exeter, Exeter Borough, Factoryville, Fairdale, Fairmont, Fairmount Springs, Fairview, Fairview Lake, Fairview Station, Falls, Fernbrook, Fern Glen, Fernheim, Fern Ridge, Fields Brook, Fleetville, Folstown, Forest Castle, Forest City, Forest Lake, Forks, Forkston, Forksville, Fortenia, Forty Fort, Foster, Franklin Forks, Freeland, Ganoga Lake, Gelatt, Georgetown, Germantown, Girdland, Glenburn, Glendale, Glen Eyre, Glen Lyon, Glen Summit, Glen Summit Springs, Glen Tannery, Golden Hill, Goodmans, Gouldsboro, Gracedale, Gravel Pond, Gravity, Great Bend, Greeley, Green Castle, Greenfield, Greengrove, Green Ridge, Greentown, Greenwood, Gumbles, Haines, Hales Eddy, Hallstead, Hamlin, Hanover, Harding, Harford, Harleigh, Harmony, Harris Hill, Harvey's Lake, Harveyville, Harwood, Hawley, Hay's Corners, Hazle Brook, Hazleton, Heart Lake, Hemlock Hollow, Hetlerville, Hick's Ferry, Hickory Grove, Highland, Hilldale, Hillside, Hoadley's Hobbie, Hollenback, Hollisterville, Honesdale, Honey Brook, Hop Bottom, Hub, Hudson, Hudsondale, Hunlock's Creek, Huntington Mills, Huntsville, Ice Lake, Idetown, Indian Hill, Indian Orchard, Inkerman, Jackson, Jeanesville, Jeddo, Jenks, Jenningsville, Jermyn, Jessup, Jonestown, Jordon Hollow, Kasson Brook, Keelersburg, Keene, Keeney's Ferry, Kelayres, Kern's Glen, Ketchum, Kimble, Kingsley, Kingston, Kizers, Koonsville, Kunkle, LeAnna, Laceyville, Lackawanna, Lackawaxen, LaGrange, Lake Ariel, Lake Carey, Lake Como, Lake Lodore, Lake Nuangola, Lake Sheridan, Lake Silkworth, Lake Teedyuscung, Laketon, Lakeville, Lake Winola, Lakewood, Lamburg, Lanesboro, LaPlume, LaPorte, Larksville, Lathrop, Lattimer, Laurel Run, Lauella, Laurytown, Lawton, Ledgedale, Lee Mine, Lee Park, Lehigh, Lehman, Lemon, Lenox, Lilly Lake, Lindaville, Lithia Valley, Lockville, Long Pond, Lopez, Lord's Valley, Lovelton, Lower St. John's, Loyalville, Luzerne, Lymanville, Lynn, McAdoo, McCormac, Madisonville, Maltby, Maple Lake, Maplewood, Marcy, Marshwood, Masthope, Mayfield, Maynard Hill, Meeker, Mehoopany, Merryall, Meshoppen, Midvale, Mildred, Mill City, Milnesville, Milwaukee, Miner's Mills, Minooka, Mocanaqua, Montdale, Montrose, Moosehead, Moosic, Moscow, Mossville, Mountain Home, Mount Cobb, Mount Greenwood, Mt. Grove, Mt. Pocono, Mt. Zion, Moxie, Muhlenburg, Murraytown, Nanticoke, New Albany, New Columbus, New Era, Newfoundland, New Milford, Newport Centre, Newton, Newtown, Newtown Center, Nicholson, Nimble, North Mehoopany, Norway Ridge, Notch, Noxen, Nuangola, Nuangola Station, Nuremberg, Oak Hill, Oakland, Oakley, Old Forge, Oliver Mills, Olyphant, Oneida, Orang, Oregon, Orson, Outlet, Overton, Ox-bow Pond, Paradise Valley, Parkvale, Parsons, Paupack, Peckville, Pike's Creek, Pine Hill, Pine View, Pink, Pittston, Pittston Junction, Plains, Plainsville, Plattsburg, Pleasant Mount, Plymouth, Pocono Manor, Pocono Pines, Pocono Summitt, Pond Creek, Pond Hill, Port Blanchard, Port Bowkley, Port Griffith, Post Hill, Powder Glen, Poyntelle, Preston Park, Priceburg, Prichard, Pringle, Prompton, Prospect HIll, Providence, Quick's Ben, Racket Brook, Ransom, Raven Creek, Red Hill, Red House, Red Rock, Register, Rendham, Retreat, Retta, Reyburn, Rhone, Ricketts, Ridgewood, Rienzi, Rileyville, Ripple, Rittenhouse, Rock Glen, Rock Hill, Rocksport, Rocky Forest, Rocky Glen, Roosevelt, Rosengrant, Ross Center, Rowlands, Ruggles, Rush, Rushboro, Russell Hill, Saco, St. Johns, Salem, Sandy Run, Sandy Valley, Satterfield, Schultzville, Sciotavale, Scotch Valley, Scott, Scott Center, Scottsville, Scranton, Sebastapool, Seeleyville, Seybertsville, Shannon Hill, Shavertown, Shawnese, Sheatown, Shehawken, Sheppton, Sherman, Shickshinny, Shupp Hill, Sibley, Siko, Silvaria, Silver Brook, Simpson, Skinner's Eddy, Slocum, Smith Hill, South Auburn, South Canaan, Southdale, South Eaton, South Montrose, South Sterling, Spring Brook Spring Hill, Springville, Square Top, Stairville, Starkville, Starrucca, Stauffer's Station, Stearns Station, Sterling, Stevens Point, Stevensville, Stillwater, Stockton, Stoddartsville, Storr's Junction, Stowell, Strickland Hill, Sturmerville, Sugar Hill, Sugar Hollow, Sugarloaf, Sugar Notch, Sugar Ridge, Sugar Run, Sunshine, Susquehanna, Suttee, Sutton's Creek, Swampbrook, Sweet Valley, Swiftwater, Swoyersville, Sybertsville, Tafton, Tank, Tanners Falls, Taylor, Taylor Hill, Terrytown, Thomas Hill, Thompson, Thornhurst, Throop, Thurston, Tobyhanna, Torrey, Town Hill, Town Line, Traceyville, Transue, Treskow, Trucksville, Tunkhannock, Tyler, Uniondale, Uswick, Valentine Hill, VanCamp, Vandlign, Varden, Vernon, Viall Hill, Virginia Terrace, Vosburg, Vose, Wall's Corner, Wallsville, Wanamie, Wangum, Wapwallopen, Warrior Run, Waterton, Waverly, Waymart, Weatherly, West Abington, Westbrook, West Dallas, West Falls, West Hawley, West Hazleton, West Lathrope, Westmoor, West Nanticoke, West Nicholson, Weston, West Pittston, White Haven, White Lake, White Mills, Wilkes-Barre, Wilson Creek, Wilsonville, Wimmers, Windy Hill, Winton, Wyalusing, Wyoming, Yatesville, Yorktown, Yostville, Zehner, Zenith, Zion's Grove
Williamsport, Bellefonte, Lock Haven and Nearby Places Telephone Directory
October 25, 1920 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1920, 124 pages)
This is a telephone directory of parts of Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1920. It lists 1,000's residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's (or business) name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Allenwood, Alto, Antes Fort, Avis, Axeman, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bitumen, Blue Ball, Blue Stone, Boalsburg, Bodines, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bucknell, Buffalo Roads, Buffalo Run, Calvert, Cameron Mills, Cammal, Campbellville, Canton, Castanea, Cedar Ledge, Cedar Run, Center Furnace, Center Hall, Center Hill, Center Mills, Cenral Oak Heights, Chillisquaque, Chippewa, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Colyer, Coveytown, Cowan, Curtin, Dale Summit, Dewart, Dice, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, Earleystown, East Canton, East Lewisburg, English Center, Essick, Farmers Mills, Farrandsville, Farwell, Fielder, Fillmore, Fleming, Flemington, Foresthill, Forksville, Glade Run, Gleasonton, Gleniron, Glen Mawr, Greens Valley, Grover, Gum Stump, Haleeka, Halls, Hartleton, Hecla Park, Hepburnville, Hoffas Mills, Houserville, Howard, Hoy District, Hughesville, Hyner, Island, Jacksonville, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Julian, Kelly Crossroads, Kelly Point, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Laporte, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lemont, Leolyn, Level, Lewisburg, Limestone, Limestoneville, Linden, Linden Hall, Linntown, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Lopez, Loyalsock, Lucullus, McElhattan, McEwensville, Madisonburg, Marsh Creek, Martha, Martha Furnace, Mawrglen, Mazeppa, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Milton, MIngoville, Minnequa, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Mount Eagle, Muncy, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Berlin, Newberry, Newberry Junction, New Columbia, Nigh Bank, Nisbet, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, Oak Hall Station, Okome, Ottawa, Otzinachson, Overton, Paradise, Paradise Valley, Pennhall, Penns Cave, Pennsdale, Peru, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Creek, Pine Run, Pine Stump, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Valley, Plum Grove, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Potts Grove, Prossertown, Queens Run, Ralston, Rays Church, Rebersburg, Redtop, Renovo, Rising Springs, River Roads, Roaring Branch, Rockview, Rockville, Roopsburg, Rotes Mills, Runville, Rutherton, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Satterfield, Shintown, Slate Run, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Sonestown, South Renovo, South Williasmport, Spring Bank, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stormstown, Strawberry Ridge, Strawbridge, Swengle, Swissdale, Taylorville, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tusseyville, Unionville, Vallamont, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Wallace Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Washingtonville, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, West Renovo, Whetham, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Winfield, Wingate, Wolfs Store, Woodward, Yarnell, Youngdale, Zion
Williamsport, Bellefonte, Lock Haven and Nearby Places Telephone Directory
April, 1921 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1921, 132 pages)
This is a telephone directory of parts of Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1921. It lists 1,000's residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's (or business) name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. Towns Included: Aaronsburg, Allenwood, Alto, Antes Fort, Avis, Axeman, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bitumen, Blue Ball, Blue Stone, Boalsburg, Bodines, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bucknell, Buffalo Roads, Buffalo Run, Calvert, Cameron Mills, Cammal, Campbellville, Canton, Castanea, Cedar Ledge, Cedar Run, Center Furnace, Center Hall, Center Hill, Center Mills, Cenral Oak Heights, Chillisquaque, Chippewa, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Colyer, Coveytown, Cowan, Curtin, Dale Summit, Dewart, Dice, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, Earleystown, East Canton, East Lewisburg, English Center, Essick, Farmers Mills, Farrandsville, Farwell, Fielder, Fillmore, Fleming, Flemington, Foresthill, Forksville, Glade Run, Gleasonton, Gleniron, Glen Mawr, Greens Valley, Grover, Gum Stump, Haleeka, Halls, Hartleton, Hecla Park, Hepburnville, Hoffas Mills, Houserville, Howard, Hoy District, Hughesville, Hyner, Island, Jacksonville, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Julian, Kelly Crossroads, Kelly Point, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Laporte, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lemont, Leolyn, Level, Lewisburg, Limestone, Limestoneville, Linden, Linden Hall, Linntown, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Lopez, Loyalsock, Lucullus, McElhattan, McEwensville, Madisonburg, Marsh Creek, Martha, Martha Furnace, Mawrglen, Mazeppa, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Milton, MIngoville, Minnequa, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Mount Eagle, Muncy, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Berlin, Newberry, Newberry Junction, New Columbia, Nigh Bank, Nisbet, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, Oak Hall Station, Okome, Ottawa, Otzinachson, Overton, Paradise, Paradise Valley, Pennhall, Penns Cave, Pennsdale, Peru, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Creek, Pine Run, Pine Stump, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Valley, Plum Grove, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Potts Grove, Prossertown, Queens Run, Ralston, Rays Church, Rebersburg, Redtop, Renovo, Rising Springs, River Roads, Roaring Branch, Rockview, Rockville, Roopsburg, Rotes Mills, Runville, Rutherton, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Satterfield, Shintown, Slate Run, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Sonestown, South Renovo, South Williasmport, Spring Bank, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stormstown, Strawberry Ridge, Strawbridge, Swengle, Swissdale, Taylorville, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tusseyville, Unionville, Vallamont, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Wallace Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Washingtonville, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, West Renovo, Whetham, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Winfield, Wingate, Wolfs Store, Woodward, Yarnell, Youngdale, Zion
United Telephone Directory - June 1923 - Northern District
(United Telephone & Telegraph Company, 1923, 176 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bedford, Blair, Carbon, Centre, Clinton, Columbia, Lackawanna, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Schuylkill, Snyder, Sullivan and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1923. The directory information includes the resident's or business' name, street address, and telephone number, and this information is arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Adamsdale, Allenwood, Almedia, Altoona, Alvira, Andreas, Antes Fort, Antes Gap, Ant Hills, Aristes, Ashland, Atlas, Avis, Axeman, Baker's Summit, Barbara, Barbours, Baileyville, Bastress, Beaver Valley, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bellwood, Benore, Benton, Bergers, Berwick, Berly, Blanchard, Blandburg, Bloomsburg, Boalsburg, Bodines, Booneville, Brady, Branchdale, Brandonville, Brockton, Brompton, Brookside, Brook's Park, Brynersville, Buttonwood, Cadwell, Calvert, Canoe Creek, Carroll, Castanea, Catawissa, Centre Hall, Centre Mills, Centralia, Chain, Charlton, Chathams Run, Cherryville, Clarence, Clarkestown, Clintondale, Coaldale, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Collinsville, Collomsville, Colyer, Connerton, Cove Forge, Cressona, Crowl, Cumbola, Curryville, Danville, Diebler, Dell Delight, Dewart, Donaldson, Drab, Drehersville, Dry Valley, Duboistown, Duncanville, Eagles Mere, East End, East Freedom, East Sharpsburg, Eastville, Ecktown, Eldorado, Elimsport, Elysburg, Ellenton, English Centre, Espy, Estella, Excelsior, Exchange, Fallen Timber, Feidler, Fern Glen, Ferndale, Field's Station, Fillmore, Flemington, Flinton, Forks, Fostoria, Frackville, Frankstown, Fredericksburg, Frugality, Ganister, Gaysport, Girardville, Gilberton, Gillintown, Glasgow, Greenwood, Grovenia, Hall's Station, Hecla, Hegins, Henrietta, Hensheytown, Hepburnville, Hillsgrove, Hill Top, Hollidaysburg, Howard, Hublersburg, Hughesville, Indian Park, Irish Valley, Island, Jacksonville, Jersey Shore, Jerseytown, Johnson City, Juniata, Karthaus, Kelleysburg, Kelley's Crossing, Kratzerville, Lairdsville, Lakemont, Lamar, Landingville, Laporte, Larke, Laquin, Lemont, Lansford, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Lewisburg, Liberty, Limestoneville, Lime Ridge, Linden, Linden Hall, Livonia, Llewellyn, Lloydsville, Llyswen, Lock Haven, Lockport, Locust Dale, Locust Gap, Logan's Mills, Loganton, Lost Creek, Loyalsockville, Loysburg, Lycoming, Mackeyville, Madisonburg, Mahanoy City, Mahanoy Plane, Mantzville, Marion Heights, Marsh Hill, Maple Hill, Martinsburg, McCormic, McElhattan, McEwensville, McKeansburg, Masten, Maysville, Mawr Glen, Middleport, Mifflinburg, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millville, Milton, Minersville, Mines, Mingoville, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Mordansville, Moshannon, Mountaindale, Mount Aetna, Mount Carbon, Mount Carmel, Mount Eagle, Mount Grove, Mud Run, Muncy Creek, Muncy, Muncy Valley, Nealmonts, Nesquehoning, New Enterprise, New Kirk, New Mahoning, New Philadelphia, New Ringgold, Newry, Newtown, Nippennose Valley, Nippono Park, Nordmont, Normal, Northumberland, North Manheim Township, North Penn, Numedia, Nuremburg, Oak Grove, Oak Hall, Oneida, Opp, Orangeville, Ore Hill, Oriole, Orvistown, Orwigsburg, Ottawa, Oval, Palo Alto, Paxinos, Pennsdale, Penn Hall, Pennsylvania Furnace, Picture Rocks, Pine Glenn, Pine Grove, Pine Grove Mills, Pine Station, Pine Summit, Pleasant Gap, Plum Creek, Point View, Port Carbon, Pote Town, Potters Mills, Pottsgrove, Pottsville, Proctor, Ralston, Raven Run, Rauchs, Rauchtown, Rebersburg, Reynolds, Ringtown, River Side, Roaring Branch, Roaring Creek, Roaring Spring, Rock Glen, Rohrsburg, Romola, Rosecrans, Rose Valley, Rote, Royer, Runville, Saint Clair, Salemville, Salladasburg, Salona, Schuyler, Schuylkill Haven, Schuylkill Mountain, Seven Points, Shamokin, Shamokin Dam, Shellytown, Shenandoah, Snow Shoe, Snyder, Snydertown, Sonestown, South Altoona, South Williamsport, Spring Garden, Spring Mills, Standtville, State College, Stonington, Stormstown, Strawbridge, Strong, Sugar Loaf, Summit Hill, Sunbury, Sunnyside, Swissdale, Tamaqua, Tank, Tipton, Tivola, Tremont, Trevorton, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tuscarora, Tusseyville, Tylersville, Tyrone, Unityville, Utahville, Valley View, Waddle, Wallace Run, Warrensville, Warrior's Mark, Washingtonville, Waterside, Watsontown, Wehr, Wertz, Weston, West Brunswick Township, White Hall, White Pine, Williamsburg, Williamsport, Willowbank, Winfield, Woodbury, Woolrich, Woodward, Yellow Springs, Youngsdale, Zion, Zion's Grove
Telephone Directory - Spring 1926 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1926, 210 pages)
This is a telephone directory of parts of Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1926. It lists 1,000's residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's (or business) name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Alba, Allenwood, Alto, Alvira, Antes Fort, Avis, Axeman, Balls Mills, Bastress, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bitumen, Blanchard, Blue Ball, Blue Stone, Boalsburg, Bodines, Brompton, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bucknell, Buffalo Roads, Buffalo Run, Caldwell, Calvert, Cameron Mills, Cammal, Canton, Carpenter, Castanea, Cedar Ledge, Cedar Springs, Center Furnace, Center Hall, Center Hill, Center Mills, Cenral Oak Heights, Chatham Run, Chemung, Chillisquaque, Chippewa, Clarence, Clintondale, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Collomsville, Colyer, Cowan, Curtin, Dale Summit, Dewart, Dice, Devitts Camp, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, Earleystown, East Canton, East Lewisburg, Eldredsville, Elimsport, English Center, Essick, Farmers Mills, Farrandsville, Farwell, Field, Fielder, Fillmore, Fleming, Flemington, Foresthill, Glade Run, Gleason, Gleasonton, Gleniron, Glen Mawr, Greens Valley, Grover, Gum Stump, Hagars, Haleeka, Hartleton, Hecla Park, Hepburnville, Hoffas Mills, Houserville, Howard, Hoy District, Hublersburg, Hughesville, Huston, Hyner, Island, Jacksonville, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Julian, Karthaus, Kato, Kellyburg, Kelly Crossroads, Kelly Point, Laddsburg, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Lamar, Laporte, Larrys Creek, Larrysville, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lemont, Leolyn, Level, Lewisburg, Liberty Church, Limestone, Limestoneville, Linden, Linden Hall, Linntown, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Loganton, Lopez, Loyalsock, Lucullus, Lyontown, Mackeyville, Madisonburg, Maplehill, Marsh Creek, Marsh Hill, Martha, Martha Furnace, Mawrglen, Mazeppa, McElhattan, McEwensville, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Milton, MIngoville, Minnequa, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Monument, Moshannon, Mount Eagle, Muncy, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Berlin, Newberry, Newberry Junction, New Columbia, Nigh Bank, Nisbet, Nittany, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, Oak Hall Station, Ogdensburg Station, Okome, Oriole, Orviston, Ottawa, Otzinachson, Oval, Overton, Paradise, Paradise Valley, Penbryn, Pennhall, Penns Cave, Pennsdale, Perryville, Peru, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Creek, Pine Glen, Pine Run, Pine Stump, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Valley, Plum Grove, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Potts Grove, Powys, Prossertown, Queens Run, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Rays Church, Rebersburg, Red Mill, Redtop, Renovo, Rising Springs, River Roads, Roaring Branch, Rockview, Rockville, Romola, Roopsburg, Rote, Rotes Mills, Runville, Rutherton, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Satterfield, Schuyler, Shintown, Slate Run, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Snydertown, Sonestown, South Renovo, South Williasmport, Spring Bank, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stone Church, Stormstown, Strawberry Ridge, Strawbridge, Swengle, Taylorville, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tusseyville, Union Center, Unionville, Vallamont, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Wallace Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Washingtonville, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, West Renovo, Whetham, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Winfield, Wingate, Wolfs Store, Woodward, Woolrich, Yarnell, Youngdale, Zion
Commonwealth Telephone Company - Summer 1929
(Commonwealth Telephone Company, 1929, 464 pages)
This is a telephone directory of covering parts of Bradford, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Pike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming Counties, PA for the year 1929. The directory lists over 80,000's residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's name, street address and telephone number (arranged alphabetically by town). There is also a "yellow pages" classified business section at the end of the publication.
Towns Included:
Ackerly, Adelia, Albert, Alden Station, Aldenville, Alderson, Alford, Analomink, Appenzell, Ararat, Ariel, Arlington, Asbury, Ashley, Askam, Atco, Auburn Center, Auburn Four Corners, Audell, Audenried, Avery, Avoca, Avondale, Avoy, Baileytown, Bald Mount, Baoba, Bardwell, Barnum, Bartonsville, Beach Grove, Beachlake, Bear Creek, Bear Lake, Bear Swamp, Beaumont, Bearver Brook, Beaver Meadows, Beaver Run, Beaver Valley, Beech Grove, Beisels, Beisels Corner, Bell Mountain, Bendertown, Benscoter, Bernice, Bethany, Bethel Hill, Bidwell Hill, Big Pond, Birchardville, Black Creek, Blackwalnut, Blakely, Blakeslee, Blooming Grove, Bloomingdale, Blytheburn, Bohemia, Bone Ridge, Bowman Creek, Bowman Hollow, Boyds Mills, Braman, Brandt, Breslau, Briggsville, Broadway, Brodericks, Brooklyn, Brookside, Brown Hollow, Browndale, Browntown, Buck Hill Falls, Buck Mountain, Bunker Hill, Bunnell Hill, Bushkill, Buttonwood, Butzbach, Calkins, Callapoose, Cambra, Camp Susquehanna, Camptown, Canadensis, Carbondale, Carley Brook, Carney, Carverton, Caryls Station, Center Moreland, Chapman Lake, Chase, Chauncy, Cherry Hill, Cherry Ridge, Childs, Chinchilla, Christopher, Clarks Green, Clarks Summit, Clarksview, Clemo, Clifford, Clifton, Coal Ridge, Coleraine, Colley, Conashaugh, Conyngham, Coolbaugh, Cooper Hill, Cortez, Courtdale, Coxton, Craig, Craig Meadows, Cranberry, Cresco, Crosses, Crystal Lake, Crystal Springs, Cummings Pond, Daleville, Dallas, Dalton, Damascus, Deckertown, Deckerville, Delaware Water Gap, Demunds, Dickson City, Dicksville, Dimock, Dingmans, Dingmans Ferry, Dixon, Doolittle Hill, Dorrance, Dorranceton, Drifton, Drinkers, Drums, Dundaff, Dunmore, Dupont, Duryea, Dushore, Dyberry, East Benton, East Bridgewater, East Butler, East Dallas, East Dimmock, East Plymouth, East Rush, East Stroudsburg, Eastlemon, Eatonville, Ebervale, Echo Lake, Echo Valley, Eckley, Edgemere, Edinger Hill, Edwardsville, Egypt Mills, Eldredsville, Elk Lake, Elkdale, Ellsworth Hill, Elmdale, Elmhurst, Equinunk, Estella, Evans Falls, Evergreen, Exeter, Exeter Boro, Eynon, Factoryville, Fair Hollow, Fairdale, Fairmount Springs, Fairview, Fairview Lake, Falls, Fallsdale, Farview Station, Fern Brook, Fern Glen, Fernridge, Fields Brooks, Fleetville, Folstown, Forest Castle, Forest City, Forest Lake, Forest Park, Forkston, Fortenia, Forty Fort, Fox Hill, Franklin Forks, Freeland, Freytown, Frutcheys, Galilee, Ganoga Lake, Gelatt, Georgetown, Girdland, Glen Eyre, Glen Summit, Glen Tannery, Glenburn, Glendale, Glenlyon, Goldenhill, Goodmans, Gouldsboro, Gracedale, Grant Hill, Gravel Branch, Gravel Pond, Gravity, Great Bend, Greeley, Green Castle, Green Ridge, Greenfield, Greengrove, Greentown, Greenwood, Haines, Hallstead, Hamlin, Hanover, Harding, Harford, Harleigh, Harris Hill, Harvey's Lake, Harveyville, Harwood, Harwood Mines, Hawley, Hays Corner, Hazelbrook, Hazleton, Hazleton Heights, Heart Lake, Hemlock Hollow, Henryville, Herrick Center, Hickory Grove, Hicks Ferry, Highland, Hilldale, Hillsdale, Hillside, Hoadley's, Hobbie, Hollenback, Hollisterville, Honesdale, Honey Brook, Hop Bottom, Hub, Hudson, Hudsondale, Huff Lake, Hughstown, Hunlock Creek, Hunters Range, Huntington Mills, Huntsville, Hyde Park, Ice Lake, Idetown, indian Hill, Indian Orchard, Inglehart, Inkerman, Jackson, Jeanesville, Jeddo, Jenks, Jenningsville, Jermyn, Jessup, Jonestown, Jordan Hollow, Justus, Kasson Brook, Kellersburg, Keene, Kelayres, Kerns Glen, Ketcham, Kimble, Kingsley, Kinston, Kizers, Koonsville, Kunkle, La Anna, Laceyville, Lackawaxen, Laddsburg, LaGrange, Lake Ariel, Lake Cary, Lake Clemo, Lake Como, Lake Henry, Lake Lodore, Lake Nuangola, Lake Paupack, Lake Sheridan, Lake Silkworth, Lake Teedyuscung, Laketon, Lakeville, Lake Winola, Lakewood, Lamburg, Lanesboro, Laplume, Laporte, Larksville, Lathrop, Lattimer, Laurel Hill, Laurel Run, Laurella, Laurytown, Lawsville, Lawton, Lebanon, Ledgedale, Lee Park, Leemine, Lehigh, Lehigh Tannery, Lehman, Lemon, Lenox, Leonardsville, Lily Lake, Lindaville, Lithia Valley, Lockville, Long Ridge, Lookout, Lopez, Lords Valley, Lovelton, Lower Askam, Lower St. John, Loyalville, Luzerne, Lymanville, Lynn, Madisonville, Maltby, Maplelake, Maplewood, Maplewood Heights, Marcy, Marshalls Creek, Marshwood, Masthope, Mayfield, Maynard Hill, McAdoo, McMichaels, Meeker, Mehoopany, Merryall, Meshoppen, Midvale, Milanville, Mildred, Milford, Mill City, Milnesville, Milwaukee, Miners Mills, Minooka, Mocanaqua, Montdale, Montrose, Mooretown, Moosehead, Moosic, Moosic Lake, Moscow, Mossville, Mount Cobb, Mount Greenwood, Mount Pleasant, Mt. Pocono, Mount Zion, Mountain Grove, Mountainhome, Mountain Top, Moxie, Mud Pond, Muhlenberg, Murraytown, Nanticoke, Naomi Pines, Nay Aug, New Albany, New Boston, New Columbus, New Era, New Milford, Newfoundland, Newport Center, Newton, Newton Hill, Newton Lake, Newtown, Nicholson, Nimble, North Chinchilla, North Clark Summit, North Flat, North Mehoopany, North Water Gap, Northup Hill, Norway Ridge, Notch, Noxen, Nuangola, Nuangola Station, Nuremberg, Oakland, Oakley, Old Boston, Old Forge, Oliver Mills, Olyphant, Oneida, Orange, Oregon, Orson, Outlet, Overton, Paradise, Paradise Falls, Paradise Valley, Parish Heights, Parkvale, Parsons, Paupack, Peckville, Peely, Penobscot, Petersburg, Pikes Creek, Pine Hill, Pine View, Pittston, Pittston Junction, Plains, Plainsville, Pleasant Mount, Plymouth, Plymouth Junction, Pocono Lake, Pocono Manor, Pocono Pines, Pocono Summit, Point Breeze, Pond Creek, Pod Hill, Port Blanchard, Port Bowkley, Port Griffith, Porters Lake, Post Hill, Poyntelle, Preston, Preston Park, Priceburg, Pritchard, Pringle, Prompton, Prospect Hill, Providence, Quicks Bend, Ransom, Ravencreek, Red Hill, Red Rock, Reeders, Register, Rendham, Resica, Retreat, Retta, Reyburn, Rhone, Ricketts, Rienzi, Rileyville, Rita, Rittenhouse, Rivercliff, Riverside Beach, Rock Glen, Rock Hill, Rockport, Rocky Forest, Rocky Glen, Rosengrant, Ross Center, Rowland, Royal, Ruggles, Rush, Rushboro, Russell Hill, Rutledgedale, Saco, Saint Johns, Salem, Sand Valley, Sandy Run, Satterfield, Saw Creek, Scanlin, Schanno, Schultzville, Sciotavale, Scotch Valley, Scotrun, Scott, Scottsville, Scranton, Sebastopol, Seelyville, Seybertsville, Shannon Hill, Shavertown, Shawanese, Shawnee, Shawnee-on-th-Delaware, Sheatown, Sheppton, Shickshinny, Shupp Hill, Sibley, Sickler's Pond, Sicklers Station, Siko, SIlkworth, Silvara, Silver Brook Simpson, Skinners Eddy, Skinners Falls, Slocum, Smith Hill, Solomons Gap, South Auburn, South Canaan, South Easton, South Gibson, South Montrose, South Pond, South Sterling, Southdale, Spraugeville, Spring Lake, Springbrook, Springhill, Springville, Stairville, Stalker, Stanton, Stantontown, Starkville, Starlight, Starrucca, Stauffers Stations, Stearns Station, Steene, Sterling, Stevens Point, Stockton, Stoddartsville, Stowell, Strickland Hill, The Stroudsburgs, Sugar Hill, Sugar Hollow, Sugar Notch, Sugar Run, Sugarloaf, Sunshine, Susquehanna, Suttee, Suttons Creek, Swamp Brook, Sweet Valley, Swiftwater, Swoyerville, Tafton, Tank, Tanners Falls, Tannersville, Taylor, Terrytown, Thomas Hill, Thompson, Thornhurst, Throop, Thurston, Tobyhanna, Tomhicken, Tompkinsville, Torry, Town Hill, Townline, Traceyville, Transue, Tresckow, Trucksville, Tunkhannock, Twin Lakes, Tyler, Tyler Hill, Underwood Village, Uniondale, Upper Askam, Upper Lehigh, Uswick, Valentine Hill, Vancamp, Vandling, Varden, Vernon, Vosburg, Vose, Walker Lake, Walls Corner, Wallsville, Wanamie, Wangaum, Wapwallopen, Wardan Place, Warrior Run, Waterton, Waverly, Waymart, Weatherly, Welcome Lake, West Abington, West Auburn, West Clifford, West Dallas, West Damascus, West Falls, West Hawley, West Hazleton, West Lathrope, West Nanticoke, West Nicholson, West Pittston, West Wyoming, Westbrooks, Westcolang, Westmoore, Weston, White Haven, White Lake, White Mills, Whites Ferry, Whites Valley, Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre Mountain, Wilmot, Wilson Creek, Wilsonville, Wimmers, Windy Hill, Winton, Wyalusing, Wyoanna, Wyoming, Yatesville, Yorktown, Yostville, Zehner
Jersey Shore - Lock Haven - Renovo and Nearby Points
Telephone Directory - March 1934 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1934, 116 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties Pennsylvania for the year 1934. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. There is also a section of classified business listings for the same area.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Alba, Allenwood, Alto, Alvira, Antes Fort, Avis, Axemann, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bethel, Bitumen, Blanchard, Boalsburg, Bodines, Booneville, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bryantown, Buffalo Roads, Buffalo Run, Caldwell, Calvert, Cameron Mills, Cammal, Campbellsville, Canton, Carroll, Castanea, Cedar Springs, Center Furnace, Center Hall, Center Hill, Center Mills, Central Oak Heights, Chatham Run, Cherry Mills, Chillisquaque, Chippewa, Clarence, Clarkestown, Clintondale, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Collomsville, Colver, Comly, Coon Hill, Cowan, Coxey Hill, Crofut, Dale Summit, Devitt's Camp, Dewart, Dice, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, Earleystown, East Canton, East Lewisburg, Eastville, Eldredsville, Elimsport, Elkland, Ellenton, English Center, Essick, Estella, Howard, Hoy District, Hublersburg, Hughesville, Huntersville, Hyner, Island, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Jerseytown, Julian, Kato, Kelleyburg, Kellogg, Kelly Point, Laddsburg, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Lamar, Laporte, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lemont, Leolyn, Level, Lewisburg, Liberty Church, Limestoneville, Lincoln Falls, Linden, Linden Hall, Linntown, Livonia, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Loganton, Lopez, Loyalsock, Lyontown, Mackeyville, Madisonburg, Maplehill, Marsh Creek, Martha, Martha Furnace, Masten, Mawrglen, Mazeppa, McCarty's Ridge, McElhattan, McEwensville, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Millview, Milton, Mingoville, Montanton, Montgomery, Montoursville, Moon Street, Moshannon, Mount Eagle, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Berlin, New Columbia, New Era, Newberry, Newberry Junction, Nigh Bank, Nisbet, Nittany, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, North Street, Oak Hall Station, Ogdensburg Station, Okome, Opp, Oriole, Orviston, Ottawa, Otzinachson, Oval, Overton, Paradise, Pennhall, Penns Cave, Pennsdale, Perryville, Piatt, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Glen, Pine Grove Mills, Pine Station, Pine Stump, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Valley, Plum Grove, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Potts Grove, Powys, Proctor, Prossertown, Queen's Run, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Rays Church Rebersburg, Red Mill, Renovo, Ricketts, Rising Springs, Roaring Branch, Rockview, Rockville, Roopsburg, Rosecrans, Rote, Rotes Mills, Runville, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Salona, Sattersfield, Schuyler, Shintown, Shunk, Slate Run, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Sonestown, South Branch, South Renovo, South Williamsport, Spring Bank, Spring Lake, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stevenson, Stone Church, Strawberry Ridge, Strawbridge, Swengel, Taylorville, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tusseyville, Tylersville, Unionville, Vallamont, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Wallace Run, Wallis Run, Warburton Hill, Warrensville, Washingtonville, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, West Renovo, Wheelerville, Whethem, Whitedeer, Whitehall, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Windfall, Winfield, Wingate, Wolfs Store, Woodward, Woolrich, Yarnell, Youngdale, Zion
Jersey Shore - Lock Haven - Renovo and Nearby Points
Telephone Directory - January 1937 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1937, 138 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties Pennsylvania for the year 1937. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. There is also a section of classified business listings for the same area. (Missing Jersey Shore and vicinity A-N names)
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Alba, Allenwood, Alto, Alvira, Antes Fort, Avis, Axemann, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bethel, Bitumen, Blanchard, Boalsburg, Bodines, Booneville, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bryantown, Buffalo Run, Caldwell, Calvert, Cameron Mills, Cammal, Campbellsville, Canton, Carroll, Castanea, Cedar Springs, Center Furnace, Center Hall, Center Hill, Center Mills, Central Oak Heights, Chatham Run, Cherry Mills, Chillisquaque, Chippewa, Clarence, Clarkestown, Clintondale, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Collomsville, Colver, Comly, Coon Hill, Cowan, Coxey Hill, Crofut, Dale Summit, Devitt's Camp, Dewart, Dice, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, Earleystown, East Canton, East Lewisburg, Eastville, Eldredsville, Elimsport, Elkland, Ellenton, English Center, Essick, Estella, Evergreen, Exchange, Fairfield, Farmers Mills, Farragut, Farrandsville, Farwell, Fiedler, Field, Fillmore, Fleming, Flemington, Foresthill, Forksville, French Creek, Ganoga Lake, Gleason, Gleasonton, Glen Mawr, Gleniron, Greens Valley, Grover, Gum Stump, Haleeka, Halls, Hannah, Hartleton, Hatch Hill, Hecla Park, Hepburnville, Hillsgrove, Hoffas Mills, Houserville, Howard, Hoy District, Hublersburg, Hughesville, Huntersville, Hyner, Island, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Jerseytown, Julian, Kato, Kelleyburg, Kellogg, Kelly Crossroads, Kelly Point, Laddsburg, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Lamar, Laporte, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lemont, Leolyn, Level, Lewisburg, Liberty Church, Limestoneville, Lincoln Falls, Linden, Linden Hall, Linntown, Livonia, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Loganton, Lopez, Loyalsock, Lyontown, Mackeyville, Madisonburg, Maplehill, Marsh Creek, Martha, Martha Furnace, Masten, Mawrglen, Mazeppa, McCarty's Ridge, McElhattan, McEwensville, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Millview, Milton, Mingoville, Montanton, Montgomery, Montoursville, Moon Street, Moshannon, Mount Eagle, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Berlin, New Columbia, New Era, Newberry, Newberry Junction, Nigh Bank, Nisbet, Nittany, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, North Street, Oak Hall Station, Ogdensburg Station, Okome, Opp, Oriole, Orviston, Ottawa, Otzinachson, Oval, Overton, Paradise, Pennhall, Penns Cave, Pennsdale, Perryville, Peru, Piatt, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Glen, Pine Grove Mills, Pine Station, Pine Stump, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Valley, Plum Grove, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Potts Grove, Powys, Proctor, Prossertown, Queen's Run, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Rays Church Rebersburg, Red Mill, Renovo, Ricketts, Rising Springs, Roaring Branch, Rockview, Rockville, Roopsburg, Rosecrans, Rote, Rotes Mills, Runville, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Salona, Sattersfield, Schuyler, Shintown, Shunk, Slate Run, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Sonestown, South Branch, South Renovo, South Williamsport, Spring Bank, Spring Lake, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stevenson, Stone Church, Strawberry Ridge, Strawbridge, Swengel, Taylorville, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tusseyville, Tylersville, Unionville, Vallamont, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Wallace Run, Wallis Run, Warburton Hill, Warrensville, Washingtonville, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, West Renovo, Wheelerville, Whethem, Whitedeer, Whitehall, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Windfall, Winfield, Wingate, Wolfs Store, Woodward, Woolrich, Yarnell, Youngdale, Zion
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1938
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1938, 120 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bradford, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties Pennsylvania for the year 1938. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. There is also a section of classified business listings for the same area.
Towns Included:
Alba, Allenwood, Alvira, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Barclay, Bastress, Bernice, Bethel, Bitumen, Bodines, Booneville, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bryantown, Caldwell, Calvert, Cammal, Campbellsville, Canton, Carroll, Castanea, Cedar Springs, Chatham Run, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Clintondale, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Colley, Collomsville, Coon Hill, Coxey Hill, Crofut, Devitt's Camp, Dewart, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, East Canton, Eastville, Eldredsville, Elimsport, Elkland, Ellenton, English Center, Essick, Estella, Evergreen, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Farwell, Faxon, Field, Flemington, Forksville, French Creek, Ganoga Lake, Gleason, Gleasonton, Glen Mawr, Grover, Haleeka, Halls, Hatch Hill, Hepburnville, Hillsgrove, Hughesville, Huntersville, Hyner, Island, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Kelleyburg, Kellogg, Kenmar, Laddsburg, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Lamar, Laporte, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Leolyn, Level, Liberty Church, Lincoln Falls, Linden, Lock Haven, Lockport, Loganton, Lopez, Loyalsock, Mackeyville, Maplehill, Masten, Mawrglen, McCarty's Ridge, McElhattan, McEwensville, Mildred, Mill Hall, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Moon Street, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Era, Newberry, Newberry Junction, Nisbet, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, North Street, Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg Station, Okome, Opp, Oriole, Otzinachson, Oval, Overton, Pennsdale, Perryville, Piatt, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Pratt, Proctor, Queen's Run, Quiggleville, Ralston, Ramsey, Rauchtown, Renovo, Ricketts, Roaring Branch, Rosecrans, Rote, Salladasburg, Salona, Sattersfield, Schuyler, Shintown, Shunk, Slate Run, Sonestown, South Branch, South Renovo, South Williamsport, Spring Lake, Stevenson, Stone Church, Strawbridge, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tylersville, Vallamont, Wallis Run, Warburton Hill, Warrensville, Waterville, Watsontown, Westport, West Renovo, Wheelerville, Whethem, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Windfall, Woolrich, Youngdale
Honesdale and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - July 1939
(Bell Telephone Directory of PA, 1939, 408 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bradford, Carbon, Columbia, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Pike, Schuylkill, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1939, listing over 80,000 residents and businesses. The directory information lists the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area. There is a small amount of missing data from each of the areas of Benton, Camptown, Carbondale, Clapper Hill, Girdland, Herrick, Herrickville, Honesdale, Stevens, Torrey and White Birch. For questions about this, please contact us prior to purchase.
Towns Covered:
Aberdeen, Ackerly, Albert, Alden, Aldenville, Alderson, Alford, Analomink, Angles, Appenzell, Ararat, Archbald, Arlington, Asbury, Ashley, Ashmore, Askam, Atco, Auburn Center, Adenreid, Austin Heights, Avery, Avoca, Avondale, Bald Mount, Bartonsville, Beach Grove, Beachlake, Bear Creek, Bear Lake, Beaumont, Beaver Brook, Beaver Meadows, Beaver Valley, Beisels Corners, Belin Village, Bendertown, Benton, Bernice, Bethany, Bethel Hill, Birchardville, Black Creek, Blackwalnut, Blakely, Blakeslee, Blooming Grove, Bloomingdale, Blytheburn, Bohemia, Bowman Hollow, Boyds Mills, Brandonville, Brandt, Breslau, Briggsville, Brior Ridge, Broadway, Brodericks, Brooklyn, Brookside, Browndale, Browntown, Buck Hill Falls, Buck Mountain, Buena Vista, Bunker Hill, Bunnelltown, Burnwood, Buttonwood, Cambra, Camptown, Canadensis, Carbondale, Carley Brook, Carney, Carverton, Center Moreland, Central, Chapman Lake, Chase, Chauncy, Cherry Mills, Cherry Ridge, Childs, Chinchilla, Choconut, Clapper Hill, Clarks Green, Clarks Summit, Clifford, Clifton, Cold Spring, Coleraine, Colley, Conyngham, Conyngham Pass, Cooper Hill, Cork Lane, Cortez, Courtdale, Coxton, Craigs Meadows, Cranberry, Cresco, Crystal Lake, Daleville, Dallas, Dalton, Damascus, Demunds, Dickson City, Dimock, Dixon, Doolittle Hill, Dorrance, Drifton, Drums, Dundaff, Dunmore, Dupont, Duryea, Dushore, Dyberry, East Benton, East Butler, East Dallas, East Dimmock, East Honesdale, East Lemon, East Plymouth, East Rush, East Swiftwater, Eatonville, Ebervale, Eckley, Edella, Edgewood, Edinger Hill, Edwardsville, Elk Lake, Elkdale, Ellsworth Hill, Elmhurst, Equinunk, Evergreen, Exeter Boro, Eynon, Factoryville, Fairdale, Fairmount Springs, Fairview, Fairview Lake, Falls, Farr Hollow, Farview, Fells Corners, Fern Brook Fern Glen, Ferndale, Fernridge, Finch Hill, Fishing Creek, Fleetville, Folstown, Forest City, Forest Lake, Forkston, Fortenia, Forty Fort, Foster, Franklin Forks, Franklin Hill, Frear Hill, Freeland, French Creek, Friendsville, Galilee, Ganoga Lake, Gelatt, Georgetown, German Hill, Gibson, Glen Lyon, Glen Summit, Glenburn, Glendale, Goldenhill, Gouldsboro, Gracedale, Gravity, Great Bend, Greeley, Greentown, Grists Flats, Hallstead, Hamlin, Hanover, Harding, Harford, Harleight, Harris Hill, Harvey's Lake, Harveyville, Harwood, Harwood Mines, Hatch Hill, Hawley, Hazelbrook, Hazleton, Hazleton Heights, Heart Lake, Henryville, Herrick, Herrick Center, Hickory Grove, Hickory Run, Hicks Ferry, Hilldale, Hillside, Hoadleys Hobbie, Hollenback, Hollisterville, Homets Ferry, Honesdale, Honeyhole, Hop Bottom, Hudson, Hudsondale, Hughestown, Hunlock Creek, Hunters Range, Huntington Mills, Huntsville, Idetown, Indian Hill, Indian Orchard, Inkerman, Jackson, Jamison City, Japan, Jaynes Bend, Jeanesville, Jeddo, Jenks, Jenningsville, Jermyn, Jessup, Jonestown, Junedale, Justus, Kasson Brook, Keelersburg, Kelayres, Kellogg, Kimbles, Kingsley, Kingston, Koonsville, Kunkle, Laanna, Laceyville, Lackawaxen, Laddsburg, Laflin, LaGrange, Lake Ariel, Lake, Carey, Lake Como, Lake Henry, Lake Shehawken, Lake Sheridan, Lake Silkworth, Lake Teedyuscung, Lake Wallenpaupack, Lake Winola, Laketon, Lakeville, Lakewood, Lamburg, Lanesboro, Laplume, Laporte, Larksville, Lattimer, Laurel Run, Laurella, Laurytown, Lawsville, Lawton, Ledgedale, Lee, Lee Park, Lehigh, Lehman, Lemon, Lenoxville, Leonardsville, Lily Lake, Lime Hill, Lindaville, Lockville, Long Pond, Long Ridge, Lookout, Lopez, Lords Valley, Lovelton, Lower Askam, Loyalville, Lutherland, Luzerne, Lymanville, Lynn, Madisonville, Maltby, Maplelake, Maplewood, Marshalls Creek, Mayfield, Maynard Hill, McAdoo, McMichaels, Meeker, Meisertown, Mehoopany, Merryall, Meshoppen, Middletown, Midvale, Milanville, Mildred, Mill City, Milnesville, Milwaukee, Miners Mills, Minisink Hills, Minooka, Mocanaqua, Montdale, Montrose, Moon Street, Mooretown, Moosic, Moscow, Mossville, Mount Cobb, Mt. Pocono, Mount Springs, Mountain Grove, Mountainhome, Mountaintop, Moxie, Muhlenburg, Murraytown, Myo Beach, Nanticoke, Naomi Pines, New Albany, New Boston, New Columbus, New Cranberry, New Era, New Milford, Newfoundland, Newport Center, Newton, Newton Lake, Newtown, Niagara, Nicholson, Nimble, North Chinchilla, North Clarks Summit, North Eaton, North Flat, North Lake, North Mehoopany, North Street, Norway Ridge, Nuangola, Nuangola Station, Nuremberg, Oak Hill, Oakdale, Oakland, Old Boston, Old Forge, Olivers Mills, Olyphant, Oneida, Orange, Orson, Osterhout, Outlet, Paradise Falls, Paradise Valley, Parsons, Paupack, Peckville, Peely, Penobscot, Pikes Creek, Pine View, Pittston, Pleasant Mount, Plymouth, Plymouth Junction, Pocono, Pocono Lake, Pocono Manor, Pocono Pines, Pocono Summit, Point Breeze, Pond Creek, Pond Hill, Port Blanchard, Port Bowkley, Port Griffith, Porters Lake, Powder Glen, Poyntelle, Preston, Preston Park, Pringle, Promised Land Lake, Prompton, Prospect Hill, Quicks Bend, Ransom, Red Rock, Reeders, Register, Rendham, Resica, Retreat, Retta, Reyburn, Richmondale, Ricketts, Ridgewood, Rileyville, Ringtown, Rita, Rock Glen, Rock Lake, Rockport, Rocky Forest, Rocky Glen, Rohrsburg, Rowland, Royal, Ruggles, Rummerfield, Rush, Rushboro, Rushville, Russell Hill, Rutledgedale, Saint Johns, St. Joseph, Sandy Run, Satterfield, Saw Creek, Schultzville, Scotch Valley, Scotrun, Scottsville, Scranton, Sebastopol, Seelyville, Seybertsville, Shannon Hill, Shavertown, Shawanese, Shawnee, Shawnee-on-the-Delaware, Sheatown, Sheppton, Shickshinny, Shickshinny Valley, Shupp Hill, Sibley, Silkworth, Silvara, Silver Brook Simpson, Skinners Eddy, Skinners Falls, Sky Top, Slocum, Smith Hill, Solomons Gap, South Auburn, South Branch, South Canaan, South Eaton, South Gibson, South Montrose, South Sterling, Southdale, Spring Lake, Springbrook, Springhill, Springville, Stalker, Stanton, Starlight, Starrucca, Stearns Station, Steene, Sterling, Stevens Point, Stevenson, Stevensville, Stillwater, Stockton, Stoddartsville, Stowell, The Stroudsburgs, Sugar Hill, Sugar Hollow, Sugar Notch, Sugar Run, Sugarloaf, Sullivan Park, Summersvile, Sunshine, Suscon, Susquehanna, Suttons Creek, Swamp Brook Sweet Valley, Swiftwater, Swoyersville, Sylvan Lake, Tafton, Tank, Tanners Falls, Tannersville, Taylor, Terrytown, Thompson, Thornhurst, Throop, Thurston, Tobyhanna, Tomhicken, Tompkinsville, Town Hill, Townline, Transue, Tresckow, Trucksville, Tunkhannock, Uniondale, Upper Askam, Upper Lehigh, Uswick, Valentine Hill, Vancamp, Vandling, Varden, Vernon, Vosburg, Vose, Waller, Wallsville, Wanamie, Wapwallopen, Wardan Place, Warrior Run, Waterton, Waverly, Waymart, Weatherly, Welsh Hill, West Abington, West Auburn, West Avoca, West Dallas, West Falls, West Hazleton, West Nanticoke, West Nicholson, West Pittston, West Wyoming, Westcolang, Westminster, Weston, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Wilmot, Wilsonville, Wimmers Windy Hill, Winton, Wyalusing, Wyoanna, Wyoming, Yatesville, Zehner, Zenith, Zion Grove
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1940
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1940, 138 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bradford, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan, Union and Wyoming Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1940. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Covered:
Alba, Allenwood, Alvira, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Beech Creek, Bernice, Bethel, Bitumen, Blanchard, Bodines, Booneville, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bryantown, Calvert, Cammal, Campbellville, Canton, Carroll, Castanea, Cedar Springs, Chatham Run, Cherry Mills, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Clintondale, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Colley, Collomsville, Coon Hill Devitts Camp, Dewart, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, East Canton, Eastville, Eldredsville, Elimsport, Ellenton, English Center, Essick, Estella, Evergreen, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Garrandsville, Farwell, Faxon, Fernex, Field, Flemington, Forksville, French Creek, Ganoga Lake, Garden View, Gleason, Gleasonton, Glen Mawr, Greenburr, Grover, Halls, Hammersley Fork, Hatch Hill, Hepburnville, Hillsgrove, Hughesville, Huntersville, Hyner, Island, Jersey Shore, Keating, Kellogg, Kenmar, Laddsburg, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Lamar, Laporte, Laquin, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Leolyn, LaRoy, Lincoln Falls, Linden, Lock Haven, Lockport, Logan Mills, Loganton, Lopez, Loyalsock, Makeyville, Maplehill, Masten, Mawrglen, McCartys Ridge, McElhattan, McEwensville, Mildred, Mill Hall, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Monument, Moon Street, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Era, Newberry, Nisbet, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, North Street, Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg Station, Okome, Opp, Oriole, Orviston, Oval, Overton, Pennsdale, Perryville, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Queens Run, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Renovo, Ricketts, Roaring Branch, Rosecrans, Rote, Salladasburg, Salona, Satterfield, Schuyler, Shintown, Shunk, Slate Run, Sonestown, South Branch, South Renovo, South Williamsport, Spring Lake, Steam Valley, Stevenson, Stone Church, Strawbridge, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tylersville, Wallis Run, Warburton Hill, Warrensville, Waterville, Watsontown, West LeRoy, Westport, West Renovo, Wheelerville, Whetham, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Windfall, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1946
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1946, 310 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan, and Union counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1946. It includes information on 1,000's of residents and businesses, listing the resident's name, street address and telephone number. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Included:
Allenwood, Alvira, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bethel, Bodines, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bryantown, Calvert, Cammal, Campbellville, Chatham Run, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Coon Hill, Devitts Camp, Dewart, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Eldredsville, Elimsport, Ellenton, English Center, Essick, Estella, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Field, Forksville, Garden View, Halls, Hepburnville, Hillsgrove, Hughesville, Huntersville, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Lairdsville, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Lincoln Falls, Linden, Loyalsock, Maplehill, Masten, McCartys Ridge, McElhattan, McEwensville, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Newberry, Nisbet, North Mountain, Okome, Opp, Oriole, Oval, Overton, Pennsdale, Perryville, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Schuyler, Shunk, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Stone Church, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Wallis Run, Warburton Hill, Warrensville, Waterville, Watsontown, Wheelerville, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - February 1951
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1951, 236 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan, and Union counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1951. It includes information on 1,000's of residents and businesses, listing the resident's name, street address and telephone number. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Included:
Allenwood, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Brookside, Bryantown, Calvert, Cammal, Chatham Run, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Devitts Camp, Dewart, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Elimsport, English Center, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Halls, Hepburnville, Hughesville, Huntersville, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Lairdsville, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Maplehill, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, McEwensville, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Newberry, Nisbet, Opp, Oriole, Oval, Pennsdale, Perryville, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Schuyler, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Watsontown, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - February 1952
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1952, 240 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan, and Union counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1952. It includes information on 1,000's of residents and businesses, listing the resident's name, street address and telephone number. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Included:
Allenwood, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Brookside, Bryantown, Calvert, Cammal, Chatham Run, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Devitts Camp, Dewart, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Elimsport, English Center, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Halls, Hepburnville, Hughesville, Huntersville, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Lairdsville, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Maplehill, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, McEwensville, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Newberry, Nisbet, Opp, Oriole, Oval, Pennsdale, Perryville, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Schuyler, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Watsontown, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Alphabetical Telephone Directory - January 1955
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1955, 104 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Clinton, Lycoming and Sullivan Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1955. It includes information on 1,000's of residents and businesses, listing the resident's name, street address and telephone number.
Towns Included:
Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Calvert, Cammal, Chatham Run, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Hepburnville, Huntersville, Jersey Mills, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, Millview, Montoursville, Newberry, Nisbet, Oriole, Oval, Perryville, Pine, Pine Creek, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Ramsey, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Waterville, Williamsport, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Alphabetical Telephone Directory - January 1956
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1956, 104 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Clinton, Lycoming and Sullivan Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1956. It includes information on 1,000's of residents and businesses, listing the resident's name, street address and telephone number. There is a very minor amount of missing data from the Williamsport section. If there are questions concerning this, please contact us prior to purchase.
Towns Included:
Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Calvert, Cammal, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Hepburnville, Huntersville, Jersey Mills, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, Millview, Montoursville, Newberry, Nisbet, Oriole, Oval, Perryville, Pine Creek, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Ramsey, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Waterville, Williamsport, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Alphabetical Telephone Directory - January 1957
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1957, 108 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Clinton, Lycoming and Sullivan Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1957. It includes information on 1,000's of residents and businesses, listing the resident's name, street address and telephone number.
Towns Included:
Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Brookside, Calvert, Cammal, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Elimsport, English Center, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Hepburnville, Huntersville, Jersey Mills, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Newberry, Nisbet, Oriole, Oval, Perryville, Pine Creek, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Ramsey, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Waterville, Whitepine, Williamsport, Woolrich, Youngdale
Hughesville, Montgomery, Muncy, Turbotville, Watsontown and Nearby Points
Telephone Directory - January 1959 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1959, 148 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties Pennsylvania for the year 1959. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. There is also a section of classified business listings for the same area.
Towns Included:
Allenwood, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Brookside, Bryantown, Calvert, Cammal, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Devitt Home, Dewart, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Elimsport, English Center, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Glen Mawr, Halls Station, Hepburnville, Hughesville, Huntersville, Jersey Mills, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Lairdsville, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Maplehill, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, McEwensville, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Newberry, Nisbet, Opp, Oriole, Oval, Pennsdale, Perryville, Picture Rocks, Pine Creek, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Ramsey, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Schuyler, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tivoli, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Waterville, Watsontown, White Deer, Williamsport, Whitepine, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1959
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1959, 260 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties Pennsylvania for the year 1959. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. There is also a section of classified business listings for the same area.
Towns Included:
Allenwood, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Brookside, Bryantown, Calvert, Cammal, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Devitt Home, Dewart, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Elimsport, English Center, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Glen Mawr, Halls Station, Hepburnville, Hughesville, Huntersville, Jersey Mills, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Lairdsville, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Maplehill, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, McEwensville, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Newberry, Nisbet, Opp, Oriole, Oval, Pennsdale, Perryville, Picture Rocks, Pine Creek, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Ramsey, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Schuyler, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tivoli, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Waterville, Watsontown, White Deer, Williamsport, Whitepine, Woolrich, Youngdale
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
SL01 - Sullivan County PA - Everything Collection (All Material on Sullivan County)
County History & Biography Collection
Book of Biographies. Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of the
17th Congressional District, Pennsylvania. (Biographical Publishing Company, 1899, 680 pages)
This publication is a collection of biographies from the areas of Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, and Sullivan Counties in Pennsylvania. This information highlights many of the important men and families who helped this part of Pennsylvania to prosper over the decades. This is an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research, and a nice addition to the other historical / biographical volumes published for this area.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Alexander, Angle, Arment, Armstrong, Aucker, Auten, Avery, Baker, Baldy, Barton, Beahen, Bealor, Beaver, Beck, Bedford, Bennett, Bergstresser, Betts, Bigger, Binder, Bird, Black, Bloom, Bobb, Bogardus, Boody, Botsford, Bower, Boyd, Breckel, Breece, Brennen, Brewster, Bright, Brobst, Brong, Brower, Brown, Bryfogle, Buck, Buckalew, Buddinger, Burg, Cadwallader, Cake, Camp, Campbell, Carl, Caswell, Cathcart, Catterall, Chalfant, Chester, Christian, Clement, Clifford, Colt, Conner, Cotner, Creasy, Croninger, Cruikshank, Cummings, Davenport, Davis, Dean, DeArmond, Deeter, Deininger, Derby, Dewart, Dickson, Diemer, Dillon, Diltz, Divel, Dorr, Drinker, Dunlap, Eckman, Edgar, Edwards, Elliott, Elwell, Erieg, Evans, Everett, Evert, Eves, Fagely, Faughnan, Faust, Fawcett, Ferris, Fertig, Fischer, Fisher, Fleming, Flynn, Forrester, Forry, Fosnot, Frick, Fritz, Fruit, Funk, Furmann, Gallagher, Gamble, Gansel, Gardner, Garr, Gearhart, Geisinger, Gibbons, Gilbert, Glenn, Glockler, Goeser, Golembiewski, Goodwill, Gorrey, Graham, Green, Grier, Gross, Grotz, Haas, Haley, Hall, Hamilton, Hancock, Hanion, Hannon, Harding, Harman, Harpel, Harris, Harrison, Harter, Hartman, Hartzell, Hassert, Hawley, Hazen, Heim, Heller, Hemingray, Hemingway, Hempsted, Hennessy, Herr, Herring, Higbee, Higgins, Hill, Hinckley, Hoffman, Hollenback, Hollister, Holloway, Holmes, Hoover, Horn, Houck, Howells, Huber, Hubler, Huckell, Hugo, Hull, Jefferson, John, Johnson, Jury, Karns, Kase, Kashner, Kay, Kearney, Keefer, Keim, Keiser, Kennedy, Kiefer, Kimble, Kitchen, Kliem, Kline, Knapp, Knight, Koch, Kocher, Kohlbraker, Konstankiewicz, Kopp, Kreamer, Kremer, Kreitzer, Krickbaum, Kulp, Kurtz, Laird, Lancaster, Laubauch, Lay, Leader, Leisering, Lesher, Lewis, Lilley, Little, Logan, Lonshore, Lorenz, Lotier, Low, Lowry, Luckenbill, Ludy, Magargel, Markle, Mason, Mauser, May, McBride, McCarthy, McCleery, McEliece, McElwee, McFarlane, McHenry,McKamey, McKillip, McWilliams, Mears, Meek, Mercer, Merithew, Meuwese, Meylert, Miller, Misicki, Momley, Monroe, Montelius, Montgomery, Moody, Moore, Morehead, Morton, Mowrey, Mullen, Myers, Newbaker, Newman, Norton, Oram, Osler, Ostrander, Packer, Pardoe, Paules, Pealer, Pensyl, Peterman, Phillips, Plumstead, Polk, Price, Priestly, Purcell, Purman, Quick, Quirk, Rabb, Raessler, Raker, Ramsey, Randall, Ratti, Raup, Reber, Rebman, Redeker, Reed, Reese, Reichert, Reimard, Rhawn, Richard, Richardson, Riehl, Robbins, Robertson, Robison, Rockefeller, Rogers, Rohrbach, Rothrock, Ryon, Rutter, Sands, Sanger, Savage, Savidge, Schaffer, Schill, Schlief, Schmick, Schneder, Schoener, Seely, Seibert, Seiler, Shannon, Sharpless, Sharretts, Shay, Shew, Shindel, Shipman, Shultz, shuman, Sidler, Slate, Small, Smink, Smith, Snyder, Sollenberger, Sowers, Stager, Starr, Staver, Stearns, Sterling, Stroh, Stroup, Sult, Supplee, Sweisfort, Swenk, Taggart, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Van Dyke, Vannan, Vastine, Vincent, Visick, Wallize, Walter, Walton, Watkins, Webster, Weicksel, Wells, Welsh, Wendling, Werkheiser, West, White, Whitley, Wiest, Wilcox, Williams, Willits, Wilson, Wolverton, Woodin, Wragg, Yost, Young, Zimmeman, Zuern
Memorial Edition History of Sullivan County Pennsylvania
(George Streby, Clara A. Streby, 1903, 1921, 530 pages)
This publication was produced as the first complete history of Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. Originally published in parts in local newspapers, it was later complied together, updated and published as a complete volume by the authors daughter. This history covers each township individually, and provides a wealth of information on the settlers and growth of each area. Along with the historical narrative, there is a wealth of genealogical information on the inhabitants of the county.
Sullivan County Pennsylvania “Endless Mountains”
(Anonymous, 1933, 48 pages)
This is a pictorial and descriptive souvenir on Sullivan County, PA. It highlights the county and give brief sketches of some of its officials. It also sketches some of its major business operations, as well as the natural and scenic attractions of the area.
Maps Atlases & Images
1872 Topographical Map of Sullivan Co. Pennsylvania
(F. W. Beers and A. Pomeroy & Co., Color) ** Not Text-searchable **
Telephone Directory May 1911 - Williamsport, Bellefonte, Lock Haven
and Nearby Places (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1911, 64 pages)
This is a telephone directory of parts of Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan, and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1911. It lists 1,000's residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's (or business) name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Allenwood, Antes Fort, Antes Gap, Avis, Axemann, Bastress, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bitumen, Blanchard, Blueball, Bodines, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mills, Bucknell, Buffalo Roads, Buffalo Run, Castanea, Center Hall, Centre Mills, Chamouni, Chippewa, Clarks, Clintondale, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Collomsville, Colyer, Coveytown, Curtin, Dewart, Dice, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Earleystown, East Lewisburg, English Center, Essick Heights, Farrandsville, Farwell's Addition, Fielder, Filmore, Fleming, Flemington, Forest Hill, Frenchtown, Gatesburg, Gleasonton, Glen Iron, Glen Mawr, Halls, Hartleton, Hecla, Hillsgrove, Hoffas Mills, Houserville, Howard, Hughesville, Hyner, Jersey Shore, Julian, Kelly Cross Roads, Kelly Point, Kreamersville, Lairdsville, Lake Ganoga, Lamar, Laporte, Larrys Creek, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lewisburg, Limestoneville, Linden, Linntown, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Lopez, Madisonburg, McEwensville, Mazeppa, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Milton, MIngoville, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, New Berlin, Newberry, Newberry Junction, New Columbia, Nisbet, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, North Point, Oriole, Oval, Paradise, Paradise Valley, Penn Hall, Pennsdale, Peru, Picture Rocks, Pine Creek, Pine Run, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Valley, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Pottsgrove, Queens Run, Ralston, Rauchtown, Rays Church, Rebersburg, Red Mill, Red Top, Renovo, River Roads, Roaring Branch, Rockville, Roland P.O., Roopsburg, Rotes Mills, Runville, Rutherton, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Salona, Satterfield, Shintown, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Sonestown, South Renovo, South Williasmport, Spring Bank, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stormstown, Strawbridge, Swengle, Taylorsville, Trout Run, Turbotville, Unionville, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, Whetham, White Pine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Winfield, Wingate P.O., Wolfs Store, Woolrich, Woodward, Yarnell, Zion
Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Carbondale, Hawley, Hazleton, Honesdale,
Pittston and Nearby Places Telephone Directory January 1917
(Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1917, 210 pages)
This is a telephone directory of covering parts of Bradford, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Pike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming Counties, PA for the year 1917. The directory lists over 1,000's of residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's name, street address and telephone number (arranged alphabetically by town). There are also some ads for local businesses included.
Towns Included:
Adelia, Albert, Alden, Alderson, Alford, Alum, Archbald, Ariel, Arlington, Asbury, Ashley, Askam, Auburn, Auburn Centre, Auburn Four Corners, Audell, Audenried, Avery, Avoca, Avondale, Avoy, Bald Mount, Bardwell, Barnum, Baylor Pond, Beach Lake, Bear Creek, Bear Lake, Bear Swamp, Beaumont, Beaver Brook, Beaver Meadow, Beaver Valley, Beech Grove, Beisels, Beisel's Corner, Bendertown, Benscoter, Bernice, Bethany, Birchardsville, Black Creek, Black Ridge, Black Walnut, Blakely, Balkeslee & Fern Ride Tel. Co., Blandin, Blooming Grove, Bloomingdale, Blytheburn, Bohemia, Bone Ridge, Boston, Settlement, Bowman's Creek, Brandonville, Brandts, Breslau, Briggsville, Broadway, Brodericks, Brooklyn, Brookside, Brown's Grove, Browntown, Buck Hill Falls, Bunker Hill, Bunnell Hill, Bunnelltown, Buttonwood, Butzbach, Calapoose, Cambra, Campbellsville, Canadensis, Carbondale, Carley Brook Carney, Carverton, Caryl's Station, Cease's Mills, Ceasestown, Center Moreland, Chase, Chauncey, Cherry Ridge, Childs, Chinchilla, Clark's Corner, Clarks Green, Clarks Summit, Clemo, Cliffside, Clifton, Coleraine, Colley, Conyngham, Cooper Hill, Cortez, Courtdale, Coxton, Craig, Cranberry, Cresco, Crosses, Crystal Lake, Crystal Springs, Cumming's Pond, Daleville, Dallas, Dalton, Deckertown, Deckerville, Demunds, Dickson, Dicksville, Dimock, Dixon, Doolittle, Dorrance, Dorranceton, Drifton, Drinker, Drums, Dundaff, Dunmore, Dupont, Duryea, Dushore, Dyberry, East Benton, East Butler, East Dallas, East Dimock, East Honesdale, East Lemon, East Lynn, East Plymouth, East Rush, East Swiftwater, Eatonville, Eckley, Edwardsville, Eldredsville, Elk Lake, Ellsworth Hill, Elmdale, Elmhurst, Estella, Evan's Falls, Evergreen, Exeter, Exeter Borough, Factoryville, Fairdale, Fairmont, Fairmount Springs, Fairview, Fairview Lake, Fairview Station, Falls, Fernbrook, Fern Glen, Fernheim, Fern Ridge, Fields Brook, Fleetville, Folstown, Forest Castle, Forest City, Forest Lake, Forks, Forkston, Forksville, Fortenia, Forty Fort, Foster, Franklin Forks, Freeland, Ganoga Lake, Gelatt, Georgetown, Germantown, Girdland, Glenburn, Glendale, Glen Eyre, Glen Lyon, Glen Summit, Glen Summit Springs, Glen Tannery, Golden Hill, Goodmans, Gouldsboro, Gracedale, Gravel Pond, Gravity, Great Bend, Greeley, Green Castle, Greenfield, Greengrove, Green Ridge, Greentown, Greenwood, Gumbles, Haines, Hales Eddy, Hallstead, Hamlin, Hanover, Harding, Harford, Harleigh, Harmony, Harris Hill, Harvey's Lake, Harveyville, Harwood, Hawley, Hay's Corners, Hazle Brook, Hazleton, Heart Lake, Hemlock Hollow, Hetlerville, Hick's Ferry, Hickory Grove, Highland, Hilldale, Hillside, Hoadley's Hobbie, Hollenback, Hollisterville, Honesdale, Honey Brook, Hop Bottom, Hub, Hudson, Hudsondale, Hunlock's Creek, Huntington Mills, Huntsville, Ice Lake, Idetown, Indian Hill, Indian Orchard, Inkerman, Jackson, Jeanesville, Jeddo, Jenks, Jenningsville, Jermyn, Jessup, Jonestown, Jordon Hollow, Kasson Brook, Keelersburg, Keene, Keeney's Ferry, Kelayres, Kern's Glen, Ketchum, Kimble, Kingsley, Kingston, Kizers, Koonsville, Kunkle, LeAnna, Laceyville, Lackawanna, Lackawaxen, LaGrange, Lake Ariel, Lake Carey, Lake Como, Lake Lodore, Lake Nuangola, Lake Sheridan, Lake Silkworth, Lake Teedyuscung, Laketon, Lakeville, Lake Winola, Lakewood, Lamburg, Lanesboro, LaPlume, LaPorte, Larksville, Lathrop, Lattimer, Laurel Run, Lauella, Laurytown, Lawton, Ledgedale, Lee Mine, Lee Park, Lehigh, Lehman, Lemon, Lenox, Lilly Lake, Lindaville, Lithia Valley, Lockville, Long Pond, Lopez, Lord's Valley, Lovelton, Lower St. John's, Loyalville, Luzerne, Lymanville, Lynn, McAdoo, McCormac, Madisonville, Maltby, Maple Lake, Maplewood, Marcy, Marshwood, Masthope, Mayfield, Maynard Hill, Meeker, Mehoopany, Merryall, Meshoppen, Midvale, Mildred, Mill City, Milnesville, Milwaukee, Miner's Mills, Minooka, Mocanaqua, Montdale, Montrose, Moosehead, Moosic, Moscow, Mossville, Mountain Home, Mount Cobb, Mount Greenwood, Mt. Grove, Mt. Pocono, Mt. Zion, Moxie, Muhlenburg, Murraytown, Nanticoke, New Albany, New Columbus, New Era, Newfoundland, New Milford, Newport Centre, Newton, Newtown, Newtown Center, Nicholson, Nimble, North Mehoopany, Norway Ridge, Notch, Noxen, Nuangola, Nuangola Station, Nuremberg, Oak Hill, Oakland, Oakley, Old Forge, Oliver Mills, Olyphant, Oneida, Orang, Oregon, Orson, Outlet, Overton, Ox-bow Pond, Paradise Valley, Parkvale, Parsons, Paupack, Peckville, Pike's Creek, Pine Hill, Pine View, Pink, Pittston, Pittston Junction, Plains, Plainsville, Plattsburg, Pleasant Mount, Plymouth, Pocono Manor, Pocono Pines, Pocono Summitt, Pond Creek, Pond Hill, Port Blanchard, Port Bowkley, Port Griffith, Post Hill, Powder Glen, Poyntelle, Preston Park, Priceburg, Prichard, Pringle, Prompton, Prospect HIll, Providence, Quick's Ben, Racket Brook, Ransom, Raven Creek, Red Hill, Red House, Red Rock, Register, Rendham, Retreat, Retta, Reyburn, Rhone, Ricketts, Ridgewood, Rienzi, Rileyville, Ripple, Rittenhouse, Rock Glen, Rock Hill, Rocksport, Rocky Forest, Rocky Glen, Roosevelt, Rosengrant, Ross Center, Rowlands, Ruggles, Rush, Rushboro, Russell Hill, Saco, St. Johns, Salem, Sandy Run, Sandy Valley, Satterfield, Schultzville, Sciotavale, Scotch Valley, Scott, Scott Center, Scottsville, Scranton, Sebastapool, Seeleyville, Seybertsville, Shannon Hill, Shavertown, Shawnese, Sheatown, Shehawken, Sheppton, Sherman, Shickshinny, Shupp Hill, Sibley, Siko, Silvaria, Silver Brook, Simpson, Skinner's Eddy, Slocum, Smith Hill, South Auburn, South Canaan, Southdale, South Eaton, South Montrose, South Sterling, Spring Brook Spring Hill, Springville, Square Top, Stairville, Starkville, Starrucca, Stauffer's Station, Stearns Station, Sterling, Stevens Point, Stevensville, Stillwater, Stockton, Stoddartsville, Storr's Junction, Stowell, Strickland Hill, Sturmerville, Sugar Hill, Sugar Hollow, Sugarloaf, Sugar Notch, Sugar Ridge, Sugar Run, Sunshine, Susquehanna, Suttee, Sutton's Creek, Swampbrook, Sweet Valley, Swiftwater, Swoyersville, Sybertsville, Tafton, Tank, Tanners Falls, Taylor, Taylor Hill, Terrytown, Thomas Hill, Thompson, Thornhurst, Throop, Thurston, Tobyhanna, Torrey, Town Hill, Town Line, Traceyville, Transue, Treskow, Trucksville, Tunkhannock, Tyler, Uniondale, Uswick, Valentine Hill, VanCamp, Vandlign, Varden, Vernon, Viall Hill, Virginia Terrace, Vosburg, Vose, Wall's Corner, Wallsville, Wanamie, Wangum, Wapwallopen, Warrior Run, Waterton, Waverly, Waymart, Weatherly, West Abington, Westbrook, West Dallas, West Falls, West Hawley, West Hazleton, West Lathrope, Westmoor, West Nanticoke, West Nicholson, Weston, West Pittston, White Haven, White Lake, White Mills, Wilkes-Barre, Wilson Creek, Wilsonville, Wimmers, Windy Hill, Winton, Wyalusing, Wyoming, Yatesville, Yorktown, Yostville, Zehner, Zenith, Zion's Grove
Williamsport, Bellefonte, Lock Haven and Nearby Places Telephone Directory
October 25, 1920 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1920, 124 pages)
This is a telephone directory of parts of Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1920. It lists 1,000's residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's (or business) name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Allenwood, Alto, Antes Fort, Avis, Axeman, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bitumen, Blue Ball, Blue Stone, Boalsburg, Bodines, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bucknell, Buffalo Roads, Buffalo Run, Calvert, Cameron Mills, Cammal, Campbellville, Canton, Castanea, Cedar Ledge, Cedar Run, Center Furnace, Center Hall, Center Hill, Center Mills, Cenral Oak Heights, Chillisquaque, Chippewa, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Colyer, Coveytown, Cowan, Curtin, Dale Summit, Dewart, Dice, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, Earleystown, East Canton, East Lewisburg, English Center, Essick, Farmers Mills, Farrandsville, Farwell, Fielder, Fillmore, Fleming, Flemington, Foresthill, Forksville, Glade Run, Gleasonton, Gleniron, Glen Mawr, Greens Valley, Grover, Gum Stump, Haleeka, Halls, Hartleton, Hecla Park, Hepburnville, Hoffas Mills, Houserville, Howard, Hoy District, Hughesville, Hyner, Island, Jacksonville, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Julian, Kelly Crossroads, Kelly Point, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Laporte, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lemont, Leolyn, Level, Lewisburg, Limestone, Limestoneville, Linden, Linden Hall, Linntown, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Lopez, Loyalsock, Lucullus, McElhattan, McEwensville, Madisonburg, Marsh Creek, Martha, Martha Furnace, Mawrglen, Mazeppa, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Milton, MIngoville, Minnequa, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Mount Eagle, Muncy, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Berlin, Newberry, Newberry Junction, New Columbia, Nigh Bank, Nisbet, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, Oak Hall Station, Okome, Ottawa, Otzinachson, Overton, Paradise, Paradise Valley, Pennhall, Penns Cave, Pennsdale, Peru, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Creek, Pine Run, Pine Stump, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Valley, Plum Grove, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Potts Grove, Prossertown, Queens Run, Ralston, Rays Church, Rebersburg, Redtop, Renovo, Rising Springs, River Roads, Roaring Branch, Rockview, Rockville, Roopsburg, Rotes Mills, Runville, Rutherton, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Satterfield, Shintown, Slate Run, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Sonestown, South Renovo, South Williasmport, Spring Bank, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stormstown, Strawberry Ridge, Strawbridge, Swengle, Swissdale, Taylorville, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tusseyville, Unionville, Vallamont, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Wallace Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Washingtonville, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, West Renovo, Whetham, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Winfield, Wingate, Wolfs Store, Woodward, Yarnell, Youngdale, Zion
Williamsport, Bellefonte, Lock Haven and Nearby Places Telephone Directory
April, 1921 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1921, 132 pages)
This is a telephone directory of parts of Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1921. It lists 1,000's residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's (or business) name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. Towns Included: Aaronsburg, Allenwood, Alto, Antes Fort, Avis, Axeman, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bitumen, Blue Ball, Blue Stone, Boalsburg, Bodines, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bucknell, Buffalo Roads, Buffalo Run, Calvert, Cameron Mills, Cammal, Campbellville, Canton, Castanea, Cedar Ledge, Cedar Run, Center Furnace, Center Hall, Center Hill, Center Mills, Cenral Oak Heights, Chillisquaque, Chippewa, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Colyer, Coveytown, Cowan, Curtin, Dale Summit, Dewart, Dice, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, Earleystown, East Canton, East Lewisburg, English Center, Essick, Farmers Mills, Farrandsville, Farwell, Fielder, Fillmore, Fleming, Flemington, Foresthill, Forksville, Glade Run, Gleasonton, Gleniron, Glen Mawr, Greens Valley, Grover, Gum Stump, Haleeka, Halls, Hartleton, Hecla Park, Hepburnville, Hoffas Mills, Houserville, Howard, Hoy District, Hughesville, Hyner, Island, Jacksonville, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Julian, Kelly Crossroads, Kelly Point, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Laporte, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lemont, Leolyn, Level, Lewisburg, Limestone, Limestoneville, Linden, Linden Hall, Linntown, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Lopez, Loyalsock, Lucullus, McElhattan, McEwensville, Madisonburg, Marsh Creek, Martha, Martha Furnace, Mawrglen, Mazeppa, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Milton, MIngoville, Minnequa, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Mount Eagle, Muncy, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Berlin, Newberry, Newberry Junction, New Columbia, Nigh Bank, Nisbet, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, Oak Hall Station, Okome, Ottawa, Otzinachson, Overton, Paradise, Paradise Valley, Pennhall, Penns Cave, Pennsdale, Peru, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Creek, Pine Run, Pine Stump, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Valley, Plum Grove, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Potts Grove, Prossertown, Queens Run, Ralston, Rays Church, Rebersburg, Redtop, Renovo, Rising Springs, River Roads, Roaring Branch, Rockview, Rockville, Roopsburg, Rotes Mills, Runville, Rutherton, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Satterfield, Shintown, Slate Run, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Sonestown, South Renovo, South Williasmport, Spring Bank, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stormstown, Strawberry Ridge, Strawbridge, Swengle, Swissdale, Taylorville, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tusseyville, Unionville, Vallamont, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Wallace Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Washingtonville, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, West Renovo, Whetham, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Winfield, Wingate, Wolfs Store, Woodward, Yarnell, Youngdale, Zion
United Telephone Directory - June 1923 - Northern District
(United Telephone & Telegraph Company, 1923, 176 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bedford, Blair, Carbon, Centre, Clinton, Columbia, Lackawanna, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Schuylkill, Snyder, Sullivan and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1923. The directory information includes the resident's or business' name, street address, and telephone number, and this information is arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Adamsdale, Allenwood, Almedia, Altoona, Alvira, Andreas, Antes Fort, Antes Gap, Ant Hills, Aristes, Ashland, Atlas, Avis, Axeman, Baker's Summit, Barbara, Barbours, Baileyville, Bastress, Beaver Valley, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bellwood, Benore, Benton, Bergers, Berwick, Berly, Blanchard, Blandburg, Bloomsburg, Boalsburg, Bodines, Booneville, Brady, Branchdale, Brandonville, Brockton, Brompton, Brookside, Brook's Park, Brynersville, Buttonwood, Cadwell, Calvert, Canoe Creek, Carroll, Castanea, Catawissa, Centre Hall, Centre Mills, Centralia, Chain, Charlton, Chathams Run, Cherryville, Clarence, Clarkestown, Clintondale, Coaldale, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Collinsville, Collomsville, Colyer, Connerton, Cove Forge, Cressona, Crowl, Cumbola, Curryville, Danville, Diebler, Dell Delight, Dewart, Donaldson, Drab, Drehersville, Dry Valley, Duboistown, Duncanville, Eagles Mere, East End, East Freedom, East Sharpsburg, Eastville, Ecktown, Eldorado, Elimsport, Elysburg, Ellenton, English Centre, Espy, Estella, Excelsior, Exchange, Fallen Timber, Feidler, Fern Glen, Ferndale, Field's Station, Fillmore, Flemington, Flinton, Forks, Fostoria, Frackville, Frankstown, Fredericksburg, Frugality, Ganister, Gaysport, Girardville, Gilberton, Gillintown, Glasgow, Greenwood, Grovenia, Hall's Station, Hecla, Hegins, Henrietta, Hensheytown, Hepburnville, Hillsgrove, Hill Top, Hollidaysburg, Howard, Hublersburg, Hughesville, Indian Park, Irish Valley, Island, Jacksonville, Jersey Shore, Jerseytown, Johnson City, Juniata, Karthaus, Kelleysburg, Kelley's Crossing, Kratzerville, Lairdsville, Lakemont, Lamar, Landingville, Laporte, Larke, Laquin, Lemont, Lansford, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Lewisburg, Liberty, Limestoneville, Lime Ridge, Linden, Linden Hall, Livonia, Llewellyn, Lloydsville, Llyswen, Lock Haven, Lockport, Locust Dale, Locust Gap, Logan's Mills, Loganton, Lost Creek, Loyalsockville, Loysburg, Lycoming, Mackeyville, Madisonburg, Mahanoy City, Mahanoy Plane, Mantzville, Marion Heights, Marsh Hill, Maple Hill, Martinsburg, McCormic, McElhattan, McEwensville, McKeansburg, Masten, Maysville, Mawr Glen, Middleport, Mifflinburg, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millville, Milton, Minersville, Mines, Mingoville, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Mordansville, Moshannon, Mountaindale, Mount Aetna, Mount Carbon, Mount Carmel, Mount Eagle, Mount Grove, Mud Run, Muncy Creek, Muncy, Muncy Valley, Nealmonts, Nesquehoning, New Enterprise, New Kirk, New Mahoning, New Philadelphia, New Ringgold, Newry, Newtown, Nippennose Valley, Nippono Park, Nordmont, Normal, Northumberland, North Manheim Township, North Penn, Numedia, Nuremburg, Oak Grove, Oak Hall, Oneida, Opp, Orangeville, Ore Hill, Oriole, Orvistown, Orwigsburg, Ottawa, Oval, Palo Alto, Paxinos, Pennsdale, Penn Hall, Pennsylvania Furnace, Picture Rocks, Pine Glenn, Pine Grove, Pine Grove Mills, Pine Station, Pine Summit, Pleasant Gap, Plum Creek, Point View, Port Carbon, Pote Town, Potters Mills, Pottsgrove, Pottsville, Proctor, Ralston, Raven Run, Rauchs, Rauchtown, Rebersburg, Reynolds, Ringtown, River Side, Roaring Branch, Roaring Creek, Roaring Spring, Rock Glen, Rohrsburg, Romola, Rosecrans, Rose Valley, Rote, Royer, Runville, Saint Clair, Salemville, Salladasburg, Salona, Schuyler, Schuylkill Haven, Schuylkill Mountain, Seven Points, Shamokin, Shamokin Dam, Shellytown, Shenandoah, Snow Shoe, Snyder, Snydertown, Sonestown, South Altoona, South Williamsport, Spring Garden, Spring Mills, Standtville, State College, Stonington, Stormstown, Strawbridge, Strong, Sugar Loaf, Summit Hill, Sunbury, Sunnyside, Swissdale, Tamaqua, Tank, Tipton, Tivola, Tremont, Trevorton, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tuscarora, Tusseyville, Tylersville, Tyrone, Unityville, Utahville, Valley View, Waddle, Wallace Run, Warrensville, Warrior's Mark, Washingtonville, Waterside, Watsontown, Wehr, Wertz, Weston, West Brunswick Township, White Hall, White Pine, Williamsburg, Williamsport, Willowbank, Winfield, Woodbury, Woolrich, Woodward, Yellow Springs, Youngsdale, Zion, Zion's Grove
Telephone Directory - Spring 1926 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1926, 210 pages)
This is a telephone directory of parts of Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1926. It lists 1,000's residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's (or business) name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Alba, Allenwood, Alto, Alvira, Antes Fort, Avis, Axeman, Balls Mills, Bastress, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bitumen, Blanchard, Blue Ball, Blue Stone, Boalsburg, Bodines, Brompton, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bucknell, Buffalo Roads, Buffalo Run, Caldwell, Calvert, Cameron Mills, Cammal, Canton, Carpenter, Castanea, Cedar Ledge, Cedar Springs, Center Furnace, Center Hall, Center Hill, Center Mills, Cenral Oak Heights, Chatham Run, Chemung, Chillisquaque, Chippewa, Clarence, Clintondale, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Collomsville, Colyer, Cowan, Curtin, Dale Summit, Dewart, Dice, Devitts Camp, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, Earleystown, East Canton, East Lewisburg, Eldredsville, Elimsport, English Center, Essick, Farmers Mills, Farrandsville, Farwell, Field, Fielder, Fillmore, Fleming, Flemington, Foresthill, Glade Run, Gleason, Gleasonton, Gleniron, Glen Mawr, Greens Valley, Grover, Gum Stump, Hagars, Haleeka, Hartleton, Hecla Park, Hepburnville, Hoffas Mills, Houserville, Howard, Hoy District, Hublersburg, Hughesville, Huston, Hyner, Island, Jacksonville, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Julian, Karthaus, Kato, Kellyburg, Kelly Crossroads, Kelly Point, Laddsburg, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Lamar, Laporte, Larrys Creek, Larrysville, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lemont, Leolyn, Level, Lewisburg, Liberty Church, Limestone, Limestoneville, Linden, Linden Hall, Linntown, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Loganton, Lopez, Loyalsock, Lucullus, Lyontown, Mackeyville, Madisonburg, Maplehill, Marsh Creek, Marsh Hill, Martha, Martha Furnace, Mawrglen, Mazeppa, McElhattan, McEwensville, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Milton, MIngoville, Minnequa, Montandon, Montgomery, Montoursville, Monument, Moshannon, Mount Eagle, Muncy, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Berlin, Newberry, Newberry Junction, New Columbia, Nigh Bank, Nisbet, Nittany, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, Oak Hall Station, Ogdensburg Station, Okome, Oriole, Orviston, Ottawa, Otzinachson, Oval, Overton, Paradise, Paradise Valley, Penbryn, Pennhall, Penns Cave, Pennsdale, Perryville, Peru, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Creek, Pine Glen, Pine Run, Pine Stump, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Valley, Plum Grove, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Potts Grove, Powys, Prossertown, Queens Run, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Rays Church, Rebersburg, Red Mill, Redtop, Renovo, Rising Springs, River Roads, Roaring Branch, Rockview, Rockville, Romola, Roopsburg, Rote, Rotes Mills, Runville, Rutherton, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Satterfield, Schuyler, Shintown, Slate Run, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Snydertown, Sonestown, South Renovo, South Williasmport, Spring Bank, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stone Church, Stormstown, Strawberry Ridge, Strawbridge, Swengle, Taylorville, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tusseyville, Union Center, Unionville, Vallamont, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Wallace Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Washingtonville, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, West Renovo, Whetham, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Winfield, Wingate, Wolfs Store, Woodward, Woolrich, Yarnell, Youngdale, Zion
Commonwealth Telephone Company - Summer 1929
(Commonwealth Telephone Company, 1929, 464 pages)
This is a telephone directory of covering parts of Bradford, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Pike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming Counties, PA for the year 1929. The directory lists over 80,000's residents and businesses from these areas, providing the resident's name, street address and telephone number (arranged alphabetically by town). There is also a "yellow pages" classified business section at the end of the publication.
Towns Included:
Ackerly, Adelia, Albert, Alden Station, Aldenville, Alderson, Alford, Analomink, Appenzell, Ararat, Ariel, Arlington, Asbury, Ashley, Askam, Atco, Auburn Center, Auburn Four Corners, Audell, Audenried, Avery, Avoca, Avondale, Avoy, Baileytown, Bald Mount, Baoba, Bardwell, Barnum, Bartonsville, Beach Grove, Beachlake, Bear Creek, Bear Lake, Bear Swamp, Beaumont, Bearver Brook, Beaver Meadows, Beaver Run, Beaver Valley, Beech Grove, Beisels, Beisels Corner, Bell Mountain, Bendertown, Benscoter, Bernice, Bethany, Bethel Hill, Bidwell Hill, Big Pond, Birchardville, Black Creek, Blackwalnut, Blakely, Blakeslee, Blooming Grove, Bloomingdale, Blytheburn, Bohemia, Bone Ridge, Bowman Creek, Bowman Hollow, Boyds Mills, Braman, Brandt, Breslau, Briggsville, Broadway, Brodericks, Brooklyn, Brookside, Brown Hollow, Browndale, Browntown, Buck Hill Falls, Buck Mountain, Bunker Hill, Bunnell Hill, Bushkill, Buttonwood, Butzbach, Calkins, Callapoose, Cambra, Camp Susquehanna, Camptown, Canadensis, Carbondale, Carley Brook, Carney, Carverton, Caryls Station, Center Moreland, Chapman Lake, Chase, Chauncy, Cherry Hill, Cherry Ridge, Childs, Chinchilla, Christopher, Clarks Green, Clarks Summit, Clarksview, Clemo, Clifford, Clifton, Coal Ridge, Coleraine, Colley, Conashaugh, Conyngham, Coolbaugh, Cooper Hill, Cortez, Courtdale, Coxton, Craig, Craig Meadows, Cranberry, Cresco, Crosses, Crystal Lake, Crystal Springs, Cummings Pond, Daleville, Dallas, Dalton, Damascus, Deckertown, Deckerville, Delaware Water Gap, Demunds, Dickson City, Dicksville, Dimock, Dingmans, Dingmans Ferry, Dixon, Doolittle Hill, Dorrance, Dorranceton, Drifton, Drinkers, Drums, Dundaff, Dunmore, Dupont, Duryea, Dushore, Dyberry, East Benton, East Bridgewater, East Butler, East Dallas, East Dimmock, East Plymouth, East Rush, East Stroudsburg, Eastlemon, Eatonville, Ebervale, Echo Lake, Echo Valley, Eckley, Edgemere, Edinger Hill, Edwardsville, Egypt Mills, Eldredsville, Elk Lake, Elkdale, Ellsworth Hill, Elmdale, Elmhurst, Equinunk, Estella, Evans Falls, Evergreen, Exeter, Exeter Boro, Eynon, Factoryville, Fair Hollow, Fairdale, Fairmount Springs, Fairview, Fairview Lake, Falls, Fallsdale, Farview Station, Fern Brook, Fern Glen, Fernridge, Fields Brooks, Fleetville, Folstown, Forest Castle, Forest City, Forest Lake, Forest Park, Forkston, Fortenia, Forty Fort, Fox Hill, Franklin Forks, Freeland, Freytown, Frutcheys, Galilee, Ganoga Lake, Gelatt, Georgetown, Girdland, Glen Eyre, Glen Summit, Glen Tannery, Glenburn, Glendale, Glenlyon, Goldenhill, Goodmans, Gouldsboro, Gracedale, Grant Hill, Gravel Branch, Gravel Pond, Gravity, Great Bend, Greeley, Green Castle, Green Ridge, Greenfield, Greengrove, Greentown, Greenwood, Haines, Hallstead, Hamlin, Hanover, Harding, Harford, Harleigh, Harris Hill, Harvey's Lake, Harveyville, Harwood, Harwood Mines, Hawley, Hays Corner, Hazelbrook, Hazleton, Hazleton Heights, Heart Lake, Hemlock Hollow, Henryville, Herrick Center, Hickory Grove, Hicks Ferry, Highland, Hilldale, Hillsdale, Hillside, Hoadley's, Hobbie, Hollenback, Hollisterville, Honesdale, Honey Brook, Hop Bottom, Hub, Hudson, Hudsondale, Huff Lake, Hughstown, Hunlock Creek, Hunters Range, Huntington Mills, Huntsville, Hyde Park, Ice Lake, Idetown, indian Hill, Indian Orchard, Inglehart, Inkerman, Jackson, Jeanesville, Jeddo, Jenks, Jenningsville, Jermyn, Jessup, Jonestown, Jordan Hollow, Justus, Kasson Brook, Kellersburg, Keene, Kelayres, Kerns Glen, Ketcham, Kimble, Kingsley, Kinston, Kizers, Koonsville, Kunkle, La Anna, Laceyville, Lackawaxen, Laddsburg, LaGrange, Lake Ariel, Lake Cary, Lake Clemo, Lake Como, Lake Henry, Lake Lodore, Lake Nuangola, Lake Paupack, Lake Sheridan, Lake Silkworth, Lake Teedyuscung, Laketon, Lakeville, Lake Winola, Lakewood, Lamburg, Lanesboro, Laplume, Laporte, Larksville, Lathrop, Lattimer, Laurel Hill, Laurel Run, Laurella, Laurytown, Lawsville, Lawton, Lebanon, Ledgedale, Lee Park, Leemine, Lehigh, Lehigh Tannery, Lehman, Lemon, Lenox, Leonardsville, Lily Lake, Lindaville, Lithia Valley, Lockville, Long Ridge, Lookout, Lopez, Lords Valley, Lovelton, Lower Askam, Lower St. John, Loyalville, Luzerne, Lymanville, Lynn, Madisonville, Maltby, Maplelake, Maplewood, Maplewood Heights, Marcy, Marshalls Creek, Marshwood, Masthope, Mayfield, Maynard Hill, McAdoo, McMichaels, Meeker, Mehoopany, Merryall, Meshoppen, Midvale, Milanville, Mildred, Milford, Mill City, Milnesville, Milwaukee, Miners Mills, Minooka, Mocanaqua, Montdale, Montrose, Mooretown, Moosehead, Moosic, Moosic Lake, Moscow, Mossville, Mount Cobb, Mount Greenwood, Mount Pleasant, Mt. Pocono, Mount Zion, Mountain Grove, Mountainhome, Mountain Top, Moxie, Mud Pond, Muhlenberg, Murraytown, Nanticoke, Naomi Pines, Nay Aug, New Albany, New Boston, New Columbus, New Era, New Milford, Newfoundland, Newport Center, Newton, Newton Hill, Newton Lake, Newtown, Nicholson, Nimble, North Chinchilla, North Clark Summit, North Flat, North Mehoopany, North Water Gap, Northup Hill, Norway Ridge, Notch, Noxen, Nuangola, Nuangola Station, Nuremberg, Oakland, Oakley, Old Boston, Old Forge, Oliver Mills, Olyphant, Oneida, Orange, Oregon, Orson, Outlet, Overton, Paradise, Paradise Falls, Paradise Valley, Parish Heights, Parkvale, Parsons, Paupack, Peckville, Peely, Penobscot, Petersburg, Pikes Creek, Pine Hill, Pine View, Pittston, Pittston Junction, Plains, Plainsville, Pleasant Mount, Plymouth, Plymouth Junction, Pocono Lake, Pocono Manor, Pocono Pines, Pocono Summit, Point Breeze, Pond Creek, Pod Hill, Port Blanchard, Port Bowkley, Port Griffith, Porters Lake, Post Hill, Poyntelle, Preston, Preston Park, Priceburg, Pritchard, Pringle, Prompton, Prospect Hill, Providence, Quicks Bend, Ransom, Ravencreek, Red Hill, Red Rock, Reeders, Register, Rendham, Resica, Retreat, Retta, Reyburn, Rhone, Ricketts, Rienzi, Rileyville, Rita, Rittenhouse, Rivercliff, Riverside Beach, Rock Glen, Rock Hill, Rockport, Rocky Forest, Rocky Glen, Rosengrant, Ross Center, Rowland, Royal, Ruggles, Rush, Rushboro, Russell Hill, Rutledgedale, Saco, Saint Johns, Salem, Sand Valley, Sandy Run, Satterfield, Saw Creek, Scanlin, Schanno, Schultzville, Sciotavale, Scotch Valley, Scotrun, Scott, Scottsville, Scranton, Sebastopol, Seelyville, Seybertsville, Shannon Hill, Shavertown, Shawanese, Shawnee, Shawnee-on-th-Delaware, Sheatown, Sheppton, Shickshinny, Shupp Hill, Sibley, Sickler's Pond, Sicklers Station, Siko, SIlkworth, Silvara, Silver Brook Simpson, Skinners Eddy, Skinners Falls, Slocum, Smith Hill, Solomons Gap, South Auburn, South Canaan, South Easton, South Gibson, South Montrose, South Pond, South Sterling, Southdale, Spraugeville, Spring Lake, Springbrook, Springhill, Springville, Stairville, Stalker, Stanton, Stantontown, Starkville, Starlight, Starrucca, Stauffers Stations, Stearns Station, Steene, Sterling, Stevens Point, Stockton, Stoddartsville, Stowell, Strickland Hill, The Stroudsburgs, Sugar Hill, Sugar Hollow, Sugar Notch, Sugar Run, Sugarloaf, Sunshine, Susquehanna, Suttee, Suttons Creek, Swamp Brook, Sweet Valley, Swiftwater, Swoyerville, Tafton, Tank, Tanners Falls, Tannersville, Taylor, Terrytown, Thomas Hill, Thompson, Thornhurst, Throop, Thurston, Tobyhanna, Tomhicken, Tompkinsville, Torry, Town Hill, Townline, Traceyville, Transue, Tresckow, Trucksville, Tunkhannock, Twin Lakes, Tyler, Tyler Hill, Underwood Village, Uniondale, Upper Askam, Upper Lehigh, Uswick, Valentine Hill, Vancamp, Vandling, Varden, Vernon, Vosburg, Vose, Walker Lake, Walls Corner, Wallsville, Wanamie, Wangaum, Wapwallopen, Wardan Place, Warrior Run, Waterton, Waverly, Waymart, Weatherly, Welcome Lake, West Abington, West Auburn, West Clifford, West Dallas, West Damascus, West Falls, West Hawley, West Hazleton, West Lathrope, West Nanticoke, West Nicholson, West Pittston, West Wyoming, Westbrooks, Westcolang, Westmoore, Weston, White Haven, White Lake, White Mills, Whites Ferry, Whites Valley, Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre Mountain, Wilmot, Wilson Creek, Wilsonville, Wimmers, Windy Hill, Winton, Wyalusing, Wyoanna, Wyoming, Yatesville, Yorktown, Yostville, Zehner
Jersey Shore - Lock Haven - Renovo and Nearby Points
Telephone Directory - March 1934 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1934, 116 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties Pennsylvania for the year 1934. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. There is also a section of classified business listings for the same area.
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Alba, Allenwood, Alto, Alvira, Antes Fort, Avis, Axemann, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bethel, Bitumen, Blanchard, Boalsburg, Bodines, Booneville, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bryantown, Buffalo Roads, Buffalo Run, Caldwell, Calvert, Cameron Mills, Cammal, Campbellsville, Canton, Carroll, Castanea, Cedar Springs, Center Furnace, Center Hall, Center Hill, Center Mills, Central Oak Heights, Chatham Run, Cherry Mills, Chillisquaque, Chippewa, Clarence, Clarkestown, Clintondale, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Collomsville, Colver, Comly, Coon Hill, Cowan, Coxey Hill, Crofut, Dale Summit, Devitt's Camp, Dewart, Dice, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, Earleystown, East Canton, East Lewisburg, Eastville, Eldredsville, Elimsport, Elkland, Ellenton, English Center, Essick, Estella, Howard, Hoy District, Hublersburg, Hughesville, Huntersville, Hyner, Island, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Jerseytown, Julian, Kato, Kelleyburg, Kellogg, Kelly Point, Laddsburg, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Lamar, Laporte, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lemont, Leolyn, Level, Lewisburg, Liberty Church, Limestoneville, Lincoln Falls, Linden, Linden Hall, Linntown, Livonia, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Loganton, Lopez, Loyalsock, Lyontown, Mackeyville, Madisonburg, Maplehill, Marsh Creek, Martha, Martha Furnace, Masten, Mawrglen, Mazeppa, McCarty's Ridge, McElhattan, McEwensville, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Millview, Milton, Mingoville, Montanton, Montgomery, Montoursville, Moon Street, Moshannon, Mount Eagle, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Berlin, New Columbia, New Era, Newberry, Newberry Junction, Nigh Bank, Nisbet, Nittany, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, North Street, Oak Hall Station, Ogdensburg Station, Okome, Opp, Oriole, Orviston, Ottawa, Otzinachson, Oval, Overton, Paradise, Pennhall, Penns Cave, Pennsdale, Perryville, Piatt, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Glen, Pine Grove Mills, Pine Station, Pine Stump, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Valley, Plum Grove, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Potts Grove, Powys, Proctor, Prossertown, Queen's Run, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Rays Church Rebersburg, Red Mill, Renovo, Ricketts, Rising Springs, Roaring Branch, Rockview, Rockville, Roopsburg, Rosecrans, Rote, Rotes Mills, Runville, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Salona, Sattersfield, Schuyler, Shintown, Shunk, Slate Run, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Sonestown, South Branch, South Renovo, South Williamsport, Spring Bank, Spring Lake, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stevenson, Stone Church, Strawberry Ridge, Strawbridge, Swengel, Taylorville, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tusseyville, Tylersville, Unionville, Vallamont, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Wallace Run, Wallis Run, Warburton Hill, Warrensville, Washingtonville, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, West Renovo, Wheelerville, Whethem, Whitedeer, Whitehall, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Windfall, Winfield, Wingate, Wolfs Store, Woodward, Woolrich, Yarnell, Youngdale, Zion
Jersey Shore - Lock Haven - Renovo and Nearby Points
Telephone Directory - January 1937 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1937, 138 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties Pennsylvania for the year 1937. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. There is also a section of classified business listings for the same area. (Missing Jersey Shore and vicinity A-N names)
Towns Included:
Aaronsburg, Alba, Allenwood, Alto, Alvira, Antes Fort, Avis, Axemann, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Bernice, Bethel, Bitumen, Blanchard, Boalsburg, Bodines, Booneville, Brook Park, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bryantown, Buffalo Run, Caldwell, Calvert, Cameron Mills, Cammal, Campbellsville, Canton, Carroll, Castanea, Cedar Springs, Center Furnace, Center Hall, Center Hill, Center Mills, Central Oak Heights, Chatham Run, Cherry Mills, Chillisquaque, Chippewa, Clarence, Clarkestown, Clintondale, Coburn, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Coleville, Colley, Collomsville, Colver, Comly, Coon Hill, Cowan, Coxey Hill, Crofut, Dale Summit, Devitt's Camp, Dewart, Dice, Dreisbach Church, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, Earleystown, East Canton, East Lewisburg, Eastville, Eldredsville, Elimsport, Elkland, Ellenton, English Center, Essick, Estella, Evergreen, Exchange, Fairfield, Farmers Mills, Farragut, Farrandsville, Farwell, Fiedler, Field, Fillmore, Fleming, Flemington, Foresthill, Forksville, French Creek, Ganoga Lake, Gleason, Gleasonton, Glen Mawr, Gleniron, Greens Valley, Grover, Gum Stump, Haleeka, Halls, Hannah, Hartleton, Hatch Hill, Hecla Park, Hepburnville, Hillsgrove, Hoffas Mills, Houserville, Howard, Hoy District, Hublersburg, Hughesville, Huntersville, Hyner, Island, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Jerseytown, Julian, Kato, Kelleyburg, Kellogg, Kelly Crossroads, Kelly Point, Laddsburg, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Lamar, Laporte, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Laurel Park, Laurelton, Lauvertown, Lemont, Leolyn, Level, Lewisburg, Liberty Church, Limestoneville, Lincoln Falls, Linden, Linden Hall, Linntown, Livonia, Lochiel, Lock Haven, Lockport, Loganton, Lopez, Loyalsock, Lyontown, Mackeyville, Madisonburg, Maplehill, Marsh Creek, Martha, Martha Furnace, Masten, Mawrglen, Mazeppa, McCarty's Ridge, McElhattan, McEwensville, Mifflinburg, Mildred, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Millheim, Millmont, Millview, Milton, Mingoville, Montanton, Montgomery, Montoursville, Moon Street, Moshannon, Mount Eagle, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Berlin, New Columbia, New Era, Newberry, Newberry Junction, Nigh Bank, Nisbet, Nittany, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, North Street, Oak Hall Station, Ogdensburg Station, Okome, Opp, Oriole, Orviston, Ottawa, Otzinachson, Oval, Overton, Paradise, Pennhall, Penns Cave, Pennsdale, Perryville, Peru, Piatt, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Glen, Pine Grove Mills, Pine Station, Pine Stump, Pleasant Gap, Pleasant Valley, Plum Grove, Port Matilda, Potters Mills, Potts Grove, Powys, Proctor, Prossertown, Queen's Run, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Rays Church Rebersburg, Red Mill, Renovo, Ricketts, Rising Springs, Roaring Branch, Rockview, Rockville, Roopsburg, Rosecrans, Rote, Rotes Mills, Runville, Salem Church, Salladasburg, Salona, Sattersfield, Schuyler, Shintown, Shunk, Slate Run, Smithtown, Smullton, Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Sonestown, South Branch, South Renovo, South Williamsport, Spring Bank, Spring Lake, Spring Mills, State College, Steese Mills, Stevenson, Stone Church, Strawberry Ridge, Strawbridge, Swengel, Taylorville, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tusseyville, Tylersville, Unionville, Vallamont, Valley View, Vicksburg, Waddle, Wallace Run, Wallis Run, Warburton Hill, Warrensville, Washingtonville, Waterville, Watsontown, West Milton, Westport, West Renovo, Wheelerville, Whethem, Whitedeer, Whitehall, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Windfall, Winfield, Wingate, Wolfs Store, Woodward, Woolrich, Yarnell, Youngdale, Zion
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1938
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1938, 120 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bradford, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties Pennsylvania for the year 1938. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. There is also a section of classified business listings for the same area.
Towns Included:
Alba, Allenwood, Alvira, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Barclay, Bastress, Bernice, Bethel, Bitumen, Bodines, Booneville, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bryantown, Caldwell, Calvert, Cammal, Campbellsville, Canton, Carroll, Castanea, Cedar Springs, Chatham Run, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Clintondale, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Colley, Collomsville, Coon Hill, Coxey Hill, Crofut, Devitt's Camp, Dewart, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, East Canton, Eastville, Eldredsville, Elimsport, Elkland, Ellenton, English Center, Essick, Estella, Evergreen, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Farwell, Faxon, Field, Flemington, Forksville, French Creek, Ganoga Lake, Gleason, Gleasonton, Glen Mawr, Grover, Haleeka, Halls, Hatch Hill, Hepburnville, Hillsgrove, Hughesville, Huntersville, Hyner, Island, Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore Junction, Kelleyburg, Kellogg, Kenmar, Laddsburg, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Lamar, Laporte, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Leolyn, Level, Liberty Church, Lincoln Falls, Linden, Lock Haven, Lockport, Loganton, Lopez, Loyalsock, Mackeyville, Maplehill, Masten, Mawrglen, McCarty's Ridge, McElhattan, McEwensville, Mildred, Mill Hall, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Moon Street, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Era, Newberry, Newberry Junction, Nisbet, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, North Street, Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg Station, Okome, Opp, Oriole, Otzinachson, Oval, Overton, Pennsdale, Perryville, Piatt, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Pratt, Proctor, Queen's Run, Quiggleville, Ralston, Ramsey, Rauchtown, Renovo, Ricketts, Roaring Branch, Rosecrans, Rote, Salladasburg, Salona, Sattersfield, Schuyler, Shintown, Shunk, Slate Run, Sonestown, South Branch, South Renovo, South Williamsport, Spring Lake, Stevenson, Stone Church, Strawbridge, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tylersville, Vallamont, Wallis Run, Warburton Hill, Warrensville, Waterville, Watsontown, Westport, West Renovo, Wheelerville, Whethem, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Windfall, Woolrich, Youngdale
Honesdale and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - July 1939
(Bell Telephone Directory of PA, 1939, 408 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bradford, Carbon, Columbia, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Pike, Schuylkill, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1939, listing over 80,000 residents and businesses. The directory information lists the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area. There is a small amount of missing data from each of the areas of Benton, Camptown, Carbondale, Clapper Hill, Girdland, Herrick, Herrickville, Honesdale, Stevens, Torrey and White Birch. For questions about this, please contact us prior to purchase.
Towns Covered:
Aberdeen, Ackerly, Albert, Alden, Aldenville, Alderson, Alford, Analomink, Angles, Appenzell, Ararat, Archbald, Arlington, Asbury, Ashley, Ashmore, Askam, Atco, Auburn Center, Adenreid, Austin Heights, Avery, Avoca, Avondale, Bald Mount, Bartonsville, Beach Grove, Beachlake, Bear Creek, Bear Lake, Beaumont, Beaver Brook, Beaver Meadows, Beaver Valley, Beisels Corners, Belin Village, Bendertown, Benton, Bernice, Bethany, Bethel Hill, Birchardville, Black Creek, Blackwalnut, Blakely, Blakeslee, Blooming Grove, Bloomingdale, Blytheburn, Bohemia, Bowman Hollow, Boyds Mills, Brandonville, Brandt, Breslau, Briggsville, Brior Ridge, Broadway, Brodericks, Brooklyn, Brookside, Browndale, Browntown, Buck Hill Falls, Buck Mountain, Buena Vista, Bunker Hill, Bunnelltown, Burnwood, Buttonwood, Cambra, Camptown, Canadensis, Carbondale, Carley Brook, Carney, Carverton, Center Moreland, Central, Chapman Lake, Chase, Chauncy, Cherry Mills, Cherry Ridge, Childs, Chinchilla, Choconut, Clapper Hill, Clarks Green, Clarks Summit, Clifford, Clifton, Cold Spring, Coleraine, Colley, Conyngham, Conyngham Pass, Cooper Hill, Cork Lane, Cortez, Courtdale, Coxton, Craigs Meadows, Cranberry, Cresco, Crystal Lake, Daleville, Dallas, Dalton, Damascus, Demunds, Dickson City, Dimock, Dixon, Doolittle Hill, Dorrance, Drifton, Drums, Dundaff, Dunmore, Dupont, Duryea, Dushore, Dyberry, East Benton, East Butler, East Dallas, East Dimmock, East Honesdale, East Lemon, East Plymouth, East Rush, East Swiftwater, Eatonville, Ebervale, Eckley, Edella, Edgewood, Edinger Hill, Edwardsville, Elk Lake, Elkdale, Ellsworth Hill, Elmhurst, Equinunk, Evergreen, Exeter Boro, Eynon, Factoryville, Fairdale, Fairmount Springs, Fairview, Fairview Lake, Falls, Farr Hollow, Farview, Fells Corners, Fern Brook Fern Glen, Ferndale, Fernridge, Finch Hill, Fishing Creek, Fleetville, Folstown, Forest City, Forest Lake, Forkston, Fortenia, Forty Fort, Foster, Franklin Forks, Franklin Hill, Frear Hill, Freeland, French Creek, Friendsville, Galilee, Ganoga Lake, Gelatt, Georgetown, German Hill, Gibson, Glen Lyon, Glen Summit, Glenburn, Glendale, Goldenhill, Gouldsboro, Gracedale, Gravity, Great Bend, Greeley, Greentown, Grists Flats, Hallstead, Hamlin, Hanover, Harding, Harford, Harleight, Harris Hill, Harvey's Lake, Harveyville, Harwood, Harwood Mines, Hatch Hill, Hawley, Hazelbrook, Hazleton, Hazleton Heights, Heart Lake, Henryville, Herrick, Herrick Center, Hickory Grove, Hickory Run, Hicks Ferry, Hilldale, Hillside, Hoadleys Hobbie, Hollenback, Hollisterville, Homets Ferry, Honesdale, Honeyhole, Hop Bottom, Hudson, Hudsondale, Hughestown, Hunlock Creek, Hunters Range, Huntington Mills, Huntsville, Idetown, Indian Hill, Indian Orchard, Inkerman, Jackson, Jamison City, Japan, Jaynes Bend, Jeanesville, Jeddo, Jenks, Jenningsville, Jermyn, Jessup, Jonestown, Junedale, Justus, Kasson Brook, Keelersburg, Kelayres, Kellogg, Kimbles, Kingsley, Kingston, Koonsville, Kunkle, Laanna, Laceyville, Lackawaxen, Laddsburg, Laflin, LaGrange, Lake Ariel, Lake, Carey, Lake Como, Lake Henry, Lake Shehawken, Lake Sheridan, Lake Silkworth, Lake Teedyuscung, Lake Wallenpaupack, Lake Winola, Laketon, Lakeville, Lakewood, Lamburg, Lanesboro, Laplume, Laporte, Larksville, Lattimer, Laurel Run, Laurella, Laurytown, Lawsville, Lawton, Ledgedale, Lee, Lee Park, Lehigh, Lehman, Lemon, Lenoxville, Leonardsville, Lily Lake, Lime Hill, Lindaville, Lockville, Long Pond, Long Ridge, Lookout, Lopez, Lords Valley, Lovelton, Lower Askam, Loyalville, Lutherland, Luzerne, Lymanville, Lynn, Madisonville, Maltby, Maplelake, Maplewood, Marshalls Creek, Mayfield, Maynard Hill, McAdoo, McMichaels, Meeker, Meisertown, Mehoopany, Merryall, Meshoppen, Middletown, Midvale, Milanville, Mildred, Mill City, Milnesville, Milwaukee, Miners Mills, Minisink Hills, Minooka, Mocanaqua, Montdale, Montrose, Moon Street, Mooretown, Moosic, Moscow, Mossville, Mount Cobb, Mt. Pocono, Mount Springs, Mountain Grove, Mountainhome, Mountaintop, Moxie, Muhlenburg, Murraytown, Myo Beach, Nanticoke, Naomi Pines, New Albany, New Boston, New Columbus, New Cranberry, New Era, New Milford, Newfoundland, Newport Center, Newton, Newton Lake, Newtown, Niagara, Nicholson, Nimble, North Chinchilla, North Clarks Summit, North Eaton, North Flat, North Lake, North Mehoopany, North Street, Norway Ridge, Nuangola, Nuangola Station, Nuremberg, Oak Hill, Oakdale, Oakland, Old Boston, Old Forge, Olivers Mills, Olyphant, Oneida, Orange, Orson, Osterhout, Outlet, Paradise Falls, Paradise Valley, Parsons, Paupack, Peckville, Peely, Penobscot, Pikes Creek, Pine View, Pittston, Pleasant Mount, Plymouth, Plymouth Junction, Pocono, Pocono Lake, Pocono Manor, Pocono Pines, Pocono Summit, Point Breeze, Pond Creek, Pond Hill, Port Blanchard, Port Bowkley, Port Griffith, Porters Lake, Powder Glen, Poyntelle, Preston, Preston Park, Pringle, Promised Land Lake, Prompton, Prospect Hill, Quicks Bend, Ransom, Red Rock, Reeders, Register, Rendham, Resica, Retreat, Retta, Reyburn, Richmondale, Ricketts, Ridgewood, Rileyville, Ringtown, Rita, Rock Glen, Rock Lake, Rockport, Rocky Forest, Rocky Glen, Rohrsburg, Rowland, Royal, Ruggles, Rummerfield, Rush, Rushboro, Rushville, Russell Hill, Rutledgedale, Saint Johns, St. Joseph, Sandy Run, Satterfield, Saw Creek, Schultzville, Scotch Valley, Scotrun, Scottsville, Scranton, Sebastopol, Seelyville, Seybertsville, Shannon Hill, Shavertown, Shawanese, Shawnee, Shawnee-on-the-Delaware, Sheatown, Sheppton, Shickshinny, Shickshinny Valley, Shupp Hill, Sibley, Silkworth, Silvara, Silver Brook Simpson, Skinners Eddy, Skinners Falls, Sky Top, Slocum, Smith Hill, Solomons Gap, South Auburn, South Branch, South Canaan, South Eaton, South Gibson, South Montrose, South Sterling, Southdale, Spring Lake, Springbrook, Springhill, Springville, Stalker, Stanton, Starlight, Starrucca, Stearns Station, Steene, Sterling, Stevens Point, Stevenson, Stevensville, Stillwater, Stockton, Stoddartsville, Stowell, The Stroudsburgs, Sugar Hill, Sugar Hollow, Sugar Notch, Sugar Run, Sugarloaf, Sullivan Park, Summersvile, Sunshine, Suscon, Susquehanna, Suttons Creek, Swamp Brook Sweet Valley, Swiftwater, Swoyersville, Sylvan Lake, Tafton, Tank, Tanners Falls, Tannersville, Taylor, Terrytown, Thompson, Thornhurst, Throop, Thurston, Tobyhanna, Tomhicken, Tompkinsville, Town Hill, Townline, Transue, Tresckow, Trucksville, Tunkhannock, Uniondale, Upper Askam, Upper Lehigh, Uswick, Valentine Hill, Vancamp, Vandling, Varden, Vernon, Vosburg, Vose, Waller, Wallsville, Wanamie, Wapwallopen, Wardan Place, Warrior Run, Waterton, Waverly, Waymart, Weatherly, Welsh Hill, West Abington, West Auburn, West Avoca, West Dallas, West Falls, West Hazleton, West Nanticoke, West Nicholson, West Pittston, West Wyoming, Westcolang, Westminster, Weston, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Wilmot, Wilsonville, Wimmers Windy Hill, Winton, Wyalusing, Wyoanna, Wyoming, Yatesville, Zehner, Zenith, Zion Grove
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1940
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1940, 138 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bradford, Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan, Union and Wyoming Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1940. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Covered:
Alba, Allenwood, Alvira, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Beech Creek, Bernice, Bethel, Bitumen, Blanchard, Bodines, Booneville, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bryantown, Calvert, Cammal, Campbellville, Canton, Carroll, Castanea, Cedar Springs, Chatham Run, Cherry Mills, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Clintondale, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Colley, Collomsville, Coon Hill Devitts Camp, Dewart, Drocton, Drurys Run, Duboistown, Dunnstown, Dushore, Eagles Mere, Eagleville, East Canton, Eastville, Eldredsville, Elimsport, Ellenton, English Center, Essick, Estella, Evergreen, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Garrandsville, Farwell, Faxon, Fernex, Field, Flemington, Forksville, French Creek, Ganoga Lake, Garden View, Gleason, Gleasonton, Glen Mawr, Greenburr, Grover, Halls, Hammersley Fork, Hatch Hill, Hepburnville, Hillsgrove, Hughesville, Huntersville, Hyner, Island, Jersey Shore, Keating, Kellogg, Kenmar, Laddsburg, Lairdsville, Lake Nephawin, Lamar, Laporte, Laquin, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Leolyn, LaRoy, Lincoln Falls, Linden, Lock Haven, Lockport, Logan Mills, Loganton, Lopez, Loyalsock, Makeyville, Maplehill, Masten, Mawrglen, McCartys Ridge, McElhattan, McEwensville, Mildred, Mill Hall, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Monument, Moon Street, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Muncy Valley, Murraytown, New Albany, New Era, Newberry, Nisbet, Nordmont, North Bend, North Mountain, North Street, Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg Station, Okome, Opp, Oriole, Orviston, Oval, Overton, Pennsdale, Perryville, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Queens Run, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Renovo, Ricketts, Roaring Branch, Rosecrans, Rote, Salladasburg, Salona, Satterfield, Schuyler, Shintown, Shunk, Slate Run, Sonestown, South Branch, South Renovo, South Williamsport, Spring Lake, Steam Valley, Stevenson, Stone Church, Strawbridge, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Tylersville, Wallis Run, Warburton Hill, Warrensville, Waterville, Watsontown, West LeRoy, Westport, West Renovo, Wheelerville, Whetham, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Wilmot, Windfall, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1946
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1946, 310 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan, and Union counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1946. It includes information on 1,000's of residents and businesses, listing the resident's name, street address and telephone number. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Included:
Allenwood, Alvira, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bethel, Bodines, Brookside, Bryan Mill, Bryantown, Calvert, Cammal, Campbellville, Chatham Run, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Coon Hill, Devitts Camp, Dewart, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Eldredsville, Elimsport, Ellenton, English Center, Essick, Estella, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Field, Forksville, Garden View, Halls, Hepburnville, Hillsgrove, Hughesville, Huntersville, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Lairdsville, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Lincoln Falls, Linden, Loyalsock, Maplehill, Masten, McCartys Ridge, McElhattan, McEwensville, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Newberry, Nisbet, North Mountain, Okome, Opp, Oriole, Oval, Overton, Pennsdale, Perryville, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Schuyler, Shunk, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Stone Church, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Wallis Run, Warburton Hill, Warrensville, Waterville, Watsontown, Wheelerville, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - February 1951
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1951, 236 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan, and Union counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1951. It includes information on 1,000's of residents and businesses, listing the resident's name, street address and telephone number. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Included:
Allenwood, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Brookside, Bryantown, Calvert, Cammal, Chatham Run, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Devitts Camp, Dewart, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Elimsport, English Center, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Halls, Hepburnville, Hughesville, Huntersville, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Lairdsville, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Maplehill, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, McEwensville, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Newberry, Nisbet, Opp, Oriole, Oval, Pennsdale, Perryville, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Schuyler, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Watsontown, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - February 1952
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1952, 240 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan, and Union counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1952. It includes information on 1,000's of residents and businesses, listing the resident's name, street address and telephone number. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Included:
Allenwood, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Brookside, Bryantown, Calvert, Cammal, Chatham Run, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Devitts Camp, Dewart, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Elimsport, English Center, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Halls, Hepburnville, Hughesville, Huntersville, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Lairdsville, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Maplehill, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, McEwensville, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Newberry, Nisbet, Opp, Oriole, Oval, Pennsdale, Perryville, Picture Rocks, Pine, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Schuyler, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Watsontown, Whitedeer, Whitepine, Williamsport, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Alphabetical Telephone Directory - January 1955
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1955, 104 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Clinton, Lycoming and Sullivan Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1955. It includes information on 1,000's of residents and businesses, listing the resident's name, street address and telephone number.
Towns Included:
Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Calvert, Cammal, Chatham Run, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Hepburnville, Huntersville, Jersey Mills, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, Millview, Montoursville, Newberry, Nisbet, Oriole, Oval, Perryville, Pine, Pine Creek, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Ramsey, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Waterville, Williamsport, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Alphabetical Telephone Directory - January 1956
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1956, 104 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Clinton, Lycoming and Sullivan Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1956. It includes information on 1,000's of residents and businesses, listing the resident's name, street address and telephone number. There is a very minor amount of missing data from the Williamsport section. If there are questions concerning this, please contact us prior to purchase.
Towns Included:
Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Calvert, Cammal, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Hepburnville, Huntersville, Jersey Mills, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, Millview, Montoursville, Newberry, Nisbet, Oriole, Oval, Perryville, Pine Creek, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Ramsey, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Waterville, Williamsport, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Alphabetical Telephone Directory - January 1957
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1957, 108 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Clinton, Lycoming and Sullivan Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1957. It includes information on 1,000's of residents and businesses, listing the resident's name, street address and telephone number.
Towns Included:
Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Brookside, Calvert, Cammal, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Elimsport, English Center, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Hepburnville, Huntersville, Jersey Mills, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Newberry, Nisbet, Oriole, Oval, Perryville, Pine Creek, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Ramsey, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Waterville, Whitepine, Williamsport, Woolrich, Youngdale
Hughesville, Montgomery, Muncy, Turbotville, Watsontown and Nearby Points
Telephone Directory - January 1959 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1959, 148 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties Pennsylvania for the year 1959. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. There is also a section of classified business listings for the same area.
Towns Included:
Allenwood, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Brookside, Bryantown, Calvert, Cammal, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Devitt Home, Dewart, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Elimsport, English Center, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Glen Mawr, Halls Station, Hepburnville, Hughesville, Huntersville, Jersey Mills, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Lairdsville, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Maplehill, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, McEwensville, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Newberry, Nisbet, Opp, Oriole, Oval, Pennsdale, Perryville, Picture Rocks, Pine Creek, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Ramsey, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Schuyler, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tivoli, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Waterville, Watsontown, White Deer, Williamsport, Whitepine, Woolrich, Youngdale
Williamsport and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - January 1959
(Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1959, 260 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Lycoming, Northumberland, Sullivan and Union Counties Pennsylvania for the year 1959. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. There is also a section of classified business listings for the same area.
Towns Included:
Allenwood, Antes Fort, Avis, Balls Mills, Barbours, Bastress, Bodines, Brookside, Bryantown, Calvert, Cammal, Chippewa, Clarkstown, Cogan House, Cogan Station, Cogan Valley, Collomsville, Devitt Home, Dewart, Duboistown, Eagles Mere, Elimsport, English Center, Fairfield Center, Farragut, Faxon, Fields Station, Garden View, Glen Mawr, Halls Station, Hepburnville, Hughesville, Huntersville, Jersey Mills, Jersey Shore, Kenmar, Lairdsville, Larrys Creek, Larryville, Linden, Loyalsock, Maplehill, Marsh Hill, Masten, McElhattan, McEwensville, Millview, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Muncy Station, Newberry, Nisbet, Opp, Oriole, Oval, Pennsdale, Perryville, Picture Rocks, Pine Creek, Pine Station, Pleasant Valley, Powys, Proctor, Quiggleville, Ralston, Ramsey, Rauchtown, Salladasburg, Schuyler, Slate Run, South Williamsport, Steam Valley, Tivoli, Tombs Run, Trout Run, Turbotville, Wallis Run, Warrensville, Waterville, Watsontown, White Deer, Williamsport, Whitepine, Woolrich, Youngdale
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