Warren County, PA - County, Miscellaneous History & Directory Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
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County Histories & Biographical Volumes
History of Warren County Pennsylvania
(J. S. Schench & W. S. Rann, 1887, 908 pages)
This is an early history of Warren County Pennsylvania. The first several chapters focus on the early history of the area, its native inhabitants, French and English domination of the area and the Revolutionary War. Later chapters deal with the settlements which displaced the native inhabitants, and the subsequent growth of the area. Several chapters also cover the Civil War and the part that various regiments from the county played. Following this are chapters dealing with the county's towns and townships. Finally at the end of the publication is a section including biographical sketches of many of the county's prominent individuals and families. There are also several dozen portraits of important men of the county included.
Surname Sketches:
Abbott, Acocks, Acomb, Agrelius, Akins, Akeley, Alger, Allen, Amann, Anderson, Andrews, Arnold, Arthur, Axtell, Ayer, Babcock, Baird, Baker, Baldensperger, Ballard, Barlow, Barnes, Bartsch, Basset, Bates, Beaty, Beck, Belkap, Benedict, Beyer, Bimber, Bines, Bishop, Blair, Blanchard, Blodget, Boeshclin, Bonner, Bowen, Boyd, Bracken, Brasington, Breitenbaker, Brennan, Brightman, Briggs, Brondage, Brooks, Brown, Bucklin, Bull, Burroughs, Butterfield, Cady, Campbell, Cargill, Carter, Case, Chaffee, Chapin, Chapman, Chase, Cheeney, Clapp, Clark, Clendenning, Cobb, Colby, Cole, Conklin, Connely, Cooney, Cornen, Covell, Crocker, Cumings, Cummings, Currie, Curtiss, Curwen, Dalrymple, Dalton, Darling, Davis, Dawson, Dean, Deming, Demmon, Dennigan, Dennison, Dewey, Dible, Diefendorf, Dietch, Dickinson, Dinsmoor, Donaldson, Dunham, Dupree, Duprey, Durant, Eldred, Ellis, Emerson, English, Erickson, Evans, Ewald, Ewer, Falconer, Farnsworth, Fisher, Flasher, Flatt, Fletcher, Forbes, Foster, Fox, Francis, Franklin, Frantz, Fuellhart, Fuller, Gage, Garcelon, Gardner, Garfield, Gautz, George, Gibbs, Gilson, Goodwin, Gorman, Goudy, Gould, Graham, Grandin, Gray, Green, Gregg, Gregory, Grosch, Gross, Grossenburg, Grunder, Hale, Hall, Hallock, Hamilton, Hanchett, Hanpin, Harmon, Harrington, Hazard, Hazeltine, Hertzel, Highhouse, Hill, Hinsdale, Hodges, Holman, Holt, Horner, Hopkins, Horn, Hosterman, Houghtling, Houghton, Houghwot, Howard, Hull, Humphrey, Hunter, Hutchinson, Irvine, Jackson, Jacobs, Jamieson, Jenkins, Jennings, Jewell, Jobes, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Kablin, Kafferlin, Keiker, Keller, Kelley, Kennedy, Kilburn, Kinnear, Kitchen, Knapp, Knoph, La Bree, Lacy, Lake, Langdon, Lauffenberger, Lauffer, Learn, Leiter, Leonard, Lesser, Livermore, Logan, Long, Loree, Love, Mabie, Mahan, Mandavill, Mandaville, Marsh, Martin, Mathis, Mattiston, McCall, McCoy, McDonald, McDowell, McGee, McGraw, McGuire, McIntosh, McIntyre, McKean, McKelvey, McKinney, McKitrick, McMillen, McNett, McWilliams, Mead, Merkle, Merrihew, Merritt, Metzger, Miles, Miller, Mix, Morgan, Morian, Morrison, Morton, Mowris, Mudge, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Nesmith, Newman, Neyhart, Nichols, Nobbs, Offerle, O'Gorman, Orr, Osgood, Packard, Parker, Patch, Patchen, Pearce, Peck, Perry, Peterson, Phillips, Pier, Pierce, Place, Porter, Porterfield, Pratt, Proper, Putnam, Quillian, Raymond, Rickerson, Ridelsperger, Rieg, Robinson, Rogers, Root, Roper, Rouse, Rowe, Rowland, Rowley, Roy, Ruhlman, Ruland, Russell, Sampson, Samuelson, Sanford, Schramling, Schrick, Schuler, Scofield, Scott, Seabury, Seaver, Sechriest, Seigrist, Shaw, Shippee, Shortt, Shutt, Siggins, Smedley, Smith, Smutz, Snapp, Somers, Speckman, Spencer, Spoon, Stanford, Starrett, Stephens, Stilson, Stone, Storum, Strand, Strong, Stuart, Struthers, Stutts, Sutter, Sweeting, Swift, Tanner, Taylor, Thacher, Thomas, Thompson, Tompsett, Truman, Trushel, Tuneberg, Twining, Tucker, Van Eps, Van Guilder, Vanmon, Van Orsdale, Van Sickel, Venness, Vermilyea, Virgil, Waite, Wales, Walker, Wallace, Walling, Walter, Walton, Walz, Ward, Waterhouse, Watson, Watt, Watts, Way, Weiler, Weld, Wellman, Welsh, Wentworth, Wentz, Wenzel, Wetmore, Whaley, Wheeler, Wheelock, White, Whitehead, Whitcomb, Whitman, Whitney, Wickwire, Wickhizer, Wiederhold, Wilcox, Williams, Wilson, Wollaston, Woodburn, Wright, Yagle, Yates, Young
Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania
(W. J. McKnight, 1905, 719 pages)
The Full title is: "A Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Embracing the Counties of Tioga, Potter, McKean, Warren, Crawford, Venango, Forest, Clarion, Elk, Jefferson, Cameron, Butler, Lawrence, and Mercer, Also A Pioneer Sketch of the Cities of Allegheny, Beaver, Du Bois, and Towanda" This publication is a historical account of the early beginnings of several counties in Northwestern PA. The information is more focused on historical details than biographical, but it still contains a great deal of information useful for historical or genealogical research.
Miscellaneous Histories
Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Western] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 125 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from a dozens of towns throughout north and western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.
From Warren County
-- From Tidioute: -- Tidioute Chair Co., Limited, A. Dunn, Z. M. Jones, D. W. Clarke, W. D. Bucklin, J. Brennan, John Siggins, John O. Strong, Henry Ewald, J. A. Ulf, Chas. A. Allen, Gilfillen & Coppil, E. A. Baldwin, J. L. Acomb, W. E. Stephens
General Directory for the Oil Regions of Pennsylvania for 1872-73
(Jno. M. Arters, 1872, 341 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of the oil producing region of north-western Pennsylvania for the year 1872-73. It covers parts of Clarion, Crawford, Venango and Warren Counties, specifically the areas of Allegheny Twp., Cornplanter Twp., Cherry Tree Twp., Emlenton, Foxtburg, Franklin City, Lawrenceburg, Oakland Twp., Oil Creek Twp., Oil City, Parker's Landing, Perry Twp., Petroleum Centre, Pleasantville, President Twp., Richland Twp., Rockland Twp., Rouseville, Rynd Farm, St. Petersburg, Scrubgrass, Tidioute, Titusville. The directory information is arranged alphabetically by area and includes the resident or business name, occupation and street address. There are also numersous ads for local businesses throughout.
First Annual Directory of Clarendon (Times Steam Print, 1882, 56 pages)
This is an early resident and business directory of the town of Clarendon, Warren County, PA. This publication also presents a brief history of the town, its settlers and beginning, and the current state (1882). Following this is the directory information, listing the name of the primary resident, their occupation and street address. There are also numerous ads for local businesses.
Titusville, Oil City, Franklin and Warren Directory For 1884
(J. H. Lant, 1884, 272 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of these cities of Crawford, Warren, and Venango Counties PA for the year 1884. The information is arranged alphabetically listing the resident's name, occupation and street address. This is an excellent resource to use along with the Federal Census records from 1880 and 1900.
Warren County Business and General Directory for 1886
(S. P. Johnson, 1886, 228 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of Warren County, PA for the year 1886. It begins with a brief history of Warren County by S. P. Johnson, followed by lists of county officials and other miscellaneous useful information. The first section is a directory of Warren Borough, and is arranged alphabetically listing the primary resident / business, occupation and street address. Next covered is Clarendon, which begins with a brief history of the borough, followed by lists of officials and then the residential directory. This is followed by directories for Columbus, Tidioute and Youngsville boroughs, then the townships of Brokenstraw, Cherry Grove, Columbus, Conewango, Corydon, Deerfield, Eldred, Elk, Farmington, Freehold, Glade, Kinzua, Limestone, Mead, Pine Grove, Pittsfield, Pleasant, Sheffield, Southwest, Spring Creek, Sugar Grove, Triumph, and Watson. The last section is a classified business directory covering the county's businesses and industries according to trade.
Titusville City Directory 1890-91 Also a Containing a Complete Directory
of Warren Borough (W. H. Armitage, 1890, 216 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of the Cities of Titusville Crawford County, and Warren, Warren County, PA for the year 1890-91. The information is arranged alphabetically listing the resident's name, occupation and street address. Directories of this era are useful as replacements of the Federal Census of 1890, which was destroyed, making this an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research.
William & Kirwin's Warren Duplex Directory 1901-1902
(Williams & Kirwin, 1901, 300 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of the city of Warren, Warren County, PA for the year 1901-1902. The directory also includes listings on other Warren County towns such as: Clarendon, Glade Run, Irvine, Kinzua, North Clarendon, North Warren, Pittsfield, Russell, Sheffield, Sugar Grove, Tidioute and Youngsville. The directory information on Warren begins with lists of its societies, organizations and public services. This is followed by a numeric street directory listing residences and businesses numerically by street. Following this is the alphabetical directory, listing the resident's name, street address, occupation, mate, and some other miscellaneous information. After this is a classified business directory of Warren. The directories for the other towns list simply the name of the resident and their occupation.
Warren, Pa. Directory 1906
(Kirwin & Armitage Directory Co., 1906, 334 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of the city of Warren and vicinity, Warren County, PA for the year 1906. Other areas covered in the directory are: Akeley, Clarendon, North Warren, Russell, Sheffield and Youngsville and the townships of Cherry Grove and Farmington. The directory information on Warren begins with lists of its societies, organizations and public services. This is followed by a numeric street directory listing residences and businesses numerically by street. Following this is the alphabetical directory, listing the resident's name, street address, occupation, mate, and some other miscellaneous information. After this is a classified business directory of Warren. The directories for the other towns list simply the name of the resident and their occupation.
Directory of the Mutual Telephone Co., and
American Union Telephone Co., Erie County, PA - June 1908
(Mutual Telephone Co., & American Union Telephone Co., 1908, 164 pages)
This is an early telephone directory covering parts of Crawford, Erie and Warren County, PA and western NY for the year 1908. It relates the name of the primary resident or business, address and telephone number.
Areas covered:
Albion, Arbuckle, Ashton, Bear Lake, Bessemer, Bloomfield, Boscobel, Branchville, Britton Run, Canadohta Lake, Carter Hill, Century, Cherry, Columbus, Corry, Crayton, Delhil, Dunn Valley, East Greene, East Harborcreek, East Springfield, East Waterford, Edinboro, Erie, Fairview, Findley Lake, Francis, Franklin Center, Franklin Twp., Freehold, Freeport, French Creek, Girard, Greenfield, Harborcreek, Hornby, Italy, Lake Pleasant, Lavery, Lincolnville, Little Cooley, Little Elk, Lowville, Lottsville, McKean Twp., McLane, Middleboro, Mill Village, Mina, Moorheadville, Niobe, North East, North Girard, North Springfield, Platea, Phillipsville, Porter Bridge, Riceville, South Harborcreek, South Hill, South Ripley, Spring Creek, Sterrettania, Strongs Mill, Summit, Teller, Tillotson, Union City, Waterford, Wattsburg, West Greene, West Harborcreek, West Mina, West Springfield, Wilson Hill
Warren Borough and Warren County Directory 1914
(Kirwin & Latham, 1914, 318 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of Warren County, PA for the year 1914. It covers primarily the borough of Warren but also the towns of North Warren, Sheffield, Bear Lake, Clarendon, Columbus, Grand Valley, Sugar Grove, Tidioute, and Youngsville, and each township. The directory information for Warren Borough includes the name of the primary resident, their mate's name (if any), occupation, and street address. Following this is a separate business directory for Warren. After this the other towns and townships are covered individually listing the primary resident at each address and their occupation.
Polk's Warren Directory 1930
(R. L. Polk & Co., Inc., 1930, 684 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of the city of Warren and Vicinity, PA for the year 1930. It includes Bear Lake, Clarendon, Grand Valley, Irvine, Kinzua, North Warren, Russell, Sheffield, Sugar Grove, Tidioute, Youngsville and Warren County Townships. The residential directories are separated by town and include the primary resident's name, their mate's names, occupation/employer of the primary resident and street address of the household. For the other areas, the name of the primary resident and their address are presented. There is also a numeric street directory and classified business directory for Warren.
Polk's Warren City Directory 1943-44
(R. L. Polk & Co., 1944, 522 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of the city of Warren and Warren County, PA for the year 1943-44. It includes Clarendon, Irvine, North Warren, Saybrook, Sheffield, Tiona, Youngsville and Warren County Townships. The residential directories are separated by town and include the primary resident's name, their mate's names, occupation/employer of the primary resident and street address of the household. For the other areas, the name of the primary resident and their address are presented. Following this is a classified business directory for Warren.
Erie and Nearby Communities Telephone Directory - July 1945
(Pennsylvania Telephone Corporation, 1945, 236 pages)
This is a telephone directory for parts of Crawford, Erie and Warren County, PA, and Western NY for the year 1945. It lists residents and businesses, providing their address and telephone number. There is also a section of classified business ads for Erie and vicinity.
Pennsylvania towns included:
Albion, Cambridge Springs, Canodohta Lake, Carter hill, Centerville, Colt Station, Columbus, Corry, East Branch, Edinboro, Erie, Fairview, Francis, Franklin Corners, Girard, Godard, Greenfield, Harbor Creek, Kearsarge, Kuhl, Langdon, Lavery, Lincolnville, Lockport, Lovell's Station, Lundy's Lane, McKean, McLallen Corners, McLane, Mill Village, Moorheadville, North East, North Girard, North Springfield, Pennside, Phillipsville, Riceville, Union City, Waterford, Wattsburg, West Springfield
New York towns included:
Clymer, Findley Lake, Ripley, South Ripley
Erie and Nearby Communities Telephone Directory - July 1952
(General Telephone Company of PA, 1952, 468 pages)
This is a telephone directory for parts of Crawford, Erie and Warren County, PA, and Western NY for the year 1952. It lists residents and businesses, providing their address and telephone number. There is also a section of classified business ads for Erie and vicinity.
Pennsylvania towns included:
Albion, Bear Lake, Cambridge Springs, Corry, Edinboro, Erie, Fairview, Girard, McKean, North East, Phillipsville, Riceville, Spartansburg, Townville, Union City, Waterford, Wattsburg, West Springfield
New York towns included:
Clymer, Findley Lake, Ripley, South Ripley
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