The Jericho Effect: The True Story of a Professor's Battle With Doubt and His Quest for Faith-building Evidence
Did the Exodus really happen? Did Joshua really win the battle of Jericho? Were the walls of Jericho already leveled before Joshua and the Israelites arrived? Were the Israelites really Hittites or Canaanites? Did Solomon plagiarize the holy of holies and temple floor plan from the ancient Egyptian Temples of the Nile? Is the Bible fact or fiction? Record numbers of high school and university students are walking away from their faith. Are you or someone you care about one of them? The author, who once found himself in that same disconcerting position, has spent a lifetime of extensive research in Israel, Jordan, and Egypt examining the evidence at archaeological digs and the Temples of the Nile to bring students face-to-face with the real facts. You will be surprised to learn that some of the strongest advocates of the Bible’s historical accuracy are not Christians—but agnostic scholars who allow the archaeological evidence to speak for itself. Tribelhorn contends that God never intended belief to be blind; it can include logical reasoning and historical evidence as part of the faith equation. He makes a compelling defense of the Bible using solid onsite evidence that has the power to change lives and restore trust in God and the Bible. (309pp. illus. index. Masthof Press, 2020.)
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